Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - Ainara Cortés Avizanda

Ainara Cortés Avizanda
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-9674-6434
Perfil en WOS: C-6634-2013
Perfil en Scopus: 24480329000

Grupo de Investigación: Ecología Funcional Aplicada
Departamento/Unidad: Biología Vegetal y Ecología
Situación profesional: Contratado Postdoctoral Proyecto Excelencia

Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Large-Scale experimental approach to the complexity of carrion ecology an management in the anthropocene: from intra and inter-kingdoms arms-race to biodiversity and sanitary challenges (US-1380940)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Capítulos en Libros
Moleón, Marcos, Selva, Nuria, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Carrion availability in space and time. En: Carrion Ecology and Management. Springer. 2018

Publicaciones en Revistas
Morant, Jon, Arrondo, Eneko, Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio, Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, et. al.:
Large-scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region. En: Ecology and Evolution. 2023. Vol. 13. Núm. 2. 10.1002/ece3.9817

Morant, Jon, Arrondo, Eneko, Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio, Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, et. al.:
Large-scale movement patterns in a social vulture are influenced by seasonality, sex, and breeding region. En: Ecology and Evolution. 2023. Vol. 13. 10.1002/ece3.9817

Delgado Gonzalez, Alejandro, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Serrano, David, Carrete, Martina, Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio, et. al.:
Apex scavengers from different European populations converge at threatened savannah landscapes. En: Scientific Reports. 2022. Vol. 12. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-06436-9

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Selva, Nuria, Moleón, Marcos:
Review/Reseña: Past, present and future of the ecosystem services provided by cetacean carcasses. En: Ecosystem Services. 2022. Vol. 54. 10.1016/j.ecoser.2022.101406

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Mckeen , Ellen, Ceballos, Olga, Pereira, Henrique M., Martín López, Berta:
Social actors¿ perceptions of wildlife: Insights for the conservation of species in Mediterranean protected areas. En: Ambio. 2022. Pag. 1-11. 10.1007/s13280-021-01546-6

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
La llegada del Buitre leonado a Mallorca: balance actualizado de un evento extraordinario. En: Quercus: Revista de Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza. 2021. Vol. 429. Pag. 14-16

Serrano, David, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Zuberogoitia, Iñigo, Blanco, Guillermo, Benítez, José Ramón, et. al.:
Phenotypic and environmental correlates of natal dispersal in a long-lived territorial vulture. En: Scientific Reports. 2021. Vol. 11. 10.1038/s41598-021-84811-8

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Weighted provider richness as the next step towards the inclusion of species-based services in ecosystem service mapping. En: Ecosystem Services. 2021. Vol. 48. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2021.101259

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Use of avian GPS tracking to mitigate human fatalities from bird strikes caused by large soaring birds. En: Journal of Applied Ecology. 2021. Vol. 58. Pag. 1411-1420. 10.1111/1365-2664.13893

Lambertucci, Sergio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Selva, Nuria:
Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news. En: Conservation Science and Practice. 2021. Vol. 3. https://doi.org/10.1111/csp2.415

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Tavecchia, Giacomo:
New arrivals: natural colonization of an island by a large vertebrate. En: Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment. 2021. Vol. 19. Núm. 7. Pag. 419-419. https://doi.org/10.1002/fee.2398

Sebastián González, Esther, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Moleón, Marcos, Selva, Nuria:
Functional traits driving species role in the structure of terrestrial vertebrate scavenger networks. En: Ecology. 2021. Vol. 102. 10.1002/ecy.3519

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Social actors¿ perceptions of wildlife: Insights for the conservation of species in Mediterranean protected areas. 2021. Pag. 1-11. 10.1007/s13280-021-01546-6

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Moleón, Marcos:
Avian scavengers living in anthropized landscapes have shorter telomeres and higher levels of glucocorticoid hormones. En: Science of the Total Environment. 2021. Vol. 782. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146920

Moleón, Marcos, Carrete, Martina, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Distribution of avian scavengers inside and outside of protected areas: contrasting patterns between two areas of Spain and South Africa. En: Biodiversity and Conservation. 2020. Vol. 29. Pag. 3349-3368. 10.1007/s10531-020-02027-0

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Landscape anthropization shapes the survival of a top avian scavenger. En: Biodiversity and Conservation. 2020. Vol. 29. Núm. 29. Pag. 1411-1425. 10.1007/s10531-020-01942-6

Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Ceballos, Olga, Arrondo, Eneko, Grande Chiappe, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Epizootics and sanitary regulations drive long-term changes in fledgling body condition of a threatened vulture. En: Ecological Indicators. 2020. Vol. 113. Pag. 10688-106190. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106188

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Dust and bullets: stable isotopes and GPS tracking disentangle lead sources for a large avian scavenger. En: Environmental Pollution. 2020. Vol. 266. Núm. 3. Pag. 115022-115025. 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115022

Martín Díaz, Paula, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Serrano, David, Arrondo, Eneko, Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio, et. al.:
Rewilding processes shape the use of Mediterranean landscapes by an avian top scavenger. En: Scientific Reports. 2020. Vol. 10. Núm. 10. Pag. 2853-2856. 10.1038/s41598-020-59591-2

Sebastián González, Esther, Moleón, Marcos, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Selva, Nuria:
Network structure of vertebrate scavenger assemblages at the global scale: drivers and ecosystem functioning implications. En: Ecography. 2020. Vol. 43. Pag. 1143-1155. 10.1111/ecog.05083

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
lles com a models ecològics i socioeconòmics: conseqüències de l'arribada del voltor lleonat a mallorca, tant pel gremi de carronyers com per la percepció social per part dels agents locals. 2019

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Livestock farming practices modulate vulture diet-disease interactions. En: Global Ecology and Conservation. 2019. Vol. e00518. 10.1016/j.gecco.2018.e00518

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Rewilding traditional grazing areas affects scavenger assemblages and carcass consumption patterns. En: Basic and Applied Ecology. 2019. Vol. 41. Pag. 56-66. 10.1016/j.baae.2019.10.006

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Review/Reseña: Rewilding complex ecosystems. En: Science. 2019. Vol. 364. Núm. 6438. 10.1126/science.aav5570

Sebastián González, Esther, Moleón, Marcos, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Selva, Nuria:
Scavenging in the Anthropocene: human impact drives vertebrate scavenger species richness at a global scale. En: Global Change Biology. 2019. Vol. 25. Pag. 3005-3017. 10.1111/gcb.14708

Antonio J. Castro, Moleón, Marcos, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Review/Reseña: Human-carnivore relations: A systematic review. En: Biological Conservation. 2019. Vol. 237. Pag. 480-492. 0006-3207

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
¿Sive la percepción social para conservar al Alimoche?. En: Quercus: Revista de Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza. 2018. Vol. 388. Pag. 42-43

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Tourism in protected areas: Disentangling road and traffic effects on intra-guild scavenging processes. En: Science of the Total Environment. 2018. Vol. 630. Pag. 600-608. 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.02.186

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
How to fit the distribution of apex scavengers into land¿abandonment scenarios? The Cinereous vulture in the Mediterranean biome. En: Biological Conservation. 2018. Vol. 24. Pag. 1018-1031. 10.1111/ddi.12743

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Stakeholders perceptions of the endangered Egyptian vulture: insights for conservation. En: Biological Conservation. 2018. Vol. 218. Pag. 173-180. 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.09.028

Moleón, Marcos, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Invisible barriers: differential sanitary regulations constrain vulture movements across country borders. En: Biological Conservation. 2018. Vol. 219. Pag. 46-52. 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.12.039

Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Serrano, David, Ceballos, Olga:
Sobre turismo, veneno y alimoches en Bardenas. En: Quercus: Revista de Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza. 2017. Vol. 371. Pag. 64-65

Sanz Aguilar, Ana, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Serrano, David, Blanco, Guillermo, Ceballos, Olga, et. al.:
Sex-and age-dependent patterns of survival and breeding success in a long-lived endangered avian scavenger. En: Scientific Reports. 2017. Vol. 7. 10.1038/srep40204

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Redes sociales en buitres. En: National Geographic. 2016. Núm. marzo

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Density-dependent productivity in a colonial vulture at two spatial scales. En: Ecology. 2016. Vol. 97. Pag. 406-416. 10.1890/15-0357.1

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Supplementary feeding and endangered species: benefits, caveats, and controversies. En: Frontiers In Ecology And The Environment. 2016. Vol. 14. Núm. 4. Pag. 191-199. 10.1002/fee.1257

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Rewilding: vulture restaurants cheat ecosystems. En: Nature. 2016. Vol. 540. Núm. 525. 10.1038/540525e

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Carrete, Martina:
Evaluation of the network of protection areas for the feeding of scavengers (PAFs) in Spain: from biodiversity conservation to greenhouse gas emission savings. En: Journal of Applied Ecology. 2016

Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Fargallo, Juan Antonio, Margalida, Antoni, Moleón, Marcos, et. al.:
Review/Reseña: Roles of raptors in a changing world: from flagships to providers of key ecosystem services. En: Ardeola. 2016. Vol. 63. Pag. 181-234. 10.13157/arla.63.1.2016.rp8

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
emporally unpredictable supplementary feeding may benefit endangered scavengers. En: Ibis. 2015. Vol. 157. Pag. 648-651. 10.1111/ibi.12267

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Modeling the consequences of the demise and potential recovery of a keystone-species: wild rabbits and avian scavengers in Mediterranean landscapes. En: Scientific Reports. 2015. Vol. 5. Núm. 17033. 10.1038/srep17033

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Birds sky networks: How do avian scavengers search for carrion resource. En: Ecology. 2014. Vol. 95. Pag. 1799-1808. 10.1890/13-0574.1

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Who are we feeding? Asymmetric individual use of surplus food resources in an insular population of the endangered Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus. En: PLoS One. 2013. Vol. 8. Núm. 11. 10.1371/journal.pone.0080523

Sebastian Gonzalez, Esther, Sanchez Zapata, Jose, A., Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Selva, Nuria, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, et. al.:
Interactive effects of obligate scavengers and scavenger community richness on lagomorph carcass consumption patterns. En: Ibis. 2013. Vol. 155. Núm. 4. Pag. 881-885

Carrete, Martina, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Stressful conditions experienced by endangered Egyptian vultures on African wintering areas. En: Animal Conservation. 2013

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Mast pulses shape trophic interactions between fluctuating rodent populations in a Primeval Forest. En: PLoS One. 2012. Vol. 12. Núm. e51267. 10.1371/journal.pone.0051267

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Resource unpredictability promotes species diversity and coexistence in an avian scavenger guild: a field experiment. Ecology. En: Ecology. 2012. Vol. 93. Pag. 2570-2579. 10.1890/12-0221.1

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Misleading estimates: biases and consistency of visual surveys and matrix modelling in the endangered bearded vulture. En: PLoS One. 2011. Vol. 6. Núm. e26784.8. 10.1371/journal.pone.0026784

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Almaraz, Pablo, Carrete, Martina, Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio, Delgado Huertas, Antonio L., et. al.:
Spatial heterogeneity in resource distribution promotes facultative sociality in two trans-Saharan migratory birds. En: PLoS One. 2011. Vol. 6. 10.1371/journal.pone.0021016

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Pros and cons of vulture restaurant. 2010. Vol. 25. Pag. 19-22

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
First case of albinism in Egyptian vultures. En: The Journal of Raptor Research. 2010. Vol. 44. Núm. 4. Pag. 325-330. 10.3356/Jrr-10-12.1

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Managing supplementary feeding for avian scavengers: guidelines for optimal design using ecological criteria. En: Biological Conservation. 2010. Vol. 143: Pag. 1707-1715. 10.1016/j.biocon.2010.04.016

Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Carrete, Martina:
Dietary Shifts in Two Vultures After the Demise of Supplementary Feeding Stations: Consequences of the Eu Sanitary Legislation. En: European Journal of Wildlife Research. 2010. Pag. 613-621

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Carrete, Martina, Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio:
Guidelines for the Design of Feeding Stations for Endangered Scavengers: Considering Interspecific Processes Within the Guild. En: Biological Conservation. 2010. Pag. 1707-1715

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Long-term trends in population size and breeding success in the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) in Northern Spain. En: The Journal of Raptor Research. 2009. Vol. 43. Núm. 1. Pag. 43-49. 10.3356/Jrr-08-24.1

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Effects of carrion resources on herbivore spatial distribution are mediated by facultative scavengers. En: Basic and Applied Ecology. 2009. Vol. 10. Núm. 3. Pag. 265-272. 10.1016/j.baae.2008.03.009

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Selva, Nuria, Carrete, Martina, Serrano, David, Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio:
¿Dónde Ubicar un Muladar?. En: Quercus: Revista de Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza. 2009. Vol. 284. Pag. 28-32

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara, Carrete, Martina, Serrano, David, Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio:
Carcasses Increase the Probability of Predation of Ground-Nesting Birds: a Caveat Regarding the Conservation Value of Vulture Restaurants. En: Animal Conservation. 2009. Vol. 12. Pag. 85-88

Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Ceballos, Olga, Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Las Bardenas Reales pierden sus alimoches por culpa del veneno. En: Quercus: Revista de Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza. 2008. Vol. 266. Pag. 60-61

Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio, Donazar Sancho, Jose Antonio, Carrete, Martina, Tella Escobedo, Jose Luis, Hiraldo Cano, Fernando, et. al.:
¿Ecosistemas asépticos? Muladares y conservación de la biodiversidad. En: Quercus: Revista de Estudio y Defensa de la Naturaleza. 2008. Vol. 268. Pag. 80-81

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Factors influencing the breeding density of bearded vultures, Egyptian vultures and griffons vultures in Catalonia (NE Spain): management implications. En: Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 2007. Vol. 30. Núm. 2. Pag. 189-200

Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
Social actors¿ perceptions of wildlife: Insights for the conservation of species in Mediterranean protected areas

Aportaciones a Congresos
Cortés Avizanda, Ainara:
conferencia como investigadora invitada en la asignatura ¿líneas actuales de investigación en Biología Animal¿ en el Máster Universitario en Investigación en Ciencias de la Universidad de Alcalá. Conferencias impartidas en Curso. Líneas actuales de Investigación en Biología Animal. Universidad de Alcalá. 2018

Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:

(Doctorando no grabado)
PhD Thesis: Ecological Studies of Red-headed Vulture Sacrogyps Calvus in Nepal. Tesis Doctoral. 2020

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla