Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - Valentine Rosine Francoise Comaills

Valentine Rosine Francoise Comaills
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0001-8857-6976
Perfil en Scopus: 36476882200
Otro enlace a Web de investigación: https://www.departamento.us.es/dbiocel/investigacion/ingeplascecan.htm

Departamento/Unidad: Biología Celular
Situación profesional: Emergia (Posdoct. J.A.)

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Publicaciones en Revistas
Comaills, Valentine, Castellano Pozo, Maikel:
Review/Reseña: Chromosomal Instability in Genome Evolution: From Cancer to Macroevolution. En: Biology. 2023. 10.3390/biology12050671

Guo, Hongshan, Golczer, Gabriel, Wittner, Ben S, Langenbucher, Adam, Zachariah , Marcus, et. al.:
NR4A1 regulates expression of immediate early genes, suppressing replication stress in cancer. En: Molecular Cell. 2021. Vol. 87. Núm. 19. Pag. 4041-4058. 10.1016/j.molcel.2021.09.016

Comaills, Valentine:
Articulo en prensa: Nuclear envelope integrity in health and disease: Consequences on genome instability and inflammation. 2021. 10.3390/ijms22147281

Gauthier, Benoit Raymond, Comaills, Valentine:
Articulo en prensa: Nuclear envelope integrity in health and disease: Consequences on genome instability and inflammation. En: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 10.3390/ijms22147281

Lorenzo, Petra I., Martín Vázquez, Eugenia, López Noriega, Livia, Fuente Martín, Esther, Mellado Gil, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
The metabesity factor HMG20A potentiates astrocyte survival and reactive astrogliosis preserving neuronal integrity. En: Theranostics. 2021. Vol. 11. Núm. 14. Pag. 6983-7004. 10.7150/thno.57237

Domenici, Giacomo, Aurrekoetexa Rodríguez, Iskander, Simoes, Bruno, Rabano, Miriam, So Young, Lee, et. al.:
A Sox2-Sox9 signalling axis maintains human breast luminal progenitor and breast cancer stem cells. En: Oncogene. 2018. in press

Zheng, Yu, Comaills, Valentine, Burr, Risa, Boulay, Gaylor, Miyamoto, David T, et. al.:
COX-2 mediates tumor-stromal interaction through NR4A-induced Prolactin to initiate cancer proliferation. En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 2018. paper accepted

Aceto, Nicola, Bardia, Aditya, Wittner, Ben S, Donaldson, Maria C, O'keefe, Ryan, et. al.:
AR Expression in Breast Cancer CTCs Associates with Bone Metastases. En: Molecular Cancer Research. 2018. Vol. Apr;16. Núm. 4. Pag. 720-727. 10.1158/1541-7786.mcr-17-0480

Zheng, Yu, Miyamoto, David T, Wittner, Ben S, Sullivan, James P, Aceto, Nicola, et. al.:
Expression of ß-globin by cancer cells promotes cell survival during blood-borne dissemination. En: Nature Communications. 2017. Vol. 8. Núm. 14344. 10.1038/ncomms14344

Yazinski, Stephanie a, Comaills, Valentine, Buisson, Remi, Genois, Marie Michelle, Nguyen, Hai Dang, et. al.:
ATR inhibition disrupts rewired homologous recombination and fork protection pathways in PARP inhibitor-resistant BRCA-deficient cancer cells. En: Genes & Development. 2017. Vol. 31. Núm. 3. Pag. 318-332. www.genesdev.org/cgi/doi/10.1101/gad.290957.116.

Cañete Sánchez, Ana, Comaills, Valentine, Prados, Isabel Maria, Castro, Ana Maria, Hammad, Seddik, et. al.:
Characterization of a Fetal Liver Cell Population Endowed with Long-Term Multiorgan Endothelial Reconstitution Potential. En: Stem Cells. 2017. Vol. 35. Núm. 2. Pag. 507-521. 10.1002/stem.2494

Comaills, Valentine, Kabeche, Lilian, Morris, Robert, Buisson, Remi, Yu, Min, et. al.:
Genomic Instability Is Induced by Persistent Proliferation of Cells Undergoing Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition. En: Cell Reports. 2016. Vol. 17. Núm. 10. Pag. 2632-2647. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.11.022

Tajima, Ken, Yae, Toshifumi, Javaid, Sarah, Tam, Oliver, Comaills, Valentine, et. al.:
SETD1A modulates cell cycle progression through a miRNA network that regulates p53 target genes. En: Nature Communications. 2015. Vol. 6. Núm. 8257. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9257

Yu, Min, Bardia, Aditya, Aceto, Niocola, Bersani, Francesca, Madden, Marissa W, et. al.:
Ex vivo culture of circulating breast tumor cells for individualized testing of drug susceptibility. En: Science. 2014. Vol. 345. Núm. 6193. Pag. 216-220. 10.1126/science.1253533

Piva, Marco, Domenici , Giacomo, Iriondo, Oihana, Rabano, Miriam, Simoes, Bruno, et. al.:
Sox2 promotes tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells. En: EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2014. Vol. Jan;6. Núm. 1. Pag. 66-79. 10.1002/emmm.201303411

Chiba, Naokazu, Comaills, Valentine, Shiotani, Bunsyo, Takahashi, Funiyuki, Shimada, Toshiyuki, et. al.:
Homeobox B9 induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition-associated radioresistance by accelerating DNA damage responses. En: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). 2012. Vol. 109. Núm. 8. Pag. 2760-2765. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1018867108

Simoes, Bruno, Piva, Marco, Iriondo, Oihana, Comaills, Valentine, Lopez Ruiz, Jose a, et. al.:
Effects of estrogen on the proportion of stem cells in the breast. En: Breast Cancer Research and Treatment. 2011. Vol. 129. Núm. 1. Pag. 23-35. 10.1007/s10549-010-1169-4

Aportaciones a Congresos
Comaills, Valentine:
Proliferation during epithelial to mesenchymal transition induces genomic instability. Poster en Congreso. AACR Annual Meeting 2017. Washington, Estados Unidos. 2017

Comaills, Valentine:
EMT induced genetic instability. Ponencia en Congreso. TEMTIA VIII / International EMT meeting. houston EEUU. 2017

Comaills, Valentine:
Induction of ß-globin protects circulating tumor cells from oxidative stress during dissemination. Poster en Congreso. AACR Annual Meeting 2016. New Orleans, Ee Uu. 2016

Comaills, Valentine:
Stem cells and its applications. Ponencia en Jornada. 1era Jornada de Biotecnología de los Másteres de la UPO. - Sevilla, España, - Universidad Pablo de Olavide. 2011

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla