Ficha personal - Guillaume Maurice Riboux

Guillaume Maurice Riboux
Telefono: 954481396
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Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0003-2395-1653
Perfil en WOS: L-4909-2014
Perfil en Scopus: 24169171000
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Grupo de Investigación: Mecanica de Fluidos
Departamento/Unidad: Ingeniería Aeroespacial y Mecánica de Fluidos
Situación profesional: Catedrático de Universidad

Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Complex interfacial flows with applications to coatings, interfacial rheology, microemulsions, hydrogen generation, cavity implosions and drop impact on liquid films (PID2020-115655GB-C21)
    • Dinámica de Interfases Complejas con Aplicaciones al Medio Ambiente, la Generación de Energía y Nuevos Materiales (DPI2017-88201-C3-1-R)

Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Generación de Gotas y Burbujas: Análisis de su Dinámica Colectiva en Procesos Naturales e Ingenieriles con Aplicaciones Industriales y Medioambientales-II (DPI2014-59292-C3-2-P - Equipo Trabajo (Solicitud))
    • Mechanisms of Generation of Micron-Sized Drops and Bubbles With Applications to Industrial Processes, Pharmacology and Medicine- I (DPI2011-28356-C03-01 - Investigador)
    • Aspectos Fundamentales de la Operación de Electrosprays. Aplicaciones a la Producción de Nanopartículas y Nanoemulsiones. (DPI2010-20450-C03-02 - Investigador)
    • Generación de Microgotas y Microburbujas para Aplicaciones Industriales (P10-TEP-5984 - Investigador)
    • Síntesis de Partículas de Estructura Compleja, Nanofibras, Microemeulsiones y Microespumas Mediante las Técnicas de Electrospray Compuesto, Electrospinning y Coflujo Viscoso de Corrientes Coaxiales. (P08-TEP-03997 - Investigador)
    • Chorros coaxiales electrificados. Aplicaciones en nanotecnología (EXC/2005/TEP-985 - Investigador)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación TEP-103 (2017/TEP-103 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación TEP-103 (2011/TEP-103 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación TEP-103 (2010/TEP-103 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación TEP-103 (2006/TEP-103 - Contratado)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Fernandez Garcia, Juan M:
Introducción a la Mecánica de Fluidos. Paraninfo. 2017. 368. ISBN 9788428339735

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
Introducción a la Aerodinámica Potencial. Paraninfo. 2012. 310. ISBN 978-84-9732-994-1

Publicaciones en Revistas
García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The skating of drops impacting over gas or vapour layers. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2024. Vol. 980. Núm. A35. Pag. 1-32. 10.1017/jfm.2024.20

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Role of liquid viscosity and of air entrapped on the splashing of drops impacting over superhydrophobic substrates. En: Physical Review Fluids. 2022. Vol. 7. Núm. 093606. Pag. 1-17.

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
The initial impact of drops cushioned by an air or vapour layer with applications to the dynamic Leidenfrost regime. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 941. Núm. A10. Pag. 1-19.

García Geijo, Paula, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Spreading and splashing of drops impacting rough substrates. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2021. Vol. 917. 10.1017/jfm.2021.313

Usawa, Masashi, Fujita, Yuta, Tagawa, Yoshiyuki, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Large impact velocities suppress the splashing of micron-sized droplets. En: Physical Review Fluids. 2021. Vol. 6. Núm. 023605. Pag. 1-10. 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.023605

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Inclined impact of drops. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2020. Vol. 897. 10.1017/jfm.2020.373

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
A note on the aerodynamic splashing of droplets. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019. Vol. 871. Núm. R3. Pag. 1-13. 10.1017/jfm.2019.396

Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Splashing of droplets impacting superhydrophobic substrates. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019. Vol. 870. Pag. 175-188. 10.1017/jfm.2019.258

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus:
A theory on the spreading of impacting droplets. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019. Vol. 866. Pag. 298-315. 10.1017/jfm.2019.117

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Boundary-layer effects in droplet splashing. En: Physical Review E. 2017. Vol. 96. Núm. 013105. Pag. 1-8.

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Maximum drop radius and critical Weber number for splashing in the dynamical Leidenfrost regime. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2016. Vol. 803. Pag. 518-527.

Campo Cortés, Francisco, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Contact line pinning favors the mass production of monodisperse microbubbles. En: Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. 2016. Vol. 20. Núm. 1. Pag. 1-8. 10.1007/s10404-015-1675-0

Staat, Hendrik J. J., Tran, Truan, Geerdink, Bart, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Sun, Chao, et. al.:
Phase diagram for droplet impact on superheated surfaces. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2015. Vol. 779. Núm. R3. Pag. 1-12

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The diameters and velocities of the droplets ejected after splashing. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2015. Vol. 772. Pag. 630-648

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Experiments of drops impacting a smooth solid surface: a model of the critical impact speed for drop splashing. En: Physical Review Letters. 2014. Vol. 113.

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Legendre, Dominique, Risso, Frédéric:
A model of bubble-induced turbulence based on large-scale wake interactions. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2013. Vol. 719. Pag. 362-387.

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Marín, Álvaro, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero, Antonio:
Whipping instability characterization of an electrified visco-capillary jet. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2011. Vol. 671. Pag. 226-253. 10.1017/S0022112010005586

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gómez Marín, Álvaro, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Meeting-Abstract: Experimental characterization of the whipping instability of charged jets issued in liquid baths. En: Proceeding of 7th International Confe- rence on Multiphase Flow. 2010. Pag. 1-10

Manasseh, Richard, Bui, Anh, Liovic, Petar, Ooi, Andrew, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, et. al.:
Meeting-Abstract: Interfacial dynamics and frequencies of passive bubble-acoustic emissions. En: Proceeding of the 20th International Congress on Acoustics. 2010. Pag. 1-8

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frédéric, Legendre, Dominique:
Meeting-Abstract: Scaling laws for bubble-induced agitation at high Reynolds number. En: Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. 2010. Pag. 1-7

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Marín, Álvaro, Barrero, Antonio, Fernandez de las Nieves, Alberto, González Loscertales, Ignacio:
Experimental characterization of the whipping instability of charges microjets in liquid baths. En: Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 2010. Vol. 1272. Núm. KK05-01. Pag. 1-12

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frederic, Legendre, Dominique:
Experimental characterization of the agitation generated by bubbles rising at high Reynolds number. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2010. Vol. 643. Pag. 509-539

Duhar, Geraldine, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Colin, Catherine:
Vapour bubble growth and detachment at the wall of shear flow. En: Wa¿rme- und Stoffu¿bertragung. 2009. Vol. 45. Pag. 847-855

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gómez Marín, Álvaro, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Meeting-Abstract: Non-axisymmetric instabilities in charged microjets in liquid-liquid electrosprays. En: Proceeding of the 1st European Conference on Microfluidics. 2008. Pag. 1-10

Risso, Frederic, Roig, Veronique, Amoura, Zouhir, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Billet, Anne Marie:
Wake attenuation in large Reynolds number dispersed two-phase flows. En: Philosophical transactions-Royal Society of London. Physical sciences and engineering. 2008. Vol. 366. Pag. 2177-2190

Manasseh, Richard, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frederic:
Sound generation on bubble coalescence following detachment. En: International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2008. Vol. 34. Pag. 938-949

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frédéric, Legendre, Dominique:
Meeting-Abstract: Liquid fluctuations generated by large-Reynolds-number rising bubbles. En: Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. 2007. Pag. 1-12

Manasseh, Richard, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Bui, A., Risso, Frédéric:
Meeting-Abstract: Sound emission on bubble coalescence: imaging, acoustic and numerical experiments. En: Proceeding of the 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. 2007. Pag. 1-7

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frédéric, Legendre, Dominique:
Meeting-Abstract: Fluctuations de la vitesse du liquide dans un nuage de bulles homogène. En: Proceeding of the Congrés Français de Mécanique. 2005. Pag. 1-6

Duhar, Géraldine, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Colin, Catherine:
Meeting-Abstract: Vaporisation de bulle de n-pentane dans un écoulement cisaillé. En: Proceeding of the Congrés Français de Thermique. 2004. Pag. 1-8

Aportaciones a Congresos
García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Minimum thickness of a gas or vapor layer beneath an impacting drop onto a solid substrate. Ponencia en Congreso. The Mathematics of Multiphase Flows with Applications. University of East Anglia, United Kingdom. 2024

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The skating of drops impacting over gas or vapor layers. Ponencia en Congreso. 2nd Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference. Barcelona, España. 2023

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The skating of drops impacting over gas or vapor layers. Ponencia en Congreso. 76th Annual DFD Meeting (APS). Washington DC, Estados Unidos. 2023

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
The initial impact of drops cushioned by an air or vapour layer with applications to the dynamic Leidenfrost regime. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario invitado - Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales - Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, España. 2022

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The role of friction on the splashing of drops impacting over superhydrophobic substrates. Ponencia en Congreso. 14th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Athens, Greece. 2022

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
The initial impact of drops cushioned by an air or vapor layer: the dynamic Leidenfrost temperature. Ponencia en Congreso. 14th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Athens, Greece. 2022

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The role of friction on the splashing of drops impacting over superhydrophobic substrates. Ponencia en Congreso. 1st Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference. Cádiz, España. 2022

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
The initial impact of drops cushioned by an air or vapor layer: the dynamic Leidenfrost temperature. Poster en Congreso. 1st Spanish Fluid Mechanics Conference. Cádiz, España. 2022

García Geijo, Paula, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Spreading and splashing of drops impacting rough substrates. Ponencia en Congreso. Special Interest Group on Drop Dynamics. Virtual Meeting. 2021

García Geijo, Paula, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Splashing of drops impacting rough substrates. Ponencia en Congreso. 74th Annual DFD Meeting (APS),. Phoenix, EE-UU. 2021

Tagawa, Yoshiyuki, Usawa, Masashi, Fujita, Yuta, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
High speeds of impacting micronsized droplets suppress the splashing. Ponencia en Congreso. 5th International Conference on Droplets. Darmstadt, Germany,. 2021

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Usawa, Masashi, Fujita, Yuta, Tagawa, Yoshiyuki, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
High speeds micron-sized droplets impact onto smooth substrate. Ponencia en Congreso. 74th Annual DFD Meeting (APS),. Phoenix, EE-UU. 2021

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Inclined impact of drops. Ponencia en Congreso. 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Chicago (virtual). 2020

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
A theory on the spreading of impacting droplets. Ponencia de Seminario. Conference invitada at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Tokyo, Japón. 2019

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop splashing: Aerodynamic considerations. Ponencia de Seminario. Conference invitada at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Tokyo, Japón. 2019

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop splashing: Temperature considerations. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminar at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Tokyo, Japan. 2019

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop splashing: Boundary layer considerations. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminar at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Tokyo, Japan. 2019

García Geijo, Paula, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop spreading on an inclined substrate. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics. Granada, España. 2019

Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Splashing of droplets impacting rough substrates. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics. Granada, España. 2019

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus:
A theory on the spreading of droplets. Ponencia en Congreso. 72nd Annual DFD Meeting (APS). Seattle, Washingthon, EE.-UU. 2019

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Some additional considerations on the splashing of droplets. Ponencia en Congreso. 72nd Annual DFD Meeting (APS). Seattle, Washingthon, EE.-UU. 2019

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus:
Analytical theory for droplet spreading. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario en la Université de Liége. Liége, Bélgica. 2018

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Spreading and splashing of droplets impacting superhydrophobic substrates. Ponencia en Congreso. 71st Annual DFD Meeting (APS). Atlanta, Georgia, EE.-UU. 2018

Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop impact onto a superhydrophobic substrate. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Vienna, Austria. 2018

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Sanchez, Enrique Jesus, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Dynamic of drop impact onto a superhydrophobic substrate. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics. Málaga. 2018

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Boundary-layer effects in droplet splashing. Ponencia en Congreso. 70th Annual DFD Meeting - APS. Denver ( Colorado) Estados Unidos. 2017

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The effect of the boundary layer growth on drop splashing. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics. Tarragona, España. 2017

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Prediction of the drop break-up after impact on a wall in the Leidenfrost regime. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics. Cádiz, España. 2016

Gordillo, José Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
Drop splashing at smooth dry surfaces. Ponencia en Congreso. 11th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Sevilla, España. 2016

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Maximum drop radius and critical Weber number for splashing in the dynamical Leidenfrost regime. Ponencia en Congreso. 11th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Sevilla, España. 2016

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
Drop splashing at smooth dry surfaces. Ponencia en Jornada. Workshop on Drop Impact: From coalescence to splash. Imperial College of London, London, United Kingdom. 2016

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop splashing on smooth heated solid substrates. Ponencia en Jornada. Workshop on Drop Impact: From coalescence to splash. Imperial College of London, London, United Kingdom. 2016

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Campo Cortés, Francisco, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
Contact line pinning favors the mass production of monodisperse microbubbles. Ponencia en Congreso. 68th Annual DFD Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, EEUU. 2015

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Maximum drop radius and critical Weber number for splashing in the dynamical Leidenfrost regime. Ponencia en Congreso. 68th Annual DFD Meeting. Boston, Massachusetts, EEUU. 2015

Campo Cortés, Francisco, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Contact line pinning favors the mass production of monodisperse microbubbles. Ponencia de Seminario. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics Universidad de Jaén. - Jaén, España, - Universidad de Jaén. 2015

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Maximum drop radius and critical Weber number for splashing in the dynamical Leidenfrost regime. Ponencia de Seminario. Workshop on Fluid Mechanics Universidad de Jaén. - Jaén, España, - Universidad de Jaén. 2015

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
El despegue aerodinámico explica la rotura de gotas al chocar contra superficies sólidas: criterio de splash, tamaños y velocidades de las microgotas eyectadas tras el impacto. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario Invitado Universidad de Cádiz. - Cádiz, - Cádiz, España. 2015

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Aerodynamic take-off explains drop splashing. Ponencia de Seminario. Workshop Universidad de Málaga. Málaga, España. 2014

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume:
The critical impact speed for the splash of a drop: part II. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario invitado Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Madrid, España. 2014

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The critical impact speed for the splash of a drop: part I. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario invitado Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Madrid, España. 2014

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
To splash or not to splash? That is the question. Ponencia en Congreso. 67th Annual DFD Meeting. San Francisco, California, EE-UU. 2014

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
The critical impact speed for the splash of a drop. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark. 2014

Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Korobkin, Alexander:
Drop splash on a smooth, dry surface: Part II. Ponencia en Congreso. 66th Annual DFD Meeting (APS). Pittsburgh, EE-UU. 2013

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel:
Drop impact on a dry surface at moderate Weber numbers. Ponencia de Seminario. Workshop Granada. Granada, España. 2013

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Korobkin, Alexander:
Drop splash on a dry, smooth surface: theory. Ponencia en Congreso. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Pittsburg, EE.UU. 2013

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gordillo Arias, Jose Manuel, Korobkin, Alexander:
Drop splash on a smooth, dry surface. Ponencia en Congreso. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Pittsburg, EE.UU. 2013

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Legendre, Dominique, Risso, Frédéric:
La doble naturaleza de la agitación inducida por un enjambre de burbujas revelado por simulaciones a larga escala. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario GIMFus. 2012

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Avisse, Nicolas:
Formación de burbujas vía impacto de una gota sobre una superficie libre. Ponencia de Seminario. Workshop Sevilla. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2012

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gomez Marín, Álvaro, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio, Fernández Nieves, Alberto, Loscertales, Ignacio:
Experimental Characterization of the whipping instability of charged microjets in liquid baths. Comunicación en congreso. Material Research Society Spring Meeting. San Francisco, U.S.A. 2010

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Marín, Álvaro, Loscertales, I. G., Barrero, Antonio:
Experimental characterization of the whipping instability of charged jets issued in liquid baths. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. 2010. International Conference on Multiphase Flow. 1. 10

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frederic, Legendre, Dominique:
Scaling laws for bubble-induced agitation at high Reynolds number. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Tampa, Florida, U.S.A. 2010. International Conference on Multiphase Flow. 1. 7

Manasseh, Richard, Bui, Anh, Liovic, Petar, Ooi, Andrew, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, et. al.:
Interfacial dynamics and frequencies of passive bubble-acoustic emissions. Ponencia en Congreso. International Congress on Acoustics. Sydney, Australia. 2010. International Congress on Acoustics. 1. 8

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Alvaro G. Marin, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Electrospinning of a viscous-capillary jet. Ponencia en Congreso. Fermat-Impact-Gimfus Meeting. Sevilla, ESPAÑA. 2010. Fermat-Impact-Gimfus Meeting. 1. 1

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gómez Marín, Álvaro, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Electrospinning of a viscous-capillary jet within dielectric liquid bath. Ponencia en Congreso. 63rd Annual DFD Meeting (APS). Long Beach, EE-UU. 2010. Annual Dfd Meeting. 1. 1

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Alvaro G. Marin, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Whipping instabilities in charged microjets within liquid bath. Ponencia de Seminario. Yflow Seminario. Yflow, Malága, España. 2009

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Alvaro G. Marin, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Whipping charged jet instabilities within dielectric liquid baths. Ponencia en Congreso. 61st Annual DFD Meeting (APS). San Antonio, EE-UU. 2008

Alvaro G. Marin, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, González Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Whipping instabilities in electrified liquid jets. Ponencia en Congreso. 61st Annual DFD Meeting (APS). San Antonio, EE-UU. 2008

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frédéric, Legendre, Dominique:
Liquid agitation induced by large-Reynolds-number rising bubbles. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario Etsi - Mecanica de Fluidos. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2008

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gomez Marín, Álvaro, Gonzalez Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Etude expérimentale du whipping d¿un micro-jet électrifié. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario Grupo Interface. Toulouse, Francia. 2008

Barrero Ripoll, Antonio, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gomez Marín, Alvaro, Gonzalez Loscertales, Ignacio:
Whipping charged jet instabilities within dielectric liquid baths. Ponencia de Seminario. Georgia Tech. Seminari. Atlanta, U.S.A. 2008

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Gomez Marín, Álvaro, Gonzalez Loscertales, Ignacio, Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Whipping charged jet instabilities within dielectric liquid baths. Ponencia de Seminario. Málaga, España. 2008

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Marín, Álvaro, Loscertales, I. G., Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Non-axisymmetric instabilities in charged microjets in liquid-liquid electrosprays. Ponencia en Congreso. European Conference on Microfluidics. Universitá di Bologna, Italia. 2008. 1st European Conference on Microfluidics. 1. 10

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Marin, a, Loscertales, I. G., Barrero Ripoll, Antonio:
Whipping charged jet instabilities within liquid baths. Ponencia en Congreso. 61st Annual DFD Meeting (APS). San Antonio, EE-UU. 2008. 61st Annual Dfd Meeting. 1. 1

Risso, Frederic, Roig, Veronique, Amoura, Zouhir, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Billet, Anne Marie:
Wake attenuation in large Reynolds number dispersed two-phase flows. Ponencia en Congreso. Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. Manchester. 2008. 7th Euromech Fluid Mechanics Conference. 1. 1

Manasseh, Richard, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Bui, Anh, Risso, Frederic:
Sound emission on bubble coalescence: Imaging, acoustic and numerical experiments. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. Crown Plaza, Gold Coast, Australia. 2007. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference. 1. 7

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frederic, Legendre, Dominique:
Liquid fluctuations generated by large-Reynolds number rising bubbles. Ponencia en Congreso. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. Leipzig, Germany. 2007. 6th International Conference on Multiphase Flow. 1. 12

Risso, Frederic, Ellingsen, Kjetil, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Legendre, Dominique:
Statistical properties of bubble-induced turbulence. Ponencia en Congreso. 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Praga (República Checa). 2006. Chisa 2006. 1. 1

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frédéric, Legendre, Dominique:
Fluctuations de vitesse du liquide dans un essaim de bulle en ascension. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario Imft Joven Investigador. Toulouse, Francia. 2005

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frédéric, Legendre, Dominique:
Fluctuations de vitesse du liquide dans un nuage de bulle en ascension: Etude expérimentale et numérique. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminario Grupo Interface. Toulouse, Francia. 2005

Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Risso, Frederic, Legendre, Dominique:
Fluctuations de la vitesse du liquide dans un nuage de bulles homogène. Ponencia en Congreso. Congrés Français de Mécanique . Troyes, France. 2005. Congrés Français de Mécanique. 1. 6

Risso, Frederic, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Legendre, Dominique:
Liquid Velocity Fluctuations Induced by Large-Reynolds-Number Rising Bubbles: Experiments and Numerical Simulations. Comunicación en congreso. Euromech Colloquium Hydrodynamics of Bubbly Flows. Leiden, the Netherlands. 2005. Euromech Colloquium Hydrodynamics of Bubbly Flows. 1. 1

Duhar, Geraldine, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Colin, Catherine:
Vaporisation de bulle de n-pentane dans un écoulement cisaillé. Ponencia en Congreso. Congrés Français de Thermique. Presqu'île de Giens, France. 2004. Congrés Français de Thermique. 1. 8

Risso, Frederic, Riboux Acher, Guillaume, Legendre, Dominique:
Liquid velocity fluctuations induced by large-Reynolds number rising bubbles. Ponencia en Congreso. Iutam Symposium on Recent Advances in Disperse Multiphase Flow Simulation. Argonne, USA. 2004. Iutam Symposium on Recent Advances in Disperse Multiphase Flow Simulation. 1. 1

Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:

García Geijo, Paula:
Experimentos y teoría del impacto de gotas en distintas superficies. Tesis Doctoral. 2023

Sanchez, Enrique Jesus:
Fragmentación de corrientes gaseosas y de masas líquidas en flujos naturales y de interés tecnológico. Tesis Doctoral. 2019

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla