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El investigador He Yinfeng, del Centre for Additive Manufacturing, ofrece una charla en la US
El investigador He Yinfeng

El investigador del Centre for Additive Manufacturing d ela Universidad de Nottingham He Yinfeng, ofrecerá la ponencia 'Personalised Biomedical Devices: a paradigm shift initiated by 3D Print' el próximo 8 de noviembre, a las 12 horas, en el Salón de Grados de la Facultad de Farmacia.


3D print (also known as Additive Manufacturing) has brought revolutionary changes to the concept of manufacturing. It allows the user to manufacture small batch personalized product with minimum overhead cost, which makes it affordable for individuals. Such a characteristic is quite beneficial for biomedical devices as some devices requires highly customized design for each patient. One of the key challenges now is the availability of materials or formulations suitable for manufacturing biomedical devices. This is also one of the main research focus here in University of Nottingham, Centre for Additive Manufacturing (CfAM) group. We aim to develop functional materials and formulations that are suitable for 3D print biomedical devices and establish a material database for drug delivery and implant applications. We also make the use of multi-material 3D print techniques to integrate different functionality into one device, which allows us to produce smarter devices that can better suit the need of the patient. In this presentation, I would like to introduce the CfAM group and our recent works in 3D print of personalized biomedical devices.    

Esta actividad está organizada por el Departamento de Química Orgánica y Farmacéutica de la US con cargo a las Ayudas II.8. Profesores visitantes del VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Sevilla.

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla