Ficha personal - Clara Francisca Conde Amiano
Clara Francisca Conde Amiano
Telefono: 9545 50970
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0003-4156-6249
Perfil en WOS: P-9164-2015
Perfil en Scopus: 7102452006
Grupo de Investigación: Sólidos no Cristalinos
Departamento/Unidad: Física de la Materia Condensada
Situación profesional: Profesor Emérito
Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2021/FQM-121)
- Ayuda por aportaciones internacionales (PP2017-7732)
Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Proyecto de investigación:
- Transiciones de fase termo-magnéticas para un uso eficiente de la energía y de los recursos (P18-RT-746 - Equipo de Investigación)
- Influencia de excitaciones múltiples sobre transiciones de fase termomagnéticas para aplicaciones energéticas (US-1260179 - Equipo de Investigación)
- Modelado y Control de la Histéresis en Materiales Magnetocalóricos para Refrigeración y Conversión de Energía (MAT2016-77265-R - Equipo de Investigación)
- Materiales Magnéticos y Eficiencia Energética: Caracterización y Modelado (MAT2013-45165-P - Equipo de Investigación)
- MCE in amorphous and multiphase materials (2011-29 - Investigador)
- Propiedades Termomagnéticas de Materiales y Optimización de su Eficiencia Energética (MAT2010-20537 - Investigador)
- Materiales Magnéticos Blandos; su Optimización para un uso Eficiente de la Energía (P10-FQM-6462 - Investigador)
- Sistema de refrigeración magnética: optimización de materiales y diseño de un dispositivo (CIT-420000-2008-9 - Investigador)
- Microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas y nanopolvos (MAT2007-65227 - Investigador)
- Microestructura, propiedades magnéticas y aplicaciones de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas (P06-FQM-01823 - Investigador)
- Microestructura y comportamiento magnético de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas (MAT2004-04618 - Investigador)
- Microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones nanocristalinas basadas en Fe(Co) (MAT2001-3175 - Investigador)
- Influencia de cambios composicionales en la microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones nanocristalinas basadas en fesib (PB97-1119-CO2-01 - Investigador)
- Contrato con empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU):
- Characterization of Fe-based alloys (3116/0665 - Equipo Trabajo (Solicitud))
- MAGNETOCALORIC REESEARCH WITH VIBRATING SAMPLE MAGNETOMETERS: Algorithms for data analysis and development of new measuring protocols. (2116/0665 - Investigador)
- Physical Charecterization of Electrical Steels (2273/0665 - Investigador)
- Characterization of magnetocaloric materials (1873/0665 - Investigador)
- Characterization of the physical properties of materials (1973/0665 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- Optimization of Magnetocaloric Materials Towards Energy Efficient Applications (W911NF1920212 - Investigador)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2017/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2011/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2010/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2009/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2008/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2007/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2006/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-121 (2005/FQM-121 - Investigador)
- Interacciones magnéticas en nanocomposites (HH2004-0015 - Investigador)
- Estabilidad térmica y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones amorfas y nanocristalinas basadas en Fe y Co (HA2002-0077 - Investigador)
- Proyectos de Cooperación:
- Microestructura y propiedades magnéticas de aleaciones nanocristalinas y nanopolvos; aplicaciones (AECI/2002-005 - Investigador)
Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui
Capítulos en Libros
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:Nanocrystallization Process of the HITPERM Fe-CO-Nb-B Alloys. Pag. 111-121. En: Properties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors. Dordrecht, Holanda. Kluwer Academic. 2005. ISBN 1-4020-2963-2
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Chadwick, A.V., Morrison, G.:
EXAFS Studies of a Fesib-CU (Nb,MO) Alloy. Pag. 358-359. En: Synchrotron Radiation Scientific Reports. Daresbury. 1998
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Peña Rodriguez,Victor:
Nanocrystallization Kinetics Study of a Fesib-CU(Nbv) Alloy by Using Different Experimental Techniques. Pag. 290-295. En: Non-Crystalline and Nanoscale Materials. Singapore. 1998
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fesib-Xnb (X=pd,Pt) Alloys. Pag. 284-289. En: Non-Crystalline and Nanoscale Materials. Singapore. 1998
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fe73.5cu1nb3si22.5-Xbx. Pag. 254-257. En: Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. Holanda. 1997
Publicaciones en Revistas
A. Vidal Crespo, Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Martín Olalla, José María, Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, et. al.:Phase dependence of the thermal memory effect in polycrystalline ribbon and bulk Ni55Fe19Ga26 Heusler alloys. En: Intermetallics. 2025. Vol. 180. 10.1016/j.intermet.2025.108695
Martín Olalla, José María, A. Vidal Crespo, Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, et. al.:
Ultraslow calorimetric studies of the martensitic transformation of NiFeGa alloys: detection and analysis of avalanche phenomena. En: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2024. Vol. 149. Núm. 11. Pag. 5165-5176. 10.1007/s10973-024-13206-4
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Mechanical Alloying as a Way to Produce Metastable Single-Phase High-Entropy Alloys beyond the Stability Criteria. 2024. Vol. 14. Núm. 1. Pag. 1-21
A. Vidal Crespo, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
Study of stability and thermo-magnetic response of MnCoFeGeSi mechanically alloyed systems. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2024. Vol. 982. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.173787
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Kinetic analysis of non-isothermal volume melting processes by differential scanning calorimetry. En: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023. Vol. 148. Pag. 4307-4315.
A. Vidal Crespo, Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Svec Sr., Peter, et. al.:
Thermal arrest analysis of the reverse martensitic transformation in a Ni55Fe19Ga26 Heusler alloy obtained by melt-spinning. En: Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2023. Vol. 148. Núm. 6. Pag. 2367-2375. 10.1007/s10973-022-11889-1
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, A. Vidal Crespo, Kowalczyk, M, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, et. al.:
Reversibility and thermal dependence of the martensitic transformation in a melt-spun Ni55Fe17Ga26Co2 Heusler alloy. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. Vol. 946. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.169484
Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Kowalczyk, M, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Kulik, Tadeusz, et. al.:
Effect of thermal treatments below devitrification temperature on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in mechanically alloyed Fe70Zr30 powders. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2023. Vol. 609. 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122267
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Caballero Flores, Rafael, Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
A practical analysis for decelerated growth processes to get physically meaningful kinetic parameters from classical nucleation and growth theory despite of overgrowth. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2023. Vol. 610. 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2023.122305
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., García Pinto, Nicolás, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
A simple phenomenological model to describe stability of homogeneous solid solutions in high entropy alloys from metallic bonding potential. En: Materialia. 2023. Vol. 28. 10.1016/j.mtla.2023.101744
A. Vidal Crespo, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
On the order of magnetic transition in MnCo1-xFexGe (x = 0.20, 0.06 and 0.03) mechanical alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2023. Vol. 930. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.167381
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
A Review of Different Models Derived from Classical Kolmogorov, Johnson and Mehl, and Avrami (KJMA) Theory to Recover Physical Meaning in Solid-State Transformations. En: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Research. 2022. Vol. 259. Núm. 6. Pag. 2100524-1-2100524-21. 10.1002/pssb.202100524
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Kowalczyek, Maciej, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Comparative study of structural and magnetic properties of ribbon and bulk Ni55Fe19Ga26 Heusler alloy. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2022. Vol. 889. Núm. 161819.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., López Martín, Raúl, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Svec Sr., Peter, et. al.:
Kinetic analysis of the transformation from 14M martensite to L21 austenite in Ni-Fe-Ga melt spun ribbons. En: Metals. 2021. Vol. 11. Núm. 849. 10.3390/met11060849
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Gómez, Adrián, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Milling effects on the distribution of Curie temperatures and magnetic properties of Ni-doped La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 compounds. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. Vol. 848. Núm. 156566. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2020.156566
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Kowalczyk, Maciej, Wojcik, Anna, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Effect of pressure on the phase stability and magnetostructural transitions in nickel-rich NiFeGa ribbons. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. Vol. 844. Núm. 156092.
Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Corrección: Correction to "A procedure to obtain the parameters of curie temperature distribution from thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric data" orginally published as J. non-cryst. solids 520, 119,460 (2019). En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2020. Vol. 538. 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2020.120047
Manchón Gordón, A.F., López Martín, Raúl, Vidal Crespo, Antonio, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Distribution of transition temperatures in magnetic transformation: sources, effects and procedures to extract information from experimental data. En: Metals. 2020. Vol. 10. Núm. 2.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Study of the kinetics and products of the devitrification process of mechanically amorphized Fe70Zr30 alloy. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020. Vol. 825. Núm. 154021.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of milling time on the homogeneity and magnetism of Fe70Zr30 partially amorphous alloy: distribution of Curie temperatures. En: Materials. 2020. Vol. 13. Núm. 2.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Svec, Peter, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Kowalczyk, Maciej, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Devitrification of mechanically alloyed Fe-Nb system: Mossbauer study of the intermetallic phases. En: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science. 2020. Vol. 51. Pag. 1395-1401.
Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
A procedure to obtain the parameters of Curie temperature distribution from thermomagnetic and magnetocaloric data. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2019. Vol. 520. Núm. 119460.
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
On the Use of JMAK Theory to Describe Mechanical Amorphization: A Comparison between Experiments, Numerical Solutions and Simulations. En: Metals. 2018. Vol. 8. Núm. 6. 10.3390/met8060450
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Kinetics of mechanical amorphization: comparison between experiments, numerical solutions and simulations. En: Metals. 2018. Vol. 8. Núm. 6.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Correction of the shape effect on magnetic entropy change in ball milled Fe70Zr30 alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2018. Vol. 765. Pag. 437-443.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Evolution of Fe environments and phase composition during mechanical amorphization of Fe70Zr30 and Fe70Nb30. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2018. Vol. 494. Pag. 78-85.
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization kinetics understood as multiple microprocesses following the classical theory of crystallization. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2016. Vol. 675. Pag. 81-85. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.03.087
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Lozano Pérez, Sergio, et. al.:
Analysis of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Powder Samples Obtained by Ball Milling. En: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E. 2015. Vol. 2. Pag. 131-138. 10.1007/s40553-015-0050-0
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
On the use of classical JMAK crystallization kinetic theory to describe simultaneous processes leading to the formation of different phases in metals. En: International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2015. Vol. 88. Pag. 1-6. 10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2014.09.004
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Extracting the composition of nanocrystals of mechanically alloyed systems using Mossbauer spectroscopy. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 610. Pag. 92-99. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.04.195
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, et. al.:
Relationship between mechanical amorphization and boron integration during processing of FeNbB alloys. En: Intermetallics. 2014. Vol. 49. Pag. 98-105. 10.1016/j.intermet.2014.01.018
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Cabrera, D., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Crystallization kinetics and soft magnetic properties in metalloid-free (FeCo)90Zr10 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 615. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.095
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Evolution of Fe environments in mechanically alloyed Fe-Nb-(B) compositions. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 615. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.11.118
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Lozano Perez, S., Kim, J. S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Structural relaxation in Fe(Co)SiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2014. Vol. 584. Pag. 607-610. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.09.074
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Extension of the classical theory of crystallization to non-isothermal regimes: Application to nanocrystallization processes. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2012. Vol. 544. Pag. 73-81. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.08.002
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Analysis of nanocrystallization kinetics and crystal size distribution under limited growth approach. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2012. Vol. 536S1. Pag. 550-553. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.11.109
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Comparison of equivalent ball milling processes on Fe70Zr30 and Fe70Nb30. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2012. Vol. 536. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2011.11.084
Kiss, L.F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Csontos, M, Peter, L, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Analysis of the Magnetoresistance Contributions in a Nanocrystallized Cr-Doped FINEMET Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2011. Vol. 323. Pag. 699-707
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
Magnetic and Structural Characterization of MO-HITPERM Alloys With Different Fe/CO Ratio. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011. Vol. 509. Pag. 1994-2000
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Cellular Automata Simulations on Nanocrystallization Processes: from Instantaneous Growth Approximation to Limited Growth. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2011. Vol. 357. Pag. 2833-2839
Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Two Milling Time Regimes in the Evolution of Magnetic Anisotropy of Mechanically Alloyed Soft Magnetic Powders. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2011. Vol. 509. Pag. 1407-1410. 10.1016/j.jallcom.2010.10.207
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization Kinetics Under Instantaneous Growth Approximation: Experiments and Cellular Automata Simulations. En: Physica status solidi. A, Applied research. 2010. Vol. 207. Pag. 1148-1153
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nucleation Rate and Nanocrystallization of Co60-(Fe,Mn)18-Nb6-B16 Amorphous Alloys in the Frame of Instantaneous Growth Approximation. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2010. Vol. 505. Pag. 91-96
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Lozano Perez,Sergio, et. al.:
Preferential CO Partitioning to [alpha]-Fe in Nanocrystalline Cofenbb Alloys by Mn Addition. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2009. Vol. 355. Núm. 2. Pag. 109-113
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
Correlation Between Microstructure and Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Properties in Fe60co18(Nb,Zr)6b15cu1 Alloy Series. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2009. Vol. 105. Pag. 093928-1-093928-8
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Latuch, J, et. al.:
Specific Heat Measurements on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Al88y5ni5co2. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009. Vol. 478. Pag. 19-21
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Magnetic Permeability of (Fecoge)88 Zr6 B5 Cu1 Alloys: Thermal Stability in a Wide Temperature Range. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2008. Vol. 103. Núm. 7. Pag. 07E721-1-07E721-3
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Instantaneous Growth Approximation Describing the Nanocrystallization Process of Amorphous Alloys: a Cellular Automata Model. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. Vol. 354. Núm. 30. Pag. 3597-3605
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, et. al.:
Nanocrystallization Effects on the Specific Heat of Fe-CO-Nb-B Amorphous Alloy. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. Vol. 354. Núm. 47-51. Pag. 5135-5137
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
High Temperature Coercivity of Nb-Containing HITPERM Alloys: Effect of CU Addition. En: Materials Letters. 2008. Vol. 62. Núm. 4-5. Pag. 780-783
Benaini, H, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Kinetic and Microstructural Studies on the Devitrification of Fe60-Xco18mnxnb6b16 Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2008. Vol. 454. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 156-163
Benaini, H, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
Influence of Mn Content on the Microstructure and Hyperfine Interaction Parameters of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline HITPERM-Type Fecomnnbb Alloys. En: Reviews on Advanced Materials Science. 2008. Vol. 18. Núm. 6. Pag. 549-552
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of MO Containing Nanoperm-Type Alloys. En: Reviews on Advanced Materials Science. 2008. Vol. 18. Núm. 6. Pag. 565-571
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Enhanced Magnetocaloric Response in Cr/MO Containing Nanoperm-Type Amorphous Alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2007. Vol. 90. Núm. 5. Pag. 052509-1-052509-3
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric Effect in Mn-Containing HITPERM-Type Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 102. Núm. 1. Pag. 013908-1-013908-4
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
A Constant Magnetocaloric Response in Femocub Amorphous Alloys With Different Fe/B Ratios. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 101. Núm. 9. Pag. 093903-1-093903-5
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2007. Vol. 101. Núm. 9. Pag. 1-3
Paluga, M., Svec, P, Janickovic, D, Mrafko, P., Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Surface Morphology in Amorphous Fe-MO-CU-B Ribbon System. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2007. Vol. 353. Núm. 18-21. Pag. 2039-2044
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
Thermal and Microstructural Stability of the Soft Magnetic Fe60co18nb6b15cu1 Alloy. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2007. Vol. 353. Núm. 8-10. Pag. 872-874
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Thermal and Microstructural Dependence of the Initial Permeability of Co60fe18nb6(B,CU)16 Alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007. Vol. 431. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 100-106
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kulik, T:
A Direct Extension of the Avrami Equation to Describe the Non-Isothermal Crystallization of al-Base Alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007. Vol. 434-435. Núm. SPEC.ISS. Pag. 187-189
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystalline Fe-Nb-(B,Ge) Alloys from Ball Milling: Microstructure, Thermal Stability and Magnetic Properties. En: Intermetallics. 2007. Vol. 15. Núm. 10. Pag. 1351-1360
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S.:
Structural Ordering and Magnetic Properties of Arc-Melted Fega Alloys. En: Intermetallics. 2007. Vol. 15. Núm. 2. Pag. 193-200
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Femobcu Alloys: Influence of B Content. En: Acta Materialia. 2007. Vol. 55. Núm. 17. Pag. 5675-5683
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
On the Isothermal Kinetics Analysis of Transformations in Metastable Systems: Combined Use of Isothermal and Non-Isothermal Calorimetry. En: Philosophical Magazine (London, 2003). 2007. Vol. 87. Núm. 27. Pag. 4151-4167
Vlasak, G, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Janickovic, D, Svec, P:
Magnetostriction Measurements of (Fe-CO)-MO-CU-B Alloys With Varying Atomic Fe/CO Ratio: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched & Metastable Materials. En: Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 2007. Vol. 449-451. Pag. 464-467
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mean Magnetic Moment of Superparamagnetic Polydisperse Nanoparticles: Correlation Between Grain Size and Magnetic Moment Distributions. En: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2007. Vol. 7. Pag. 1043-1051
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
A FINEMET-Type Alloy As a Low-Cost Candidate for High-Temperature Magnetic Refrigeration. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2006. Vol. 88. Núm. 4. Pag. 042505.1-042505.3
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Stoica, M., Roth, S., et. al.:
Crystallization Behavior and Magnetic Properties of CU-Containing Fe-Cr-MO-GA-P-C-B Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. Vol. 100. Núm. 4. Pag. 043515-1-043515-6
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Stoica, M., et. al.:
Refrigerant Capacity of Fecrmocugapcb Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2006. Vol. 100. Núm. 8. Pag. 083903-1-083903-4
Vlasak, G, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Janickovic, D, Svec, P:
Measurements of Magnetostriction of Paramagnetic Fe-MO-CU-B Metallic Glasses. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006. Vol. 304. Núm. 2
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S., Güth, a:
Effects of High Temperature Treatments in Air and Argon on the Magnetic Properties of HITPERM Alloys: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Soft Magnetic Materials. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006. Vol. 304. Núm. 2
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Janickovic, D, Svec, P:
Composition Dependence of Curie Temperature and Microstructure in Amorphous Fe-CO-MO-CU-B Metallic Glasses: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Soft Magnetic Materials. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2006. Vol. 304. Núm. 2
Kepaptzoglou, D. M., Paluga, M., Deanko, M., Müller, D., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Peculiarities of Nanocrystals Formation in Rapidly Quenched (Feco)Mocub Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Microscopy. 2006. Vol. 223. Pag. 288-291
Paluga, M., Mrafko,, P., Svec, P., Janickovic, D., Illekova, E., et. al.:
The Effect of Substitution of Fe By Co on Rapidly Quenched (FeCo)MoCuB Amorphous Alloys. En: Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2005. Vol. 4. Núm. 2. Pag. 63-66
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S.:
Detection of the Onset of Nanocrystallization by Calorimetric and Magnetic Measurements. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2005. Vol. 97. Núm. 4. Pag. 044308.1-044308.4
Traverse, a, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kumar, Golden, et. al.:
Study of the Short-Range Order of Fecosialgapcb Amorphous Alloys by EXAFS Spectroscopy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2005. Vol. 290-291. Núm. PART 2. Pag. 1593-1596
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, Jean Marc:
Effects of the Heating Rate on the Microstructure and the Thermal Stability of Feconbb(CU) Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2005. Vol. 397. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 173-178
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Non-Isothermal Approach to Isokinetic Crystallization Processes: Application to the Nanocrystallization of HITPERM Alloys. En: Acta Materialia. 2005. Vol. 53. Núm. 8. Pag. 2305-2311
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Relationship Between Coercivity and Magnetic Moment of Superparamagnetic Particles With Dipolar Interaction. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2005. Vol. 72. Pag. 1-10
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S., Eckert, J., et. al.:
Mossbauer Study of Fecosialgapcb Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2004. Vol. 95. Núm. 8. Pag. 4151-4156
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., et. al.:
Frequency Dependence of the Superparamagnetic Transition in a FINEMET-Type Nanocrystalline Alloy. En: Physica status solidi. A, Applied research. 2004. Vol. 201. Núm. 15. Pag. 3314-3318
Varga, L.K., Kovacs, Gy., Kakay, A., Mazaleyrat, F., Gercsi, Zs., et. al.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe85-Xcoxnb5b8p2 High Temperature Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2004. Vol. 272-276. Núm. PART 2. Pag. 1506-1507
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
Influence of Mn and CU Addition on the Hyperfine Parameters of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Feconbb Alloys. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2004. Vol. 370. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 36-42
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Permeability of HITPERM (Femn)Conbb(CU) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2004. Vol. 272-76. Pag. 1430-1432
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, Ochin, P:
Influence of the Addition of Mn and CU on the Nanocrystallization Process of HITPERM Fe-CO-Nb-B Alloys. En: Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 2004. Vol. 375-77. Pag. 718-721
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and CU-Clustering in HITPERM Alloys. En: Archives of Materials Science. 2004. Vol. 25. Núm. 4. Pag. 407-413
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Kinetics of Nanocrystallization in Feconbb(CU) Alloys. En: Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing. 2003. Vol. 76. Núm. 4. Pag. 571-575
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
On the Effects of Partial Substitution of CO for Fe in FINEMET and Nb-Containing HITPERM Alloys. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2003. Vol. 15. Núm. 23. Pag. 3957-3968
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe78-Xcoxnb6b15cu1 (X=18, 39, 60) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2003. Vol. 254-255. Pag. 460-462
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T:
Transition to Superparamagnetism in a Cr-Containing FINEMET- Type Alloy. En: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2002. Vol. 38. Núm. 5. Pag. 3069-3074
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S., Grahl, H., et. al.:
Glass-Forming Ability and Crystallization Behavior of Co62-Xfexnb6zr2b30 (X=0,16) Amorphous Alloys With Large Supercooled Liquid Region. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2002. Vol. 92. Núm. 11. Pag. 6607-6611
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
Microstructural Properties of (Fe, CO)Sibcunb Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2002. Vol. 14. Núm. 4. Pag. 883-893
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T, Vincze, I., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
High-Temperature Evolution of Coercivity in Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2002. Vol. 66. Pag. 224418-1-224418-8
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Thermomagnetic Detection of Recrystallization in Feconbbcu Nanocrystalline Alloys. En: Applied Physics Letters. 2001. Vol. 79. Núm. 18. Pag. 2898-2900
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kaptas, D., et. al.:
Dipole-Dipole Interaction in Superparamagnetic Nanocrystalline Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2001. Vol. 90. Núm. 3. Pag. 1558-1563
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
Crystallization of CO-Containing FINEMET Alloys. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2001. Vol. 287. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 120-124
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallisation Process in (Feco)78nb6(Bcu)16 Alloys. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2001. Vol. 287. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 187-192
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
MO-Containing FINEMET Alloys: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2001. Vol. 287. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 366-369
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Structural Relaxation Processes in Fesib-CU(Nb, X), X = MO, V, Zr, Nb Glassy Alloys. En: Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 2001. Vol. 304. Pag. 491-494
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Mandecki, Z., Filipecki, J., Jackubczyk, E.:
Crystallization of Nixfe78-Xsi9b13 Amorphous Alloys. En: Journal of Materials Science Letters. 2000. Vol. 19. Núm. 8. Pag. 689-691
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Thermomagnetic Study of Devitrification in Fe-Si-B-CU-Nb(-X) Alloys. En: Philosophical Magazine Letters. 2000. Vol. 80. Núm. 5. Pag. 359-365
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Peña Rodriguez,Victor, Greneche, J.M.:
Devitrification Process of Fesibcubbx Nanocrystalline Alloys: Mossbauer Study of the Intergranular Phase. En: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2000. Vol. 12. Núm. 37. Pag. 8089-8100
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Varga, Bela, Lovas, A.:
Thermomagnetic Study of Fe/Sub 73.5-X/Cr/Sub X/Si/Sub 13.5/B/Sub 9/CU/Sub 1/Nb/Sub 3/ (X=1, 3, 5, 10) Alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2000. Núm. 215-216. Pag. 404-406
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Superparamagnetic Behaviour in an Fe/Sub 76/CU/Sub 1/Nb/Sub 3/Si/Sub 10.5/B/Sub 9.5/ Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2000. Núm. 215-216. Pag. 400-403
Prados, Celso, Multigner, Marta, Hernando Grande,Antonio, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
Dependence of Exchange Anisotropy and Coercivity on the Fe- Oxide Structure in Oxygen-Passivated Fe Nanoparticles. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 1999. Vol. 85. Núm. 8. Pag. 6118-6120
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Nanocrystallization of a Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3 Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1999. Vol. 203. Pag. 60-62
Del Riego, L., El Ghannami, Mohamed, Dominguez de la Vega, Manuel, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Superparamagnetic Behaviour of a Nanocrystalline Fe(Crmo)Sibcunb Alloy. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1999. Vol. 196-197. Pag. 201-203
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Effect of the Si/B Ratio on the Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution of Fe73.5si22.5-Xbxcu1nb3 (X = 7, 9, 16) Alloys Along Nanocrystallization. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 1998. Vol. 84. Núm. 9. Pag. 5108-5113
Filipecki, J., Mandecki, Z., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization of (Fe, CO)(78)Si9b13 Alloys: Influence of Relaxation Processes. En: Journal of Materials Science. 1998. Vol. 33. Núm. 8. Pag. 2171-2177
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Changes in Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution During Structural Evolution of Fe76si10.5b9.5cu1nb3. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1998. Vol. 185. Núm. 3. Pag. 353-359
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Capitán, M.J., et. al.:
An in Situ Synchrotron Study of Nanocrystallization in (Fe, Cr)-Si-B(-CU-Nb) Alloys. En: Philosophical Magazine Letters. 1998. Vol. 78. Núm. 3. Pag. 221-227
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Capitán, M.J., et. al.:
Nanocrystallization in Fe73.5si13.5b9cu1nb1x2 (X = Nb, MO and V) Alloys Studied by X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation. En: Nanostructured Materials. 1998. Vol. 10. Núm. 4. Pag. 575-583
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Chadwick, A.V., Morrison, G.:
X-Ray Absorption Studies of a FINEMET Alloy. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 1998. Vol. 232-234. Pag. 352-357
Del Bianco, Laura, Hernando Grande,Antonio, Multigner, Marta, Prados, Celso, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Evidence of Spin Disorder At the Surface-Core Interface of Oxygen Passivated Fe Nanoparticles. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 1998. Pag. 2189-2192
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization Behaviour of Fesib-Xnb (X=pd, Pt) Alloys. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 1998. Vol. 232-234. Pag. 346-351
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization Behaviour of (Fe,CO)Sib-Cunb Alloys. En: Materials Science Forum. 1998. Núm. 269-272. Pag. 719-724
Filipecki, J., Mandecki, Z., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization Processes of the Fe73.5cu1nb3si12.5b8 Alloy. En: Science. 1998. Pag. 101-103
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of MO Addition in the Crystallization of Fe-Si-B-CU-Nb Alloys. En: Philosophical Magazine. B. Physics of Condensed Matter. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties. 1997. Vol. 76. Núm. 4. Pag. 489-493
Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Justo Erbez, Angel Javier, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Preparation and Thermal Evolution of Vapour-Condensed Nanocrystalline Iron. En: Philosophical Magazine. B. Physics of Condensed Matter. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties. 1997. Vol. 76. Núm. 4. Pag. 663-667
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Propiedades Magneticas y Nanocristalizacion de una Aleacion Fesibcanb. En: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 1997. Vol. 36. Núm. 2-3. Pag. 185-188
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Efecto de la Adicion de Cr y MO en la Desvitrificacion y Propiedades Magneticas de Aleaciones Fesibcunb. En: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio. 1997. Vol. 36. Núm. 2-3. Pag. 189-191
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Capitán, M.J., et. al.:
X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Study of the Nanocrystallization in Fesibcu(Nbx) Alloys. En: Revue Metall. 1997. Pag. 129-129
Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Morant, C, et. al.:
The Melting Behavior of Passivated Nanocrystalline Aluminum. En: Nanostructured Materials. 1996. Vol. 7. Núm. 8. Pag. 813-822
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructural evolution of finemet type alloys with chromium - an electron-microscopy study Añadir: En: Journal of Materials Science. 1995. Vol. 30. Núm. 14. Pag. 3591-3597. 10.1007/Bf00351870
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Amorphous to nanocrystalline transformation of a FINEMET-type alloy. En: Materials Science Forum. 1995. Vol. 179. Pag. 581-586. 10.4028/
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructural evolution of finemet type alloys with chromium - an electron-microscopy study. En: Journal of Materials Science. 1995. Vol. 30. Núm. 14. Pag. 3591-3597. 10.1007/Bf00351870
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization behavior of amorphous Fe74Cu1Nb3Si10B12. En: Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 1995. Vol. 193. Pag. 498-502. 2-s2.0-5844279989
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization in Fe73.5Cu1Nb3(Si,B)(22.5) alloys: Influence of the Si/B content. En: Nanostructured Materials. 1995. Vol. 6. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 457-460. 10.1016/0965-9773(95)00095-X
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Thermomagnetic study of devitrification in nanocrystalline Fe(Cr)SiB-CuNb alloys. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1994. Vol. 138. Núm. 3. Pag. 314-318. 10.1016/0304-8853(94)90053-1
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization of a finemet-type alloy - nanocrystallization kinetics. 1994. Vol. 21. Núm. 5-6. Pag. 409-414. 10.1016/0167-577x(94)90251-8
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Crystallization Behaviour of an Fe77Co2B18Si3 Glass. En: Key Engineering Materials. 1993. Vol. 81. Núm. 3. Pag. 311-316
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization Behaviour of an Fe77Co2B18Si3 Glass. En: Key Engineering Materials. 1993. Vol. 81. Núm. 3. Pag. 311-316
Chen, Dx, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Miranda Gonzalez, Hipolito, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Room-temperature perminvar effect and wide domain-walls in nearly-zero magnetostrictive amorphous ribbons. En: Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1992. Vol. 111. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 135-145. 10.1016/0304-8853(92)91067-4
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Miranda Gonzalez, Hipolito, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Annealing effects on the curie-temperature of a Fe77Cr2B16Si5 glass. 1991. Vol. 10. Núm. 11-12. Pag. 501-503. 10.1016/0167-577x(91)90216-S
Mancera, M., Rodriguez, E., Roffe, I., Leal Galbis, Juan, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Nota: Stereoselective synthesis of nitropyrazolines - 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of diazoalkanes to (e)-4,5,6,7,8-penta-o-acetyl-1,2,3-trideoxy-2-c-nitro-d-manno-oct-2-enitol. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1991. Vol. 210. Pag. 327-332. 10.1016/0008-6215(91)80133-8
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Miranda Gonzalez, Hipolito, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization behavior of Ni63Co17B13Si7 alloy. En: Materials Letters. 1989. Vol. 8. Núm. 10. Pag. 400-404. 10.1016/0167-577x(89)90060-8
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Miranda Gonzalez, Hipolito, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Non-isothermal crystallization and isothermal transformation kinetics of the Ni68.5Cr14.5P17 metallic glass. En: Journal of Materials Science. 1989. Vol. 24. Núm. 1. Pag. 139-142. 10.1007/Bf00660945
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Structure of 1-methyl-5-(d-galacto-1,2,3,4,5-pentaacetoxypentyl)-3-phenylpyrazole. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1989. Vol. 45. Pag. 1894-1897. 10.1107/S0108270189003690
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Miranda Gonzalez, Hipolito, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Time-scaling and crystallization kinetics of 3 Fe-B-based metallic glasses. En: Journal of Materials Science. 1989. Vol. 24. Núm. 5. Pag. 1862-1866. 10.1007/Bf01105716
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
X-ray structure of a (d-galacto-pentaacetoxypentyl)pyrazoline. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1989. Vol. 45. Pag. 1563-1565. 10.1107/S0108270189002052
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Miranda, H., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
Crystallization kinetics of amorphous Fe81B13.5Si3.5C2 alloy. En: Journal of Materials Science Letters. 1987. Vol. 6. Núm. 3. Pag. 257-259. 10.1007/Bf01729318
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
Structure of 5-(beta-d-glucopyranosyl)barbituric acid trihydrate. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1987. Vol. 43. Pag. 1138-1142
Miranda, H., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
Crystallization kinetics of Fe79B13Si8 metallic glass. 1986. Vol. 4. Núm. 4. Pag. 226-228. 10.1016/0167-577x(86)90103-5
Miranda, H., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Márquez, R.:
On the crystallization of Fe77B16Si5Cr2 alloy. En: Materials Letters. 1986. Vol. 4. Núm. 10. Pag. 442-446. 10.1016/0167-577x(86)90116-3
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
X-ray structure and thermal motion of barium n-dithiocarboxylatoglycinate trihydrate. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1986. Vol. 42. Pag. 286-289. 10.1107/S0108270186096464
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Structure of 5-beta-d-galactopyranosyl-1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid monohydrate, C12H18N2O8.H2O. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1985. Vol. 41. Núm. FEB. Pag. 274-277. 10.1107/S0108270185003602
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
Structure and absolute configuration of 1'-(p-bromophenyl)-3'-ethyl-1',3',4',5'-tetrahydro-1,2-dideoxy-[alpha]-L-glucofuranoso[2,1-d]imidazole-2'-thione monohydrate, C15H19BrN2O4S.H2O. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1985. Vol. 41. Núm. FEB. Pag. 277-280. 10.1107/S0108270185003614
Cumbrera, Fl, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
On the crystallization of electrodeposited Co-P amorphous-alloys. En: Journal of Materials Science Letters. 1985. Vol. 4. Núm. 1. Pag. 43-47. 10.1007/Bf00719892
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
Structure of 5-beta-d-galactopyranosyl-1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid monohydrate, C12H18N2O8.H2O. 1985. Vol. 41. Núm. FEB. Pag. 274-277. 10.1107/S0108270185003602
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R :
X-ray structure and molecular-packing analysis of 1'-para-bromophenyl)-3'-ethyl-1',3',4',5'-tetrahydro-1,2-dideoxy-d-glycero-alpha-d-galacto-heptofuranoso[2,1-d]imidazole-2'-thione monohydrate. En: Acta Crystallographica. Section C: Crystal Structure Communications. 1985. Vol. 41. Núm. NOV. Pag. 1658-1662. 10.1107/S0108270185008939
10.1007/Bf00721466, Fl, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
On the crystallization of Fe67Co18Si1B14 metallic glass. 1983. Vol. 2. Núm. 9. Pag. 499-502. 10.1007/Bf00721466
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R:
Structure of ethyl 4-(alpha-d-erythrofuranosyl)-1,2-dimethyl-3-pyrrolecarboxylate, C13H19NO5. 1983. Vol. 39. Núm. JAN. Pag. 120-122. 10.1107/S0108270183003820
Vandyck, V., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Amelinckx, S.:
The diffraction pattern of crystals presenting a digenite type of disorder .2. The structure of the digenite-related phases derived by means of the cluster theory. En: Physica status solidi. A, Applied research. 1980. Vol. 58. Núm. 2. Pag. 451-468. 10.1002/pssa.2210580216
Vandyck, D., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Amelinckx, S.:
Diffraction pattern of crystals presenting a digenite type of disorder .1. Theoretical considerations. En: Physica status solidi. A, Applied research. 1979. Vol. 56. Núm. 1. Pag. 327-334. 10.1002/pssa.2210560136
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Manolikas, C., Vandyck, D, Delavignette, P, Vanlanduyt, J, et. al.:
Electron microscopic study of digenite-related phases (Cu2-xS). En: Materials Research Bulletin. 1978. Vol. 13. Núm. 10. Pag. 1055-1063. 10.1016/0025-5408(78)90171-X
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Dominguezrodriguez, A., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Marquez, R.:
Microhardness tests in nickel-oxide single-crystals. En: Physica status solidi. A, Applied research. 1976. Vol. 33. Núm. 2. 10.1002/pssa.2210330154
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
X-ray structure and molecular-packing analysis of 1'-para-bromophenyl)-3'-ethyl-1',3',4',5'-tetrahydro-1,2-dideoxy-d-glycero-alpha-d-galacto-heptofuranoso[2,1-d]imidazole-2'-thione monohydrate
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
X-ray structure and thermal motion of barium n-dithiocarboxylatoglycinate trihydrate Año: 1986
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Analysis of nanocrystallization kinetics and crystal size distribution under limited growth approach. Vol. 536
Aportaciones a Congresos
A. Vidal Crespo, Martín Olalla, José María, Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, et. al.:Microstructure and high sensitive thermal analysis in Ni55Fe19Ga26: influence of martensitic structure in the thermal avalanches. Ponencia en Congreso. 16th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis. - Oporto, Portugal. 2023
A. Vidal Crespo, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Romero Landa, Francisco Javier, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Thermo-magnetic analysis of MnCo(Fe)Ge(Si) mechanically alloyed systems. Poster en Congreso. 16th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis. - Oporto, Portugal. 2023
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Volume Melting Analyzed by Non Isothermal Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Ponencia en Congreso. Virtual Intercontinental Assembly on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (VIACTA2022). Online. 2022
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Devitrification Kinetics and Magnetic Properties in Mechanically Alloyed Fe-based Binary Amorphous Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Virtual Intercontinental Assembly on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (VIACTA2022). Online. 2022
Caballero Flores, Rafael, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Correction of Classical Kolmogorov Johnson-Mehl-Avrami Theory for Decelerated Growth Processes. Ponencia en Congreso. Virtual Intercontinental Assembly on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (VIACTA2022). Online. 2022
A. Vidal Crespo, Manchón, Alejandro Fernando, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Effects of Thermal Treatments on Reversal Martensitic Transformation in Ni-Fe-Ga(Co) Melt-Spun Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Virtual Intercontinental Assembly on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (VIACTA2022). Online. 2022
A. Vidal Crespo, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Stabilization of magnetocaloric austenite and high entropy phases from MnCo0.8Fe0.2Ge1-xSix mechanically alloyed precursors. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th International Conference On Mechanochemistry And Mechanical Alloying, INCOME 2022. Cagliari, (Italia). 2022
A. Vidal Crespo, Caballero Flores, Rafael, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
MnCo(Fe)Ge-type magnetocaloric systems obtained from amorphous mechanical alloys. Poster en Congreso. XIII European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference. , - Madrid., España. 2022
A. Vidal Crespo, Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Atomic ordering in bcc high entropy Mn(CoFe)(GeSi) alloy determined by mössbauer spectroscopy. Ponencia en Congreso. 2nd Iberian Meeting on Mössbauer Spectroscopy. - Coimbra, PORTUGAL. 2022
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, Jean:
Mössbauer studies of Fe and Co-based monocrystalline and multicomponent amorphous alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. ACS Fall 2021. - Atlanta, ATLANTA (GEORGIA); ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA. 2021
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Two examples of Mössbauer research lines in the University of Sevilla: compositional determination of nanosized microstructural units and kinetic studies on milling induced transformation. Comunicación en congreso. Iberian Meeting on Mössbauer Spectroscopy. Bilbao. 2019
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Svec, Peter, Kowalczyk, Maciej, Ferenc, Jaroslaw, et. al.:
Microstructure, magnetic properties and local Fe environments evolution in melt spun NiFeGa ribbons. Poster en Congreso. 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Poznan (Polonia). 2019
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of milling time on the magnetic properties of Fe70Zr30 amorphous alloy. Poster en Congreso. 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Poznan (Polonia). 2019
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Kinetics of mechanical amorphization: effective Avrami exponents (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. MS&T18, Materials Science & Technology. Columbus, Ohio, USA. 2018
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Manchón Gordón, A.F., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetocaloric effect in Heusler alloys derived from cellular automata simulations. Ponencia en Congreso. MS&T18, Materials Science & Technology. Columbus, Ohio, USA. 2018
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Experimental study of Curie temperature distributions on mechanically alloyed Fe70Zr30 systems: effect on magnetocaloric response and magnetic properties. Ponencia en Congreso. 25th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials. Roma, Italia. 2018
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mössbauer study of the kinetics of mechanical amorphization in Fe70Zr30. Ponencia en Congreso. Income 2017. Kosice (Eslovaquia). 2017
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Moreno Ramírez, Luis Miguel, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Magnetocaloric response and critical exponents of Fe70Zr30 mechanically alloyed systems. Poster en Congreso. 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference 2017. Sevilla, España. 2017
Manchón Gordón, A.F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Non-isothermal nanocrystallization kinetics of FINEMET type alloys using a direct extension of JMAK theory. Poster en Congreso. Materials Science & Technology. Salt Lake City, EE.UU. 2016
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Lozano Pérez, S., Kim, J.s., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., et. al.:
Cu-clustering on multicomponent soft magnetic FeCrMoCuGaPCB alloys. Poster en Congreso. 22th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Sao Paulo, Brasil. 2015
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Compositional distribution of nanocrystalline phases developed by mechanical alloying using Mössbauer spectroscopy (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. Income 2014. Cracovia, Polonia. 2014
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Mechanical alloying as an effective method to produce soft magnetic amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Enthalpy relaxation and Curie temperature behaviour in Fe(Co)SiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys upon low temperature annealing. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Cabrera, David, Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Development of metalloid free amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys for high temperature applications as soft magnets. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Evolution of Fe environments in mechanical alloyed Fe-Nb-(B) compositions. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Mechanical alloying as an effective method to produce soft magnetic amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013). Turín, Italia. 2013
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Transferencia de energía en los molinos planetarios. Poster en Congreso. VII Reunion Grupo Especializado de Fisica de Estado Solido. 2012
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Analysis of nanocrystallization kinetics and crystal size distribution under limited growth approach. Ponencia en Congreso. 18th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructures Materials (ISMANAM 2011). Gijón, España. 2011
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Ipus Bados, Jhon Jairo, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Comparison of equivalent ball milling processes on Fe70Zr30 and Fe70Nb30. Poster en Congreso. 18th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructures Materials (ISMANAM 2011). Gijón, España. 2011
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystalline Nucleation Rate for Co60-(Fe,Mn)18-Nb6-B16 Amorphous Alloys in the Frame of Instantaneous Growth Approximation. Poster en Congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Barcelona (España). 2010. Tenth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. 69. 69
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nucleation Rates in Nanocrystallization Process of Fecrmocugapcb Amorphous Alloys. Poster en Congreso. XVII International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Zurich, Suiza. 2010. XVII International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam 2010). 142. 142
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Cellular Automata Simulations on Nanocrystallization Processes: from Instantaneous Growth Approximation to Limited Growth. Ponencia en Congreso. XVII International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Zurich, Suiza. 2010. XVII International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam 2010). 113. 113
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Estudio de la Cinética de Nanocristalización Bajo la Aproximación de Crecimiento Instantáneo. Poster en Congreso. XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ciudad Real. 2009
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
Magnetic and Structural Characterization of MO-HITPERM Alloys With Different Fe/CO Ratio. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on the Applications of the Mössbauer Effect. Viena, Austria. 2009. Icame 2009. 233. 233
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization Effects on the Specific Heat of Fe-CO-Nb-B Amorphous Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. 9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Abstracts. 36. 36
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Influence of Mn Alloying on the Devitrification Process of Cofemnnbb. Poster en Congreso. 9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008. 9th International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Abstracts. 56. 56
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
The Magnetocaloric Effect in Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference . Baltimore, Maryland (EEUU). 2007. 10th Joint Mmm/Intermag Conference. 42. 43
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Soft Magnetic Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration: Field Dependence and a Universal Curve. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop Magnetostrictive Materials and Magnetic Refrigeration Mmmr07. Baden, Austria. 2007. Workshop Magnetostrictive Materials and Magnetic Refrigeration Mmmr07. 28. 29
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., et. al.:
Efecto Magnetocalórico en Materiales Amorfos Magnéticamente Blandos: una Curva Maestra para la Variación de Entropía Magnética. Poster en Congreso. Xxxi. Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física y 17º Encuentro Ibérico para la Enseñanza de la Física. Granada. 2007
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Magnetic Permeability of (Fecoge)88zr6b5cu1 Alloys: Thermal Stability in a Wide Temperature Range. Poster en Congreso. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Tampa, Florida, USA. 2007. 52nd Annual Conference in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 136. 136
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Thermal and Microstructural Dependence of the Initial Permeability of Co60fe18nb6(Bcu)16alloys. Poster en Congreso. European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference. Bilbao. 2006. 6th European Magnetic Sensors & Actuators Conference - Book of Abstracts and Notebook. 96. 96
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
High Temperature Coercivity of Nb Containing HITPERM Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. San Sebastián. 2006. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. 34. 34
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ferenc, J., et. al.:
Thermal and Microstructural Stability of the Soft Magnetic Fe60co18nb6b15cu1 Alloy. Poster en Congreso. Eigth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Gijón. 2006. Eigth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Wncs 2006. 38. 38
Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
Influence of Mn Addition on the Structure and Hyperfine Parameters of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Cofemnnbb Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Sixth Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectrometry. Seeheim, Alemania. 2006. Sixth Seeheim Workshop on Mössbauer Spectrometry. P-12. P-12
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Stoica, M., et. al.:
Refrigerant Capacity of Fecrmocugapcb Amorphous Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. San Sebastián. 2006. Jems'06, III European Magnetic Symposia. 166. 166
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, et. al.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Femobcu Alloys: Influence of B Content. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Varsovia (Polonia). 2006. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 158. 158
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Isothermal Study of the Nanocrystallization Kinetics of Amorphous Fe60co18nb6b16 Alloy. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Varsovia (Polonia). 2006. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 156. 156
Benaini, H, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
Influence of Mn Content on the Microstructure and Hyperfine Parameters of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline HITPERM Fecomnnbb Alloys. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Varsovia (Polonia). 2006. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 157. 157
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of MO Containing Nanoperm-Type Alloys. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Varsovia (Polonia). 2006. 13th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 117. 117
Paluga, M., Svec, P, Janickovic, D, Mrafko, P., Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Surface Morphology in Amorphous Fe-MO-CU-B Ribbon System. Poster en Congreso. 10-Th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. Praga (República Checa). 2006. 10-Th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials (Ncm-10). T01. T01
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Gómez Polo, C., Janickovic, D, Svec, P:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Femobcu Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Eigth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Wncs 2006. Gijón, España. 2006. Eigth International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids, Wncs 2006. Oc12. Oc12
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S, Güth, a:
Effects of High Temperature Treatments in Air and Argon on the Magnetic Properties of HITPERM Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 17 Th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. 127. 127
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kulik, T:
A Direct Extension of the Avrami Equation to Describe the Non Isothermal Crystallization of al-Base Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. París, Francia. 2005. 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 7-a-II-4. 7-a-II-4
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Stoica, M., Roth, S., et. al.:
Influence of CU Addition on Crystallization Behaviour and Magnetic Properties of Fe-Cr-MO-GA-P-C-B Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Maison de la Chimie,Paris,France. 2005. 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). 2. 2
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Janickovic, D, Svec, P:
Effects of CO Content on the Magnetic Properties and Microstructure in Fe-CO-MO-CU-B Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 17 Th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. 130. 130
Vlasak, G, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Janickovic, D, Svec, P:
Measurements of Magnetostriction of Paramagnetic Fe-MO-CU-B Metallic Glasses. Comunicación en congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 17 Th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. 88. 88
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., et. al.:
Frequency Dependence of the Superparamagnetic Transition in a FINEMET-Type Nanocrystalline Alloy. Poster en Congreso. Seeheim Conference on Magnetism. Seeheim (Alemania). 2004. Second Seeheim Conference on Magnetism. 105. 105
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and CU-Clustering in HITPERM Alloys. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on Fabrication and Properties of Metallic Materials. Varsovia, Polonia. 2004. International Conference on Fabrication and Properties of Metallic Materials. 3. 3
Traverse, a, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kumar, Golden, et. al.:
Influence of the Short-Range Order on the Magnetic Properties of Fecosialgapcb Amorphous Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Joint European Magnetic Symposia Jems'04. Dresde, Alemania. 2004. Joint European Magnetic Symposia Jems'04. 110. 110
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization process of the HITPERM Fe-Co-Nb-B alloys -: Influence of Cu and Co alloying. Ponencia en Congreso. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Properties and Applications of Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors. Budmerice, SLOVAKIA. 2003
Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Nanocrystallization Process of the HITPERM FeCoNbB Alloys. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. NATO ARW Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors. Budmerice, ESLOVAQUIA. 2003
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S., Eckert, J., et. al.:
Propiedades Magnéticas de Aleaciones Amorfas Fecosialgapcb con Elevada Capacidad de Vitrificación. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física . 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. 666. 667
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Roth, S., Grahl, H., et. al.:
Mössbauer Study of Fecosialgapcb Amorphous Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Düsseldorf (Alemania). 2003. Soft Magnetic Materials, Smm'16. 4-05. 4-05
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Microstructure and Magnetic Permeability of HITPERM (Femn)Conbb(CU) Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. ICM 2003 International Conference on Magnetism, Roma 2003. 2003. International Conference on Magnetism ICM 2003 Roma. 619. 619
Benaini, H, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization of Mn Containing HITPERM Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Düsseldorf (Alemania). 2003. Soft Magnetic Materials, Smm'16. T4-02. T4-02
Benaini, H, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Cristalización de Aleaciones HITPERM con Mn (Fecomnnbb). Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física . 2003
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
NANOCRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS OF THE HITPERM FECONBB ALLOYS (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. Budmerice (Eslovaquia). 2003. Nato Arw Nanocrystalline Alloys from Amorphous Precursors. 15. 15
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
NANOCRYSTALLIZATION KINETICS UNDER INSTANTANEOUS GROWTH APPROXIMATION: EXPERIMENTS AND CELLULAR AUTOMATA SIMULATIONS (invitada). Ponencia en Congreso. E-Mrs Fall Meeting 2009 (Varsovia (Polonia)). Varsovia (Polonia). 2003. E-Mrs Fall Meeting. 158. 158
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Magnetic Properties of Soft Magnetic Nanocrystalline Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Wokshop on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications. 2002. 2nd Workshop on Nanomaterials. P3.11. P3.11
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, et. al.:
Microstructure of CO-Containing FINEMET and HITPERM Type Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Wokshop on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications. 2002. 2nd Workshop on Nanomaterials. P4.8. P4.8
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kemeny, T, et. al.:
Transition to Superparamagnetism in a Cr-Containing FINEMET Alloy. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Intermag Europe 2002. Amsterdam. 2002. Intermag Europe 2002. Gc-01. Gc-01
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Svec, P, Ochin, P:
Influence of the Addition of Mn and CU on the Nanocrystallization Process of HITPERM Feconbb Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials-Rq11. Oxford, Inglaterra. 2002. Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials-Rq11. 28. 28
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
Propiedades Microestructurales de Aleaciones (Fe,CO)Sibcunb. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F., Kaptas, D., et. al.:
Interacción Dipolar a Temperatura Ambiente en la Aleación Nanocristalina Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001. XXVIII Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. 150. 151
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Cinética de Nanocristalización en la Aleación Fe60co18nb6b16. Poster en Congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
Caracterización de Aleaciones (Fe,CO)Sibcunb. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 2001. I Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 92. 92
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Microstructure and Magnetic Properties of Fe78-Xcoxnb6b15cu1 (X = 18, 39, 60) Alloys. Poster en Congreso. Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. Bilbao. 2001. 15th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference. E-25. E-25
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Efecto de la Adición de Cr en las Propiedades de Aleaciones FINEMET. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 2001. I Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 93. 93
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Zhang, y, Warren, P. J:
Estudio Microestructural y Cinética de Nanocristalización de Aleaciones Feconbb(CU). Poster en Congreso. Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 2001. I Reunión Nacional de Física del Estado Sólido. 143. 143
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Ochin, P:
MO-Substituted FINEMET Alloys: Microstructure and Magnetic Properties. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Bilbao, España. 2000. VI International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. T6-23. T6-23
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Devitrification of Soft Magnetic Amorphous Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Nato-Asi on Properties and Applications of Amorphous Alloys. Sec (Rep. Checa). 2000. Nato-Asi on Properties and Applications of Amorphous Alloys. P1-2. P1-2
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy and Devitrification of Soft Magnetic Materials. Comunicación en congreso. Nato-Asi on Modern Trends in Magnetostriction Study and Application. Kyiv (Ukraine). 2000. Nato.asi on Modern Trends in Magnetostriction Study and Application. 7. 7
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Greneche, J.M.:
Nanocrystallization of Fe,CO Containing FINEMET Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Bilbao, España. 2000. VI International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. T2-27. T2-27
Blazquez Gamez, Javier S., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization Process in (Feco)78nb6(Bcu)16 Alloys. Poster en Congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Bilbao, España. 2000. VI International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. 13. 13
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Structural Relaxation Processes in Fesib-CU(Nb,X), X=mo,V,Zr,Nb Glassy Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. Bangalore (India). 1999. 10th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. 256. 256
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Kiss, L.F.:
Superparamagnetic Behaviour in a Fe76cu1nb3si10.5b9.5 Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. Balatonfüred (Hungría). 1999. 14th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. 120. 120
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Varga, B., Lovas, A.:
Thermomagnetic Study of Fe73.5-Xcrxsi13.5b9cu1nb3 (X=1,3,5,10) Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. Balatonfüred (Hungría). 1999. 14th International Conference on Soft Magnetic Materials. 121. 121
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Nanocrystallization of a Fe63.5cr10si13.5b9cu1nb3 Alloy. Ponencia en Congreso. Magnetism of Nanostructured Phases Conference. San Sebastián. 1998. Magnetism of Nanostructured Phases Conference. 47. 47
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Amorphous-to-Nanocrystalline Transformation and Evolution of Magnetic Properties of FINEMET-Type Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop on Classical and Quantum Aspects of Disorder. Jyvaskyla (Finlandia). 1998. Workshop on Classical and Quantum Aspects of Disorder. 7. 7
Del Riego, Lara, Dominguez de la Vega, Manuel, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Conde Amiano, Clara F.:
Magnetic Behaviour of a Nanocrystalline Fe(Crmo)Sibcunb Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. European Magnetism and Magnetic Material Conference. 1998. Emma-98. 141. 141
Multigner, Marta, Prados, Celso, Hernando Grande,Antonio, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
Exchange Biasing in Oxygen Passivated Fe Nanoparticles. Influence of the Fe-Oxide Structure. Comunicación en congreso. The 43rd Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials. Miami, Florida. 1998. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on Magnetism & Magnetic Materials. 173. -
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution and Exchange Coupling in a Fesibcunb Nanocrystalline Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. Nato-Asi on Muon Science. University of ST Andrews (Escocia). 1998. Nato-Asi on Muon Science. 21. 21
Del Riego, L., El Ghannami, M., Dominguez, M., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Superparamagnetic Behaviour of a Nanocrystalline Fe(Crmo)Sibcunb Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. European Magnetism and Magnetic Material Conference. 1998. Emma-98. 30. 30
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fesib-Xnb (X=pd,Pt) Alloys. Ponencia en Congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Santiago de Compostela. 1997. V International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. C05. C05
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Peña Rodriguez,Victor, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization Kinetics Study of a Fesib-CU(Nb,V) Alloy by Using Different Experimental Techniques. Ponencia en Congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Santiago de Compostela. 1997. V International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. C06. C06
Filipecki, J., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Jakubezyk, E., Mandecki, Z.:
Crystallization of (Fe,CO,NI)78si9b13 Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. Santiago de Compostela. 1997. V International Workshop on Non-Crystalline Solids. 15. 15
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Chadwick, A.V., Morrison, G.:
X-Ray Absorption Study of a FINEMET-Type Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. Cerdeña (Italia). 1997. 7th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. 83. 83
Mandecki, Z., Filipecki, J., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Jackubczyk, E.:
Crystallization of Ni78-Xfexsi9b13 Metallic Glasses. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. Cerdeña (Italia). 1997. 7th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. 145. 145
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization Behaviour of Fesib-Xnb (X=pd,Pt) Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. Cerdeña (Italia). 1997. 7th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. 145. 145
Filipecki, J., Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Mandecki, Z., Hyla, M.:
Crystallization of the Fe75.5cu1nb3si12.5b8 Alloy:Nanocrystallization Kinetics. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. Cerdeña (Italia). 1997. 7th International Conference on the Structure of Non-Crystalline Materials. 102. 102
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Crystallization Behaviour of (Fe,CO)Sib-Cunb Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Metastable, Mechanically Alloyed and Nanocrystalline Materials. Sitges. 1997. Ismanam-97. 2. 2
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Nanocrystallization and Magnetic Anisotropy Distribution of a FINEMET-Type Alloy. Comunicación en congreso. Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Nuevos Materiales. Grenoble. 1997. Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Nuevos Materiales. 22. 22
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Capitán, M.J., et. al.:
An in-Situ X-Ray Study of Nanocrystallization in (Fe, Cr)Sib-Cunb Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Nuevos Materiales. Grenoble. 1997. Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Nuevos Materiales. 13. 13
Borrego Moro, Josefa Maria, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Millan Muñoz, Maria, Conde Amiano, Alejandro, Capitán, M.J., et. al.:
X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Study of the Nanocrystallization in Fesibcu(Nb,X) Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. Journees D Automme 97. Paris. 1997. Journees D'automme'97. 129. 129
Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Clara F., Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Propiedades Magnéticas y Nanocristalización de una Aleación Fesibcunb. Comunicación en congreso. Reunion Nacional de Materiales. Cadiz. 1996. V Reunion Nacional de Materiales. 130. 130
Conde Amiano, Clara F., Franco Garcia, Victorino, Conde Amiano, Alejandro:
Magnetic Properties and Structural Evolution of Fe73.5cu1nb3si22.5-Xbx Alloys. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 1996. 9th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials. 301. 301
Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:
Manchón, Alejandro Fernando:
Estudio magnetoestructural y cinético de las transiciones de fase en estado sólido de aleaciones metaestables basadas en Fe. Tesis Doctoral. 2021
Miranda Gonzalez, Hipolito:
Cristalización de Vidrios Metálicos del Sistema Fesib. Tesis Doctoral. 1988
Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla.
Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla