Ficha personal - Francisco Javier Suárez Grau
Francisco Javier Suárez Grau
Telefono: 954 55 98 41
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Página personal:
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-6027-5087
Perfil en WOS: K-8653-2014
Perfil en Scopus: 35957382300
Perfil en Dialnet: 2973328
Departamento/Unidad: Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Análisis Numérico
Situación profesional: Profesor Contratado Doctor
Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Proyecto de investigación:
- Homogeneización de Edp. Aplicación al Modelado y Diseño Óptimo (MTM2014-53309-P - Equipo de Investigación)
- Análisis Asintótico y Control de Problemas de la Mecánica de Medios Continuos. Estudio Teórico y Numérico. (MTM2011-24457 - Investigador)
- Comportamiento asintótico de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales. Problemas de diseño optimo (MTM2008-00306 - Otro Investigador)
- Análisis asintótico de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales y problemas de control asociados (MTM2005-04914 - Becario)
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-309 (2011/FQM-309 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-309 (2009/FQM-309 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-309 (2008/FQM-309 - Investigador)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-309 (2007/FQM-309 - Investigador)
Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:Comportamiento Asintótico de Fluidos Viscosos con Condiciones de Deslizamiento Sobre Fronteras Rugosas. Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. 2011. ISBN 978-8-46-947689-5
Capítulos en Libros
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:Effect of roughness on the flow of a fluid against periodic and non-periodic rough boundaries. Vol. 47. Pag. 607-614. En: Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 2013
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid Near a Rough Boundary. Vol. 81. Pag. 57-64. En: Bail 2010 - Boundary and Interior Layers, Computational and Asymptotic Methods - Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 81. Berlin, Alemania. Springer-Verlag. 2011. ISBN 978-3-642-19664-5
Publicaciones en Revistas
Anguiano, María, Bonnivard, Matthieu, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:Effective models for generalized Newtonian fluids through a thin porous medium following the Carreau law. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2025. Vol. 105. Núm. 1. Pag. 1-37.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Mathematical derivation of a Reynolds equation for magneto-micropolar fluid flows through a thin domain. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2024. Vol. 75. Núm. 28.
Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Roughness-induced effects on the thermomicropolar fluid flow through a thin domain. En: Studies in Applied Mathematics. 2023. Vol. 151. Núm. 2. Pag. 716-751.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Sharp pressure estimates for the Navier-Stokes system in thin porous media. En: Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2023. Vol. 46. Núm. 117. Pag. 1-31.
Bonnivard , Matthieu, Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
A generalized Reynolds equation for micropolar flows past a ribbed surface with nonzero boundary conditions. En: ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. 2022. Vol. 56. Pag. 1255-1305.
Anguiano, María, Bonnivard, Matthieu, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Carreau law for non-Newtonian fluid flow through a thin porous media. En: Quarterly journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics. 2022. Vol. 75. Núm. 1. Pag. 1-27.
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Theoretical derivation of Darcy's law for fluid flow in thin porous media. En: Mathematische Nachrichten. 2022. Vol. 295. Núm. 3. Pag. 607-623.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Lower-dimensional nonlinear Brinkman's law for non-Newtonian flows in a thin porous medium. En: Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 18. Núm. 175.
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Mathematical modeling of micropolar fluid flows through a thin porous medium. En: Journal of Engineering Mathematics. 2021. Vol. 126. Núm. 7.
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of a micropolar fluid past a porous media with nonzero spin boundary condition. En: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2021. Vol. 44. Núm. 6. Pag. 4835-4857.
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Analysis of the roughness regime for micropolar fluids via homogenization. En: Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2021. Vol. 44. Núm. 3. Pag. 1613-1652.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
A Decomposition Result for the Pressure of a Fluid in a Thin Domain and Extensions to Elasticity Problems. En: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2020. Vol. 52. Núm. 3. Pag. 2201-2236.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Newtonian fluid flow in a thin porous medium with non-homogeneous slip boundary conditions. En: Networks and Heterogeneous Media. 2019. Vol. 14. Núm. 2. Pag. 289-316.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Nonlinear Reynolds equations for non-Newtonian thin-film fluid flows over a rough boundary. En: IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics. 2019. Vol. 84. Núm. 1. Pag. 63-95.
Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of the Darcy-Lapwood-Brinkman Flow in a Thin Domain with Highly Oscillating Boundaries. En: Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 2019. Vol. 42. Núm. 6. Pag. 3073-3109.
Bonnivard, Matthieu, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of a Large Eddy Simulation Model for Turbulent Fluid Motion Near a Rough Wall. En: Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. 2018. Vol. 20. Pag. 1771-1813.
Bonnivard, Matthieu, Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Effects of rough boundary and nonzero boundary conditions on the lubrication process with micropolar fluid. En: European Journal of Mechanics B: Fluids. 2018. Vol. 72. Pag. 501-518.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Analysis of the effects of a fissure for a non-Newtonian fluid flow in a porous medium. En: Communications in Mathematical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 16. Núm. 1. Pag. 273-292.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
The transition between the Navier-Stokes equations to the Darcy equation in a thin porous medium. En: Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics. 2018. Vol. 15. Núm. 45.
Mahabaleshwar, U. S., Pazanin, I., Radulovic, M., Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Effects of small boundary perturbation on the MHD duct flow. En: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2017. Vol. 44. Núm. 1. Pag. 83-101.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Derivation of a coupled Darcy-Reynolds equation for a fluid flow in a thin porous medium including a fissure. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2017. Vol. 68. Núm. 52.
Anguiano, María, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of an incompressible non-Newtonian flow through a thin porous medium. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2017. Vol. 68. Núm. 45.
Pazanin, Igor, Pereira, Marcone, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic approach to the generalized Brinkman's equation with pressure dependent viscosity and drag coefficient. En: Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics. 2016. Vol. 9. Núm. 8. Pag. 3101-3107.
Bonnivard, Matthieu, Suárez Grau, Francisco J., Tierra Chica, Giordano:
On the influence of wavy riblets on the slip behavior of viscous fluids. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 2016. Vol. 67. Núm. 2.
Benes, Michal, Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Heat flow through a thin cooled pipe filled with micropolar fluid. En: Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2015. Vol. 53. Núm. 3. Pag. 569-579.
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic behavior of a non-Newtonian flow in a thin domain with Navier law on a rough boundary. En: Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 2015. Vol. 117. Pag. 99-123.
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Effective boundary condition for a quasi-newtonian fluid at a slightly rough boundary starting from a Navier condition. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2015. Vol. 95. Núm. 2. Pag. 527-548.
Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Analysis of the thin film flow in a rough domain filled with micropolar fluid. En: Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2014. Vol. 68. Núm. 12. Pag. 1915-1932.
Pazanin, Igor, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Effects of rough boundary on the heat transfer in a thin film flow. En: Comptes Rendus - Mecanique. 2013. Vol. 341. Pag. 646-652.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic behavior of the Navier-Stokes system in a thin domain with Navier condition on a slightly rough boundary. En: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2013. Vol. 45. Núm. 3. Pag. 1641-1674.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
The homogenization of elliptic partial differential systems on rugous domains with variable boundary conditions. En: Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics. 2013. Vol. 143A. Pag. 303-335.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
On the Navier Boundary Condition for Viscous Fluids in Rough Domains. En: Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada. 2012. Núm. 58. Pag. 5-24.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Estimates for the Asymptotic Expansion of a Viscous Fluid Satisfying Navier's Law on a Rugous Boundary. En: Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2011. Pag. 1553-1561.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid With Slip Boundary Conditions on a Slightly Rough Wall. En: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2010. Vol. 20. Núm. 1. Pag. 121-156.
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
A Viscous Fluid in a Thin Domain Satisfying the Slip Condition on a Slightly Rough Boundary. En: Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I, Mathématique. 2010. Pag. 967-971.
Aportaciones a Congresos
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:A decomposition result for the pressure of a fluid in a thin domain and some applications. Comunicación en congreso. XXIV CEDYA / XIV Cma. Cádiz, España. 2015
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Effect of roughness on the flow of a fluid against periodic and non-periodic rough boundaries. Conferencia en Seminario no publicada. Seminar of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Zagreb (Croacia). Universidad de Zagreb. 2013
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Effective flow of quasi-newtonian fluid through a domain with a slightly rough bottom. Comunicación en congreso. Equadiff 13. Charles University, Praga (República Checa). 2013
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
On the Navier condition for quasi-newtonian viscous fluids in rough domains. Comunicación en congreso. 8th Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing. Sibenik (croacia). 2013
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic behavior of elliptic partial differential systems posed in non-periodic rough domains. Ponencia en Congreso. Symposium on Differential Equations and Difference Equations 2012. Abadía de Novacella, Italia. 2012
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of elliptic partial differential systems in non-periodic rough domains. Poster en Curso. Fourth Spring School: Analytical and Numerical aspects of Evolution Equations. Bielefeld, Alemania. 2012
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic behavior of elliptic partial differential systems posed in non-periodic rough domains. Comunicación en congreso. 7th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON ELLIPTIC AND PARABOLIC PROBLEMS. Gaeta, Italia. 2012
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
On the Navier boundary condition for viscous fluids in a thin domain covered by very small asperities. Poster en Curso. Third Spring School: Analytical and Numerical aspects of Evolution Equations. Essen, Alemania. 2011
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Reynolds equation for a viscous fluid in a slightly thin rough domain. Comunicación en congreso. Equadiff 2011. Loughborough; Gran Bretaña. 2011
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Influence of weak roughness in the slip behavior of a thin-film fluid flow governed by the Navier-Stokes system. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Differential & Difference Equations and Applications. Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal. 2011
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Ecuación de Reynolds para un fluido viscoso en un dominio con una frontera ligeramente rugosa. Comunicación en congreso. XXII Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones. XII Congreso de Matemática Aplicad. La Palma de Mallorca. 2011
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic behavior of viscous fluid near a roguh boundary. Poster en Curso. Second Spring School: Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Evolution Equations. Berlin, Alemania. 2010
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid Near Arough Boundary. Poster en Congreso. Analytical and Numerical Aspects of Evolution Equations. Berlin. 2010
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of Navier-Stokes System on Rugous Domains With Varying Boundary Conditions. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations Dspdes'10. 2010
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Homogenization of the Navier-Stokes System Posed in Periodic Rugose Domains. Comunicación en congreso. Young Researchers in Mathematics 2010. Cambridge. 2010
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid Near a Rough Boundary. Comunicación en congreso. Bail 2010 Boundary and Interior Layers - Computational & Asymptotic Methods. 2010
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
The Rugosity Effect on the Slip Behavior Ofviscous Fluids. Comunicación en congreso. I Encuentro Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Matematicas Enjim. 2010
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of the Stokes System in a Thin Film Flow With a Rough Boundary. Poster en Curso. Spanish-Frenc Jacques-Louis Lions School. A Coruña. 2010
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid With Slip Boundary Conditions on a Slightly Rough Wall. Conferencia en Seminario no publicada. Seminaire Du Laboratoire de Mathematiques. Le Bourget Du Lac, Francia. 2009
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid With Slip Boundary Conditions on a Slightly Rough Wall. Comunicación en congreso. Simumat Summer School 2009. Castro Urdiales. 2009
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
On the Slip Condition for a Viscous Fluid Near a Rough Wall With Verysmall Asperities. Comunicación en congreso. Intensive School on Complex Fluids: Modelling, Theory and Numerics. 2009
Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Comportamiento Asintótico de un Fluido Viscoso Concondiciones de Deslizamiento Sobre una Pared Ligeramenterugosa. Comunicación en congreso. XXI CEDYA / XI Cma. Ciudad Real (España). 2009
Casado Díaz, Juan, Luna Laynez, Manuel, Suárez Grau, Francisco J.:
Asymptotic Behavior of a Viscous Fluid Near a Rough Wall With Very Small Asperities. Poster en Congreso. Xivth International Congress on Mathematical Physiscs. Prague. 2009. Xivth International Congress on Mathematical Physics. 461. 461
Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla.
Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla