Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Proyecto de investigación

New information technologies and transparent business simulators for improving business competitiveness (NITMBUSIC)

Responsable: José Antonio Domínguez Machuca
Tipo de Proyecto/Ayuda: Proyecto Internacional (EU)
Referencia: E/96/2/1468
Web: http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/rcn/50511_en.html
Fecha de Inicio: 02-12-1996
Fecha de Finalización: 01-12-1999

Empresa/Organismo financiador/es:

  • Commission of the European Communities (DG XXII - Cellule Leonardo da Vinci)


  • Confederación de Empresarios de Andalucía (Juan Andrés Haurie)
  • Chalmers University of Technology (Hans Bjornsson)
  • Instituto de Fomento de Andalucía (Carlos Fernández Palacios)
  • Knowledge Based Simulation (Michel Karsky)
  • Mikkeli Politechnik (Edvin Seppanen)
  • Sevilla Siglo XXI, S.A. (Marcelino Colete)
  • University of Bergen (Pal Davidsen)

Resumen del proyecto:

The present-day complexity of business and its environment has made the classical analytical approach of traditional training obsolete. Such training does not take into account the interaction between different departments in companies and existing training methods and tools are therefore insufficient and/or inappropriate. This project is based on "Systems Thinking" which is capable of detecting complex needs and makes use of new information technologies.

"Transparent-box" business simulation methods will be designed using innovative computer-based and interactive software. These will relate the behaviour of business variables with the internal structure of companies, thus enabling decisions to be made on the basis of the causes of problems and not on their symptoms. Education modules for business training at different levels will also be developed for use with the software.

Impact This project will develop an innovative solution for vocational training in complex business environments.

FEDER - Union Europea

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla