Ficha personal - Victorino Franco García
Victorino Franco García
Telefono: 9545 53886
Email: Solicitar correo
Página personal:
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0003-3028-6815
Perfil en WOS: B-8982-2008
Perfil en Scopus: 14044456500
Grupo de Investigación: Sólidos no Cristalinos
Departamento/Unidad: Física de la Materia Condensada
Situación profesional: Catedrático de Universidad
Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Proyecto de investigación:
- “Clean and efficient cooling in vaccine transportation using Rotating Magnetocaloric Effect - MAGCCINE” (GA-101161135)
- Multi-property Compositionally Complex Magnets for Advanced Energy Applications - "CoCoMag” (GA-101099736)
- Development and validation of a new magnetocaloric high-performance hydrogen liquefier prototype - "HyLICAL” (GA-101101461)
- Conversión de energía magnetotérmica en múltiples rangos de temperatura: desde el enfriamiento a la recuperación (PID2023-146047OB-I00)
- Multiscale approach to energy efficiency: from the nucleus to the macroscale. (PPIT2024-31833)
- Hysteresis and frequency response as limiting factors for efficient thermomagnetic energy conversion (FA8655-21-1-7044)
- Abordando las Limitaciones de Materiales Magnetocalóricos para su Implementación en Aplicaciones Energéticamente Eficientes (PID2019-105720RB-I00)
- Transiciones de fase termo-magnéticas para un uso eficiente de la energía y de los recursos (P18-RT-746)
- Influencia de excitaciones múltiples sobre transiciones de fase termomagnéticas para aplicaciones energéticas (US-1260179)
- Modelado y Control de la Histéresis en Materiales Magnetocalóricos para Refrigeración y Conversión de Energía (MAT2016-77265-R)
- Materiales Magnéticos y Eficiencia Energética: Caracterización y Modelado (MAT2013-45165-P)
- MCE in amorphous and multiphase materials (2011-29)
- Contrato con empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU):
- Characterizazation of Fe-based alloy powders for additive manufacturing (5276/0665)
- Characterization of Fe-based materials for additive manufacturing (4728/0665)
- Characterization of Fe-based alloys (3116/0665)
- MAGNETOCALORIC REESEARCH WITH VIBRATING SAMPLE MAGNETOMETERS: Algorithms for data analysis and development of new measuring protocols. (2116/0665)
- Physical Charecterization of Electrical Steels (2273/0665)
- Characterization of magnetocaloric materials (1873/0665)
- Characterization of the physical properties of materials (1973/0665)
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- Hydrogen Liquefaction with Caloric materials (LIQUID-H) (336403)
- Optimization of Magnetocaloric Materials Towards Energy Efficient Applications (W911NF1920212)
- Ayuda para estancia Optimized FORC and magnetocaloric measurements with latest generation magnetometers (PP2018-9607)
- 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (GRANT12310029/FA9550-17-1-0226)
- 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (N62909-18-1-2001)
- Ayuda para asistencia a 6th IIR/IIF International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration (PP2014-3316)
- 20th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference (SMM20). Lugar: Isla de Kos (Grecia) (PP2011-06-134)
- IV Baikal International Conference "Magnetic Materials. New Technologies" (PP2010-06-018)
- Eficiencia Energética: Diseño y Realización de un Demostrador de Efecto Magnetocalórico para Refrigeración Magnética a Temperatura Ambiente. (PP2010-08-003)
- Estudio y optimización de nanocomposites para refrigeración magnética (FR2009-0101)
Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Proyecto de investigación:
- Propiedades Termomagnéticas de Materiales y Optimización de su Eficiencia Energética (MAT2010-20537 - Investigador)
- Materiales Magnéticos Blandos; su Optimización para un uso Eficiente de la Energía (P10-FQM-6462 - Investigador)
- Sistema de refrigeración magnética: optimización de materiales y diseño de un dispositivo (CIT-420000-2008-9 - Investigador)
- Microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas y nanopolvos (MAT2007-65227 - Investigador)
- Microestructura, propiedades magnéticas y aplicaciones de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas (P06-FQM-01823 - Investigador)
- Microestructura y comportamiento magnético de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas (MAT2004-04618 - Investigador)
- Microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones nanocristalinas basadas en Fe(Co) (MAT2001-3175 - Investigador)
- Influencia de cambios composicionales en la microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones nanocristalinas basadas en fesib (PB97-1119-CO2-01 - Becario)
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2017/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2011/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2010/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2009/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2008/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2007/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2006/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2005/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Interacciones magnéticas en nanocomposites (HH2004-0015 - Investigador)
- XXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real sociedad Española de Física (PGC2000-2766-E - Contratado)
- Proyectos de Cooperación:
- Microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones nanocristalinas y nanopolvos; aplicaciones (AECI/2002-005 - Investigador)
- Participación en Infraestructura:
- Haz de luz para laboratorio SAXS/WAXS para medidas in-situ/in-operando en la nanoescala (EQC2024-007934-P - Equipo de Investigación)
- Reología rotacional avanzada para caracterización y desarrollo de materiales (EQC2024-008285-P - Equipo de Investigación)
Participación en proyectos externos:
- Desarrollo de nanomateriales magnéticos funcionales con propiedades y aplicaciones magnetocalorífcas (Universidad de Oviedo)
Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui
Capítulos en Libros
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino:Magnetocaloric Composite Materials. Pag. 1-1. En: Encyclopedia of Materials: Composites. Elsevier. 2021
Spichkin, Y. I., Zubkov, I, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Tishin, A. M.:
Universal Deltat(T) Curve- Application for Gadolinium and Tbco2. Pag. 217-221. En: 3d International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. International Institute of Refrigeration. 2009. ISBN 978-2-913149-67-0
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Scaling Laws for the Magnetocaloric Effect in Second Order Phase Transitions: from Physics to Applications for the Characterization of Materials. Pag. 207-215. En: 3d International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. International Institute of Refrigeration. 2009. ISBN 978-2-913149-67-0
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Dong, Q. Y., Zhang, H. W.:
Study of the Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Nd1.25fe11ti: a Multiphase Magnetic System. Pag. 167-172. En: 3d International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. International Institute of Refrigeration. 2009. ISBN 978-2-913149-67-0
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fesib-Xnb (X=pd,Pt) Alloys. Pag. 284-289. En: Non-Crystalline and Nanoscale Materials. Singapore. 1998
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fe73.5cu1nb3si22.5-Xbx. Pag. 254-257. En: Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. Holanda. 1997
Publicaciones en Revistas
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Barcza, Alexander, Franco Garcia, Victorino:First-order phase transition in high-performance La(Fe,Mn,Si)13H despite negligible hysteresis. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. Vol. 950.
Abdullah, Johar Amin Ahmed, Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Romero García, Alberto, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Sustainable Nanomagnetism: Investigating the Influence of the Green Synthesis and pH on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Enhanced Biomedical Applications. En: Polymers. 2023. Vol. 15.
Abdullah, Johar Amin Ahmed, Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Romero García, Alberto, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Quantifying the Structure and Properties of Nanomagnetic Iron Oxide Particles for Enhanced Functionality through Chemical Synthesis. En: Nanomaterials. 2023. Vol. 13. Núm. 15.
Mahat, R., Karki, U., Kc, S., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Experimental study of the structural, magnetic, electrical, and mechanical properties of possible half-metallic Co2¿ xVxFeGe Heusler alloys. En: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2023. Vol. 172.
Lai, J., You, X., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Huang, B., et. al.:
Ultra-low hysteresis in giant magnetocaloric Mn1-xVxFe0.95(P,Si,B) compounds. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. Vol. 930.
Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Díaz García, Álvaro, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Current perspective in magnetocaloric materials research. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2023. Vol. 133.
Khan -, Aun Nawaz, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
All-d-metal Ni (Co)-Mn (X)-Ti (X= Fe or Cr) Heusler alloys: Enhanced magnetocaloric effect for moderate magnetic fields. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. Vol. 931.
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Review/Reseña: Review on magnetocaloric high-entropy alloys: Design and analysis methods. En: Journal of Materials Research. 2023. Vol. 38. Pag. 37-51.
Guo, D., Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Zhang, Y., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Excellent cryogenic magnetocaloric properties in heavy rare-earth based HRENiGa2 (HRE = Dy, Ho or Er) compounds. En: Science China Materials. 2023. Vol. 66. Pag. 249-256.
Díaz García, Álvaro, Revuelta, Jorge, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Mayer, C., et. al.:
Additive manufacturing of magnetocaloric (La, Ce)(Fe, Mn, Si)13-H particles via polymer-based composite filaments. En: Composites Communications. 2022. Vol. 35.
Luo, L, Law -, Jia Yan, Shen, H, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Enhanced Magnetocaloric Properties of Annealed Melt-Extracted Mn1.3Fe0.6P0.5Si0.5 Microwires. En: Metals. 2022. Vol. 12. Núm. 9.
Kc, S., Mahat, R., Regmi, S., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Co2Fe1.25Ge0.75: A Single-phase Full Heusler Alloy with Highest Magnetic Moment and Curie Temperature. En: Acta Materialia. 2022. Vol. 236. Núm. 118112.
Mahat, R., Karki, U., Kc, S., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Effect of mixing the low-valence transition metal atoms Y = Co, Fe, Mn, Cr, V, Ti, or Sc on the properties of quaternary Heusler compounds Co2¿xYxFeSi (0 ¿ x ¿ 1). En: Physical Review Materials. 2022. Vol. 6. Núm. 064413.
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Félix Angel, Manuel, Guerrero Conejo, Antonio, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Functional, thermal and rheological properties of polymer-based magnetic composite filaments for additive manufacturing. En: Materials & Design. 2022. Vol. 219.
Yin, H, Law -, Jia Yan, Huang, y, Shen, H, Jiang, S, et. al.:
Enhancing the magnetocaloric response of high-entropy metallic-glass by microstructural control. En: Science China Materials. 2022. Vol. 64. Pag. 1134-1142.
Mahat, R, Kc, S, Karki, U, Regmi, S, Law -, Jia Yan, et. al.:
Structural, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of Co2-xVxFeSi Heusler alloys. En: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2022. Vol. 58.
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Review/Reseña: Pushing the limits of magnetocaloric high-entropy alloys. En: APL Materials. 2021. Vol. 9.
Mahat, R, Kc, S, Karki, U, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Possible half-metallic behavior of Co2¿xCrxFeGe Heusler alloys: Theory and experiment. En: Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2021. Vol. 104.
Mahat, R, Kc, S, Karki, U, Regmi, S, Law -, Jia Yan, et. al.:
Structural, electronic, magnetic, transport and mechanical properties of the half-metal-type quaternary Heusler alloy Co2Fe1-xVxGe. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2021. Vol. 539.
Yin, H, Law -, Jia Yan, Huang, y, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Shen, H, et. al.:
Design of Fe-containing GdTbCoAl high-entropy-metallic-glass composite microwires with tunable Curie temperatures and enhanced cooling efficiency. En: Materials & Design. 2021. Vol. 206.
Mahat, R, Kc, S, Wines, D, Regmi, S, Karki, U, et. al.:
Influence of Cr-substitution on the structural, magnetic, electron transport, and mechanical properties of Fe3-xCrxGe Heusler alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2021. Vol. 521.
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Increased magnetocaloric response of FeMnNiGeSi high-entropy alloys. En: Acta Materialia. 2021. Vol. 212.
Guo, D, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero, Carlos, Zhang, y, Law -, Jia Yan, et. al.:
First- and second-order phase transitions in RE6Co2Ga (RE = Ho, Dy or Gd) cryogenic magnetocaloric materials. En: Science China Materials. 2021. Vol. 64. Pag. 2846-2857.
Yin, H., Law -, Jia Yan, Huang, Y., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Shen, H., et. al.:
Design of Fe-containing GdTbCoAl high-entropy-metallic-glass composite microwires with tunable Curie temperatures and enhanced cooling efficien. En: Materials & Design. 2021. Vol. 206. Núm. 109824.
Law -, Jia Yan, Díaz García, Álvaro, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Increased magnetocaloric response of FeMnNiGeSi high-entropy alloys. En: Acta Materialia. 2021. Vol. 212.
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Giri, A. K., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Deconvolution of overlapping first and second order phase transitions in a NiMnIn Heusler alloy using the scaling laws of the magnetocaloric effect. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. Vol. 871.
Díaz García, Álvaro, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Albertini, F., Fabbrici, S., et. al.:
Characterization of thermal hysteresis in magnetocaloric NiMnIn Heusler alloys by Temperature First Order Reversal Curves (TFORC). En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. Vol. 867.
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Pramana, S. S., Giri, A. K., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Analysis of the Magnetic Field Dependence of the Isothermal Entropy Change of Inverse Magnetocaloric Materials. En: Results in Physics. 2021. Vol. 22.
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Giri, A. K., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Hysteresis, latent heat and cycling effects on the magnetocaloric response of (NiMnSi)0.66(Fe2Ge)0.34 alloy. En: Intermetallics. 2021. Vol. 131.
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Radulov, I, Skokov, Kp, Gutfleisch, Oliver, et. al.:
Combined kinetic and Bean¿Rodbell approach for describing field-induced transitions in LaFe11.6Si1.4 alloys. En: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2021. Vol. 54. 10.1088/1361-6463/abd583
Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Díaz García, Álvaro, Martín Cíd, A., Kobayashi, S., et. al.:
MnFeNiGeSi high-entropy alloy with large magnetocaloric effect. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2021. Vol. 855.
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Gebara, Piotr, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Phase Deconvolution of Multiphasic Materials by the Universal Scaling of the Magnetocaloric Effect. En: Jom. 2020. Vol. 72. Pag. 2845-2852. 10.1007/s11837-020-04251-z
Sahu, B., Law -, Jia Yan, Strydom, A.m., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Nair, H.s.:
Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in Gd2Rh3Ge and Er2Rh3Ge. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2020. Vol. 514.
Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Corrección: Correction to "A procedure to obtain the parameters of curie temperature distribution from thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric data" orginally published as J. non-cryst. solids 520, 119,460 (2019). En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2020. Vol. 538. 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.120047
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Cota Reguero, Agustin, Bellido Correa, Ana, Ramírez Rico, Joaquín, et. al.:
Novel procedure for laboratory scale production of composite functional filaments for additive manufacturing. En: Materials Today. Communications. 2020. Vol. 24. Núm. 101049. 10.1016/j.mtcomm.2020.101049
Gebara, P., Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Magnetocaloric response of binary Gd-Pd and ternary Gd-(Mn,Pd) alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2020. Vol. 500.
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of low temperature truncated calorimetric data on the determination of the magnetocaloric effect of biphasic materials. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2019. Vol. 479. Pag. 236-239. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.02.033
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Delgado Matarín, Antonio, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Influence of Thermal and Magnetic History on Direct DeltaTad Measurements of Ni49+xMn36-xIn15 Heusler Alloys. En: Metals. 2019. Vol. 9-11. Pag. 1144-1153. 10.3390/met9111144
Linyu, Gan, Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Martín Olalla, José María, Gallardo Cruz, María del Carmen, et. al.:
Correlations between Elastic, Calorimetric, and Polar Properties of Ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 (PST). En: Applied Physics Letters. 2019. Vol. 115. Núm. 16. 10.1063/1.5116753
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero Muñiz, C., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Tunable first order transition in La(Fe,Cr,Si)13 compounds: Retaining magnetocaloric response despite a magnetic moment reduction. En: Acta Materialia. 2019. Vol. 175. Pag. 406-414.
Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
A procedure to obtain the parameters of Curie temperature distribution from thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric data. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2019. Vol. 520. Núm. 119460.
Law -, Jia Yan, Díaz, Álvaro, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
How concurrent thermomagnetic transitions can affect magnetocaloric effect: The Ni49+xMn36-xIn15 Heusler alloy case. En: Acta Materialia. 2019. Vol. 166. Pag. 459-465.
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Skinner, S. J., Pramana, S. S.:
Modification of the order of the magnetic phase transition in cobaltites without changing their crystal space group. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2019. Vol. 777. Pag. 1080-1086.
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Neves Bez, Henrique, Mudryk, Yaroslav, et. al.:
Influence of the starting temperature of calorimetric measurements on the accuracy of determined magnetocaloric effect. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2018. Vol. 457. Pag. 64-69. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2018.02.083
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero Muñiz, C., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
The role of Ni in modifying the order of the phase transition of La(Fe,Ni,Si)13. En: Acta Materialia. 2018. Vol. 160. Pag. 137-146.
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Review/Reseña: Magnetocaloric effect: from materials research to refrigeration devices. En: Progress in Materials Science. 2018. Vol. 29. Pag. 112-232.
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Karpenkov, D. Y., et. al.:
A quantitative criterion for determining the order of magnetic phase transitions using the magnetocaloric effect. En: Nature Communications. 2018. Vol. 9.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Correction of the shape effect on magnetic entropy change in ball milled Fe70Zr30 alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. Vol. 765. Pag. 437-443.
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, et. al.:
Review/Reseña: Magnetocaloric effect: from materials research to refrigeration devices. En: Progress in Materials Science. 2018. Vol. 93. Pag. 112-232. 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2017.10.005
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Brabander, V., Karpenkov, D. Y., et. al.:
Predicting the tricritical point composition of a series of LaFeSi magnetocaloric alloys via universal scaling. En: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2017. Vol. 50.
Doblas, David, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svalov, A.v., et. al.:
Nanostructuring as a procedure to control the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect. En: Materials & Design. 2017. Vol. 114. Pag. 214-219. 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.11.085
Romero Muñiz, Carlos, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Two different critical regimes enclosed in the Bean-Rodbell model and their implications for the field dependence and universal scaling of the magnetocaloric effect. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017. Vol. 19. Pag. 3582-3595. 10.1039/c6cp06291a
Pierunek, Natalia, Sniadecki, Zbigniew, Werwinski, Miroslaw, Wasilewski, Bartosz, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Normal and inverse magnetocaloric effects in structurally disordered Laves phase Y1-xGdxCo2 (0 <= x <= 1) compounds. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017. Vol. 702. Pag. 258-265. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.01.181
Law -, Jia Yan, Rial, Javier, Villanueva, M, López, N, Camarero, Julio, et. al.:
Study of phases evolution in high-coercive MnAl powders obtained through short milling time of gas-atomized particles. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017. Vol. 712. Pag. 373-378. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.04.038
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Pekala, M., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of noise on the determination of Curie temperature from magnetocaloric analysis. En: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2017. Vol. 53. 10.1109/Tmag.2017.2705421
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Ribeiro, P.o., Von Ranke, P., Caraballo Vivas, R.j., Carvalho, A.m.g., et. al.:
Tunable magnetocaloric effect around room temperature by Fe doping in Mn0.98Cr(0.02-x)FexAs compound. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2017. Vol. 436. Núm. 15. Pag. 85-90. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2017.04.030
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Álvarez Gómez, J. M., Sánchez Jiménez, D., et. al.:
Ball milling as a way to produce magnetic and magnetocaloric materials: a review. En: Journal of Materials Science. 2017. 10.1007/s10853-017-1089-3
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Grinding and particle size selection as a simple route to enhance the magnetocaloric response of La(Fe,Si)13 bulk samples. En: Intermetallics. 2017. Vol. 84. Pag. 30-34. 10.1016/j.intermet.2016.12.022
Zheng, Z. G., Tan, Z. C., Yu, H. Y., Zhang, J. L., Zeng, D. C., et. al.:
Structural, magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Mn1.2Fe0.8P1-xSixB0.03 compounds. En: Materials Research Bulletin. 2016. Vol. 77. Pag. 29-34. 10.1016/j.materresbull.2016.01.017
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Gottschall, T., Skokov, K. P., Gutfleisch, O.:
First-Order Reversal Curve (FORC) Analysis of Magnetocaloric Heusler-Type Alloys. En: IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2016. Vol. 7. 10.1109/Lmag.2016.2541622
Kaeswurm, B., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Skokov, K. P., Gutfleisch, O.:
Assessment of the magnetocaloric effect in La,Pr(Fe,Si) under cycling. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2016. Vol. 406. Pag. 259-265. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.01.045
Caro, C, Sayagues, M. J., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Zaderenko, P., et. al.:
A hybrid silver-magnetite detector based on surface enhanced Raman scattering for differentiating organic compounds. En: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2016. Vol. 228. Pag. 124-133. 10.1016/j.snb.2016.01.003
Zelenakova, A., Hrubovcak, P., Kapusta, O., Zelenak, V., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Large magnetocaloric effect in fine (GdO3)-O-2 nanoparticles embedded in porous silica matrix. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2016. Vol. 109. 10.1063/1.4963267
Romero Muñiz, C., Tamura, R., Tanaka, S., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Applicability of scaling behavior and power laws in the analysis of the magnetocaloric effect in second-order phase transition materials. En: Physical Review B: Covering Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2016. Vol. 94. 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.134401
Sanchez, Miriam, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marsilius, M., et. al.:
Influence of nanocrystallization on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni-based amorphous alloys: Determination of critical exponents in multiphase systems. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. Vol. 686. Pag. 717-722. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.06.057
Fries, M., Skokov, K.p., Karpenkov, D. Yu., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ener, S., et. al.:
The influence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on the magnetocaloric effect: A case study on Co2B. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2016. Vol. 109. 10.1063/1.4971839
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Optimal temperature range for determining magnetocaloric magnitudes from heat capacity. En: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 2016. Vol. 49. 10.1088/0022-3727/49/49/495001
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Gottschall, T., K.p., Skokov, et. al.:
A unified approach to describe the thermal and magnetic hysteresis in Heusler alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2016. Vol. 109. 10.1063/1.4963319
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Marcin, J., Andrejka, F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Study of the induced anisotropy in field annealed Hitperm alloys by Mössbauer spectroscopy and Kerr microscopy. En: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 47. Pag. 4301-4305. 10.1007/s11661-016-3562-z
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marsilius, M., et. al.:
A new method for determining the Curie temperature from magnetocaloric measurements. En: IEEE Magnetics Letters. 2016. Vol. 7. 10.1109/Lmag.2016.2533481
Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Gd+GdZn biphasic magnetic composites synthesized in a single preparation step: increasing refrigerant capacity without decreasing magnetic entropy change. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. Vol. 675. Pag. 244-247. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.03.130
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marsilius, M., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric response of amorphous and nanocrystalline Cr-containing Vitroperm-type alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2016. Vol. 409. Pag. 56-61. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.02.087
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Marcin, J., Andrejka, F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Anisotropy field distribution in soft magnetic Hitperm alloys submitted to different field annealing processes. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. Vol. 658. Pag. 367-371. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.10.210
Lai, J. W., Zheng, Z. G., Zhong, X. C., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Montemayor, R., et. al.:
Table-like magnetocaloric effect of Fe88-xNdxCr8B4 composite materials. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2015. Vol. 390. Pag. 87-90. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2015.04.046
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Beron, F., Pirota, K. R., Knobel, M., Willard, M. A.:
Characterization of the magnetic interactions of multiphase magnetocaloric materials using first-order reversal curve analysis. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. Vol. 117. 10.1063/1.4919121
Biswas, A., Chandra, S., Stefanovski, S., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, et. al.:
Enhanced cryogenic magnetocaloric effect in Eu8Ga16Ge30 clathrate nanocrystals. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. Vol. 117. Pag. 033903-1-033903-5. 10.1063/1.4906280
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Stoica, M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Influence of hot compaction on microstructure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Fe(Co)-based amorphous compositions. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015. Vol. 653. Pag. 546-551. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.09.074
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Kiss, L. F., Kaptas, D., et. al.:
Effect of alpha-Fe impurities on the field dependence of magnetocaloric response in LaFe11.5Si1.5. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015. Vol. 646. Pag. 101-105. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.06.085
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Lozano Pérez, Sergio, et. al.:
Analysis of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Powder Samples Obtained by Ball Milling. En: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E. 2015. Vol. 2. Pag. 131-138. 10.1007/s40553-015-0050-0
Kiss, L. F., Kemeny, T., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Enhancement of magnetocaloric effect in B-rich FeZrBCu amorphous alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015. Vol. 622. Pag. 756-760. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.10.127
Min, J. X., Zhong, X. C., Tian, H. C., Liu, Z. W., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Structure, magnetic properties and giant magnetocaloric effect of Tb4Gd1Si2.035Ge1.935Mn0.03 alloy. En: Intermetallics. 2015. Vol. 57. Pag. 68-72. 10.1016/j.intermet.2014.10.002
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Marcin, J., Varga, M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Influence of microstructure on the enhancement of soft magnetic character and the induced anisotropy of field annealed HITPERM-type alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2015. Vol. 117. 10.1063/1.4906173
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Analysis of magnetocaloric effect of ball milled amorphous alloys: demagnetizing factor and Curie temperature distribution. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015. Vol. 622. Pag. 606-609. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.10.134
Álvarez Alonso, P., Gorría, P., Cuello, G., Puente Orench, I., Sánchez Llamazares, J. L., et. al.:
Optimizing the Curie temperature of pseudo-binary RxR'2-xFe17 (R,R' = rare earth) for magnetic refrigeration. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2014. Vol. 549. 10.1088/1742-6596/549/1/012019
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Bingham, N. S., Phan, M. H., Torija, M. A., Leighton, C., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in Pr 0.5Sr 0.5MnO 3: An analysis of the validity of the Maxwell relation and the nature of the phase transitions. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2014. Vol. 26. 10.1088/0953-8984/26/28/286001
Álvarez Alonso, P., Sánchez Llamazares, J. L., Sánchez Valdés, C. F., Cuello, G. J., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
On the broadening of the magnetic entropy change due to Curie temperature distribution. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. Vol. 115. 10.1063/1.4867346
Biswas, A., Yu, Y. Y., Bingham, N. S., Wang, H., Qin, F., et. al.:
Impact of structural disorder on the magnetic ordering and magnetocaloric response of amorphous Gd-based microwires. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. Vol. 115. 10.1063/1.4864143
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
A procedure to extract the magnetocaloric parameters of the single phases from experimental data of a multiphase system. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2014. Vol. 105. 10.1063/1.4900790
Romero Muñiz, C., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of the demagnetizing factor on the magnetocaloric effect: critical scaling and numerical simulations. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2014. Vol. 104. 10.1063/1.4885110
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Extracting the composition of nanocrystals of mechanically alloyed systems using Mossbauer spectroscopy. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 610. Pag. 92-99. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.04.195
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, et. al.:
Relationship between mechanical amorphization and boron integration during processing of FeNbB alloys. En: Intermetallics. 2014. Vol. 49. Pag. 98-105. 10.1016/j.intermet.2014.01.018
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Cabrera, D., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Crystallization kinetics and soft magnetic properties in metalloid-free (FeCo)90Zr10 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 615. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.095
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Stoica, M., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Milling effects on magnetic properties of melt spun Fe-Nb-B alloy. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. Vol. 115. 10.1063/1.4866700
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetocaloric effect of Co62Nb6Zr2B30 amorphous alloys obtained by mechanical alloying or rapid quenching. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2014. Vol. 115. Núm. 17. 10.1063/1.4857595
Willard, M., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
The Role of Microstructure and Processing on Magnetic Properties of Materials. En: Jom. 2013. Vol. 65. Pag. 851-852. 10.1007/s11837-013-0621-4
Zheng, Z. G., Zhong, X. C., Liu, Z. W., Zeng, D. C., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior of amorphous (Gd4Co3)1-xSix alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2013. Vol. 343. Pag. 184-188. 10.1016/j.jmmm.2013.04.087
Zheng, Z. G., Zhong, X. C., Zhang, J. L., Liu, Z. W., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in GdCo9Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitions. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. Vol. 113. Núm. 17. 10.1063/1.4799973
Zhong, X. C., Min, J. X., Liu, Z. G., Zheng, Z. G., Zeng, D. C., et. al.:
Low hysteresis and large room temperature magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si2.05-xGe1.95-xNi2x (2x=0.08, 0.1) alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. Vol. 113. Núm. 17. 10.1063/1.4795434
Ingale, Babita Dashrath, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric effect in Ga-free Ni50Mn34X16 (X = In, Sn and Sb) Heusler alloys. En: International Journal of Green Nanotechnology. 2013. Vol. 4. Pag. 419-424
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Keblinski, P., Ramanujan, R. V.:
Active transient cooling by magnetocaloric materials. En: Applied Thermal Engineering. 2013. Vol. 52. Pag. 17-23. 10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2012.11.001
Romero Muñiz, C., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of magnetic interactions between phases on the magnetocaloric effect of composites. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2013. Vol. 102. Núm. 8. 10.1063/1.4793663
Qin, F.x., Bingham, N. S., Wang, H., Peng, H. X., Sun, J. F., et. al.:
Mechanical and magnetocaloric properties of Gd-based amorphous microwires fabricated by melt-extraction. En: Acta Materialia. 2013. Vol. 61. Pag. 1284-1293. 10.1016/j.actamat.2012.11.006
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The use of amorphous boron powder enhances mechanical alloying in soft magnetic FeNbB alloy: a magnetic study. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2013. Vol. 113. Pag. 17A330:1-17A330:3. 10.1063/1.4798794
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Lozano Perez, Sergio, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Role of starting phase of boron on the machanical alloying of FeNbB composition. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013. Vol. 553. Pag. 119-124. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.11.099
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R. V.:
The magnetocaloric effect of partially crystalline Fe-B-Cr-Gd alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. Vol. 111. 10.1063/1.4723644
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic refrigerants with continuous phase transitions: Amorphous and nanostructured materials. En: Scripta Materialia. 2012. Vol. 67. Pag. 594-599. 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.05.004
Gutfleisch, O., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Preface to the Viewpoint Set on: Magnetic Materials for Energy. En: Scripta Materialia. 2012. Vol. 67. Pag. 521-523. 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2012.07.012
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Gutfleisch, O.:
Magnetic materials for energy applications. En: Jom. 2012. Vol. 64. Pag. 750-751. 10.1007/s11837-012-0348-7
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L. F., Péter, L., et. al.:
Magnetic multilayers as a way to increase the magnetic field responsiveness of magnetocaloric materials. En: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2012. Vol. 12. Pag. 7432-7436. 10.1166/jnn.2012.6521
Bingham, N. S., Wang, H., Qin, F., Peng, H.x., Sun, J. F., et. al.:
Excellent magnetocaloric properties of melt-extracted Gd-based amorphous microwires. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2012. Vol. 101. Pag. 102407-1-3. 10.1063/1.4751038
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R.v.:
The magnetocaloric effect of partially crystalline Fe-B-Cr-Gd alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. Vol. 111. Pag. 113919-1-6. 10.1063/1.4723644
Gupta, P., Ganguli, T., Gupta, A., Sinha, A.k., Deb, S.k., et. al.:
Influence of isochronal annealing on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Cu-free HITPERM Fe40.5Co40.5Nb7B12 alloy. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. Vol. 111. Pag. 113518-1-10. 10.1063/1.4728161
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ingale, Babita Dashrath, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The magnetocaloric effect and magnetic refrigeration near room temperature: materials and models. En: Annual Review of Materials Research. 2012. Vol. 42. Pag. 305-342
Ucar, Huseyin, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Mchenry, Michael, Laughlin, David:
Overview of amorphous and nanocrystalline magnetocaloric materials operating near room temperature. En: Jom. 2012. Vol. 64. Núm. 7. Pag. 782-788. 10.1007/s11837-012-0349-6
Paticopoulus, Stephanie, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in composites: Experimental validation. En: Solid State Communications. 2012. Vol. 152. Pag. 1590-1594. 10.1016/j.ssc.2012.05.015
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Enhancement of the magnetic refrigerant capacity in partially amorphous Fe70Zr30 powders obtained by mechanical alloying. En: Intermetallics. 2012. Vol. 26. Pag. 52-56. 10.1016/j.intermet.2012.03.011
Zheng, Z. G., Zhong, X. C., Yu, H. Y., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Liu, Z. W., et. al.:
The magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in amorphous Gd60Co40-xMnx alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2012. Vol. 111. Pag. 07A922-1-07A922-3. 10.1063/1.3673860
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Lozano Pérez, Sergio:
Analysis of the magnetic anisotropy in Fe-Co-Nb-B alloys partially amorphized by mechanical alloying. 2012. Vol. 2. Pag. 8-1-8-7
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R. V.:
Influence of La and Ce additions on the magnetocaloric effect of Fe-B-Cr-based amorphous alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2011. Vol. 98. 10.1063/1.3589353
Couillaud, S, Gaudin, e, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Pöttgen, R, et. al.:
The magnetocaloric properties of GdScSi and GdScGe. En: Intermetallics. 2011. Vol. 19. Pag. 1573-1578. 10.1016/j.intermet.2011.06.001
Álvarez, P, Gorria, P, Sánchez Llamazares, J. L., Pérez, M. J., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magneto-caloric effect in the pseudo-binary intermetallic YPrFe17 compound. En: Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2011. Vol. 131. Pag. 18-22. 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2011.09.062
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Knipling, K.E., Willard, M.A.:
Optimization of the Refrigerant Capacity in Multiphase Magnetocaloric Materials. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2011. Vol. 98. Pag. 102505.1-102505.3
Prida, Víctor M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Vega, V., Sánchez Llamazares,J.L., Suñol, J.J., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric Effect in Melt-Spun Fepd Ribbon Alloy With Second Order Phase Transitio. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011. Vol. 509. Pag. 190-194
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R.V.:
Direct Magnetocaloric Measurements of Fe-B-Cr-X (X=la, CE) Amorphous Ribbons. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2011. Vol. 110. Pag. 023907.1-023907.4
Kiss, L.F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Csontos, M, Peter, L, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Analysis of the Magnetoresistance Contributions in a Nanocrystallized Cr-Doped FINEMET Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2011. Vol. 323. Pag. 699-707
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Knipling, K.E., Willard, M.A.:
Magnetocaloric Effect and Critical Exponents of Fe77co5.5ni5.5zr7b4cu1: a Detailed Study. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2011. Vol. 109. Pag. 07A905.1-07A905.3
Phan, M.H., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Chaturvedi, A., Stefanoski, S., Nolas, G.S., et. al.:
Origin of the Magnetic Anomaly and Tunneling Effect of Europium on the Ferromagnetic Ordering in Eu8ga16ge30 Type I Clathrates. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2011. Vol. 84. Pag. 054436.1-054436.7
Mayer, Charlotte, Gorsse, S., Ballon, G., Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Tunable Magnetocaloric Effect in Gd-Based Glassy Ribbons. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2011. Vol. 110. Pag. 053920.1-053920.7
Álvarez Alonso,Pablo, Gorria, P., Sánchez Llamazares,J.L., Perez, M.J., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetic Properties and Magneto-Caloric Effect in Pseudo-Binary Intermetallic (CE,R)2fe17 Compounds (R = y, Pr and Dy). En: Intermetallics. 2011. Vol. 19. Pag. 982-987
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Two Milling Time Regimes in the Evolution of Magnetic Anisotropy of Mechanically Alloyed Soft Magnetic Powders. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011. Vol. 509. Pag. 1407-1410. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.10.207
Phan, M.H., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Bingham, N.S., Srikanth, H., Hur, N.H., et. al.:
Tricritical Point and Critical Exponents of La0.7ca0.3−Xsrxmno3 (X = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.25) Single Crystals. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010. Vol. 508. Pag. 238-244
Phan, M.H., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Chaturvedi, A., Stefanoski, S., Kirby, H., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric Effect and Refrigerant Capacity in Sr-Doped Eu8ga16ge30 Type-I Clathrates. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 107. Pag. 09A910.1-09A910.3
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of CO Addition on the Magnetic Properties and Magnetocaloric Effect of Nanoperm (Fe1−Xcox)75nb10b15 Type Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010. Vol. 496. Pag. 7-12. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.12.029
Bonilla, Clara M., Bartolomé, F., García Vinuesa,L.M., Parra Borderías,M., Herrero Albillos,J., et. al.:
A New Criterion to Distinguish the Order of Magnetic Transitions by Means of Magnetic Measurements. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 107. Pag. 09E131.1-09E131.3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Sidhaye, D., Prasad, B.L.V., Poddar, P., et. al.:
Applicability of the Universal Curve of the Magnetocaloric Effect to the Spin-Freezing Transition of Core-Shell Nanoparticles. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 107. Pag. 09A902.1-09A902.3
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Knipling, K.E., Willard, M.A.:
Influence of CO and NI Addition on the Magnetocaloric Effect in Fe88−2xcoxnixzr7b4cu1 Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2010. Vol. 96. Pag. 182506.1-182506.3
Law -, Jia Yan, Ramanujan, R.V., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Tunable Curie temperatures in Gd alloyed Fe-B-Cr magnetocaloric materials. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010. Vol. 508. Pag. 14-19. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.08.049
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Dong, Q.Y., Zhang, H.W.:
Study of the Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Nd1.25fe11ti: a Multiphase Magnetic System. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2010. Vol. 322. Pag. 804-807
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Mechanical Amorphization of Fe75nb10b15 Powder: Microstructural and Magnetic Characterization. En: Intermetallics. 2010. Vol. 18. Pag. 565-568. 10.1016/j.intermet.2009.10.007
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Scaling Laws for the Magnetocaloric Effect in Second Order Phase Transitions: from Physics to Applications for the Characterization of Materials. En: International Journal of Refrigeration. 2010. Vol. 33. Pag. 465-473
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Krasnowski, M., et. al.:
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Nb-B Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Alloys Produced by Compaction of Mechanically Alloyed Powders. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 107. Pag. 073901-1-073901-6. 10.1063/1.3319669
Bonilla, Clara M., Herrero Albillos,J., Bartolomé, F., García Vinuesa,L.M., Parra Borderías,M., et. al.:
Universal Behavior for Magnetic Entropy Change in Magnetocaloric Materials: an Analysis on the Nature of Phase Transition. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2010. Vol. 81. Pag. 224424.1-224424.7
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Influence of Mn on the Magnetocaloric Effect of Nanoperm- Type Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 108. Pag. 073921-1-5
Álvarez Alonso,Pablo, Sánchez Marcos,Jorge, Sánchez Llamazares,J.L., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Reiffers, M, et. al.:
Magnetocaloric Effect in Nanostructured Pr2fe17 and Nd2fe17 Synthesized by Highenergy Ball-Milling. En: Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2010. Vol. 118. Pag. 867-869
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Provenzano, V, Shull, Rd:
Scaling Analysis of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Gd5si2ge1.9x0.1 (X= al, CU, GA, Mn, Fe, CO). En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2010. Vol. 322. Pag. 218-223
Álvarez Alonso,Pablo, Gorria, P., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Sánchez Marcos,Jorge, Pérez, María J., et. al.:
Nanocrystalline Nd2fe17 Synthesized by High-Energy Ball Milling: Crystal Structure, Microstructure and Magnetic Properties. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2010. Vol. 22. Pag. 216005.1-216005.8
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Magnetocaloric Response of Fe75nb10b15 Powders Partially Amorphized by Ball Milling. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2009. Vol. 105. Pag. 123922-1-123922-6. 10.1063/1.3155982
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Romero Enrique, Jose Manuel, Spichkin, Y. I., Zverev, V. I., et. al.:
Field Dependence of the Adiabatic Temperature Change in Second Order Phase Transition Materials: Application to Gd. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2009. Vol. 106. Núm. 10. Pag. 103911-1-103911-4
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kuzmin, M.D., Romero Enrique, Jose Manuel:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Materials With a Second Order Phase Transition: Are Tc and Tpeak Necessarily Coincident?. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2009. Vol. 105. Núm. 7. Pag. 07A917-1-07A917-3
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Supersaturated Solid Solution Obtained by Mechanical Alloying of 75% Fe, 20% Ge and 5% Nb Mixture At Different Milling Intensities. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009. Vol. 469. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 169-178
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Influence of the Demagnetizing Field on the Determination of the Magnetocaloric Effect from Magnetization Curves. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2009. Vol. 105
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
Correlation Between Microstructure and Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties in Fe60co18(Nb,Zr)6b15cu1 Alloy Series. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2009. Vol. 105. Pag. 093928-1-093928-8
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Dong, Q.Y., Zhang, H.W.:
The Influence of a Minority Magnetic Phase on the Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2009. Vol. 321. Pag. 1115-1120
Prida, Víctor M., Vega, V., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Sánchez Llamazares,J.L., Perez, M.J., et. al.:
Fepd Melt-Spun Ribbons and Nanowires: Fabrication and Magneto-Structural Properties. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2009. Vol. 321. Pag. 790-792
Dong, Q.Y., Zhang, H.W., Sun, J.R., Shen, B.G., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
A Phenomenological Fitting Curve for the Magnetocaloric Effect of Materials With a Second-Order Phase Transition. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2008. Vol. 103. Núm. 11. Pag. 116101-1-116101-3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Magnetocaloric Response of Fecrb Amorphous Alloys: Predicting the Magnetic Entropy Change from the Arrott-Noakes Equation of State. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2008. Vol. 104. Núm. 3. Pag. 033903-1-033903-5
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of Ge Addition on the Magnetocaloric Effect of a CO-Containing Nanoperm-Type Alloy. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2008. Vol. 103. Núm. 7. Pag. 07B316-1-07B316-3
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Magnetic Permeability of (Fecoge)88 Zr6 B5 Cu1 Alloys: Thermal Stability in a Wide Temperature Range. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2008. Vol. 103. Núm. 7. Pag. 07E721-1-07E721-3
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Instantaneous Growth Approximation Describing the Nanocrystallization Process of Amorphous Alloys: a Cellular Automata Model. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. Vol. 354. Núm. 30. Pag. 3597-3605
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Nanocrystallization Effects on the Specific Heat of Fe-CO-Nb-B Amorphous Alloy. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. Vol. 354. Núm. 47-51. Pag. 5135-5137
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
High Temperature Coercivity of Nb-Containing HITPERM Alloys: Effect of CU Addition. En: Materials Letters. 2008. Vol. 62. Núm. 4-5. Pag. 780-783
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Romero Enrique, Jose Manuel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S.:
A Universal Curve for the Magnetocaloric Effect: an Analysis Based on Scaling Relations. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2008. Vol. 20. Núm. 28. Pag. 285207-1-285207-5
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
An Equivalent Time Approach for Scaling the Mechanical Alloying Processes. En: Intermetallics. 2008. Vol. 16. Núm. 3. Pag. 470-478
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mechanical Alloying of Fe100-X-Ynbxby (X = 5, 10; y = 10, 15): from Pure Powder Mixture to Amorphous Phase. En: Intermetallics. 2008. Vol. 16. Núm. 9. Pag. 1073-1082
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Pirota, Kleber R., Prida, Víctor M., Neto, A.M.J.C., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Tailoring of Magnetocaloric Response in Nanostructured Materials: Role of Anisotropy. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2008. Vol. 77. Núm. 10. Pag. 104434-1-104434-7
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Enhanced Magnetocaloric Response in Cr/MO Containing Nanoperm-Type Amorphous Alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2007. Vol. 90. Núm. 5. Pag. 052509-1-052509-3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric Effect in Mn-Containing HITPERM-Type Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 102. Núm. 1. Pag. 013908-1-013908-4
Gupta, P., Gupta, A., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Joule Heating As a Technique for Obtaining Uncoupled Soft and Hard Magnetic Phases in a FINEMET Alloy. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 101. Núm. 3. Pag. 033909-1-033909-6
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
A Constant Magnetocaloric Response in Femocub Amorphous Alloys With Different Fe/B Ratios. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 101. Núm. 9. Pag. 093903-1-093903-5
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 101. Núm. 9. Pag. 1-3
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
Thermal and Microstructural Stability of the Soft Magnetic Fe60co18nb6b15cu1 Alloy. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2007. Vol. 353. Núm. 8-10. Pag. 872-874
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Pecharsky, V.K., Gschneidner Jr.,K.A.:
Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Gd and (ER 1-Xdyx)Al2: Does a Universal Curve Exist?. En: Europhysics Letters. 2007. Vol. 79. Núm. 4. Pag. 47009-1-47009-5
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Thermal and Microstructural Dependence of the Initial Permeability of Co60fe18nb6(B,CU)16 Alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007. Vol. 431. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 100-106
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystalline Fe-Nb-(B,Ge) Alloys from Ball Milling: Microstructure, Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties. En: Intermetallics. 2007. Vol. 15. Núm. 10. Pag. 1351-1360
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Ball Milling of Fe83zr6b10cu1 Amorphous Alloy Containing Quenched in Crystals. En: Intermetallics. 2007. Vol. 15. Núm. 8. Pag. 1132-1138
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Femobcu Alloys: Influence of B Content. En: Acta Materialia. 2007. Vol. 55. Núm. 17. Pag. 5675-5683
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mean Magnetic Moment of Superparamagnetic Polydisperse Nanoparticles: Correlation Between Grain Size and Magnetic Moment Distributions. En: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2007. Vol. 7. Pag. 1043-1051
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S.:
Influence of CO Addition on the Magnetocaloric Effect of Fecosialgapcb Amorphous Alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2006. Vol. 88. Núm. 13. Pag. 132509-1-132509-3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Materials With a Second Order Phase Transition: a Master Curve for the Magnetic Entropy Change. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2006. Vol. 89. Núm. 22. Pag. 222512-1-222512-3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
A FINEMET-Type Alloy As a Low-Cost Candidate for High-Temperature Magnetic Refrigeration. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2006. Vol. 88. Núm. 4. Pag. 042505.1-042505.3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The Influence of CO Addition on the Magnetocaloric Effect of Nanoperm-Type Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. Vol. 100. Núm. 6. Pag. 064307-1-064307-4
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Stoica, M., et. al.:
Refrigerant Capacity of Fecrmocugapcb Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. Vol. 100. Núm. 8. Pag. 083903-1-083903-4
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Multimodal Grain Size Distributions Obtained from High-Temperature Magnetization Curves: a Thermodynamical Approach to the Role of Anisotropy: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Soft Magnetic Materials. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006. Vol. 304. Núm. 2
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mössbauer Study of a Fe¿Zr¿B¿CU¿(Ge, CO) Nanocrystalline Alloy Series. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2006. Vol. 422. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 32-39
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S.:
Ball Milling Nanocrystallization of Arc-Melted and Melt-Spun Fe78co5nb3zr3b5ge5cu1 Alloy: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties. En: Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003). 2006. Vol. 86. Núm. 15. Pag. 2271-2282
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S.:
Detection of the Onset of Nanocrystallization by Calorimetric and Magnetic Measurements. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2005. Vol. 97. Núm. 4. Pag. 044308.1-044308.4
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Relationship Between Coercivity and Magnetic Moment of Superparamagnetic Particles With Dipolar Interaction. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2005. Vol. 72. Pag. 1-10
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., et. al.:
Frequency Dependence of the Superparamagnetic Transition in a FINEMET-Type Nanocrystalline Alloy. En: Physica status solidi. A, Applied research. 2004. Vol. 201. Núm. 15. Pag. 3314-3318
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of Anisotropy on the Grain Size Distribution Derived from Superparamagnetic Magnetization Curves. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2004. Vol. 277. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 181-186
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Thermal Effects in a Stoner-Wohlfarth Model and Their Influence on Magnetic Anisotropy Determination. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2004. Vol. 278. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 28-38
Kakay, A., Gutowski, M., Takács, L., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Varga, L.K.:
Langevin Granulometry of the Particle Size Distribution. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2004. Vol. 37. Núm. 23. Pag. 6027-6041
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Permeability of HITPERM (Femn)Conbb(CU) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2004. Vol. 272-76. Pag. 1430-1432
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Soft Magnetic Properties of High-Temperature Nanocrystalline Alloys: Permeability and Magnetoimpedance. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2003. Vol. 93. Núm. 4. Pag. 2172-2177
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Influence of CU Addition on the Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of HITPERM-Type Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2003. Vol. 262. Núm. 1. Pag. 170-173
Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T, Vincze, I., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Low-Temperature Spin Freezing in Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2003. Vol. 254-255. Pag. 483-485
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe78-Xcoxnb6b15cu1 (X=18, 39, 60) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2003. Vol. 254-255. Pag. 460-462
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T:
Transition to Superparamagnetism in a Cr-Containing FINEMET- Type Alloy. En: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2002. Vol. 38. Núm. 5. Pag. 3069-3074
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Gibbs, Mrj, Davies, H.A., et. al.:
The Evolution of Magnetostriction and Coercivity With Temperature in the Early Stages of Nanocrystallisation in Feconbb(CU) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2002. Vol. 250. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 260-266
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The Influence of CU Addition on the Crystallization and Magnetic Properties of Feconbb Alloys. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2002. Vol. 14. Núm. 45. Pag. 11717-11727
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T, Vincze, I., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
High-Temperature Evolution of Coercivity in Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2002. Vol. 66. Pag. 224418-1-224418-8
Varga, L.K., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Kakay, A., Kovacs, Gy., Mazaleyrat, F.:
The Role of Internal and External Demagnetizing Effects in Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2001. Vol. 37. Núm. 4. Pag. 2229-2231
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kaptas, D., et. al.:
Dipole-Dipole Interaction in Superparamagnetic Nanocrystalline Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2001. Vol. 90. Núm. 3. Pag. 1558-1563
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
MO-Containing FINEMET Alloys: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2001. Vol. 287. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 366-369
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution and Giant Magnetoimpedance in Fe73.5sixb22.5-Xcu1nb3 (X=9, 16) Alloys. En: Materials Letters. 2001. Vol. 49. Núm. 5. Pag. 256-261
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Aproximación a los Sistemas Automatizados de Medida en Física del Estado Sólido. En: Revista de Enseñanza Universitaria. 2001. Núm. 18. Pag. 67-72
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Varga, Bela, Lovas, A.:
Thermomagnetic Study of Fe/Sub 73.5-X/Cr/Sub X/Si/Sub 13.5/B/Sub 9/CU/Sub 1/Nb/Sub 3/ (X=1, 3, 5, 10) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2000. Núm. 215-216. Pag. 404-406
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Superparamagnetic Behaviour in an Fe/Sub 76/CU/Sub 1/Nb/Sub 3/Si/Sub 10.5/B/Sub 9.5/ Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2000. Núm. 215-216. Pag. 400-403
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy Obtained from Demagnetization Curves: Influence of Particle Orientation and Interactions. En: Applied Physics Letters. 1999. Vol. 74. Núm. 25. Pag. 3875-3877
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Nanocrystallization of a Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3 Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1999. Vol. 203. Pag. 60-62
Houssa, R., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of a Fesib-Cunb Alloy Submitted to Joule Heating. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1999. Vol. 203. Pag. 199-201
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Effect of the Si/B Ratio on the Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution of Fe73.5si22.5-Xbxcu1nb3 (X = 7, 9, 16) Alloys Along Nanocrystallization. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 1998. Vol. 84. Núm. 9. Pag. 5108-5113
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Changes in Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution During Structural Evolution of Fe76si10.5b9.5cu1nb3. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1998. Vol. 185. Núm. 3. Pag. 353-359
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of MO Addition in the Crystallization of Fe-Si-B-CU-Nb Alloys. En: Philosophical Magazine. B. Physics of Condensed Matter. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties. 1997. Vol. 76. Núm. 4. Pag. 489-493
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Propiedades Magneticas y Nanocristalizacion de una Aleacion Fesibcanb. En: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 1997. Vol. 36. Núm. 2-3. Pag. 185-188
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramos Martos, Juan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Autocalibrating Quasistatic M-H Hysteresis Loop Tracer With Negligible Drift. En: Review of Scientific Instruments. 1996. Vol. 67. Núm. 12. Pag. 4167-4170
Aportaciones a Congresos
Law -, Jia Yan, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Barcza, Alexander, Greneche, Jean Marc, et. al.:Determining the order of thermomagnetic phase transitions in low-hysteretic La(Fe,Mn,Si)13. Poster en Congreso. 25th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Grenoble, Francia. 2022
Law -, Jia Yan, Díaz García, Álvaro, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Designing Competitive High-Entropy Alloys for Magnetocalorics. Comunicación en congreso. 2022 Joint European Magnetic Symposia. University of Warsaw, Poland. 2022
Law -, Jia Yan, Díaz García, Álvaro, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Overcoming the Limitations of Magnetocaloric Rare-Earth-Free High-Entropy Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Intermag 2021. Virtual. 2021
Law -, Jia Yan, Díaz García, Álvaro, Cota Reguero, Agustin, Ramírez Rico, Joaquín, Schäfer, R., et. al.:
New lab-made feedstock for magnetic composite filaments for additive manufacturing. Poster en Congreso. Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2020. Virtual. 2020
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Gebara, Piotr, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Use of the Scaling Laws of the Magnetocaloric Effect to Deconvolute Overlapping Phase Transitions in Biphasic Composites. Comunicación en congreso. 65th Annual Conference of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Virtual. 2020
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys with artifact-like magnetocaloric effect due to overlapped thermomagnetic phase transitions. Comunicación en congreso. The 2020 Around-the-Clock Around-the-Globe Magnetics Conference. Virtual. 2020
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Gebara, Piotr, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Deconvoluting the magnetocaloric effect of multiphase materials using universal scaling. Poster en Congreso. Intermag 2020. - Montreal, Canadá. 2020
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Díaz García, Álvaro, Bellido Correa, Ana, Cota Reguero, Agustin, Ramírez Rico, Joaquín, et. al.:
Composite magnetic filaments for additive manufacturing: a novel procedure for laboratory scale production. Ponencia en Congreso. 2020 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. California, San Diego, United States. 2020
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Radulov, Iliya, et. al.:
Tunable first order transition in La(Fe,Cr,Si)13 magnetocaloric compounds. Ponencia en Jornada. Jornada Doctoral de Jóvenes Investigadores en Magnetismo. Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, España. 2019
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero Muñiz, Carlos, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Tunable first order transition in La(Fe,Cr,Si)13 compounds: retaining magnetocaloric response despite a magnetic moment reduction. Ponencia en Congreso. 64th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Las Vegas. 2019
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Radulov, Iliya, et. al.:
Analysis of the field dependence of magnetocaloric effect of La(Fe,TM,Si)13 (TM=Cr,Ni) alloys. Poster en Congreso. Delft Days on Magneto Calorics. Delft - the Netherlands. 2019
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
When actual effects look like artifacts: Deconvolution of the concurrent transitions in Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Delft Days on Magneto Calorics. Delft - the Netherlands. 2019
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Cota Reguero, Agustin, Ramírez Rico, Joaquín, Schäfer, Rudolf, et. al.:
Soft magnetic composite filaments with enhanced uniformity for additive manufacturing. Ponencia en Jornada. Reunión anual del Club Español de Magnetismo y del capítulo español de la IEEE Magnetics Society. Universidad Publica de Navarra, Pamplona, España. 2019
Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Giri, A. K.:
The AC susceptibility of the overlapping thermomagnetic phase transitions in Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys. Poster en Curso. IEEE Magnetics Summer School. Richmond, Estados Unidos. 2019
Díaz García, Álvaro, Cota, A., Ramírez Rico, J., Schäfer, R., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Lab-scale fabrication of soft magnetic filaments with enhanced uniformity for additive manufacturing. Ponencia en Congreso. XI Workshop Chile-Mexico. Pucón, Chile. 2019
G¿Bara, P., Díaz García, Álvaro, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Magnetocaloric response of biphasic GdPd alloys. Poster en Congreso. 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland. 2019
G¿Bara, P., Díaz García, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Magnetocaloric response of biphasic GdPd alloys. Poster en Congreso. 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland. 2019
Díaz García, Álvaro, Bellido Correa, A., Cota Reguero, Agustin, Ramírez Rico, Joaquín, Law -, Jia Yan, et. al.:
Novel procedure for fabricating composite filaments with embedded magnetic particles for additive manufacturing. Ponencia en Congreso. 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland. 2019
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
A New Quantitative Criterion to Determine the Order of Phase Transitions: Application to Different Materials. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 TMS Annual Meeting and Exhibition. San Antonio, AUSTIN, TEXAS. USA. 2019
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric studies to identify first-order phase transitions. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing. Xi¿an, China. 2019
Díaz, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
AC Susceptibility study of overlapping thermomagnetic transitions in NiMnIn Heusler alloy. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. Washington, Estados Unidos. 2019
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Magnetic coupling in Ni49Mn36In15 Heusler alloy. Poster en Congreso. 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. Washington, Estados Unidos. 2019
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Giri, A. K., Schulz, F., et. al.:
Magnetic coupling in Ni49Mn36In15 Heusler alloy. Poster en Congreso. 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. Washington, Estados Unidos. 2019
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Field dependence of magnetocaloric effect as a fingerprint of first-order phase transition. Ponencia en Congreso. 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference. Washington, Estados Unidos. 2019
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Law -, Jia Yan, Romero Muñiz, Carlos, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Finding the separation between first and second order phase transition in La(Fe,Ni,Si)13 magnetocaloric materials. Ponencia en Congreso. Intermag 2018. Singapore, SINGAPORE. 2018
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of truncated heat capacity data on magnetocaloric calculations: biphasic case. Ponencia en Congreso. Thermag VIII - International Conference on Caloric Cooling. Darmstad, Alemania. 2018
Díaz, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Giri, A. K.:
Estudio de transiciones de fase termomagnéticas en aleaciones Heusler mediante susceptibilidad magnética AC. Ponencia en Congreso. Curso de Verano del Club Español de Magnetismo: Retos del Magnetismo Básico y Aplicado. Miraflores de la Sierra, - MADRID, ESPAÑA. 2018
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Radulov, I., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Analysis of the order of the phase transition and critical composition in La(Fe,Ni,Si)13 magnetocaloric compounds. Ponencia en Congreso. IEEE Magnetics Society-CEMAG meeting 2018. Gijón , España. 2018
Díaz, Álvaro, Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Giri, A. K.:
The AC susceptibility of the overlapping thermomagnetic phase transitions in Ni-Mn-In Heusler alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. IEEE Magnetics Society-CEMAG meeting 2018. Gijón , España. 2018
Gómez, a, Morán, O., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, et. al.:
Evolution of the magnetocaloric effect in polycrystalline La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xNixO3 (x = 0, 0.02, 0.07, 0.1) samples synthesized by ball milling process. Poster en Congreso. 25th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials. - Roma, Italia. 2018
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Field dependence of magnetocaloric effect identifies the order of thermomagnetic phase transitions. Ponencia en Congreso. IEEE Magnetics Society-CEMAG meeting 2018. Gijón , España. 2018
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Quantitative analysis of hysteretic magnetocaloric materials. Ponencia en Congreso. 2018 International Conference on Magnetism. The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, EE.UU. 2018
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Quantitative analysis of hysteretic magnetocaloric materials. Ponencia en Congreso. 2018 International Conference on Magnetism. The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, EE.UU. 2018
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón Gordón, A.F., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric effect in Heusler alloys derived from cellular automata simulations. Ponencia en Congreso. MS&T18, Materials Science & Technology. Columbus, Ohio, USA. 2018
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Experimental study of Curie temperature distributions on mechanically alloyed Fe70Zr30 systems: effect on magnetocaloric response and magnetic properties. Ponencia en Congreso. 25th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials. Roma, Italia. 2018
Law -, Jia Yan, Delgado Matarín, A., Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Field dependence of overlapping thermomagnetic transitions of Ni49-xMn36+xIn15 and its influence on magnetocaloric response. Poster en Congreso. Thermag VIII - International Conference on Caloric Cooling. Darmstad, Alemania. 2018
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Delgado Matarín, A., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Influence of the characterization protocols for erasing the thermal and magnetic history on direct ¿Tad measurements in Heusler compounds. Poster en Congreso. 2018 International Conference on Magnetism. The Moscone Center, San Francisco, California, EE.UU. 2018
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Giri, A.:
Influence of overlapping transitions on the MCE response of a series of Ni0.49-xMn0.36+xIn0.15 Heusler alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Intermag 2018. Singapore, SINGAPORE. 2018
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
A new quantitative criterion using magnetocaloric studies to identify the order of thermomagnetic phase transitions. Ponencia en Congreso. XIX International Scientific Conference - New Technologies and Achievements in Metallurgy, Material Engineering, Production Engineering and Physics. Czestochowa, Poland. 2018
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Karpenkov, D. Y., et. al.:
A new quantitative criterion to determine the order of thermomagnetic phase transitions. Ponencia en Congreso. 2nd IEEE Conference on Advances in Magnetics 2018. La Thuile (Italia). 2018
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Methods for characterizing the hysteresis of magnetocaloric materials (Invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 2018 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Phoenix, Arizona (EEUU). 2018
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of calorimetric low temperature limit on magnetocaloric measurements. Ponencia en Jornada. Jornada Doctoral de Jóvenes Investigadores en Magnetismo. Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España. 2017
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Brabander, V., Karpenkov, D. Y., et. al.:
A new procedure for the determination of the order of thermomagnetic phase transitions (Invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Pittsburg (EE.UU). 2017
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Neves Bez, H., Mudrik, Y., et. al.:
How low is the temperature that we need to reach in calorimetric measurements to accurately obtain the magnetocaloric effect? The Gd and GdSiGe cases. Ponencia en Congreso. 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Pittsburg (EE.UU). 2017
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric response and critical exponents of Fe70Zr30 mechanically alloyed systems. Poster en Congreso. 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2017. Sevilla, España. 2017
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Optimization of the supersaturated solid solution produced by mechanical alloying as a precursor of the La(Fe,Si)13 phase. Poster en Congreso. 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2017. Sevilla, España. 2017
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Effect of low temperature truncated calorimetric measurements on the magnetocaloric properties pf biphasic materials. Poster en Congreso. 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2017. Sevilla, España. 2017
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Brabander, V., Karpenkov, D. Y., et. al.:
Modification of the field dependence and scaling of the magnetocaloric effect in LaFeSi across the tricritical point. Ponencia en Congreso. Intermag 2017. Dublin, Ireland. 2017
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The use of the Magnetocaloric Effect for the study of phase transitions. Poster en Curso. 2017 IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School. Santander, España. 2017
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Pekala, M., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The influence of noise on the Determination of the Curie Temperature from magnetocaloric measurements. Poster en Congreso. INTERMAG Europe 2017. Dublín (Irlanda). 2017
Bollero, A., Law -, Jia Yan, Rial, J., Pedrosa, F. J., Villanueva, M., et. al.:
Rare earth-free magnetic powders for permanent magnet applications: from synthesis to technological devices and industrial recycling. Ponencia en Congreso. European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2016. Lille, France. 2016
Sanchez, Miriam, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marsilius, M., et. al.:
Influence of nanocrystallization on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni-based amorphous alloys. Poster en Congreso. IX reunión bienal del Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido. Cuenca (España). 2016
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Optimal Temperature Range for Determining Magnetocaloric Magnitudes from Heat Capacity. Ponencia en Congreso. 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Nueva Orleans, USA. 2016
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Gottschall, T., Skokov, K. P., et. al.:
Analysis of the thermal and magnetic hysteresis of Heusler type magnetocaloric alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2016 MMM Conference. New Orleans, EE.UU. 2016
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Ball milling as a way to produce magnetic and magnetocaloric materials (INVITADA). Ponencia en Congreso. Materials Science & Technology 2016. Salt Lake City, USA. 2016
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Prealloying effect of La in mechanical alloying of La(FeSi)13 composition. Poster en Congreso. 7th international conference on magnetic refrigeration at room temperature. Turín (Italia). 2016
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of numerical approximations in the determination of the magnetocaloric effect from calorimetric measurements. Poster en Congreso. 7th international conference on magnetic refrigeration at room temperature. Turín, Italia. 2016
Sánchez Pérez, Miriam, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marsilius, Mie, Herzer, Giselher:
Influence of nanocrystallization on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni-based amorphous alloys. Poster en Curso. IX reunión bienal del Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido. Cuenca. 2016
Sanchez, Miriam, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marsilius, M, et. al.:
Influence of nanocrystallization on the magnetocaloric properties of Ni-based amorphous alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. XXIV International Materials Research Congress. Cancún (México). 2015
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Rare Earth based composites for magnetic refrigeration. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 4th International Conference on rare earth materials Advances in Synthesis, Studies and Applications. Wroclaw, Poland. 2015
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Tips and tricks for the correct analysis of the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2015: 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Orlando, USA. 2015
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
FORC analysis of magnetocaloric materials. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 2015 First Order Reversal Curve (FORC) Workshop. Minneapolis, Estados Unidos. 2015
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Lozano Pérez, S., Kim, J.s., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Cu-clustering on multicomponent soft magnetic FeCrMoCuGaPCB alloys. Poster en Congreso. 22th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Sao Paulo, Brasil. 2015
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Marcin, J., Andrejka, F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Anisotropy field distribution in soft magnetic Hitperm-type alloys submitted to different field annealing processes. Ponencia en Congreso. 22th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Sao Paulo, Brasil. 2015
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Marcin, J., Andrejka, F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Study of the induced anisotropy in field annealed Hitperm alloys by Mössbauer spectroscopy and Kerr microscopy. Ponencia en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Magnetism. Barcelona, España. 2015
Srikanth, H., Biswas, A., Chandra, S., Stefanoski, S., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric effect in type-I Eu8Ga16Ge30 clathrate nanocrystals (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Magnetism. Barcelona, España. 2015
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Mie, M., Herzer, G.:
A new method for determiming the Curie temperature from magnetocaloric measurements. Poster en Curso. European School on Magnetism 2015 "From basic concepts to spin currents". Cluj-Napoca, Rumanía. 2015
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Looking for the limits of critical scaling of the magnetocaloric effect. Poster en Curso. XXII International Summer School Nicolás Cabrera "new directions in spintronics and nanomagnetism". Madrid, España. 2015
Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Gd-Zn biphasic magnetic composites synthesized in a single preparation step: increasing refrigerant capacity without decreasing magnetic entropy. Ponencia en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Magnetism. Barcelona, España. 2015
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Analysis of the field dependence of magnetocaloric effect at the transition temperatura for biphasic systems. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Magnetism. Barcelona, España. 2015
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Mie, M., Herzer, G.:
A new method for determiming the Curie temperature from magnetocaloric measurements. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Magnetism. Barcelona, España. 2015
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Budinsky, V., Herzer, G.:
Magnetocaloric response of Cr-containing Finement-type alloys: Influence of nanocrystallization. Poster en Congreso. 22nd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Sao Paulo, Brasil. 2015
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Law -, Jia Yan, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Rare earth based composites for magnetic refrigeration (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 4th International Conference on rare earth materials Advances in Synthesis, Studies and Applications. Wroclaw, Poland. 2015
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero Muñiz, C., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Tips and tricks for the correct analysis of the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 2015 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Florida, USA. 2015
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
The magnetocaloric e¿ect: A useful tool for the characterization of phase transitions. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014 (PM'14). Poznan (Poland). 2014
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Nanostructured Materials. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2014: 143rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition. California, San Diego, Estados Unidos. 2014
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Microstructural and magnetic characterization of a Co62Nb6Zr2B30 amorphous alloy. Poster en Curso. Novel Frontiers in Magnetism. Benasque, España. 2014
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The magnetocaloric effect: A useful tool for the characterization of phase transitions (Conferencia Invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. XXXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Materia Condensada. Costa do Sauipe, Brasil. 2014
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Nanostructured Materials (Conferencia Invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. Tms2014. San Diego, EE.UU. 2014
Sniadecki, Z., Pierunek, N., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Puzniak, R., Wisniewski, A., et. al.:
Spin reorientation and magnetocaloric properties of Y1-xGdxCo2 (0 < x < 1) compounds. Poster en Congreso. The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014. Poznan, Polonia. 2014
Sniadecki, Z., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Marcin, J., Skorvanek, I., Pierunek, N., et. al.:
Normal and inverse magnetocaloric effects in amorphous R8Co62B30 (R = Y, Ho, Tb) alloys. Poster en Congreso. The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014. Poznan, Polonia. 2014
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The magnetocaloric effect: A useful tool for the characterization of phase transitions Tipo de participación (Conferencia invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. The European Conference PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM 2014. Poznan, Polonia. 2014
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Beron, F., Pirota, K. R., Knobel, M., Willard, M. A.:
Characterization of the interphase interactions of multiphase magnetocaloric materials using FORC analysis. Ponencia en Congreso. Mmm 2014. Honolulu, EE.UU. 2014
Kiss, L. F., Kemeny, T., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Anomalous enhancement of magnetocaloric effect in B-rich FeZrBCu amorphous alloys. Poster en Congreso. Intermag 2014. Dresde, Alemania. 2014
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero Muñiz, C., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Influence of demagnetizing factor on the magnetocaloric effect of a cobalt-based powder alloy. Poster en Congreso. INTERMAG Europe 2014. Dresde, Alemania. 2014
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Stoica, M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Effect of hot compaction on the microstructure and magnetic properties of mechanically alloyed Fe-Co-Nb-B system. Ponencia en Congreso. Income 2014. Cracovia, Polonia. 2014
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Compositional distribution of nanocrystalline phases developed by mechanical alloying using Mössbauer spectroscopy (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. Income 2014. Cracovia, Polonia. 2014
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Romero Muñiz, C., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Effect of the demagnetizing factor on the magnetic entropy change of powders and composites. Ponencia en Congreso. Thermag VI. Victoria (Cánada). 2014
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Marcin, J., Varga, M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Influence of microstructure on the enhancement of soft magnetic character and the induced anisotropy of field annealed HITPERM-type alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 59th Annual Magnetism & Magnetic Materials Conference. Honolulu, EEUU. 2014
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
The magnetocaloric effect: A useful tool for the characterization of phase transitions. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. XXXVI Encontro Nacional de Física da Materia Condensada. Costa do Sauipe (Brazil). 2013
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Gaining information of phase transitions and critical phenomena via magnetocaloric studies. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2013. Rhodos, Grecia. 2013
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
The magnetocaloric effect of multiphase materials and nanostructures. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 15th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism (CSMAG'13). Kosice (Slovakia). 2013
Min, J., Zhong, X., Liu, Z., Zheng, Z., Zeng, D. C., et. al.:
Low hysteresis and large room temperature magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si2.05-xGe1.95-xNi2x (2x=0.08, 0.1) compounds. Poster en Congreso. 12th Joint MMM/ Intermag Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2013
Zheng, Z., Zhong, X., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Zhang, J., Liu, Z., et. al.:
Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in GdCo9Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitions. Poster en Congreso. 12th Joint MMM/ Intermag Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2013
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The magnetocaloric effect of multiphase materials and nanostructures (Conferencia Invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 15th Czech and Slovak Conference on Magnetism. Kosice (Eslovaquia). 2013
Espejo, E., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Analysis of direct adiabatic temperature change measurements using ac techniques. Comunicación en congreso. XXII International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2013). Cancún, México. 2013
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Gaining information of phase transitions and critical phenomena via magnetocaloric studies (Conferencia invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. Joint European Magnetic Symposia 2013. Rodas (Grecia). 2013
Álvarez Alonso, P., Sánchez Llamazares, J. L., Sánchez Valdés, C. F., Cuello, G. J., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Broadening the magnetic entropy change and its correlation with the Curie temperature distribution in high-energy ball milled R2Fe17 alloys. Comunicación en congreso. 58th Annual Conference on MMM 2013. Denver ( Colorado) Estados Unidos. 2013
Biswas, A., Zhang, P., Yu, Y. Y., Bingham, N. S., Wang, H., et. al.:
Long-range ferromagnetism in Gd53Al24Co20Zr3 amorphous microwires: Role of structural disorder. Poster en Congreso. 58th Annual Conference on MMM 2013. Denver ( Colorado) Estados Unidos. 2013
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marcin, J., Skorvanek, I.:
Deconvolution of the magnetocaloric response of multiphase materials. Ponencia en Congreso. 58th Annual Conference on MMM 2013. Denver ( Colorado) Estados Unidos. 2013
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The use of amorphous boron powder enhances mechanical alloying in soft magnetic FeNbB alloy. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th Joint MMM/ Intermag Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2013
Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetic properties of amorphous Co62Nb6Zr2B30 obtained by mechanical alloying. Ponencia en Congreso. 58th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Denver, USA. 2013
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Milling effects on magnetic properties of melt spun Fe-Nb-B alloy. Poster en Congreso. 58th Annual Conference on MMM 2013. Denver ( Colorado) Estados Unidos. 2013
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The use of the magnetocaloric response to study compositional changes in mechanically alloyed samples. Poster en Congreso. XXII International Materials Research Congress. Cancún (México). 2013
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Cabrera, David, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Development of metalloid free amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys for high temperature applications as soft magnets. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mechanical alloying as an effective method to produce soft magnetic amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Optimization of the mechanical alloying process of soft magnetic Fe-based powders: Analysis using an equivalent time approach (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. TMS 2013-142nd Annual meeting & exhibition. San Antonio, EEUU. 2013
Romero Muñiz, C., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of magnetic interactions on the magnetocaloric effect of composites. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th Joint MMM/ Intermag Conference. Chicago, Illinois, USA. 2013
Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Soft magnetic materials for energy efficient refrigeration. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. VII Reunión del Grupo Especializado de Física de Estado Sólido. Sevilla, España. 2012
Romero Muñiz, C., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influencia de las interacciones entre fases en el efecto magnetocalórico de composites. Poster en Congreso. VII Reunion Groupo Especializado de Fisica de Estado Solido. Sevilla Spain. 2012
Doblas, D., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svalov, A. V., Kurlyandskaya, G. V.:
Efecto magnetocalórico en multicapas Gd/Ti. Poster en Congreso. VII Reunion Grupo Especializado de Fisica de Estado Solido. 2012
Ingale, Babita Dashrath, Das, a, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic, structural and magnetocaloric properties in Ni50Mn35Sn15 heusler alloys. Poster en Congreso. Thermag V. Grenoble (Francia). 2012
Ingale, Babita Dashrath, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric effect in Ga-free Ni50Mn34X16 (X = In, Sn and Sb) Heusler alloys. Poster en Congreso. Icfmd 2012. Pune (India). 2012
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L. F., Péter, L., et. al.:
Optimizing the Magnetic Field Response of Magnetocaloric Materials by Nanostructuring. Ponencia en Congreso. Tms 2012. 2012
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Soft magnetic materials for energy efficient refrigeration. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. VII Reunion Grupo Especializado de Fisica de Estado Solido. 2012
Doblas, D., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svalov, A. V., Kurlyandskaya, G. V.:
Nanostructuring as a procedure to control the field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect. Ponencia en Congreso. Thermag V. Grenoble (Francia). 2012
González, L., Sánchez, T., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Suñol, J.j., et. al.:
Magnetic Instability at low temperature in Ni53.4Mn30.6In16.0 alloy ribbons. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism. Estambul (Turquía). 2012
Ingale, Babita Dashrath, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Knipling, K. E., Willard, M. A.:
Magnetocaloric effect in Fe77Co5.5Ni5.5Zr7-zXzB47Cu1 (X=Nb, Hf) soft magnetic amorphous alloys. Poster en Congreso. VII Reunion Groupo Especializado de Fisica de Estado Solido. Sevilla Spain. 2012
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R. V.:
Iron based alloys for magnetocaloric applications. Poster en Congreso. Magnetics Symposium 2011. Singapore. 2011
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R. V.:
The magnetocaloric effect of Fe-based amorphous alloys. Poster en Curso. 2011 IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School. New Orleans, Estados Unidos. 2011
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R. V.:
Fe-B-Cr based magnetocaloric materials for magnetic cooling systems. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies. Singapore. 2011
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The magnetocaloric effect in soft magnetic amorphous alloys and composites (Invited). Ponencia en Congreso. 20 Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Isla de Kos, Grecia. 2011
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The magnetocaloric effect in amorphous and multiphase materials: phenomenological models to describe its field dependence (Keynote Lecture). Ponencia en Congreso. Euromat2011. Montpellier (Francia). 2011
Paticopoulus, S., Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in composites: Experimental validation. Ponencia en Congreso. 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Scottsdale, USA. 2011
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Peter, L, et. al.:
Magnetic Multilayers As a Way to Increase the Magnetic Field Responsiveness of Magnetocaloric Materials. Ponencia en Congreso. Recent Trends in Nanomagnetism, Spintronics and Their Applications. Ordizia (España). 2011. Recent Trends in Nanomagnetism, Spintronics and Their Applications. 125. 125
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Knipling, K.E., Willard, M.A.:
Optimization of the Refrigerant Capacity in Multiphase Magnetocaloric Materials. Ponencia en Congreso. Tms2011. 2011. Tms2011. 332. 332
Law -, Jia Yan, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Ramanujan, R.V.:
The Magnetocaloric Effect of Fe-B-Cr-Gd Amorphous Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Tms2011. 2011. Tms2011. 332. 332
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Poddar, P., Srinath, S., Phan, M.H., et. al.:
Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Core-Shell Nanoparticles. Poster en Congreso. 11th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. Washington (EEUU). 2010. 11th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. At-07. At-07
Bonilla, Clara M., Bartolomé, F., García Vinuesa,L.M., Parra Borderías,M., Herrero Albillos,J., et. al.:
A New Criterion to Distinguish the Order of Magnetic Transitions by Means of Magnetic Measurements. Comunicación en congreso. 11th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. Washington (EEUU). 2010. 11th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. FH-08. FH-08
Chaturvedi, A., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Phan, M.H., Stefanoski, S., Kirby, H., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric Effect and Critical Exponents in Sr-Doped Eu8ga16ge30 Type-I Clathrates. Comunicación en congreso. 11th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. Washington (EEUU). 2010. 11th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. Hg-09. Hg-09
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Factors Affecting Coercivity in Soft Magnetic Fe-Nb-B Nanocrystalline Alloys Obtained by Mechanical Alloying. Poster en Congreso. XVII International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Zurich, Suiza. 2010. XVII International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam 2010). 275. 275
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. IV Baikal International Conference Magnetic Materials. New Technologies. Irkutsk, Rusia. 2010. IV Baikal International Conference ¿Magnetic Materials. New Technologies". 4. 4
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Dong, Q. Y., Zhang, H.W.:
Study of the Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Nd1.25fe11ti: a Multiphase Magnetic System. Poster en Congreso. 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. 2009. 3d International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. 167. 172
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Estudio del Efecto Magnetocalórico: Influencias de la Geometría y Heterogeneidades de las Muestras Magnéticas. Poster en Congreso. XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ciudad Real. 2009
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Lozano Perez,Sergio:
Dependencia de la Coercitividad en Polvos Metálicos Basados en Fe y Obtenidos Por Molienda. Poster en Congreso. XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ciudad Real. 2009
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Mechanical Amorphization of Fe75nb10b15 Powder from Magnetic and Microstructural Characterization. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect. Viena, Austria. 2009. Icame 2009. 232. 232
Bonilla, C.M., Bartolomé, F., García Vinuesa,L.M., Parra Borderías,M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Breakdown of Universal Behavior of the Magnetic Entropy Change in Magnetocaloric Materials With First-Order Phase Transition. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Magnetism Icm2009. Karlsruhe (Alemania). 2009. International Conference on Magnetism Icm2009. 376. 376
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Scaling Laws for the Magnetocaloric Effect in Second Order Phase Transitions: from Physics to Applications for the Characterization of Materials. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. 2009. 3d International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. 207. 215
Spichkin, Y. I., Zubkov, I, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Tishin, A. M.:
Universal Deltat(T) Curve: Application for Gadolinium and Tbco2. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. Des Moines, Iowa, USA. 2009. 3d International Conference on Magnetic Refrigeration At Room Temperature. 217. 221
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy in Nanocrystalline Alloys: Influence of Temperature and Interactions. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Materials Science & Technology . Pittsburgh (EEUU). 2009. Materials Science and Technology 2009. Dmmapptm-Tue16:00. Dmmapptm-Tue16:00
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization Effects on the Specific Heat of Fe-CO-Nb-B Amorphous Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. 9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Abstracts. 36. 36
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Field Dependence of the Magnetocaloric Effect Beyond the Mean Field Approach: a Universal Curve for the Magnetic Entropy Change. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Intermag Europe 2008. 2008. Intermag Europe 2008. Be-01. Be-01
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Influence of the Fe/B Ratio on the Magnetocaloric Response of Fe92-Xcr8bx (X=12, 15) Amorphous Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Intermag Europe 2008. 2008. Intermag Europe 2008. Gr-13. Gr-13
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Soft Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration: Field Dependence and a Universal Curve. Ponencia en Congreso. Moscow International Simposium on Magnetism. Moscú, Rusia. 2008. Moscow International Simposium on Magnetism. 395. 396
Vega, V., Prida, Víctor M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Sánchez Llamazares,J.L., Perez, M.J., et. al.:
Fepd Melt-Spun Ribbons and Nanowires: Fabrication and Magneto-Structural Properties. Ponencia en Congreso. Moscow International Simposium on Magnetism. Moscú, Rusia. 2008. Moscow International Simposium on Magnetism. 575. 576
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Influence of the Demagnetizing Field on the Determination of the Magnetocaloric Effect from Magnetization Curves. Ponencia en Congreso. 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Austin (EEUU). 2008. 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Hc-03. Hc-03
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kuzmin, M.D., Romero Enrique, Jose Manuel:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Materials With a Second Order Phase Transition: Are Tc and Tpeak Necessarily Coincident?. Poster en Congreso. 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Austin (EEUU). 2008. 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Cx-19. Cx-19
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference . Baltimore, Maryland (EEUU). 2007. 10th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. 42. 43
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Soft Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration: Field Dependence and a Universal Curve. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop Magnetostrictive Materials and Magnetic Refrigeration Mmmr07. Baden, Austria. 2007. Workshop Magnetostrictive Materials and Magnetic Refrigeration Mmmr07. 28. 29
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Efecto Magnetocalórico en Materiales Amorfos Magnéticamente Blandos: una Curva Maestra para la Variación de Entropía Magnética. Poster en Congreso. Xxxi. Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y 17º Encuentro Ibérico para la Enseñanza de la Física. Granada. 2007
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of Ge Addition on the Magnetocaloric Effect of a CO-Containing Nanoperm Type Alloy. Poster en Congreso. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2007. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 243. 243
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Magnetic Permeability of (Fecoge)88zr6b5cu1 Alloys: Thermal Stability in a Wide Temperature Range. Poster en Congreso. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2007. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 136. 136
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
The Universal Curve for the Magnetocaloric Effect: a Tool for the Characterization of Materials. Comunicación en congreso. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2007. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 31. 31
Prida, Víctor M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Pirota, Kleber R., Maia, A., Knobel, Marcelo, et. al.:
Magnetic Properties of Self-Assembled Metallic Nanowires in Nanoporous Templates. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Eastmag 2007 "Magnetism on a Nanoscale". Kazan, Rusia. 2007. Eastmag 2007 "Magnetism on a Nanoscale". 234. 234
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Thermal and Microstructural Dependence of the Initial Permeability of Co60fe18nb6(Bcu)16alloys. Poster en Congreso. European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference. Bilbao. 2006. 6th European Magnetic Sensors & Actuators Conference - Book of Abstracts and Notebook. 96. 96
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
High Temperature Coercivity of Nb Containing HITPERM Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. San Sebastián. 2006. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. 34. 34
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
Thermal and Microstructural Stability of the Soft Magnetic Fe60co18nb6b15cu1 Alloy. Poster en Congreso. Eigth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Gijón. 2006. Eigth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Wncs 2006. 38. 38
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Stoica, M., et. al.:
Refrigerant Capacity of Fecrmocugapcb Amorphous Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. San Sebastián. 2006. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. 166. 166
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Femobcu Alloys: Influence of B Content. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Varsovia (Polonia). 2006. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 158. 158
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Multimodal Grain Size Distributions Obtained from High Temperature Magnetization Curves: a Thermodynamical Approach to the Role of Anisotropy. Poster en Congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 17 Th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. 28. 28
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., et. al.:
Frequency Dependence of the Superparamagnetic Transition in a FINEMET-Type Nanocrystalline Alloy. Poster en Congreso. Seeheim Conference on Magnetism. Seeheim (Alemania). 2004. Second Seeheim Conference on Magnetism. 105. 105
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Permeability of HITPERM (Femn)Conbb(CU) Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. ICM 2003 International Conference on Magnetism, Roma 2003. 2003. International Conference on Magnetism ICM 2003 Roma. 619. 619
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influencia de la Anisotropía Residual en la Determinación del Tamaño de Partícula a Partir de Curvas de Imanación. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física . 2003
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Influence of the Manganese on the Magnetocaloric Effect in the Nanoperm- Type Alloys. Poster en Congreso. E-Mrs Fall Meeting 2009 (Varsovia (Polonia)). Varsovia (Polonia). 2003. E-Mrs Fall Meeting. 179. 179
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Krasnowski, M., et. al.:
Structure and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Nb-B Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Alloys Produced by Compaction of Mechanically Alloyed Powders. Poster en Congreso. E-Mrs Fall Meeting 2009 (Varsovia (Polonia)). Varsovia (Polonia). 2003. E-Mrs Fall Meeting. 169. 169
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetic Properties of Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Wokshop on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications. 2002. 2nd Workshop on Nanomaterials. P3.11. P3.11
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Microstructure of CO-Containing FINEMET and HITPERM Type Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Wokshop on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications. 2002. 2nd Workshop on Nanomaterials. P4.8. P4.8
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T, et. al.:
Transition to Superparamagnetism in a Cr-Containing FINEMET Alloy. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Intermag Europe 2002. Amsterdam. 2002. Intermag Europe 2002. Gc-01. Gc-01
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L. F.:
Influence of CU Addition on the Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of HITPERM Type Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Electronic Transport in Magnetic Nanogranular Systems. Torino, Italia. 2002. Electronic Transport in Magnetic Nanogranular Systems. 27. 27
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Evolución del Campo Coercitivo en Aleaciones Feconbb(CU). Poster en Congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001. XXVIII Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. 152. 153
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kaptas, D., et. al.:
Interacción Dipolar a Temperatura Ambiente en la Aleación Nanocristalina Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001. XXVIII Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. 150. 151
Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T, Vincze, I., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Low-Temperature Spin Freezing in Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bilbao. 2001. 15th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. E-39. E-39
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe78-Xcoxnb6b15cu1 (X = 18, 39, 60) Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bilbao. 2001. 15th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. E-25. E-25
Varga, L.K., Kakay, A., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Kovacs, Gy., Mazaleyrat, F.:
The Role of Internal and External Demagnetizing Effects in Nanocrystalline Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Intermag Conference. San Antonio (Texas). 2001. 8th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Intermag Conference. Ge-03. Ge-03
Kakay, A., Varga, L.K., Franco Garcia, Victorino:
Langevin Granulometry in Nanocrystalline Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Intermag Conference. San Antonio (Texas). 2001. 8th Joint Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - Intermag Conference. ER-06. ER-06
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Efecto de la Adición de Cr en las Propiedades de Aleaciones FINEMET. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 2001. I Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 93. 93
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
MO-Substituted FINEMET Alloys: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Bilbao, España. 2000. VI International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. T6-23. T6-23
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Devitrification of Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Nato-Asi on Properties and Applications of Amorphous Alloys. Sec (Rep. Checa). 2000. Nato-Asi on Properties and Applications of Amorphous Alloys. P1-2. P1-2
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy and Devitrification of Soft Magnetic Materials. Comunicación en congreso. Nato-Asi on Modern Trends in Magnetostriction Study and Application. Kyiv (Ukraine). 2000. Nato.asi on Modern Trends in Magnetostriction Study and Application. 7. 7
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Distribucion de Anisotropia Magnetica en una Aleacion Fesibcunb Sometida a Joule-Heating. Comunicación en congreso. VI Reunion Nacional de Materiales. San Sebastian, España. 1999
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Relacion Entre la Magnetoimpedancia y la Distribucion de Anisotropia Magnetica en una Aleacion Tipo FINEMET. Comunicación en congreso. VI Reunion Nacional de Materiales. San Sebastian, España. 1999
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Superparamagnetic Behaviour in a Fe76cu1nb3si10.5b9.5 Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. Balatonfüred (Hungría). 1999. 14th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. 120. 120
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Varga, B., Lovas, A.:
Thermomagnetic Study of Fe73.5-Xcrxsi13.5b9cu1nb3 (X=1,3,5,10) Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. Balatonfüred (Hungría). 1999. 14th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. 121. 121
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Nanocrystallization of a Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3 Alloy. Ponencia en Congreso. Magnetism of Nanostructured Phases Conference. San Sebastián. 1998. Magnetism of Nanostructured Phases Conference. 47. 47
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Amorphous-to-Nanocrystalline Transformation and Evolution of Magnetic Properties of FINEMET-Type Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Classical and Quantum Aspects of Disorder. Jyvaskyla (Finlandia). 1998. Workshop on Classical and Quantum Aspects of Disorder. 7. 7
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution and Exchange Coupling in a Fesibcunb Nanocrystalline Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. Nato-Asi on Muon Science. University of ST Andrews (Escocia). 1998. Nato-Asi on Muon Science. 21. 21
Houssa, R., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of a Fesib-Cunb Alloy Submitted to Joule-Heating. Comunicación en congreso. Magnetism of Nanostructured Phases Conference. San Sebastián. 1998. Magnetism of Nanostructured Phases Conference. 106. 106
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fesib-Xnb (X=pd,Pt) Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Santiago de Compostela. 1997. V International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. C05. C05
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization and Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution of a FINEMET-Type Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Nuevos Materiales. Grenoble. 1997. Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Nuevos Materiales. 22. 22
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Propiedades Magnéticas y Nanocristalización de una Aleación Fesibcunb. Comunicación en congreso. Reunion Nacional de Materiales. Cadiz. 1996. V Reunion Nacional de Materiales. 130. 130
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fe73.5cu1nb3si22.5-Xbx Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 1996. 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. 301. 301
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Soft magnetic materials for energy efficient refrigeration (Invitada). Ponencia en Congreso
Tishin, A. M., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Spichkin, Y. I., Zubkov, I:
The Method of Determination of the Temperature and Field Dependences of the Adiabatic Temperature Change With the Help of the Universal Curve. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-05-14
Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:
Yin, H.:
Effect of microstructure on magnetocaloric properties of high-entropy alloys. Tesis Doctoral. 2022
(Doctorando no grabado)
Methods for characterizing multiphase magnetocaloric materials. Tesis Doctoral. 2022
Caballero Flores, Rafael:
Efecto Magnetocalórico en Materiales con Transiciones de Fase de Segundo Orden. Tesis Doctoral. 2011
Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla.
Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla