Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - José Manuel Valverde Millán

José Manuel Valverde Millán
Telefono: 95.455.09.60
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-2345-8888
Perfil en WOS: C-2918-2008
Perfil en Scopus: 7101604752

Grupo de Investigación: Electrohidrodinamica y Medios Granulares Cohesivos
Departamento/Unidad: Electrónica y Electromagnetismo
Situación profesional: Catedrático de Universidad

Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Nuevos materiales para el almacenamiento de Energía Solar Concentrada mediante Calcium-Looping (SOLACAL) (US-1262507)
    • Integración del Proceso Ca-Looping en Centrales de Energía Solar Concentrada para el Almacenamiento Termo-Químico de Energía (CTQ2017-83602-C2-2-R)
    • Almacenamiento Termoquímico Hibrido de Energia Solar Concentrada (CTQ2014-52763-C2-2-R)
    • Fluidización de Partículas Finas y Ultrafinas Funcionales (P10-FQM-5735)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • "21st International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion". Nápoles (Italia) (PP2012-06-020)
    • 12th International Conference "Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants". Lugar: Ischia - Napoli (Italia) (PP2011-06-092)
    • Estancia. Instituto de Ricerche sulla Comustione IRC-CNR (PP2010-05-017)
    • First International Conference on Multiscale Modelling (PP2010-06-021)

Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Micromecánica, Obstrucciones y Flujos Granulares en Sistemas de Almacenamiento Termoquímico (PID2022-138943OB-I00 - Equipo de Investigación)
    • Prueba de concepto en entorno relevante de nuevo diseño de calcinador solar de alta temperatura y elevada eficiencia (PDC2021-121552-C22 - Equipo de Investigación)
    • SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage (SOCRATCES) (3228/0666 - Equipo Trabajo (Solicitud))
    • Dinámica de Fluidos, Suspensiones y Medios Granulares Cohesivos Sometidos a Fuerzas Mecánicas, Eléctricas y/o Magnéticas (FIS2011-25161 - Investigador)
    • Electrohidrodinámica de fluidos complejos y mecánica de medios granulares cohesivos (FIS2006-03645 - Investigador)
    • Electrohidrodinámica de suspensiones y reología de medios granulares cohesivos (EXC/2005/FQM-421 - Investigador)
    • Electrohidrodinámica y electrocinética de fluidos y partículas (BFM2003-01739 - Investigador)
    • Electrohidrodinámica de líquidos y suspensiones (BFM2000-1056 - Investigador)
    • Granular materials: from the discrete to the continuum approach (PST.CLG.976575 - Investigador)

  • Contrato con empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU):
    • Redispersión de reveladores líquidos de alta concentración sólida (OG-059/00 - Investigador)

  • Redes de investigación:
    • Almacenamiento de Energía Solar para Comunidades Aisladas (ONCYT) (RED 717RT0535 - Investigador)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2017/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2011/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2010/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2009/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2008/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2007/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2006/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-253 (2005/FQM-253 - Investigador)
    • Fluctuaciones en la sedimentación y la fluidización de medios granulares cohesivos: analogías y diferencias (HF2001-0127 - Investigador)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Fluidization of Fine Powders: Cohesive versus Dynamical Aggregation. Netherlands. Springer. 2013. ISBN 978-94-007-5586-4

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Springer Particle Technology Series. Sprin. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Tecnología de Medios Granulares. Santander (ESPAÑA). Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. 2008. ISBN 978-84-691-1925-9

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Ondas Electromagnéticas en Medios Dieléctricos Anisótropos. Grupo Editor Universitario. 2007. ISBN 97-8848-491-847-9

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
High Solids Redispersion of Liquid Inks

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith, Watson, P. Keith, et. al.:
Powder Flow: the Shear Fracture of a Tilted Layer of Xerographic Toner.

Otra participación en Libros
Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel (Editor/a):
Springer Particle Technology Series. Springer. 2012. ISBN 1567-827X

Capítulos en Libros
Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Carbon Dioxide Capture in Fluidized Beds of Nanosilica/Ca(OH)2. Pag. 415-421. En: ICREEC 2019. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Singapore. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. ISBN 978-981-15-5443-8

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Particle Structuring and Yield Stress in Magnetofluidized Beds. Vol. 1254. Pag. 33-38. En: Porous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering, and Industry: 3rd International. The American Institute of Physics. 2010. ISBN 978-0-7354-0803-6

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Alternating Field Electronanofluidization. Vol. 1145. Pag. 97-100. En: Powders and Grains 2009: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics. The American Institute of Physics. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7354-0682-7

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Magnetofluidization of Fine Magnetite Particles. Vol. 1145. Pag. 119-122. En: Powders and Grains 2009: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics. The American Institute of Physics. 2009. ISBN 978-0-7354-0682-7

Publicaciones en Revistas
Gannoun Ep Khalifa, Rahma, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Titania coating: mechanical shield for cohesive granular media at high temperatures. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. Vol. 450. Núm. 3. Pag. 138123-1-138123-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.138123

Gannoun Ep Khalifa, Rahma, Ebri, J. M. P., Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Sevilla Powder Tester: A Tool for Measuring the Flow Properties of Cohesive Powders at High Temperatures. En: KONA Powder and Particle Journal. 2022. Núm. 39. 10.14356/kona.2022008

Arcenegui Troya, Juan Jesús, Durán Martín, Jonatan, Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., et. al.:
Overlooked pitfalls in CaO carbonation kinetics studies nearby equilibrium: Instrumental effects on calculated kinetic rate constants. En: Alexandria Engineering Journal. 2022. Vol. 61. Núm. 8. Pag. 6129-6138. 10.1016/j.aej.2021.11.043

Arcenegui Troya, Juan Jesús, Moreno, Virginia, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Effect of Steam Injection during Carbonation on the Multicyclic Performance of Limestone (CaCO3) under Different Calcium Looping Conditions: A Comparative Study. En: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2022. Vol. 10. Núm. 2. Pag. 850-859. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c06314

Molina, Sandra, Gil Gonzalez, Eva, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, et. al.:
A novel Multi¿Phase Flash Sintering (MPFS) technique for 3D complex¿shaped ceramics. En: Applied Materials Today. 2022. Vol. 26. Núm. 101274. 10.1016/j.apmt.2021.101274

Amghar, Nabil, Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique:
The SrCO3/SrO system for thermochemical energy storage at ultra-high temperature. En: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2022. Vol. 238. Núm. Article number 111632. 10.1016/j.solmat.2022.111632

Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Calcium Looping process for energy storage: Insights from in situ XRD analysis. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2022. Vol. 429. Núm. 1 February. 10.1016/j.cej.2021.132244

Gannoun Ep Khalifa, Rahma, Ebri, J. M. P., Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, et. al.:
Nanosilica to improve the flowability of fine limestone powders in thermochemical storage units. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021. Vol. 426. Núm. 131789. 10.1016/j.cej.2021.131789

Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Ebri, J. M. P., Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The cohesive behavior of granular solids at high temperature in solar energy storage. En: Energy Conversion And Management. 2021. Vol. 240. Núm. 114217. 10.1016/j.enconman.2021.114217

Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Low concentration CO2 capture in fluidized beds of Ca(OH)2 as affected by storage humidiy. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021. Vol. 407. 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127179

Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Carro, Andrés:
Increasing the solar share in combined cycles through thermochemical energy storage. En: Energy Conversion And Management. 2021. 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113730

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ortiz, Carlos:
Modelling of a fluidized bed carbonator reactor for post-combustion CO2 capture considering bed hydrodynamics and sorbent characteristics. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021. Vol. 496. Núm. 126762. 10.1016/j.cej.2020.126762

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Scaling-up the Calcium-Looping Process for CO2 Capture and Energy Storage. 2020. 10.14356/kona.2021005 Review

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Scaling-up the Calcium-Looping Process for CO2 Capture and Energy Storage. En: KONA Powder and Particle Journal. 2020. 10.14356/kona.2021005 Review

Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
In situ XRD analysis of dolomite calcination under CO2 in humid environment. En: CrystEngComm. 2020. Vol. 22. Núm. 39. Pag. 6502-6516. 10.1039/D0ce00974a

Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Arcenegui Troya, Juan Jesús:
Role of particle size on the multicycle calcium looping activity of limestone for thermochemical energy storage. En: Journal of Advanced Research. 2020. Vol. 22. Pag. 67-76. 10.1016/j.jare.2019.10.008

Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Cross effect between temperature and consolidation on the flow behavior of granular materials in thermal energy storage systems. En: Powder Technology. 2020. Vol. 363. Pag. 135-145. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2019.11.125

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Role of particle size on the cohesive behavior of limestone powders at high temperature. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020. Vol. 391. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2019.123520

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Ebri, J. M. P., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Tensile strength and compressibility of fine CaCO3 powders. Effect of nanosilica addition. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019. Vol. 378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2019.122166

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Giménez Gavarrell, Pablo:
The Calcium-Looping (CaCO3/CaO) process for thermochemical energy storage in Concentrating Solar Power plants. En: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2019. Vol. 113. 10.1016/j.rser.2019.109252

Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Roche, Olivier:
A laboratory-scale study on the role of mechanical vibrations in pore pressure generation in pyroclastic materials: implications for pyroclastic flows. 2019. Vol. 81. 10.1007/s00445-019-1271-3

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Effect of temperature on flow properties of magnetofluidized beds at low consolidations. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019. Vol. 361. Pag. 50-59. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2018.11.232

Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Criado Luque, José Manuel, et. al.:
Sample-Controlled analysis under high pressure for accelerated process studies. En: Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 2019. Vol. 102. Núm. 3. Pag. 1338-1346. 10.1111/jace.15960

Azimi, B, Tahmasebpoor, Maryam, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Multicycle CO2 capture activity and fluidizability of Al-based synthesized CaO sorbents. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2019. Vol. 358. Pag. 679-690. 10.1016/j.cej.2018.10.061

Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ortiz, Carlos, et. al.:
High-Performance and Low-Cost Macroporous Calcium Oxide Based Materials for Thermochemical Energy Storage in Concentrated Solar Power Plants. En: Applied Energy. 2019. Vol. 235. Pag. 543-552. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.10.131

Sarrión, Beatriz, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Role of calcium looping conditions on the performance of natural and synthetic Ca-based materials for energy storage. En: Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2018. Vol. 28. Pag. 374-384. 10.1016/j.jcou.2018.10.018

Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Effect of milling mechanism on the CO2 capture performance of limestone in the Calcium Looping process. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018. Vol. 346. Pag. 549-556. 10.1016/j.cej.2018.03.146

Sarrión, Beatriz, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Pressure Effect on the Multicycle Activity of Natural Carbonates and a Ca/Zr Composite for Energy Storage of Concentrated Solar Power. En: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018. Vol. 6. Núm. 6. Pag. 7849-7858. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b00981

Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Calcium-Looping performance of mechanically modified Al2O3-CaO composites for energy storage and CO2 capture. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018. Vol. 334. Pag. 2343-2355. 10.1016/j.cej.2017.11.183

Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Low-cost Ca-based composites synthesized by biotemplate method for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power. En: Applied Energy. 2018. Vol. 210. Pag. 108-116. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.10.109

Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Ammonia Looping System for Mid-Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage. En: Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2018. Vol. 70. Pag. 763-768. 10.3303/Cet1870128

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo:
The mOxy-CaL Process: Integration of Membrane Separation, Partial Oxy-combustion and Calcium Looping for CO2 Capture. En: Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2018. Vol. 70. 10.3303/Cet1870108

Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Crystallographic and Morphological Transformation of Natrite and Nahcolite in the Dry Carbonate Process for CO2 Capture. En: Crystal Growth & Design. 2018. Vol. 18. Núm. 8. Pag. 4578-4592. 10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00563

Lizana, Jesús, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Barrios Padura, Angela, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Identification of best available thermal energy storage compounds for low-to-moderate temperature storage applications in buildings. En: Materiales de Construcción. 2018. Vol. 68. Núm. 331. Pag. 1-35. https://doi.org/10.3989/mc.2018.10517

Ortiz, Carlos, Romano, Matteo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Binotti, Marco, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo:
Process integration of Calcium-Looping thermochemical energy storage system in concentrating solar power plants. En: Energy. 2018. Vol. 155. Pag. 535-551. doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2018.04.180

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Perez Maqueda, Luis Allan:
Carbonation of Limestone Derived CaO for Thermochemical Energy Storage: From Kinetics to Process Integration in Concentrating Solar Plants. En: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b00199

Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Multicycle activity of natural CaCO3 minerals for thermochemical energy storage in Concentrated Solar Power plants. En: Solar Energy. 2017. Vol. 153. Pag. 188-199. 10.1016/j.solener.2017.05.068

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Miranda Pizarro, Juan, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Calcium-Looping performance of steel and blast furnace slags for thermochemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants. En: Journal of CO2 Utilization. 2017. Vol. 22. Pag. 143-154. 10.1016/j.jcou.2017.09.021

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Magnetic stabilization of fluidized beds: Effect of magnetic field orientation. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017. Vol. 313. Pag. 1335-1345. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.11.023

Lizana, Jesús, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Barrios Padura, Angela, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Advances in thermal energy storage materials and their applications towards zero energy buildings: A critical review. En: Applied Energy. 2017. Vol. 2013. Pag. 219-239. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.06.008

Bonaventura, Davide, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio, Ortiz, Carlos, et. al.:
Dry carbonate process for CO2 capture and storage: Integration with solar thermal power. En: Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017. 10.1016/j.rser.2017.06.061

Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Optimizing the CSP-Calcium Looping integration for Thermochemical Energy Storage. En: Energy Conversion And Management. 2017. Vol. 136. Pag. 85-98. 10.1016/j.enconman.2016.12.093

Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
Power cycles integration in concentrated solar power plants with energy storage based on calcium looping. En: Energy Conversion And Management. 2017. 10.1016/j.enconman.2017.03.029

Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Sarrion, Beatriz, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., et. al.:
Large-scale high-temperature solar energy storage using natural minerals. En: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells. 2017. Vol. 168. Pag. 14-21. 10.1016/j.solmat.2017.04.013

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Perejón, Antonio, et. al.:
The Oxy-CaL process: A novel CO2 capture system by integrating partial oxy-combustion with the Calcium-Looping process. En: Applied Energy. 2017. Vol. 196. Pag. 1-17. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.03.120

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Barea López, Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Effect of Thermal Pretreatment and Nanosilica Addition on Limestone Performance at Calcium-Looping Conditions for Thermochemical Energy Storage of Concentrated Solar Power. En: Energy & Fuels. 2017. Vol. 31. Núm. 4. Pag. 4226-4236. 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b03364

Miranda Pizarro, Juan, Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique:
CO2 capture performance of Ca-Mg acetates at realistic Calcium Looping conditions. En: Fuel. 2017. Vol. 196. Pag. 497-507. 10.1016/j.fuel.2017.01.119

Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Miranda Pizarro, Juan, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Large-Scale Storage of Concentrated Solar Power from Industrial Waste. En: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2017. Vol. 5. Pag. 2265-2272. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b02576

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Medina Carrasco, Santiago:
Limestone calcination under calcium-looping conditions for CO2 capture and thermochemical energy storage in the presence of H2O: an in situ XRD analysis. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2017. Vol. 19. Pag. 7587-7596. 10.1039/c7cp00260b

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Magnetic stabilization of fluidized beds: Effect of magnetic field orientation. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2017. Vol. 313. Pag. 1335-1345. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2016.11.023

Sarrion, Beatriz, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique:
On the multicycle activity of natural limestone/dolomite for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power. En: Energy Technology. 2016. Vol. 4. Núm. 8. Pag. 1013-1019. 10.1002/ente.201600068

Ebri, J. M. P., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
High Intensity Sound Enhances Calcination and CO2 Capture of Limestone and Dolomite at Ca-Looping Conditions. En: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2016. Vol. 55. Núm. 31. Pag. 8671-8678. 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b01616

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo:
Energy Consumption for CO2 Capture by means of the Calcium Looping Process: A Comparative Analysis using Limestone, Dolomite, and Steel Slag. 2016. Vol. 4. Núm. 10. Pag. 1317-1327. 10.1002/ente.201600390

Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
A new integration model of the calcium looping technology into coal fired power plants for CO2 capture. En: Applied Energy. 2016. Vol. 169. Pag. 408-420. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.050

Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
A new model of the carbonator reactor in the calcium looping technology for post-combustion CO2 capture. En: Fuel. 2016. Vol. 160. Núm. 9500. Pag. 328-338. 10.1016/j.fuel.2015.07.095

De la Calle Martos, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Garcia Garrido, Cristina, et. al.:
Effect of dolomite decomposition under CO2 on its multicycle CO2 capture behavior under calcium looping conditions. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2016. Vol. 18. Núm. 24. Pag. 16325-16336. 10.1039/c6cp01149g

Perejón, Antonio, Romeo Giménez, Luis Miguel, Lara Doñate, Yolanda, Lisbona Martín, María Pilar, Martínez Santamaría, Ana, et. al.:
Review/Reseña: The Calcium-Looping technology for CO2 capture: On the important roles of energy integration and sorbent behavior. En: Applied Energy. 2016. Vol. 162. Pag. 787-807. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2015.10.121

Perejón, Antonio, Miranda Pizarro, Juan, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
On the relevant role of solids residence time on their CO2 capture performance in the Calcium Looping technology. En: Energy. 2016. Vol. 113. Pag. 160-171. 10.1016/j.energy.2016.07.028

Miranda Pizarro, Juan, Perejón, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Use of steel slag for CO2 capture under realistic calcium-looping conditions. En: RSC Advances. 2016. Vol. 6. Pag. 37656-37663. 10.1039/C6ra03210a

Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, De la Calle, Antonio, Medina Carrasco, Santiago, et. al.:
Influence of Ball Milling on CaO Crystal Growth During Limestone and Dolomite Calcination: Effect on CO2 Capture at Calcium Looping Conditions. En: Crystal Growth & Design. 2016. Vol. 16. Núm. 12. Pag. 7025-7036. 10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01228

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Medina Carrasco, Santiago:
Reduction of Calcination Temperature in the Calcium Looping Process for CO2 Capture by Using Helium: In Situ XRD Analysis. En: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2016. Vol. 12. Núm. 4. Pag. 7090-7097. 10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b01966

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Ca-looping for postcombustion CO2 capture: A comparative analysis on the performances of dolomite and limestone. En: Applied Energy. 2015. Vol. 138. Pag. 202-215. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.10.087

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Limestone calcination nearby equilibrium: Kinetics, CaO crystal structure, sintering and reactivity. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2015. Vol. 119. Núm. 4. Pag. 1623-1641. 10.1021/jp508745u

Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Van Ommen, Ruud, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., et. al.:
Synthesis of a nanosilica supported CO2 sorbent in a fluidized bed reactor. En: Applied Surface Science. 2015. Vol. 328. Pag. 548-553. 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.12.106

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos:
Vibration-induced dynamical weakening of pyroclastic flows: Insights from rotating drum experiments. En: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2015. Vol. 120. Núm. 9. Pag. 6182-6190. 10.1002/2015jb012317

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Effect of particle size polydispersity on the yield stress of magnetofluidized beds as depending on the magnetic field orientation. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2015. Vol. 277. Pag. 269-285. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2015.04.124

Zafar, Umair, Hare, Colin, Calbert, G., Gadhiri, Mojtaba, Girimonte, R., et. al.:
Comparison of cohesive powder flowability measured by Schulze Shear Cell, Raining Bed Method, Sevilla Powder Tester and new Ball Indentation Method. En: Powder Technology. 2015. Vol. 286. Pag. 807-816. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2015.09.010

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Thermal decomposition of dolomite under CO2: insights from TGA and in situ XRD analysis. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015. Vol. 17. Pag. 30162-30176. 10.1039/c5cp05596b

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Medina Carrasco, Santiago:
Crystallographic transformation of limestone during calcination under CO2. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015. Vol. 17. Pag. 21912-21926. 10.1039/c5cp02715b

Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Acoustic streaming in pulsating flows through porous media. En: Rivista del Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica (Testo stampato). 2014. Vol. 37. Núm. 11. Pag. 591-619. 10.1393/ncr/i2014-10106-6

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Role of precalcination and regeneration conditions on postcombustion CO2 capture in the Ca-looping technology. En: Applied Energy. 2014. Vol. 136. Pag. 347-356. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.09.052

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Relevant influence of limestone crystallinity on CO2 capture in the Ca-looping technology at realistic calcination conditions. En: Environmental Science and Technology. 2014. Vol. 48. Núm. 16. Pag. 9882-9889. 10.1021/es5014505

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Effect of heat pretreatment/recarbonation in the Ca-looping process at realistic calcination conditions. En: Energy & Fuels. 2014. Vol. 28. Núm. 6. Pag. 4062-4067. 10.1021/ef5007325

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Quintanilla, M.A.S., Pérez Vaquero, Javier:
Role of cristal structure on CO2 capture by limestone derived CaO subjected to carbonation-recarbonation-calcination cycles at Ca-looping conditions. En: Applied Energy. 2014. Vol. 125. Pag. 264-275. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.03.065

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Role of crystal structure on CO2 capture by limestone derived CaO subjected to carbonation/recarbonation/calcination cycles at Ca-looping conditions. En: Applied Energy. 2014. Vol. 125. Pag. 264-275. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2014.03.065

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Calcium-looping for post-combustion CO2 capture. On the adverse effect of sorbent regeneration under CO2. En: Applied Energy. 2014. Vol. 126. Pag. 161-171

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Quintanilla, M.a.s, Perez Vaquero, Juan:
Role of crystal structure on CO2 capture by limestone derived CaO subjected to carbonation/recarbonation/calcination cycles at Ca-looping conditions. En: Applied Energy. 2014. Vol. 125. Pag. 264-275

Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Multicyclic conversion of limestone at Ca-looping conditions: The role of solid-sate diffusion controlled carbonation. En: Fuel. 2014. Vol. 127. Pag. 131-140

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
High and stable Co2 capture capacity of natural limestone at Ca-looping conditions by heat pretreatment and recarbonation synergy. En: Fuel. 2014. Vol. 123. Pag. 79-85

Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Nanosilica supported CaO: A regenerable and mechanically hard CO2 sorbent at Ca-looping conditions. En: Applied Energy. 2014. Vol. 118. Pag. 92-99

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Effect of magnetic field orientation on fluidized beds of magnetic particles: theory and experiment. En: Particuology. 2014. Vol. 12. Pag. 54-63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.partic.2013.03.002

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Constant rate thermal analysis for enhancing the long-term CO2 capture of CaO at Ca-looping conditions. En: Applied Energy. 2013. Vol. 108. Pag. 108-120

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
CO2 multicyclic capture of pretreated/doped CaO in the Ca-looping process. Theory and experiments. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2013. Vol. 15. Núm. 28. Pag. 11775-11793

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Role of looping-calcination conditions on self-reactivation of thermally pretreated CO2 sorbents based on CaO. En: Energy & Fuels. 2013. Vol. 27. Núm. 6. Pag. 3373-3384

Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José:
Dry gas-solid carbonation in fluidized beds of Ca(OH)2 and nanosilica/Ca(OH)2 at ambient temperature and low CO2 pressure. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013. Vol. 222. Pag. 546-552

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Use of silica nanopowder to increase the CO2 rate of adsorption by a Ca(OH)2 cohesive powder. 2013. Vol. 11. Núm. 4. Pag. 448-453. 10.1016/j.partic.2012.06.015

Pontiga, F, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Moreno, H, Duran Olivencia, F. J.:
Dry gas-solid carbonation in fluidized beds of Ca(OH)2 and nanosilica/Ca(OH)2 at ambient temperature and low CO2 pressure. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013. Vol. 222. Pag. 546-552. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2013.02.067

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Jimenez, P. E., Perejon, a, Perez Maqueda, L. A.:
Constant rate thermal analysis for enhancing the long-term CO2 capture of CaO at Ca-looping conditions. 2013. Vol. 108. Pag. 108-120. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.03.013

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Raganati, F, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Ebri, J. M. P., Ammendola, P, et. al.:
Enhancement of CO2 capture at Ca-looping conditions by high-intensity acoustic fields. En: Applied Energy. 2013. Vol. 111. Pag. 538-549. 10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.05.012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Jimenez, P. E., Perejon, A., Perez Maqueda, L. A.:
CO2 multicyclic capture of pretreated/doped CaO in the Ca-looping process. Theory and experiments. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2013. Vol. 15. Núm. 28. Pag. 11775-11793. 10.1039/c3cp50480h

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
A model on the CaO multicyclic conversion in Ca-looping. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2013. Vol. 228. Pag. 1195-1206. 10.1016/j.cej.2013.05.023

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Jimenez, Pedro, Perejon, a, Perez Maqueda, L. A.:
Role of looping-calcination conditions on self-reactivation of thermally pretreated CO2 sorbents based on CaO. En: Energy & Fuels. 2013. Vol. 27. Núm. 6. Pag. 3373-3384. 10.1021/ef400480j

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Acoustic streaming in gas-fluidized beds of small particles. En: Soft Matter. 2013. Vol. 9. Núm. 37. Pag. 8792-8814. 10.1039/C3sm50780g

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ebri, J. M. P., Quintanilla, M. A. S.:
Acoustic streaming enhances the multicyclic CO2 capture of natural limestone at Ca-looping conditions. En: Environmental Science & Technology. 2013. Vol. 47. Núm. 16. Pag. 9538-9544. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/es4019173

Pérez Vaquero, Javier, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Quintanilla, M. A. S., Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
Flow Properties of CO2 Sorbent Powders Modified with Nano-Silica. En: Powder Technology. 2013. Vol. 249. Pag. 443-455. 10.1016/j.powtec.2013.09.002

Sanchez Jimenez, Pedro, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perez Maqueda, Luis a:
Multicyclic conversion of limestone at Ca-looping conditions. The role of solid-sate diffusion controlled carbonation solid-sate diffusion controlled carbonation. En: Fuel. 2013. 10.1016/j.fuel.2013.09.064

Sanchez Jimenez, Pedro, Perez Maqueda, Luis A., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Nanosilica supported CaO: A regenerable and mechanically hard CO2 sorbent at Ca-looping conditions. En: Applied Energy. 2013

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Stabilization of Fluidized Beds of Particles Magnetized by an External Field: Efects of Particle Size and Field Orientation. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2013. Vol. 732. Pag. 282-303. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2013.403

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Yield Stress of Jammed Magnetofluidized Beds. En: Granular Matter. 2013. Vol. 15. Núm. 4. Pag. 477-485. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10035-012-0374-8

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Ca-based synthetic materials with enhanced CO2 capture efficiency. En: Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2013. Vol. 1. Pag. 447-468. 10.1039/C2ta00096b

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Attrition of Ca-based CO2-adsorbents by a high velocity gas jet. En: AIChE Journal. 2012. 10.1002/aic.13908

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Magneto-Stabilization of Fluidized Beds As Due to Short Ranged Interparticle Forces. En: International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. 2012. Vol. 10. Núm. 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/1542-6580.2988

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús:
Effects of Particle Size and Field Orientation on the Yield Stress of Magneto-Stabilized Fluidized Beds. En: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012. Vol. 51. Núm. 23. Pag. 8134-8140. dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie300075z

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia:
CO2 capture enhancement in a fluidized bed of a modified Geldart C powder. En: Powder Technology. 2012. Vol. 224. Pag. 247-252. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2012.02.060

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Enhancement of fast CO2 capture by a nano-SiO2/CaO composite at Ca-looping conditions. En: Environmental Science & Technology. 2012. Vol. 46. Núm. 11. Pag. 6401-6408. 10.1002/aic.13908

Van Ommen, J. Ruud, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pfeffer, Robert:
Fluidization of Nanopowders - A Review. En: Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2012. Vol. 14. Pag. 737-766. 10.1007/s11051-012-0737-4

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Electrofluidization of Silica Nanoparticle Agglomerates. En: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012. Vol. 51. Núm. 1. Pag. 531-538. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ie200538v

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Jia, Xiaoping, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Probing the nature of the contact between fine particles by means of ultrasound propagation. En: Particuology. 2011. Vol. 9. Pag. 659-662. 10.1016/j.partic.2011.06.009

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Jamming and Rheology of Fluidized Beds of Magnetized Particles. En: Applied Rheology: Fliessverhalten steuern. 2011. Vol. 21. Núm. 3. Pag. 35179-1-35179-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.3933/ApplRheol-21-35179

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Stabilization of Gas-Fluidized Beds of Magnetic Powders by a Cross-Flow Magnetic Field. En: Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2011. Vol. 680. Pag. 80-113. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/jfm.2011.151

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia, et. al.:
Improving the gas-solids contact efficiency in a fluidized bed of CO2 adsorbent fine particles. En: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2011. Vol. 13. Núm. 33. Pag. 14906-14909. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c1cp21939a

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Correlation Between Microstructure and Yield Stress in Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Beds. En: Journal of Multiscale Modeling. 2010. Vol. 2. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 185-198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S1756973710000400

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluid to Solid Transition in Magnetofluidized Beds of Fine Powders. En: Journal of Applied Physics. 2010. Vol. 108. Núm. 5. Pag. 054903-1-054903-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3480989

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Magnetic Field Induced Inversion in the Effect of the Particle Size on Powder Cohesiveness. En: The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2010. Vol. 133. Núm. 2. Pag. 024706-1-024706-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3458002

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Rheology of Magnetofluidized Fine Powders: the Role of Interparticle Contact Forces. En: Journal of Rheology. 2010. Vol. 54. Núm. 4. Pag. 719-740. http://dx.doi.org/10.1122/1.3380851

Lepek, Daniel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pfeffer, Robert, Dave, Rajesh N.:
Enhanced Nanofluidization by Alternating Electric Fields. En: AIChE Journal. 2010. Vol. 56. Pag. 54-65

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Electrofluidized Bed of Silica Nanoparticles. En: Journal of Electrostatics. 2009. Vol. 67. Núm. 2-3. Pag. 439-444. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.elstat.2009.01.021

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Electromechanics of Fluidized Beds of Nanoparticles. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2009. Vol. 79. Núm. 1. Pag. 011304-1-011304-7

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Magnetofluidization of Fine Magnetite Powder. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2009. Vol. 79. Núm. 3. Pag. 031306-1-031306-11

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
The Noisy Behavior of Avalanches in Cohesive Powders. En: International Review of Chemical Engineering. 2009. Vol. 1. Núm. 6. Pag. 1-6

Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Avalanches in Moistened Beds of Glass Beads. En: Powder Technology. 2009. Vol. 196. Pag. 257-262

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Chen, Y., Yang, J., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Dave, Rajesh N.:
Pull-Off Force of Coated Fine Powders Under Small Consolidation. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2009. Vol. 79. Pag. 041305-1-041305-14

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Mesoscopic Structuring and Yield Stress of Magnetofluidized Fine Particles. En: Europhysics Letters. 2009. Vol. 88. Núm. 2. Pag. 24003-1-24003-5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1209/0295-5075/88/24003

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Quevedo, Jose, Lepek, Daniel, et. al.:
Fluidization of Fine and Ultrafine Particles Using Nitrogen and Neon As Fluidizing Gases. En: AIChE Journal. 2008. Vol. 54. Núm. 1. Pag. 86-103

Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Effect of Vibration on Flow Properties of Fine Glass Beads. En: AIChE Journal. 2008. Vol. 54. Núm. 4. Pag. 886-896

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
A Modified Richardson-Zaki Equation for Fluidization of Geldart B Magnetic Particles. En: Powder Technology. 2008. Vol. 181. Núm. 3. Pag. 347-350

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Gilabert Villegas, Francisco Antonio:
Effect of Inclination on Gas-Fluidized Beds of Fine Cohesive Powders. En: Powder Technology. 2008. Vol. 182. Núm. 3. Pag. 398-405

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Bubbling Suppression in Fluidized Beds of Fine and Ultrafine Powders. En: Particulate Science and Technology. 2008. Vol. 26. Núm. 3. Pag. 197-213

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidization of Nanoparticles: a Simple Equation for Estimating the Size of Agglomerates. En: Chemical Engineering Journal. 2008. Vol. 140. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 296-304

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Nanofluidization Electrostatics. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2008. Vol. 77. Núm. 3. Pag. 031301-1-031301-10

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Lepek, Daniel, Pfeffer, Robert, et. al.:
Nanofluidization As Affected by Vibration and Electrostatic Fields. En: Chemical Engineering Science. 2008. Vol. 63. Pag. 5559-5569

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidization, Bubbling and Jamming of Nanoparticle Agglomerates. En: Chemical Engineering Science. 2007. Vol. 62. Núm. 23. Pag. 6947-6956

Gilabert Villegas, Francisco Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Adhesive Elastic Plastic Contact: Theory and Numerical Simulation. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2007. Vol. 87. Núm. 2. Pag. 128-138

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Compaction of Fine Powders: from Fluidized Agglomerates to Primary Particles. En: Granular Matter. 2007. Vol. 9. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 19-24

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Types of Gas Fluidization of Cohesive Granular Materials. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2007. Vol. 75. Núm. 3. Pag. 031306-1-031306-6

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Magnetic Field Assisted Fluidization: a Modified Richardson-Zaki Equation: Magnetic Particulate Systems. En: China Particuology. 2007. Vol. 5. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 61-70

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidization of Nanoparticies: a Modified Richardson-Zaki Law. En: AIChE Journal. 2006. Vol. 52. Núm. 2. Pag. 838-842

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Effect of Vibration on Agglomerate Particulate Fluidization. En: AIChE Journal. 2006. Vol. 52. Núm. 5. Pag. 1705-1714

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Adhesion Force Between Fine Particles With Controlled Surface Properties. En: AIChE Journal. 2006. Vol. 52. Núm. 5. Pag. 1715-1728

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Random Loose Packing of Cohesive Granular Materials. En: Europhysics Letters. 2006. Vol. 75. Núm. 6. Pag. 985-991

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
High Viscosity Gas Fluidization of Fine Particles: an Extended Window of Quasihomogeneous Flow. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2006. Vol. 74. Núm. 2. Pag. 021302-1-021302-6

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Effect of Compaction History on the Fluidization Behavior of Fine Cohesive Powders. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2006. Vol. 73. Núm. 5 Pt 2. Pag. 056310-1-056310-5

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
The Transitional Behaviour of Avalanches in Cohesive Granular Materials. En: Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2006. Vol. 7

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Physics of Compaction of Fine Cohesive Particles. En: Physical Review Letters. 2005. Vol. 94. Núm. 7. Pag. 075501-075501

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Jamming Threshold of Dry Fine Powders. En: Physical Review Letters. 2004. Vol. 92. Núm. 25. Pag. 258303-1-258303-4

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Granular Avalanches: Deterministic, Correlated and Decorrelated Dynamics. En: Europhysics Letters. 2004. Vol. 68. Núm. 6. Pag. 818-824

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Viturro, R. Enrique:
Rheological Testing of Xerographic Liquid Inks: a Need for Printing Technology. En: Applied Rheology: Fliessverhalten steuern. 2004. Vol. 14. Núm. 4. Pag. 190-196

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Sevilla Powder Tester: a Tool for Characterizing and Investigating the Physical Properties of Fine Cohesive Powders. En: KONA Powder and Particle Journal. 2004. Vol. 22. Pag. 66-81

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Memory of Granular Materials. En: Contemporary Physics. 2003. Vol. 44. Núm. 5. Pag. 389-399

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Effect of Particle Size and Interparticle Force on the Fluidization Behavior of Gas-Fluidized Beds. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2003. Vol. 67. Núm. 5. Pag. 051305-1-051305-6

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Interparticle Contact Forces in Fine Cohesive Powders: Theory and Experiment. En: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2003. Vol. 3. Núm. 1. Pag. 206-207

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Fine Cohesive Powders in Rotating Drums: Transition from Rigid- Plastic Flow to Gas-Fluidized Regime. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2002. Vol. 65. Núm. 6

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Self-Diffusion in a Gas-Fluidized Bed of Fine Powder. En: Physical Review Letters. 2001. Vol. 86. Núm. 14. Pag. 3020-3023

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Looking for Self-Organized Critical Behavior in Avalanches of Slightly Cohesive Powders. En: Physical Review Letters. 2001. Vol. 87. Núm. 19. Pag. 57-60

Watson, P. Keith, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
The Tensile Strength and Free Volume of Cohesive Powders Compressed by Gas Flow. En: Powder Technology. 2001. Vol. 115. Núm. 1. Pag. 45-50

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith:
The Effect of Particle Size on Interparticle Adhesive Forces for Small Loads. En: Powder Technology. 2001. Vol. 118. Núm. 3. Pag. 236-241

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
The Settling of Fine Cohesive Powders. En: Europhysics Letters. 2001. Vol. 54. Núm. 3. Pag. 329-334

Lemaire, Elisabeth, Mehri, Dima, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Mechanical Stresses of a Layer of Colloidal Particles Aggregated by Means of an Electric Field. En: Journal of Electrostatics. 2001. Vol. 53. Núm. 2. Pag. 107-121

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Effect of Vibration on the Stability of a Gas-Fluidized Bed of Fine Powder. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2001. Vol. 64. Núm. 2. Pag. 021302/1-8

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Correlation Between Bulk Stresses and Interparticle Contact Forces in Fine Powders. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2001. Vol. 64. Núm. 3. Pag. 031301/1-9

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Aggregation and Sedimentation in Gas-Fluidized Beds of Cohesive Powders. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2001. Vol. 64. Núm. 4. Pag. 041304/1-7

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Onset of Fluidization in Xerographic Toners. En: Materials Physics and Mechanics. 2001. Vol. 3. Pag. 57-62

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith:
Avalanches in Fine, Cohesive Powders. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2000. Vol. 62. Núm. 5. Pag. 6851-6860

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Meeting-Abstract: State Diagram of Fine Cohesive Powders At Zero Shear. En: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 2000. Vol. 80. Núm. 2

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Morgan, Michael A., et. al.:
An Automated Apparatus for Measuring the Tensile Strength and Compressibility of Fine Cohesive Powders. En: Review of Scientific Instruments. 2000. Vol. 71. Pag. 2791-2795. 10.1063/1.1150694

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas:
The Dynamics of Fine Powders in a Rotating Drum. En: Inorganic Materials. 1999. Vol. 35. Núm. 8. Pag. 837-841

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith:
Flow Regimes in Fine Cohesive Powders. En: Physical Review Letters. 1999. Vol. 82. Núm. 6. Pag. 1156-1159

Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Garcia Garcia, Fco. Javier, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
On the Breakup of Slender Liquid Bridges: Experiments and a 1-D Numerical Analysis. En: European Journal of Mechanics B: Fluids. 1999. Vol. 18. Núm. 4. Pag. 649-658

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Ramos Reyes, Antonio:
The Tensile Strength of Cohesive Powders and Its Relationship to Consolidation, Free Volume and Cohesivity. En: Powder Technology. 1998. Vol. 97. Núm. 3. Pag. 237-245

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Scaling-up the Calcium-Looping Process for CO2 Capture and Energy Storage. 10.14356/kona.2021005 Review

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Ca-based synthetic materials with enhanced CO2 capture efficiency. Vol. 1. Pag. 447-468. 10.1039/C2ta00096b

Aportaciones a Congresos
Ebri, J. M. P., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
The Cohesive Behaviour of Granular Solids at High Temperature for Solar Energy Storage. Ponencia en Congreso. 15th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES). Cologne. 2020

Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Carbon dioxide capture in fluidized beds of nanosilica/Ca(OH)2. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. International Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion. Orán. 2019

Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Criado Luque, José Manuel, et. al.:
Development of a high-pressure thermobalance working under constant rate thermal analysis. Poster en Congreso. 12th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Brasov, Rumania. 2018

Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Sarrión Aceytuno, Beatriz, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Mónica Benítez Guerrero, et. al.:
Reversible carbonation-decarbonation reactions for CO2 capture and thermal energy storage. Ponencia en Congreso. 12th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Brasov, Rumania. 2018

López García, Elisa, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Palomo Guerrero, Francisco, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Simulation of biomass gasification in a downdraft fixed bed using Aspen: optimal operation conditions and influence of biomass type. Ponencia en Congreso. 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems. Guimaraes, Portugal. 2018

Binotti, Marco, Romano, Matteo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo:
Calcium-Looping Integration for Thermochemical Energy Storage: SOCRATCES ProjectOff-Design Model of Concentrating Solar Power Plant with Thermochemical Energy Storage Based on Calcium-Looping. Ponencia en Congreso. Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems. Casablanca (Marruecos). 2018

Masci, Giuseppe, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Verda, Vittorio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The ammonia looping system for mid-temperature thermochemical energy storage. Ponencia en Congreso. 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. Praga. 2018

Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Ortiz, Carlos, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Solar Calcium-Looping Integration for Thermochemical Energy Storage: SOCRATCES Project. Ponencia en Congreso. Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems. Casablanca (Marruecos). 2018

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo:
Off-Design Model of Concentrating Solar Power Plant with Thermochemical Energy Storage Based on Calcium-Looping. Ponencia en Congreso. Solar Power & Chemical Energy Systems. Casablanca (Marruecos). 2018

Fernández Navarro, Reyes, Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
Thermochemical Energy Storage for enhancing the dispatchability in PV plants. Ponencia en Congreso. 13th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment systems. Palermo, Italia. 2018

Ortiz, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Romeo, Luis:
The mOxy- CaL process: integration of membrane separation, partial oxy-combustion and Calcium Looping for CO2 capture. Ponencia en Congreso. 21st Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction. Praga. 2018

Fernández Navarro, Reyes, Fernández Navarro, Reyes, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
Almacenamiento termoquímico en plantas CSP basado en calcium-looping: retos y oportunidades. Ponencia en Congreso. XVI Congreso Ibérico y XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar. - Madrid, España. 2018

Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Mónica Benítez Guerrero, Sarrion, Beatriz, Perejón, Antonio, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, et. al.:
Solid-State Reactions in Natural Carbonates for High-Temperature Thermochemical Energy Storage in Concentrated Solar Power Plants. Poster en Congreso. 16th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry. Glasgow. 2017

Lizana, Jesús, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Barrios Padura, Angela, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Characterization of thermal energy storage materials for building applications. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd International Congress on Sustainable Construction and Eco-Efficient Solutions. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla. 2017

Bonaventura, Davide, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Verda, Vittorio, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
Integrated Carbon Capture and Recycling system for combined CO2 capture and Sodium Bicarbonate production in small coal power plants. Ponencia en Congreso. 11th CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS. Lisboa, Portugal. 2016

Sarrión, Beatriz, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, et. al.:
On the use of natural limestone and dolomite for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power. Poster en Congreso. 22nd International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2016 and the 19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES 2016. Prague, Czech Republic. 2016

Ortiz, Carlos, Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Alovisio, Alessandro, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio:
Calcium looping process for Thermochemical Energy Storage in CSP plants . Integration assessment of direct and indirect power cycles. Comunicación en congreso. 11th CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS. Lisboa, Portugal. 2016

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Interdependent Role of Particle Size and Field Orientation on the Yield Stress of Stable Magnetofluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. 13th International Conference Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants. Sestri Levanti, Genova, Italia. 2014

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Yield stress of stable magnetofluidized beds: Effect of particle size. Comunicación en congreso. 14th International Conference on Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions. Granada, España. 2014

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ebri, J. M. P., Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
Sonoprocessing promotes fast CO2 capture/decarbonation in fluidized beds at Ca-Looping conditions. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plant. Sestri Levante (Genova), Italia. 2014

Ebri, J. M. P., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
Application of a high intensity acoustic field to promote CO2 capture by carbonation of CaO. Poster en Congreso. 1st International Conference on Ultrasonic-Based Applications: From Analysis to Synthesis. Caparica, Lisboa, Portugal. 2014

Ebri, J. M. P., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
Intensification of post-combustion CO2 capture by sonoprocessing. Poster en Congreso. 4th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON GREEN PROCESS ENGINEERING. Sevilla. 2014

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Quintanilla, M.A.S., Pérez Vaquero, Javier:
Effect of crystallinity on CaO conversion of natural limestone in carbonation-recarbonation-calcination cycles. Comunicación en congreso. 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Praga, Republica Checa. 2014

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
Multicyclic capture of CO2 by CaO at Ca-looping conditions: effects of heat treatment and nanosilica addition. Poster en Congreso. 4th International Congress on Green Process Engineering. 2014

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Quintanilla, M.A.S.:
Behavior of magnetofluidized beds as affected by particle size and field orientation. Comunicación en congreso. 14th International Conference on Fluidization - From Fundamentals to Products. Noordwijkerhout, Holanda. 2013

Quintanilla, M.A.S., Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús:
Fluidization assistance of nanopowders by an alternating nonuniform electric field. Comunicación en congreso. 14th International Conference on Fluidization - From Fundamentals to Products. Noordwijkerhout, Holanda. 2013

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ebri, J. M. P., Pérez Vaquero, Javier, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A.:
A CaO/nano-silica composite powder with enhanced CO2 capture capacity and mechanical stability. Poster en Congreso. International Congress on Particle Technology. Nüremberg (Germany). 2013

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Talebi, Mojgan, Van Ommen, J. Ruud, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., et. al.:
Nanostructured materials for CO2 capturing: a comparison of two approaches. Poster en Congreso. Fluidization XIV. From Fundamentals to Product. Noordwijkerhout, Zuid-Holland, Holland. 2013

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Ebri, J. M. P., et. al.:
A CaO/nano-silica composite powder with enhanced CO2 capture capacity and mechanical stability. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress on Particle Technology 2013. Núremberg, Alemania. 2013

Calvert, Graham, Zafar, Umair, Hare, Colin, Gadhiri, Mojtaba, Girimonte, Rossella, et. al.:
Powder Flowability Measured by Schulze Shear Cell and Two Novel Devices: The Raining Bed Method and Sevilla Powder Tester. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress on Particle Technology 2013. Núremberg, Alemania. 2013

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Magnetic Stabilization of Fluidized Beds As Affected by Operation Mode and Particle Size. Poster en Congreso. International Congress on Particle Technology 2013. Núremberg, Alemania. 2013

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The New Rheological Behaviour Of Fine Powders Fluidized By Gas. Comunicación en congreso. XVIth International Congress on Rheology. Lisboa, Portugal. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Ebri, J. M. P.:
The Yield Stress Of CO2 Adsorbent Preconditioned Powders. Comunicación en congreso. XVIth International Congress on Rheology Lisbon. Lisboa, Portugal. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, et. al.:
Improving Co2 Sorption Rate by a CA(Oh)2/Nano-Sio2 Composite in a Fluidized Bed. Comunicación en congreso. 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference. Graz, Austria. 2012

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Effect of Magnetic Field Orientation on Fluidized Beds of Magnetic Particles. Comunicación en congreso. 07th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Friedrichshafen - Alemania. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús:
A CA(Oh)2/Sio2 Composite for Enhanced Sorption of Co2. Comunicación en congreso. 07th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Fiedrichshafen - Alemania. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, et. al.:
Enhancement of Co2 Capture Capacity by a Fine Cohesive Powder. Comunicación en congreso. 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Praga, República Checa. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús:
Mechanical Strength of CA-Based Co2 Adsorbent Powders As Assessed by Laser Diffractometry. Comunicación en congreso. 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Praga, República Checa. 2012

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Stabilization of Fluidized Beds by Magnetic Fields. Comunicación en congreso. 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering. Praga, República Checa. 2012

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Role of the Field-Induced Microstructure on the Rheological Behavior of Magnetofluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. XVIth International Congress on Rheology. Lisboa, Portugal. 2012

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Role of Interparticle Forces on Magnetostabilization of Fluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. 21st International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. Naples, Italia. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Durán Olivencia, Francisco José, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, et. al.:
Use of silica nanopowder to enhance CO2 sorption of Ca-based fine powder. Comunicación en congreso. 21st International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. Naples, Italia. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
A modified Geldart diagram to predict the fluidlike behavior of some fine and ultrafine powders fluidized by gas. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 1st Workshop on Nanofluidization. 2012

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Fluidlike Uniform Fluidization of Fine Particles by Gas. A New Type of Behavior. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants. Ischia, Italia. 2011

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Pontiga Romero, Francisco, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Moreno Gonzalez, Helena Patricia, et. al.:
Enhanced Capture of Co2 by Assisted Fluidization of CA(Oh)2. Comunicación en congreso. 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants. Ischia, Italia. 2011

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Mechanics of Nanoparticle Electrofluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants. Ischia, Italia. 2011

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
The Role of Interparticle Forces on Fluidized Bed Stabilization by Magnetic Fields. Comunicación en congreso. 12th International Conference on Multiphase Flow in Industrial Plants. Ischia, Italia. 2011

Trigo Rodríguez, Josep Maria, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Blum, Jurguen:
A simple instrument to in situ characterize the tensile strength of cometary materials. Comunicación en congreso. 7th International Planetary Probe Workshop. 2010

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Rheology of Fluidized Beds of Magnetically Soft Fine Powders. Poster en Congreso. International soft matter conference. Granada, España. 2010. International Soft Matter Conference 2010. 456. 456

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Dynamics of Electronanofluidized Beds. Poster en Congreso. International soft matter conference. Granada, España. 2010. International Soft Matter Conference 2010. 500. 500

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Jamming Transition and Tensile Strength of Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2010. Repino, San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2010. Proceedings of XXXVIII Summer School "Advanced Problems in Mechanics" (APM 2010). 175. 184

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Nanoparticle Electrofluidization. Poster en Congreso. Nanospain 2010. Malaga. 2010. Nanospain 2010. 203. 204

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Correlation Between Microstructure and Yield Stress in Magnetically Stabilized Fluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. 1st International Conference on Multiscale Modelling. Paris, Francia. 2010. Book of Abstracts of the 1st International Conference on Multiscale Modelling. 7. 7

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Particle Structuring and Yield Stress in Magnetofluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. Third International Conference on Porous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry. Montecatini, Italia. 2010. Aip Conference Proceedings 2010; 1254(1). 33. 38

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Nanoparticle Fluidization As Affected by Alternating Electric Field. Poster en Congreso. Third International Conference on Porous Media and Its Applications in Science, Engineering and Industry. Montecatini, Italia. 2010. Proceedings (CD) of the 3rd International Conference on Porous Media and Its Applications in Science and Engineering Icpm3. 1. 6

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Role of Electrical Forces in the Fluidization of Fine Powders. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2010. Repino, San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2010. Book of Abstracts of XXXVIII Summer School-Conference "Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2010". 35. 35

Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Alternating Field Electronanofluidization. Poster en Congreso. Powders and Grains 2009. Golden, Colorado, Estados Unidos. 2009. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. 97. 100

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Magnetofluidization of Fine Magnetite Particles. Comunicación en congreso. Powders and Grains 2009. Golden, Colorado, Estados Unidos. 2009. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. 119. 122

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Cohesion and Internal Friction of Fine Glass Beads As Affected by Small Intensity Vertical Vibration. Poster en Congreso. Powders and Grains 2009. Golden, Colorado, Estados Unidos. 2009. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. 707. 710

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Extension of Geldart's Diagram to Fluidizable Fine and Ultrafine Particles. Comunicación en congreso. Powders and Grains 2009. Golden, Colorado, Estados Unidos. 2009. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. 977. 980

Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Mechanical Strength of Humidified Glass Beads. Comunicación en congreso. Powders and Grains 2009. Golden, Colorado, Estados Unidos. 2009. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. 903. 906

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Electrofluidized Bed of Silica Nanoparticles. Comunicación en congreso. Electrostatics 2009. Valencia, España. 2009. Book of Abstracts of Electrostatics 2009. 27. 27

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Particle Charging in Nanofluidization. Poster en Congreso. Nternational Symposium Reliable Flow of Partiuclate Solids. Tromso (Noruega). 2008. International Symposium Reliable Flow of Particulate Solids IV (Relpowflo IV). 761. 766

Lepek, Daniel, Pfeffer, Robert, Dave, Rajesh N., Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Nanofluidization As Affected by Vibration and Electrostatic Fields. Comunicación en congreso. Aiche 2008 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. 2008. Aiche 2008 Annual Meeting. 189y. (1-4)

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidization MAP of Granular Materials. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology Partec07. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2007. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology. P05-04 (1). P05-04 (4)

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Jia, X., Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Ultrasound Propagation in Fine Cohesive Powders. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology Partec07. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2007. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology. P13-03 (1). P13-03 (4)

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Chen, Y., Yang, J., et. al.:
The Tensile Strength and Compactivity of Cohesive Powders At Low Consolidation Stresses As Measured by the Seville Powder Tester. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology Partec07. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2007. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology. P13-01 (1). P13-01 (4)

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos:
A New Powder Tester to Measure the Tensile Strength and Angle of Internal Friction of Cohesive and Noncohesive Granular Materials. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology Partec07. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2007. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology. S30-2 (1). S30-2 (4)

Chen, Y., Yang, J., Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Dave, Rajesh N., Pfeffer, Robert, et. al.:
Fluidization of Cohesive Powders As Affected by Interparticle Attractive Force. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology Partec07. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2007. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology. S04-2. S04-2

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Modified Laws for Fluidization of Nanoparticles. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology Partec07. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2007. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology. P11-01(1). P11-01(4)

Grekova, Elena F., Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Gavrilov, Serge N., Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Some Ideas on Modelling Stress Propagation in Granular Media. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2007. San Petersburgo, Rsuia. 2007. Book of Abstracts of "Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2007" Conference. 114. 114

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Agglomerate Shinkrage and Bubbling Stimulation on Vibrated Apf Beds. Comunicación en congreso. World Congress on Particle Technology. Orlando, Florida, USA. 2006. CD-ROM Conference Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technolgy 5. 7f-1. 7f-6

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Lepek, Daniel, Quevedo, Jose, Omosebi, Ayokunle, Pfeffer, Robert, et. al.:
The Effect of Gas Viscosity on the Agglomerate Particulate Fluidization State of Fine and Ultrafine Particles. Comunicación en congreso. World Congress on Particle Technology. Orlando, Florida, USA. 2006. CD-ROM Conference Proceedings of World Congress on Particle Technolgy 5. 248-1. 248-7

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Control of Powder Flowability by Particle Surface Additives is Monitored by Measuring Interparticle Forces. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Sorrento, Italia. 2006. CD-ROM of the Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Chops-05. 1. 6

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Jamming and Compaction of Fine and Ultrafine Powders. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Sorrento, Italia. 2006. CD-ROM of the Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Chops-05. 02.15(1). 02.15(10)

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Effect of Gas Viscosity and Particle Agglomeration on the Fluidization Behavior of Fine Particles. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Sorrento, Italia. 2006. CD-ROM of the Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids. Chops-05. A12(1). A12(6)

Lepek, Daniel, Quevedo, Jose, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Pfeffer, Robert, Dave, Rajesh N., et. al.:
Effect of Gas and Particle Properties on the Fluidization State of Apf and Abf Nanopowders. Comunicación en congreso. Aiche 2006 Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California, USA. 2006. CD-ROM Conference Proceedings Aiche 2006 Annual Meeting. 118a-1. 118a-4

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Aggregation, Sedimentation, and Compaction of Gas-Fluidized Beds of Fine Particles. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Ifpri. Harrogate, Gran Bretaña. 2005. Book of Abstracts of the Ifpri (International Fine Particle Research Institute) 2005 Meeting. 1. 2

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Cross-Over from Deterministic to Decorrelated Behavior in Avalanches of Granular Materials. Comunicación en congreso. 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. Stuttgart, Alemania. 2005. Powders and Grains 2005. 811. 815

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Structure and Stability of Gas-Fluidized Beds of Fine Particles. Comunicación en congreso. 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. Stuttgart, Alemania. 2005. Powders and Grains 2005. 1015. 1019

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Behavior of Adhesion Between Loaded Fine Particles With Controlled Surface Additives. Comunicación en congreso. 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. Stuttgart, Alemania. 2005. Powders and Grains 2005. 487. 491

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Looking for Memory in the Behavior of Granular Materials by Means of the Hurst Analysis. Comunicación en congreso. 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. Stuttgart, Alemania. 2005. Powders and Grains 2005. 817. 821

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Packing of Fine and Cohesive Irregular Particles. Comunicación en congreso. 5th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media. Stuttgart, Alemania. 2005. Powders and Grains 2005. 369. 372

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Packing of Fine Cohesive Particles. Comunicación en congreso. Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics. Aberdeen (Scotland). 2005. Book of Abstracts of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications (Ima). 174. 174

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Measurement of the Oedometric Tensile Yield Stress of Fine Powders At Very Low Consolidation Stresses. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2004. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology Partec04. P526-1. P526-2

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidization Regimes in Gas-Fluidized Fine Powders. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2004. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology Partec04. 13.1-1. 13.1-4

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Varsovia (Polonia). 2004. Proceedings of the XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Ictam 2004. 191. 193

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Modified Laws for Fluidization of Nanoparticles. Comunicación en congreso. International Congress for Particle Technology. Nuremberg, Alemania. 2004. Proceedings of the International Congress for Particle Technology Partec04. P11-01 (1). P11-01 (4)

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Interparticle Contact Forces in Fine Cohesive Powders. Theory and Experiments. Comunicación en congreso. Gesellschaft Für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. Abano Terme, Padua, Italia. 2003. Book of Abstracts Gamm2003. 95. 95

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Compaction Behaviour of Fine Cohesive Powders Subjected to Low Pressures. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2003. Repino, St. Petersburg, Russia. 2003. Proceedings of XXXI Advenced Problems in Mechanics APM 2003. 32. 38

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Gilabert Villegas, Francisco Antonio:
On the Origin of Dispersion of the Maximum Angle of Stability of a Slope of Cohesive Granular Material. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2002. St. Petersburg (Repino). 2002. Proceedings of the XXX Summer School Advanced Problems in Mechanics Apm'2002. 537. 541

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Correlation Between Bulk and Interparticle Forces for Fine Powders. Comunicación en congreso. Powders and Grains 2001. Sendai. Japon. 2001. Powders and Grains 2001. 51. 54

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Effect of Particle Aggregation on the Collapse of Gas Fluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. Powders and Grains 2001. Sendai. Japon. 2001. Powders and Grains 2001. 569. 572

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
The Mobility of Fine Particles in Uniform Gas Fluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. Powders and Grains 2001. Sendai. Japon. 2001. Powders and Grains 2001. 573. 576

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Influence of Aggregation in the Settling of Fine Fluidized Powders. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2001. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2001. Proceedings APM 2001. 161. 171

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
A Comparative Study Between Contact Forces Measured and Stimated from Bulk Stresses. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechanics 2001. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2001. Proceedings APM 2001. 235. 245

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Medios Granulares: Relación de la Adhesión Entre Partículas y Cohesión. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel:
Estructura de Lechos Fluidizados de Granos Finos Cohesivos. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001

Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ramos Reyes, Antonio:
Regimenes de Flujo en Polvos Finos y Cohesivos. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2001

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Role Of The Field-Induced Microstructure On The Rheological Behavior Of Magnetofluidized Beds. Comunicación en congreso. XIII th International Congress on Rheology. Cambridge, Reino Unido. 2000

Lemaire, Elisabeth, Mehri, Dima, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Cohesive Forces Between Colloidal Particles. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Electric Conduction, Convection and Breakdown in Fluids. Grenoble. 2000. Proceedings of the 2nd Iweccbf. 202. 205

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Onset of Fluidization in Xerographic Toners. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechancis 2000. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2000. APM 2000. 91. 103

Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Measurement of Bulk Forces and Interparticle Contact Forces in Xerographic Toners. Comunicación en congreso. Advanced Problems in Mechancis 2000. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2000. APM 2000. 100. 112

Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Lemaire, Elisabeth:
Electrical Conduction of Binary Mixtures of Proton Donors and Colloidal Electrolytes in Hydrocarbons. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Electric Conduction, Convection and Breakdown in Fluids. Grenoble. 2000. Proceedings of the 2nd Iweccbf. 57. 59

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Watson, P. Keith:
Measurements of the Tensile Strength of Cohesive Powders by Means of Gas Flow. Comunicación en congreso. Non Linear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 1999. Proceedings of the Summer School Non Linear Oscillations in Mechanical Systems. 71. 83

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith:
Powder Tensile Strength; Its Relationship to Free Volume and Consolidation. Comunicación en congreso. Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. Savannah, Estados Unidos. 1998. Proceedings of the 21st Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. 278. 280

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Perez Izquierdo, Alberto Tomas, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith:
The Role of Gas--Solid Interaction in the Behavior of Fine Cohesive Powders. Comunicación en congreso. World Congress on Particle Technology. Brighton, UK. 1998. Proceedings of the World Congress on Particle Technology 3. 1. 2

Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Garcia Garcia, Fco. Javier, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Breakup of Liquid Bridges. Comunicación en congreso. Electrostatic's 97. -. 1997. Proceedings Electrostatic's 97. 34. 39

Watson, P. Keith, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
The Tilted Fluidized Bed: a Technique for Measuring the Yield Locus of a Cohesive Powder. Comunicación en congreso. 19th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 1996. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. 338. 341

Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith:
The Tilted Fluidized Bed: a Technique for Measuring the Yield Locus of a Cohesive Powder. Comunicación en congreso. 19th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. 1996. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society. 327. 330

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Seminarios Impartidos en Xerox Co. (Webster, NY). Conferencia en Seminario no publicada

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Conferencia Invitada. Conferencia en Jornada no publicada

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Conferencia Invitada. Conferencia en Jornada no publicada

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Conferencia Invitada. Conferencia en Jornada no publicada

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel:
Conferencia Invitada. Conferencia en Jornada no publicada

Otras Publicaciones
Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Freire Rosales, Manuel Jose:
Fisica II. Apuntes. 2009. Santander (ESPAÑA). Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN 978-84-692-0656-0

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Watson, P. Keith, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Ramos Reyes, Antonio:
Powder Flow: the Shear Fracture of a Tilted Layer of Xerographic Toner. Otras Publicaciones. 1997. Inglés

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio, Watson, P. Keith, Watson, P. Keith:
The State Diagram and the Tensile Stress of Xerographic Toner. Otras Publicaciones


Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Bonaventura, Davide:
Integrated System for Capturing Co2 and Producing Sodium Bicarbonate (Nahco3) from Trona (Na2co3 - 2h2o - Nahco3). Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2018-01-25

Chacartegui Ramirez, Ricardo, Becerra Villanueva, José Antonio, Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Alovisio, Alessandro:
Integrated Calcination-Carbonation System and Closed-Loop Co2 Cycle for Thermochemical Energy Storage and Electrical Energy Generation. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2016-12-30

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Perejón, Antonio, Pérez Maqueda, Luis A., Sánchez Jiménez, Pedro Enrique:
Procedimiento termoquímico de almacenamiento de energía solar concentrada a partir de escoria de acería. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2016-04-20

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Ebri, J. M. P.:
Method for Co2 Capture Using Cao At a High Temperature, Assisted by Acoustic Vibration. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2013-02-22

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Soria del Hoyo, Carlos, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Procedimiento para Mejorar la Fluidizacion de Polvos Finos Cohesivos Adsorbentes de Co2. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2011-12-15

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidisation of Fine and Ultrafine Powders Assisted by Oscillating Electric Fields. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-07-09

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Procedimiento Asistido de Adsorción de Dióxido de Carbono. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-04-30

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Espín Milla, Manuel Jesús, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Fluidización de Polvos Finos y Ultrafinos Asistida Por Campos Eléctricos Oscilantes. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2008-07-10

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Method and Device for Measuring the Angle of Friction and the Cohesion of Granular Media. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2006-10-05

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Quintanilla, Miguel Angel, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Procedimiento y Dispositivo para Medir el Angulo de Friccion Interna y la Cohesion de Medios Granulares. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2005-10-11

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Dispositivo y Procedimiento para Medir la Cohesion de Medios Granulares Finos. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1999-07-01

Valverde Millán, Jose Manuel, Ramos Reyes, Antonio, Castellanos Mata, Antonio:
Device and Method for Measuring Cohesion in Fine Granular Media. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1998-11-26

Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:

Ortiz, Carlos:
The Calcium-Looping process for advancing in the development of both CO2 capture and thermochemical energy storage systems. Tesis Doctoral. 2018

Ebri, J. M. P.:
Optimización de la captura de CO2 mediante lechos fijos y fluidizados de adsorbentes basados en calcio a escala de laboratorio. Tesis Doctoral. 2016

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla