Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Proyecto de investigación

Multigenome access technology for industrial catalysts (MGATECH)

Responsable: Antonio Ventosa Ucero
Tipo de Proyecto/Ayuda: 5º Programa Marco de la U.E.
Referencia: QLK3-CT-2002-01972
Web: http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/64806_en.html
Fecha de Inicio: 01-10-2002
Fecha de Finalización: 31-03-2006

Empresa/Organismo financiador/es:

  • Commission of the European Communities (Research Directorate-General)


  • University of Leicester (William Grant)
  • University of the Western Cape (Renfrew Christie)
  • Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Rongxiang Fang)
  • Genencor International (Joop C. Van der Laan)


Resumen del proyecto:

We will use novel genetic methods for accessing the genetic resource in largely unexplored Chinese extreme biotopes to which we have exclusive access. At the core of these technologies are methods for the direct cloning of both prokaryote and eucalypti genes. In an agreed collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Science and the Chinese authorities, we have access to sample chemically unique hyper saline and thermal sites in outlying Chinese provinces. We will generate prokaryote and eucalypti gene libraries reflecting the microbial biodiversity at these exceptional sites and employ these gene libraries for the identification and production of valuable new enzymes for applications in cleaning and fabric care. This special collaboration with Chinese scientists will provide substantial opportunities for the development of European and Chinese biotechnology.

FEDER - Union Europea

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla