Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Proyecto de investigación

Applied and computational topology applied to medical imagery

Responsable: Pedro Real Jurado
Tipo de Proyecto/Ayuda: Proyecto Internacional (EU)
Referencia: 2011-53
Fecha de Inicio: 01-09-2011
Fecha de Finalización: 31-10-2011

Empresa/Organismo financiador/es:

  • European Science Foundation

Resumen del proyecto:

Computational Algebraic Topology applied to Medical Imagery
CATMI2011 (October, 17-20, 2011)  focus on the area of Computational Algebraic Topology applied to Medical Digital Imagery. The CATMI2011 advanced course and workshop is mainly aimed at PhD students and young researchers in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Physics, Image Engineering, Mathematical Medicine and Computational Medicine interested in Computational Algebraic Topology and Medical Imagery and the interaction between these areas. 

In CATMI2011 Advanced course, experts in the fields of classical Algebraic Topology, Computational Algebraic Topology, Software Development, Computational Harmonic Analysis and Medical Imagery will give introductory talks on the respective topics in which they are specialists. In CATMI2011 workshop, there will be contributed talks trying to give us some insights of the potencial of the methods of this mathematical discipline in Medical Imaging and to open some research lines concerning algebraic topological problems in Medical Image Context. PhD Students and young researchers are strongly encouraged to submit a poster to the Poster Track.

The aim of this event is to generate strong relationships between certain areas of medical digital imagery (such as representation, compression, simplification, recognition, visualization and others) and methods of computational algebraic topology.

This advanced course & workshop is organized by the Andalusian research group FQM-296 "CATAM: Computational Algebraic Topology and Applied Mathematics" and the research team of the MICINN project MTM2009-12716 "Exploiting Homology within the context of the 4D Digital Imagery" 

It is sponsored by the "ACAT:Applied and Computational Algebraic Topology" ESF project (European Science Foundation-Research Networking Program), Red Española de Topología (RET)Ingenio Mathematica (i-Math)Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla (IMUS), and Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla

As collaborations, we mention the following institutions: Grupo de Innovación Tecnológica del Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Fundación Plenum (CADPET SA y CERCO SA), Fundación FIDETIA andDepartment of Applied Mathematics I of Seville University.


Monday, October 17th

9:30-10:30 Survey about Algebraic Topology, its motivations and its goals (I). Carles Broto (Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain)
10:30-11:15 Coffee-break
11:15-12:15 Medical Imaging: Past, Present and Future. Marcos Ortega Hortas.Professor of Grupo de Visión Artificial y Reconocimiento de Patrones (VARPA) de la Universidade da Coruña, Spain.
12:30-13:30 Introductory talk about Persistent Homology (I). Herbert Edelsbrunner (IST Austria)
13:30-15:30 Lunch
15:30-16:30Survey about computational harmonic analysis and medical imagery (I). Hans G. Feichtinger (NuHAG, Wien Austria)
17:00-18:00 Topology-based digital image processing (I). Pedro Real (Univ. Sevilla, Spain)

20:00-21:00 Concert in Chipiona Hall (not confirmed)

Tuesday, October 18th

9:30-10:30 Survey about Algebraic Topology, its motivations and its goals (II). Carles Broto (Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain)
10:30-11:15 Coffee-break
11:15-12:15 Automatic Processing of Digital Retinographies: Biometrics and Medical Applications. Marcos Ortega Hortas. Professor of Grupo de Visión Artificial y Reconocimiento de Patrones (VARPA) de la Universidade da Coruña, Spain.
12:30-13:30 Introductory talk about Persistent Homology (II). Herbert Edelsbrunner (IST Austria)
13:30-15:30 Lunch
15:30-16:30Survey about computational harmonic analysis and medical imagery(II). Hans G. Feichtinger (NuHAG, Wien Austria)
17:00-18:00 Topology-based digital image processing (II). Pedro Real (Univ. Sevilla, Spain)
20:00-... GALA DINNER


Wednesday, October 19th

9:30-10:30 Robert Ghrist (Univ. Pennsylvania, USA). Applications of Euler Calculus to Image Processing.
10:30-11:15 Coffee break
13:30-15:30 Lunch time
15:30-16:30 Cristina Suarez Mejías (Engineer-Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla). Title to be determined. CONFIRMED.
16:30-17:00 POSTER TRACK

Thursday, October 20th

9:30-10:30 Wolfgang Birkfellner (Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Medical University. Wien, Austria). "Medical Image Processing in Clinical Routine - A Medical Physicist's View". CONFIRMED
10:30-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:15 Arturo Aquino Martín (Computer Science Engineer; Universidad de Huelva, Spain) "Towards a lossless compression format of fundus images based on morphology segmentation and HSF".


12:30-13:30 Darian Onchis ( Univ de Timisoara, Romania) "The potencial benefits of a medical image processing combining analytical and topological tools". CONFIRMED
13:30-15:30 Lunch time

17:00-17:15 Farewell

17:30 Bus transportation to Seville.

Universidad de SevillaMinisterio de Educacion, Cultura y DeportesFEDER - Union Europea

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla