Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - Carlos López Cartes

Carlos López Cartes
Telefono: 955420986
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-6556-3117
Perfil en WOS: I-4589-2017
Perfil en Scopus: 6603615069

Departamento/Unidad: Química Inorgánica
Situación profesional: Profesor Titular de Universidad

Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación TEP-106 (2017/TEP-106 - Investigador)

Participación en proyectos externos:

  • Aprovechamiento de biomasa y producción sostenible de energía mediante catalizadores y reactores estructurados basados en materiales carbonosos (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
  • Desarrollo de catalizadores biomórficos obtenidos a partir de biomasa residual para la producción de Hidrógeno y refino de BIO-OIL (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)
  • Desarrollo de fotocatalizadores basados en nano-óxidos con morfología controlada y materiales carbonosos para la producción limpia de energía y la reutilización del co2 (Universidad de Cádiz)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Capítulos en Libros
Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Contribution of Electron Microscopy Techiques to the Chemical and Strutural Characterization of TIC/a-C Nanocomposite Coatings. En: Proceeding of 14th European Microscopy Congress. Berlin,Alemania. Springer-Verlag. 2008

Castillo, P.m, Caro, C, Zaderenko Partida, Ana Paula, Herrera, J.L., Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Characterization of Proteced Metal Nanoparticles and Their Conjugates With Bioactive Peptides. Pag. 257-263. En: Colloids and Interfaces. Coimbra - Portugal. Sociedad Portuguesa de Química. 2007. ISBN 978-989-8124-01-2

Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Justo, a, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Comportamiento Tribológico y Mecánico de Recubrimientos Wc/a-C Depositados Por Magnetron Sputtering. Pag. 396-402. En: IV Congreso Ibérico de Tribología. Bilbao. Ibertrib. 2007

Castillo Hernández, Paula Margarita, Caro Salazar, Carlos, Zaderenko Partida, Ana Paula, Herrera Cabello, Juan Luis, Pozo Pérez, David, et. al.:
Characterisation of Protected Metal Nanoparticles and Their Conjugates With Bioactive Peptides. Pag. 51-57. En: Colloids and Interfaces. Coimbra - Portugal. Sociedad Portuguesa de Química. 2007. ISBN 978-989-8124-01-2

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Sintesis de Recubrimientos de Ti/a-C con Estructura Nanocomposite con Propiedades Tribologicas y Mecánicas a Medida. Pag. 445-448. En: Perspectivas de la Investigacion Sobre Materials en España en el Siglo Xxi.ix. Vigo,España. 2006

Baker, Richard, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Nano-Scale Characterization of Supported Phases in Catalytic Materials by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy. Vol. 2. Pag. 403-426. En: Nanotechnology in Catalysis. Estados Unidos. Sinónimo Desconocido. 2003. ISBN 0-306-48184-7

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Pintado Caña, Jose Maria, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Chemical and Nanostructural Aspects of the Preparation and Characterisation of Ceria and Ceria-Based Mixed Oxide Supported Metal Catalysts. Vol. 2. Pag. 85-168. En: Catalysis by Ceria and Related Materials. Londres. Imperial College Press. 2002. ISBN 1-86094-299-7

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cifredo Chacon, Gustavo Aurelio, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Larese, Carolina, et. al.:
Uso Combinado de Técnicas Químicas y Microscopía Electrónica de Alta Resolución (Hrem) en el Estudio de Sistemas Mn/Ceo2 (Mn: Pt, Rh) de Interés en Catálisis Medioambiental. Pag. 119-125. En: Jorma Iv. Ciencia y Tecnología del Medio Ambiente. Cadiz, España. Universidad de Cadiz, Servicio de Publicaciones. 1997. ISBN 84-7786-433-0

Publicaciones en Revistas
Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Isosymmetric structural phase transition of the orthorhombic lanthanum gallate structure as a function of temperature determined by Rietveld analysis. En: CrystEngComm. 2018. Vol. 20. Núm. 37. Pag. 5562-5569. 10.1039/c8ce00726h

Tang, Yun, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Aviles Escaño, Miguel Angel, Córdoba Gallego, José Manuel:
Isosymmetric structural phase transition of the orthorhombic lanthanum gallate structure as a function of temperature determined by Rietveld analysis. En: CrystEngComm. 2018. Vol. 20. Núm. 37. Pag. 5562-5569. 10.1039/c8ce00726h

Jimenez Barrera, Elena Maria, Bazin, P, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Romero Sarria, Francisca, Daturi, Marco, et. al.:
CO/H-2 adsorption on a Ru/Al2O3 model catalyst for Fischer Trospch: Effect of water concentration on the surface species. En: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2018. Vol. 237. Pag. 986-995. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.06.053

García Moncada, Nuria, Bobadilla Baladrón, Luis Francisco, Poyato Galán, Rosalía, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Romero Sarria, Francisca, et. al.:
A direct in situ observation of water-enhanced proton conductivity of Eu-doped ZrO2: Effect on WGS reaction. En: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2018. Vol. 231. Pag. 343-356. 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.03.001

Martinez Tejada, Leidy Marcela, Laguna Espitia, Oscar Hernando, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Centeno Gallego, Miguel Angel:
Synthesis and characterization of Rh/MnO2-CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts for CO-PrOx reaction. En: Molecular Catalysis. 2017. Vol. 440. Pag. 9-18. 10.1016/j.mcat.2017.06.018

Megías Sayago, Cristina, Ivanova, Svetlana, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Centeno Gallego, Miguel Angel, Odriozola Gordon, José Antonio:
Gold catalysts screening in base-free aerobic oxidation of glucose to gluconic acid. En: Catalysis Today. 2017. Vol. 279. Pag. 148-154. doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2016.06.046

Martínez Martínez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Frenández, Asunción, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Exploring the benefits of depositing hard TiN thin films by non-reactive magnetron sputtering. En: Applied Surface Science. 2013. Vol. 275. Pag. 121-126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.01.098

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Perez Omil, Jose, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan:
Analysis and application of the theories that rationalize the crystalline structures of fluorite-related rare earth oxides. En: Catalysis Today. 2012. Vol. 180. Núm. 1. Pag. 161-166

Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Justo Erbez, Angel Javier, Deprez, Emilie, Justo, a, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, et. al.:
Microstructural Study of the Libh4-Mgh2 Reactive Hydride Composite With and Without Ti-Isopropoxide Additive. En: Acta Materialia. 2010. Vol. 58. Pag. 5683-5694

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Influence of the Microstructure on the Mechanical and Tribological Behaviour of TIC/a-C Nanocomposite Coatings. En: Thin Solid Films. 2009. Vol. 517. Pag. 1662-1671. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2008.09.091

Elmrabet, Said, Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Thermal Evolution of Wc/C Nanostructured Coatings by Raman and in Situ XRD Analysis. En: Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2009. Vol. 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ppap.200931004

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Gago, R, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Thermal Stability and Oxidation Resistance of Nanocomposite TIC/a-C Protective Coatings. En: Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ppap.200931002

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Justo Erbez, Angel Javier, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Self Lubricating Ti-C-N Nanocomposite Coatings Prepared by Double Magnetron Sputtering. En: Solid State Sciences. 2009. Vol. 11. Pag. 660-670. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2008.10.017

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Tribological Behaviour of Titanium Carbide/Amorphous Carbon Nanocomposite Coatings: from Macro to the Micro-Scale. En: Surface and Coatings Technology. 2008. Vol. 202. Núm. 16. Pag. 4011-4018

Mejias Romero, Jose Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Caro Salazar, Carlos, Zaderenko Partida, Ana Paula:
Thiol-Immobilized Silver Nanoparticle Aggregate Films for Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. En: Journal of Raman Spectroscopy. 2008. Vol. 39. Núm. 9. Pag. 1162-1169

Borrás, Ana, Fernández Arteaga, Alejandro, Aguirre, Myriam, Chmelka, Brad, Groening, Oliver, et. al.:
Synthesis of Supported Single-Crystalline Organic Nanowires by Physical Vapor Deposition. En: Chemistry of Materials. 2008. Vol. 20. Núm. 24. Pag. 7371-7373

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Comparative Performance of Nanocomposite Coatings of TIC or Tin Dispersed in a-C Matrixes. En: Surface and Coatings Technology. 2008. Vol. 203. Pag. 756-760. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.surfcoat.2008.08.064

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Garcia Luis, A., et. al.:
Characterization of Nanostructured Ti-B-(N) Coatings Produced by Direct Current Magnetron Sputtering. En: Thin Solid Films. 2007. Vol. 515. Núm. 7-8. Pag. 3590-3596

Friedrichs, Oliver, Kolodziejczyk, Lucas, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Mgh2 Powder by Gas-Phase Condensation and in Situ Hydridation: TEM, XPS and XRD Study. En: Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2007. Vol. 434-435. Núm. SPEC.ISS. Pag. 721-724

Friedrichs, Oliver, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Dornheim, M., Klassen, T, et. al.:
Chemical and Microstructural Study of the Oxygen Passivation Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Mg and Mgh2. En: Applied Surface Science. 2006. Vol. 252. Núm. 6. Pag. 2334-2345

Litrán Ramos, Rocío, Sampedro, Blanca, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Multigner, Marta, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Magnetic and Microstructural Analysis of Palladium Nanoparticles With Different Capping Systems. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2006. Vol. 73. Núm. 5. Pag. 1-7

Friedrichs, Oliver, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Klassen, Thomas, Bormann, Ruediger, et. al.:
Nb2o5 "Pathway Effect" on Hydrogen Sorption in Mg. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2006. Vol. 110. Núm. 15. Pag. 7845-7850

Reddy, B.M., Lakshmanan, P., Loridant, S, Yamada, y, Kodayashi, T, et. al.:
Structural Characterization and Oxidative Dehydrogenation Activity of V2o5/Cexzr1-Xo2/Sio2 Catalysts. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2006. Vol. 110. Núm. 18. Pag. 9140-9147

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Desarrollo y Propiedades de Recubrimientos Nanocomposites Lubricantes. En: Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2006. Vol. 18. Pag. 15-20

Brizuela, Sofía Norma, Garcia Luis, A., Braceras, I., Oñate, J.I., Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Magnetron Sputtering of Cr(al)N Coatings: Mechanical and Tribological Study. En: Surface and Coatings Technology. 2005. Vol. 200. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 192-197

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Ramos, Cristina, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
A Nanoscale Approach for the Characterization of Amorphous Carbon-Based Lubricant Coatings. En: Surface and Coatings Technology. 2005. Vol. 200. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 40-45

Garcia Luis, A., Brizuela, Sofía Norma, Oñate, J.I., Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
Mechanical Properties of Nanocrystalline Ti-B-(N) Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering. En: Surface and Coatings Technology. 2005. Vol. 200. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 734-738

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Brizuela, Sofía Norma, et. al.:
Mechanical Behavior and Oxidation Resistance of Cr(al)N Coatings. En: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films. 2005. Vol. 23. Núm. 4. Pag. 681-686

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez, A., Justo, a, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
Tailored Synthesis of TIC/a-C Nanocomposite Tribological Coatings. En: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. A, Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films. 2005. Vol. 23. Núm. 6. Pag. 1732-1736

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Litrán Ramos, Rocío, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Martínez Delafuente, Jesús, et. al.:
Gold Nanoparticles With Different Capping Systems: an Electronic and Structural XAS Analysis. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2005. Vol. 109. Núm. 18. Pag. 8761-8766

Reddy, B.M., Lakshmanan, P., Khan, A., Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, et. al.:
Surface Stabilized Nanosized Cexzr1-Xo2 Solid Solutions Over Sio2: Characterization by XRD, Raman, and Hrem Techniques. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2005. Vol. 109. Núm. 28. Pag. 13545-13552

Reddy, B.M., Lakshmanan, P., Khan, A., Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, et. al.:
Structural Characterisation of Ceo2-Zro2/Tio2 and V2o5/Ceo2-Zro2/Tio2 Mixed Oxide Catalysts by XRD, Raman, Hrem and Other Techniques. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2005. Vol. 109. Pag. 1781-1787

Helveg, S, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sehested, J, Hansen, P., Clausen, B.S., et. al.:
Atomic-Scale Imaging of Carbon Nanofibre Growth. En: Nature. 2004. Vol. 427. Núm. 6973. Pag. 426-429

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Helveg, S:
"Nanofibras de Carbono,Como Crecen". En: Investigación y Ciencia. 2004. Vol. 335. Pag. 35-37

Sampedro, Blanca, Hernando, Antonio, Litrán Ramos, Rocío, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Ferromagnetism in FCC Twinned 2.4 Nm Size PD Nanoparticles. En: Physical Review Letters. 2003. Vol. 91. Núm. 23. Pag. 237203-1-237203-4

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Some Contributions of Electron Microscopy to the Characterisation of the Strong Metal-Support Interaction Effect. En: Catalysis Today. 2003. Vol. 77. Núm. 4. Pag. 385-406

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, et. al.:
In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigation of CE(IV) and Pr(IV) Reducibility in a Rh (1%)/Ce0.8pr0.2o2-X Catalyst. En: Chemical Communications. 2003. Núm. 5. Pag. 644-645

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cifredo Chacon, Gustavo Aurelio, Finol, Dora, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, et. al.:
Study of the Structural Modifications Induced by Reducing Treatments on a PD/Ce0.8tb0.2o2-X/La2o3-Al2o3 Catalyst by Means of X-Ray Diffraction and Electron Microscopy Techniques. En: Chemistry of Materials. 2002. Vol. 14. Núm. 3. Pag. 1405-1410

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Gatica Casas, José Manuel:
Metal Sintering in Rh/Al2o3 Catalysts Followed by Hrem, H-1 NMR, and H-2 Chemisorption. En: Langmuir. 2001. Vol. 17. Núm. 9. Pag. 2720-2726

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, et. al.:
Electron Microscopy (Hrem, EELS) Study of the Reoxidation Conditions for Recovery of Nm/Ceo2 (Nm : Rh, Pt) Catalysts from Decoration or Alloying Phenomena. En: Catalysis Letters. 2001. Vol. 76. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 131-137

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Paulis, Maria, Burgos, M, et. al.:
Chlorine Mobility in Pt/Al2o3 and Pt/Al2o3/al Complete Oxidation Catalysts. En: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. 2001. Vol. 138. Pag. 413-420

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Pt, Rh and PD Nano-Particles Supported on Ce0.68zr0.32o2 Mixed Oxide for Application in Automotive Three-Way Catalysts. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 2001. Núm. 168. Pag. 417-420

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Vidal Muñoz, Hilario, et. al.:
Nanoscale Evolution With Reduction Temperature of a PD/Ce0.8tb0.2o2-X/Laox-Al2o3 Catalyst. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 2001. Núm. 168. Pag. 413-416

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
The Role of Metal-Support Interaction on the Oxidation of Noble Metals Supported on Cerium Based Oxides. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 2001. Núm. 168. Pag. 389-392

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, et. al.:
Structure of Highly Dispersed Metals and Oxides. Exploring the Capabilities of High Resolution Electron Microscopy. En: Surface and Interface Analysis. 2000. Vol. 29. Pag. 411-421

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Surface Structure and Methylcyclobutane Hydrogenolysis Activity of Pt/Al2o3 and Pt/Ceo2 After Reduction At Increasing Temperature (373 K to 973 K). En: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis. 2000. Vol. 130. Pag. 2021-2026

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Pintado Caña, Jose Maria, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Kang, Zen Chuan, et. al.:
Rare-Earth Oxides With Fluorite-Related Structures: Their Systematic Investigation Using Hrem Images, Image Simulations and Electron Diffraction Pattern Simulations. En: Ultramicroscopy. 1999. Vol. 80. Núm. 1. Pag. 19-39

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Burrows, a, Kiely, C.J., Perregaard, J., et. al.:
Structural Characterisation of a Vmgo Catalyst Used in the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane. En: Catalysis Letters. 1999. Vol. 57. Núm. 3. Pag. 121-128

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Crozier, Peter A., Tsen, S. C. Y., Liu, J., Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Lattice Spacings Determination by Hrem in Nanometer Sized Pt Particles. En: Journal of Electron Microscopy. 1999. Vol. 48. Pag. 1015-1024

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pintado Caña, Jose Maria, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Nanostructural Evolution of High Loading Rh/Lanthana Catalysts Through the Preparation and Reduction Steps. En: Catalysis Today. 1999. Vol. 52. Pag. 29-43

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Baker, Richard, Montardi, Y.:
Investigation of Redox-Cycled CE-Zr Mixed Oxides for Automotive Catalysts by Electron Microscopy. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 1999. Vol. 161. Pag. 521-524

Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Nanostructural Evolution Under Reducing Conditions of a Pt/Cetbox Catalyst: a New Alternative System As Twc Component. En: Chemistry of Materials. 1999. Vol. 11. Pag. 3610-3619

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Mira Gordillo, Cesar Antonio, et. al.:
Detection and Quantification of Small Missalignments in Nanometer-Sized Particles on Oxide Supports Systems by the Analysis of Plan View Hrem. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 1999. Vol. 161. Pag. 537-540

Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Hrem Analysis of the Nanostructure/Oxygen Buffering Capacity Relationship in a Rh/Cetbox Catalyst. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 1999. Vol. 161. Pag. 541-544

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Botana Pedemonte, Francisco Javier, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
The Interpretation of Hrem Images of Supported Metal Catalysts Using Image Simulation: Profile View Images. En: Ultramicroscopy. 1998. Vol. 72. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 135-164

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Larese, Carolina, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Nanostructural Evolution of a Pt/Ceo2 Catalyst Reduced At Increasing Temperatures (473-1223 K): a Hrem Study. En: Journal of Catalysis. 1997. Vol. 169. Núm. 2. Pag. 510-515

Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Pintado Caña, Jose Maria, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, et. al.:
Hrem Study of the Reoxidation of Heavily Reduced CE-la Mixed Oxides of Interest in Environmental Catalysis. En: Institute of Physics Conference Series. 1997. Núm. 153. Pag. 387-390

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Botana Pedemonte, Francisco Javier, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Investigation of Metal-Support Interactions in Rh/Tio2. En: Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions. 1996. Vol. 92. Núm. 15. Pag. 2799-2809

Gonzalez Leal, Juan Maria, Marquez Navarro, Emilio Jose, Cartes Velez,I, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Lopez Cartes,e, et. al.:
Caracterizacion Optica de Peliculas Delgadas de Ge40se60 Amorfo a Partir de Medidas de Transmision. En: Optica Pura y Aplicada. 1996. Vol. 29. Pag. 41-51

Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Isosymmetric structural phase transition of the orthorhombic lanthanum gallate structure as a function of temperature determined by Rietveld analysis

Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Synthesis and characterization of Rh/MnO2-CeO2/Al2O3 catalysts for CO-PrOx reaction

Aportaciones a Congresos
Castillo Barrero, Rafael, Romero Sarria, Francisca, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Odriozola Gordon, José Antonio:
Síntesis y caracterización de nanopartículas Pt-Cu como catalizadores para reacciones de purificación de corrientes de hidrógeno: eliminación del carbón superficial. Poster en Congreso. XXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis. , Montevideo Uruguay. 2016

Santos Muñoz, José Luis, Tarifa, Pilar, Cazaña, Fernando, Monzón, Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Catalizadores platino-sodio-carbón para la reacción de Water Gas Shift. Ponencia en Congreso. XXV Congreso Iberoamericano de Catálisis. , Montevideo Uruguay. 2016

Santos Muñoz, José Luis, Cazaña, Fernando, Tarifa, Pilar, Monzón, Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Carbon-based biomorphic catalyst for Water Gas Shift reaction. Ponencia en Congreso. VIIth International Symposium on Catalysis on Carbon. Estrasburgo - Francia. 2016

Arzac de Calvo, Gisela Mariana, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Synergistic effect in Ru-Co-B catalysts for hydrogen production through sodium borohydride self hydrolysis: A microstructural and chemical view. Poster en Congreso. Faraday Discussions 151. Hydrogen Storage Material. Harwell, Didcot, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido. 2011

Guerrero Garcia, Estefania, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Ciatto, G, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, et. al.:
Preparation and Characterization of Thiol- and Phosphine-Functionalized Gold-Clusters and Nanoparticles: an X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study. Poster en Congreso. European Conference on Nano Films 2010. Liege,Belgica. 2010. European Conference on Nano Films 2010. 166. 167

Deprez, Emilie, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
Surface Analysis and Oxidation State in the Reactive Hydride Composite 2libh4+mgh2+ti-ISO. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd International Symposium Hydrogen & Energy. Braunwald,Suiza. 2009. 3rd International Symposium Hydrogen & Energy. 54. -

Deprez, Emilie, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Friedrichs, Oliver, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
A Comparative Study of the Additive Role in the Mgh2-Nb2o5 System Vs.the Mgh2+2libh4-Ti-ISO System Materials. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd International Symposium Hydrogen & Energy. Braunwald,Suiza. 2009. 3rd International Symposium Hydrogen & Energy. 41. -

Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Guerrero Garcia, Estefania, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Ciatto, G, et. al.:
Synthesis and Characterization of Thiol-and Phoshine-Capped Gold Nanoparticles. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Advanced Nanostructured Surfaces for Industrial Applications. Cambridge. 2009. International Workshop on Advanced Nanostructured Surfaces for Industrial Applications. -. 32

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Comparative Performance of Nanocomposite Coatings of TIC or Tin Disprsed in a-C Matrixes. Comunicación en congreso. 35 Th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films Icmtf2008. San Diego. 2008. 35 Th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films Icmtf2008. -. -

Fortio Godinho, Vanda Cristina, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Ferrer Fernández, Francisco Javier, Justo Erbez, Angel Javier, Delplancke Ogletree, M.p., et. al.:
Microstructural and Compositional Studies of Tialsin Nanostructured Coatings. Comunicación en congreso. 35 Th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films Icmtf2008. San Diego. 2008. 35 Th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films Icmtf2008. -. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Tribological Behaviour of Titanium Carbide/Amorphous Carbon Nanocomposite Coatings. Comunicación en congreso. 11th International Conference on Plams Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen,Germany. 2008. 11th International Conference on Plams Surface Engineering. -. -

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Gago, R, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Thermal Stability and Oxidattion Resistance of Nanocomposite TIC/a-C Protective Coatings. Poster en Congreso. 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 2008. 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. -. -

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Contribution of Electron Microscopy Techniques to the Chemical and Structural Characterization of TIC/a-C Nanocomposite Coatings. Comunicación en congreso. 14th European Microscopy Congress. Aachen, Alemania. 2008. 14th European Microscopy Congress. -. -

Elmrabet, Said, Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Thermal Evolution of Wc/C Nanostructured Coatings by Raman and in Situ XRD Analysis. Poster en Congreso. 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 2008. 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering. -. -

Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Philippon, David Michel, et. al.:
Nanostructured Materials and Microstructure Group. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Thin Films for Industrial Applications. Nottingham.uk. 2008. International Workshop on Advanced Nanostructured Materials and Thin Films for Industrial Applications. -. -

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Comparative Performance of Nanocomposite Coatings of TIC or Tin Dispersed in a-C Matrixes. Comunicación en congreso. Workshop on Surface Treatments and Coatings for Mechanical and Aeronautical Applications. Sevilla Spain. 2007. Workshop on Surface Treatments and Coatings for Mechanical and Aeronautical Applications. -. 60

Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Wc/a-C Coatings Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering. Poster en Congreso. Workshop on Surface Treatments and Coatings for Mechanical and Aeronautical Applications. Sevilla Spain. 2007. Workshop on Surface Treatments and Coatings for Mechanical and Aeronautical Applications. -. 23

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Tribological Behaviour of Metalcarbide/Amorphous Carbon Nanocomposites:from Macro to the Micro-Scale. Comunicación en congreso. E-Mrs 2007 Spring Meeting. Strassburg ,France. 2007. E-Mrs 2007 Spring Meeting. --. --

Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Justo, a, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Mechanical and Tribological Performace of Nanostructured Wc/a-C Coatings Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering. Poster en Congreso. E-Mrs 2007 Spring Meeting. Strassburg ,France. 2007. E-Mrs 2007 Spring Meeting. -. -

Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Justo, a, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Comportamiento Tribológico y Mecánico de Recubrimientos Wc/a-C Depositados Por Magnetron Sputtering. Comunicación en congreso. IV Congreso Iberico de Tribologia. Bilbao,España. 2007. IV Congreso Iberico de Tribologia. 64. -

Castillo, P.m, Caro, C, Zaderenko Partida, Ana Paula, Herrera, J.L., Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Characterisation of Proteced Metal Nanoparticles and Their Conjugates With Bioactive Peptides. Comunicación en congreso. II Iberic Meeting of Colloids and Interfaces. Coimba,Portugal. 2007. II Iberic Meeting of Colloids and Interfaces. 257. 263

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Caracterizacion de Recubrimientos Nanoestructurados con Interesantes Propiedades Mecánicas y Tribologicas. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad de Microscopía de España. Bilbao. 2007. Resumenes de la XXIII Reunion Bienal de la Sociedad de Microscopía de España. Matp36. --

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Tailored Synthesis of Nanostructured Coatings With Interesting Mechanical and Tribological Properties. Poster en Congreso. 3rd Nanospain Workshop. Pamplona España. 2006. 3rd Nanospain Workshop. -. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Tribological Characterization of Metal Carbide/Amorphous Carbon Nanocomposites:from Macro to the Micro-Scale. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 4th Europan Topical Conference on Hard Coatings,Etchc-4. Salamanca, España. 2006. 4th European Topical Conference on Hard Coatings,Etchc-4. -. -

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Sintesis de Recubrimiento de TIC/a-C con Estructura Nanocomposite con Propiedades Tribologicas y Mecanicas a Medida. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. IX Congreso Nacional de Materiales. Vigo,España. 2006. IX Congreso Nacional de Materiales. -. -

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Self Lubricant Tin/a-C(N) Nanocomposites Coatings Prepared by Double Magnetron Sputtering. Comunicación en congreso. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. Gasmisch Partenkirchen Alemania. 2006. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. --. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, García Luis,Amparo, et. al.:
Characterization of Nanostructured Ti-B-(N) Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering. Poster en Congreso. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. Gasmisch Partenkirchen Alemania. 2006. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. -. -

Abad Roldan, Manuel David, Muñoz Márquez, Miguel Ángel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Synthesis and Tribological Properties of Nanostructured Wc/a-C Coatings Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering. Poster en Congreso. E-Mrs 2006 European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting . Varsovia Polonia. 2006. E-Mrs 2006 European Materials Research Society Fall Meeting. -. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Garcia Luis, A., Brizuela, Sofía Norma, et. al.:
Characterization of Nanostructured Ti-B-(N) Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering. Poster en Congreso. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. Gasmisch Partenkirchen Alemania. 2006. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. -. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Garcia Luis, A., Brizuela, Sofía Norma, et. al.:
Characterization of Nanostructured Ti-B-(N) Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering. Poster en Congreso. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. Gasmisch Partenkirchen Alemania. 2006. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. -. -

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Self Lubricant Tin/a-C(N) Nanocomposite Coatings Prepared by Double Magnetron Sputtering. Comunicación en congreso. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. Gasmisch Partenkirchen Alemania. 2006. 10th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering Pse2006. -. -

Friedrichs, Oliver, Kolodziejczyk, Lukasz, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Mgh2 Powder by Gas-Phase Condensation and in-Situ Hydridation:TEM,,XPS and XRD Study. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Maison de la Chimie,Paris,France. 2005. 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). --. --

Friedrichs, Oliver, Godinho, V, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Dornheim, M., et. al.:
XPS, XRD, and TEM Study of the Oxigen Passivation Behavior of Nanocristalline Mg-Based Powders for Hydrogen Storage. Poster en Congreso. International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Maison de la Chimie,Paris,France. 2005. 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). PII-108. PII-108

Friedrichs, Oliver, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Aguey Zinsou, F., et. al.:
Mgh2 With Nb2o5 As Additive for Hydrogen Storage:Chemical ,Structural and Kinetic Behavior With Temperature. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials. Maison de la Chimie,Paris,France. 2005. 12th International Symposium on Metastable and Nano Materials (Ismanam). --. --

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Desarrollo y Propiedades de Recubrimientos Nanocomposites Lubricantes. Comunicación en congreso. III Congreso Iberico de Tribologia Ibertrib2005. Unuversidade Do Minho,Guimaraes,Portugal. 2005. III Congreso Iberico de Tribologia Ibertrib2005. 45. --

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Systematic "Ex Situ" and "in Situ" Electron Micoscopy Studies of Supported Phase Sintering in Nm/Cemeox (Nm=rh,Pt; Me=zr, Pr, Tb) Catalysts Under Different Redox Environments. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Congress on Catalysis. Paris (Francia). 2004. Book of Abstracts, 13th International Congress on Catalysis. 224. 224

Litrán Ramos, Rocío, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Sampedro, Blanca, Crespo, Patricia, et. al.:
Microstructural Characterisation of Alkylammonium-Protected PD-Nanoparticles With a Ferromagnetic Behaviour. Poster en Congreso. 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials. Wiesbaden (Alemania). 2004. 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials. 76. 76

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Yeste Sigüenza, Maria del Pilar, et. al.:
In-Situ and Ex-Situ Electron Microscopy Investigation of Rh/Ceprox Catalysts. Comunicación en congreso. European Microscopy Congress. Antwerp,Belgica. 2004. Proceedings of the 13th European Microscopy Congress. 141. 142

Sampedro, Blanca, Litrán Ramos, Rocío, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Crespo, Patricia, et. al.:
Ferromagnetic Behaviour in Alkylammonium-Protected Paladium Nanoparticles. Comunicación en congreso. Joint European Magnetic Symposia Jems'04. Dresde, Alemania. 2004. Joint European Magnetic Symposia. 234. 234

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Belin, M, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos:
Influence of the Nanostructure and the Chemical Composition on the Tribological Behavior of Ti/a-C Coatings. Poster en Congreso. 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials. Wiesbaden (Alemania). 2004. 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials. 21. -

Friedrichs, Oliver, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
XPS and TEM Study of the Oxigen Passivation Behaviour of Nanocrystalline Mg and Mgh2. Poster en Congreso. 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials. Wiesbaden (Alemania). 2004. 7th International Conference on Nanostructured Materials. 156. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Ramos, Cristina, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
A Nanoscale Approach for the Characterization of Amorphous Carbon-Based Lubricant Coatings. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Pse2004. Garmisch-Patterkirchen (Alemania). 2004. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering,Pse2004. 120. -

Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Garcia Luis, a, et. al.:
Structural and Chemical Effects on the Hardness Behaviour of Cr(al)N Coatings. Poster en Congreso. 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Pse2004. Garmisch-Patterkirchen (Alemania). 2004. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering,Pse2004. 307. -

Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, Brizuela, Sofía Norma, et. al.:
Chemical Bonding and Microstructure Aspects on the Tribological and Mechanical Behavior of Nanocrystalline TIC/Amorphous Carbon Composites. Poster en Congreso. 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Pse2004. Garmisch-Patterkirchen (Alemania). 2004. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering,Pse2004. 524. -

Garcia Luis, a, Brizuela, Sofía Norma, Oñate, J.I., Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, et. al.:
Mechanical Properties of Nanocrytalline Ti-B-(N) Coatings Produced by DC Magnetron Sputtering. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Pse2004. Garmisch-Patterkirchen (Alemania). 2004. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering,Pse2004. 183. -

Brizuela, Sofía Norma, Garcia Luis, a, Braceras, I., Oñate, J.I., Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Magnetron Sputtering of Crn Coatings With Additions of Aluminium:Mechanical and Tribological Study. Poster en Congreso. 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Pse2004. Garmisch-Patterkirchen (Alemania). 2004. Proceedings 9th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering,Pse2004. 469. -

Sampedro, Blanca, Litrán Ramos, Rocío, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
Ferromagnetic Behaviour in Alkylammonium-Protected Palladium Nanoparticles. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Joint European Magnetic Symposia Jems'04. Dresde, Alemania. 2004. Joint European Magnetic Symposia. -. -

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Khan, a, Lakshmanan, P, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Nanostructural Characterisation of Ceo2-Zro2/Tio2 and V2o5/Ceo2-Zro2/Tio2 Catalysts by Hrem. Poster en Congreso. 13th European Microscopy Congress. Amberes, Belgica. 2004. 13th European Microscopy Congress. 133. 134

Friedrichs, Oliver, Kolodziejczyk, Lucas, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion, et. al.:
In Situ TEM and XRD Thermal Study of Nanocrystalline Mg-Based Powders for Hydrogen Storage. Poster en Congreso. International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems.fundamentals & Applications. Cracow,Polonia. 2004. International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems.fundamentals & Applications. 56. 56

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Rodríguez Luque, Mª Pilar, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Estudio Sistemático Mediante Microscopia Electrónica de Alta Resolución de los Procesos de Sinterización Metálica de un Catalizador Rh(1%)/Ce0.8pr0.2o2-X. Poster en Congreso. Secat'03. Málaga (España). 2003. Catálisis Ambiental: Actas de la Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Catálisis. 291. 292

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Rodríguez Luque, Mª Pilar, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Ex-Situ and in-Situ Transmision Electron Microscopy Study of the Behaviour Under Reducing Conditions of a Rh(1%)/Ce0.8pr0.2o2-X.catalyst. Poster en Congreso. Europacat-VI. Innsbruck, Austria. 2003. Europacat-VI. B2.163. B2-163

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Rodríguez Luque, Mª Pilar, et. al.:
Estudio de un Catalizador Rh(0.5)/Ceprox Mediante Microscopia Electrónica de Transmisión in-Situ. Comunicación en congreso. Sociedad de Microscopia de España. Reunión Bienal. San Fernando (Cádiz). 2003. XXI Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad de Microscopía de España: Actas. 131. 132

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Martinez Martinez, Diego, Sanchez Lopez, Juan Carlos, Rojas Ruiz, Teresa Cristina, Fernandez Camacho, Asuncion:
Caracterización Mediante TEM / EELS de Capas Delgadas de Nanocomposites con Aplicacion Como Recubrimientos Autolubricantes. Poster en Congreso. Sociedad de Microscopia de España. Reunión Bienal. San Fernando (Cádiz). 2003. XXI Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad de Microscopía de España: Actas. M-P23. -

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rupperchter, Gunter, Fuchs, Matthias, Hayek, Konrad, Blanco, G., et. al.:
Atomic Structure and Catalytic Activity of Ceria Supported Rh and Pt Nanoparticles Studied by Hrtem and Microreactor Kinetics. Poster en Congreso. Europacat-VI. Innsbruck, Austria. 2003. Europacat-VI. B2.101. B2.102

Mira Gordillo, Cesar Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Monzón, A.:
The Effect of Ceo2 Addition on Carbon Foration and Stability of NI/Zro2 Catalysts During Reforming of Methne With Co2. Poster en Congreso. Europacat-VI. Innsbruck, Austria. 2003. Europacat-VI. B3.037. -

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Estudios in-Situ Mediante Espectroscopía de Pérdida de Energía Electrónica de la Reducibilidad en Inerte e Hidrógeno de Óxidos Mixtos de Cerio con Estructura Fluorita. Poster en Congreso. Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido y 10ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica. Córdoba, España. 2002. 4ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido y 10ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica. 59. 59

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Delgado Jaén, Juan José, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Aspectos Estructurales de los Óxidos Lantánidos Deficientes en Oxígeno con Estructura Fluorita. Análisis Comparativo de los Modelos del Defecto de Coordinación y de los Módulos Tipo Fluorita. Poster en Congreso. Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido y 10ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica. Córdoba, España. 2002. 4ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido y 10ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica. 17. 17

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Metal and Oxide Nanostructures. Ponencia en Congreso. Wokshop on Nanomaterials: Fundamentals and Applications. 2002. 2nd Workshop on Nanomaterials. O32. 033

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Hrem Study of Cerium-Zirconium Mixed Oxide Nano-Particles. Ponencia en Congreso. Microscopy. 2001. Microscopy. 430. 431

Paulis, Maria, Burgos, Nerea, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, et. al.:
Chlorine Mobility in Pt/Al2o3 and Pt/Al2o3/al Complete Oxidation Catalyst. Poster en Congreso. International Congress on Spillover. S.L. el Escorial-Madrid (España). 2001. 5th International Congress on Spillover. ---. ---

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Some Hrem Contributions to the Catalyst Characterization. the Strong Metal/Support Interaction Effect. Ponencia en Congreso. Italian Seminar on Catalysis. Italia. 2001. 6th. Italian Seminar on Catalysis. 209. 219

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
High Resolution Electron Microscopy of Metal and Oxide Nanostructures. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Microscopy. 2001. Microscopy. 12. 13

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, et. al.:
Electron Microscopy Study of the Reoxidation Conditions Allowing to Recover Nm/Ceo2 (Nm: Rh, Pt) Catalysts from Decoration or Alloying Phenomena. Ponencia en Congreso. Europacat-V. Limerick, Ireland. 2001. Europacat-V. 6-o-21. 6-o-22

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Gatica Casas, José Manuel:
Estudio de la Interacción de Hidrógeno con el Catalizador Europt-1 (Pt/Sio2) Reducido en el Intervalo de Temperaturas 350º-900º C. Poster en Congreso. Reunion de la Sociedad Española de Catalisis Secat 01. Alicante. 2001. Reunion de la Sociedad Española de Catalisis Secat'01. 191. 192

Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria:
Nanoscale Characterisation of Twc-Model Catalysts. Poster en Congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. Dundee. 2001. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2001. 126. 126

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
The Role of Metal-Support Interaction on the Oxidation of Noble Metals Supported on Cerium Based Oxides. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. Dundee. 2001. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2001. 120. 120

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Burrows, a, Kiely, C.J., et. al.:
Use of Image Simulations to Gain New Insights Into Topotactic Transformations Occuring in the Vanadium Phosphorus Oxide Catalyst System. Comunicación en congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. Dundee. 2001. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2001. 124. 124

Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Kiely, C.J., Zeng, J.G., et. al.:
Nanoscale Evolution With Reduction Temperature of a Pd7ce0.8tb0.2ox/Laox-Al2o3 Catalyst. Poster en Congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. Dundee. 2001. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2001. 126. 126

Baker, Richard, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Pt, Rh, and PD Nano-Particles Supported on Ce0.68zr0.32o2 Mixed Oxide for Application in Automotive Three-Way Catalysts. Poster en Congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference. Dundee. 2001. Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference 2001. 128. 128

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Mira Gordillo, Cesar Antonio, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Nanoscale Characterization of Twc-Model Catalysts. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Brno, Repuública Checa. 2000. Proceedings: 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy. 359. 362

Rupperchter, Gunter, Fuchs, Matthias, Hayek, Konrad, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Surface Structure and Methylcyclobutane Hydrogenolysis Activity of Pt/Al2o3 and Pt/Ceo2 After Reduction At Increasing Temperature (373 to 1223 K). Poster en Congreso. International Congress on Catalysis. Granada. 2000. 12th International Congress on Catalysis. 2021. 2026

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
The Effect of Reoxidation Treatments on Metal-Support Interaction Effects in Rh/Cerium Oxide Catalysts. Poster en Congreso. Autumn School on Materials Science and Electron Microscopy. Berlín. 2000. Autumn School 2000 on Materials Science and Electron Microscopy. 69. 69

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
The Effect of Reoxidation Treatments on Metal-Support Interaction Effects in Rh/Cerium Oxide Catalysts. Poster en Congreso. European Congress on Electron Microscopy. Brno, Repuública Checa. 2000. Procs XII European Congress on Electron Microscopy. 377. 378

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Rodríguez Izquierdo, José Maria, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Interpretacion of Hrem Images of Catalysts. Poster en Congreso. Haldor Topseo Simposium on Electron Microscopy of Catalysis. Lyngby (Dinamarca). 1999. Haldor Topseo Simposium on Electron Microscopy Onf Catalysis. 1. 1

Baker, Richard, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Mira Gordillo, Cesar Antonio, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Detection and Quantification of Small Missalignments in Nanometer-Sized Particles on Oxide Supports Systems by the Analysis of Plan View Hrem Images. Poster en Congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analisis Group Conf. Scheffield. 1999. Electron Microscopy and Analisis Group Conf. 159. 159

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, et. al.:
Hrem Analysis of the Nanostructure/Oxygen Buffering Capacity Relationship in a Rh/Cetbox Catalyst. Poster en Congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analisis Group Conf. Scheffield. 1999. Electron Microscopy and Analisis Group Conf. 161. 161

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Tsen, S. C. Y., Crozier, Peter A., Liu, J.:
Image Simulation of Small Pt Particles and Its Application to Lattice Spacing Measurements in Catalysis. Poster en Congreso. Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting. Oregón. 1999. Microscopy and Microanalysis Meeting. 200. 201

Baker, Richard, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Análisis de Imágenes de Microscopía Electrónica de Alta Resolución de Diversos Óxidos Mixtos Basados en Cerio con Aplicaciónes en Catálisis Medioambiental. Ponencia en Congreso. V Workshop en Contabilidad y Control de Gestión. Memorial Raymond Konopk. 1999

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Colliex, C:
Caracterización Mediante Espectroscopía EELS de Nanopartículas Metálicas Soportadas Sobre Óxidos de Cerio. Comunicación en congreso. V Workshop en Contabilidad y Control de Gestión. Memorial Raymond Konopk. 1999

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria:
The Structure of Highly Dispersed Metals and Oxides. Exploring the Capabilities of High Resolution Electron Microscopy. Poster en Congreso. European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Ecasia 99. Santander (ESPAÑA). 1999. VIII European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, Ecasia'99. 50. 50

Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Corchado Gil, Pilar, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Relación Capacidad de Amortiguación de Oxígeno/Nanoestructura en un Catalizador Rh/Ce0.8tb0.2ox. Ponencia en Congreso. Reunion de la Sociedad Española de Catalisis Secat 99. San Fernando. 1999. Reunion de la Sociedad Española de Catalisis Secat'99. 77. 78

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Rupperchter, Gunter, Hayek, Konrad, et. al.:
Metal-Support Interaction in Four Different Supports Studied by High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Microreactor Kinetics: Rh Nanaoparticles on Al2o3, Tio2, Ceo2 and La2o3. Comunicación en congreso. Europacat IV. Italia. 1999. Europacat IV. 456. 456

Baker, Richard, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Montardi, Y.:
Investigation of Redox-Cycled CE-Zr Mixed Oxides for Autmotive Catalysts by Electron Microscopy. Comunicación en congreso. Electron Microscopy and Analisis Group Conf. Scheffield. 1999. Electron Microscopy and Analisis Group Conf. 154. 154

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
The Simulation of Electron Microscope Images and Diffraction Patterns of Ce24o44 and Ce19o24. Comunicación en congreso. Icfe3. Paris. 1998. Icfe3. 74. 74

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Rare-Earth Reduced Oxides With Fluorite Structure. Their Systematic Investigation Using Hrem and Image Simulation. Poster en Congreso. International Congress on Electronic Microscopy. Mexico. 1998. 14 Th International Congress on Electronic Microscopy. 445. 446

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Caracterización Nanoestructural de Fases Altamente Dispersas Mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Alta Resolución y Simulación de Imágenes. Ponencia en Congreso. International Vacuum Congress. Birmingham, Reino Unido. 1998

Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
The Structure of Highly Dispersed Phases: Exploring the Capabilities of Hrem. Poster en Congreso. International Congress on Electronic Microscopy. Mexico. 1998. 14 Th International Congress on Electronic Microscopy. 419. 420

Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Hrem Characterisation of a High Oxygen Storage Capacity Cerium-Zirconium Oxide. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress on Electron Microscopy. -. 1998. Procs. 14th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. 401. 402

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Nanostructural Characterisation of Pt/Cetbox. a New Alternative System As Three Way Catalysts Component. Comunicación en congreso. Icfe3. Paris. 1998. Icfe3. 564. 564

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria:
Detailed Nanostructural Characterisation of Materials Containing Fine Particles Using High Resolution Electron Microscopy and Image Simulation. Comunicación en congreso. Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society. Dallas. 1998. 28th Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society. 0. 0

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos:
Structure of Dispersed Metal Particles on Rh/Lanthana Catalysts. Comunicación en congreso. Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society. Dallas. 1998. 28th Annual Meeting of the Fine Particle Society. 0. 0

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Larese, Carolina:
Evaluacion de las Propiedades Redox y Comportamiento Frente a la Oxidacion de Ch4 de un Catalizador Pt(5%)/Cetbox. Poster en Congreso. Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Cádiz, España. 1997. Actas de la reunión de la real sociedad española. 113. 114

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Evolucion Nanoestructural de un Catalizador Pt/Ceo2 Sometido a un Tratamiento Ciclico de Reduccion/Reoxidacion a Alta Temperatura. Poster en Congreso. Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Catalisis Secat 97. Jaca. 1997. Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Catalisis Secat'97. 133. 134

Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Nanostructural Evolution of a Pt/Ceo2 Catalyst Upon Increasing the Reduction Temperature. a Hrem Study. Comunicación en congreso. Europacat-III. Cracovia. 1997. Europacat-III. 685. 685

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Bernal Márquez, Serafín, Cifredo Chacon, Gustavo Aurelio, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Larese, Carolina, et. al.:
Uso Combinado de Técnicas Químicas y Microscopía Electrónica de Alta Resolución (Hrem) en el Estudio de Sistemas Mn(Ceo2 (Mn:Pt,Rh) de Interes en Catálisis Medio-Ambiental. Comunicación en congreso. IV Jornadas de Medio Ambiente. Cadiz. 1996. Libro de Resúmenes de las IV Jornadas de Medio Ambiente. 119. 125

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Rodriguez Izquierdo Gil, Jose Maria, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Estudio Mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Alta Resolución de las Correlaciones Estructura-Actividad en Catalizadores de Hidrodesulfuración. Poster en Congreso. Reunion Nacional de Materiales. Cadiz. 1996. V Reunion Nacional de Materiales. 503. 504

Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Cifredo Chacon, Gustavo Aurelio, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, et. al.:
Caracterización de Materiales de Interés en Catálisis Mediante Procesamiento y Simulación de Imágenes Hrem. Poster en Congreso. Reunion Nacional de Materiales. Cadiz. 1996. V Reunion Nacional de Materiales. 505. 506

Blanco Montilla, Ginesa, Cauqui López, Miguel Angel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio, Pintado Caña, Jose Maria, et. al.:
The Nature and Origin of Metal-Support Interaction Effects in Rh/Tio2 and Rh/4f-Oxides Catalysts As Evidenced by Electron Microscopy. Poster en Congreso. European Congress on Electron Microscopy. -. 1996. Procs. XI European Congress on Electron Microscopy. 72. 73

Calvino Gamez, Jose Juan, Gatica Casas, José Manuel, Lopez Cartes, Carlos, Pérez Omil, José Antonio:
Hrem Investigation of Noble Metal-CE Alloying Processes At High Temperature in Model (Rh, Pt)/Ceo2 Catalysts. Poster en Congreso. European Congress on Electron Microscopy. -. 1996. Procs. XI European Congress on Electron Microscopy. 58. 59

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla