Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - Sara Bachiller Sánchez Arévalo

Sara Bachiller Sánchez Arévalo
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-9000-3787
Perfil en Scopus: 56539875100

Departamento/Unidad: Bioquímica Médica y Biología Molecular e Inmunología
Situación profesional: Investigador Contratado (Ramón y Cajal)

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Publicaciones en Revistas
García Revilla, Juan, Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Espinosa Oliva, Ana Maria, Santiago Pavon, Martiniano, García Domínguez, Irene, et. al.:
Dopaminergic neurons lacking Caspase-3 avoid apoptosis but undergo necrosis after MPTP treatment inducing a Galectin-3-dependent selective microglial phagocytic response. En: Cell Death & Disease. 2024. 10.1038/s41419-024-07014-9

Lebrón Romero, José Antonio, Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Martínez Santa, Marta, García, Francisco Javier, Lopez Lopez, Manuel, et. al.:
Biocompatible metal-organic frameworks as promising platforms to eradicate HIV reservoirs ex vivo in people living with HIV. En: Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2024. Vol. 12. Pag. 5220-5237. 10.1039/D4tb00272e

Gasca, María del Carmen, Lian, Xiaodong, Gao, Ce, Roseto, Isabelle C., Jimenez, Maria Reyes, et. al.:
The HIV-1 reservoir landscape in persistent elite controllers and transient elite controllers. En: Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2024. Vol. 134. Núm. 8. 10.1172/Jci174215

Arroyo, Luis Enrique, Bachiller, Sara, Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Boza, Antonio, Rodriguez Moreno, Antonio, et. al.:
Targeting galectin-3 to counteract spike-phase uncoupling of fast-spiking interneurons to gamma oscillations in Alzheimer's disease. En: Translational Neurodegeneration. 2023. 10.1186/s40035-023-00338-0

Vitallé, Joana, Pérez Gómez, A., Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Gasca, María del Carmen, Jimenez, Maria Reyes, et. al.:
Immune defects associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine response in aged people. En: JCI Insight. 2022. Vol. 7. Núm. 17. 10.1172/jci.insight.161045

Pérez Gómez, A., Gasca, María del Carmen, Vitallé, Joana, Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Trujillo, María, et. al.:
Deciphering the quality of SARS-CoV-2 specific T-cell response associated with disease severity, immune memory and heterologous response. En: Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2022. Vol. 12. Núm. 4. 10.1002/ctm2.802

Bachiller, Sara, Paulus, Agnes, Vazquez, Sandra, García Domínguez, Irene, Deierborg, Tomas:
Maternal separation leads to regional hippocampal microglial activation and alters the behavior in the adolescence in a sex-specific manner. En: Brain, Behavior and Immunity. 2020. Vol. 9. Núm. 100142

Bachiller, Sara, Alonso, Isabel Maria, Real Navarrete, Luis Miguel, Perez Villegas, Eva Maria, Venero Recio, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Review/Reseña: The Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Neuromuscular Disorders: Moving Beyond Movement. En: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020. Vol. 21. Núm. 17. 10.3390/ijms21176429

Bachiller, Sara, Roca, Mª Angustias, García Domínguez, Irene, Perez Villegas, Eva Maria, Tabares, Lucia, et. al.:
HERC1 Ubiquitin Ligase Is Required for Normal Axonal Myelination in the Peripheral Nervous System. En: Molecular Neurobiology. 2018. Vol. 55. Núm. 12. Pag. 8856-8868. 10.1007/s12035-018-1021-0

Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Perez Villegas, Eva Maria, Bachiller, Sara, Rosa, Jl, Armengol Butron de Mujica, Jose Angel:
HERC 1 Ubiquitin Ligase Mutation Affects Neocortical, CA3 Hippocampal and Spinal Cord Projection Neurons: An Ultrastructural Study. En: Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 2016. Vol. 10. 10.3389/fnana.2016.00042

Bachiller, Sara, Ribkina, T, Porras García, Maria Elena, Perez Villegas, Eva Maria, Tabares, Lucia, et. al.:
The HERC1 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase is essential for normal development and for neurotransmission at the mouse neuromuscular junction. En: Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. 2015. Vol. 72. Núm. 15. Pag. 2961-2971. 10.1007/s00018-015-1878-2

Aportaciones a Congresos
Vitallé, Joana, Domínguez Molina, Beatriz, Bachiller, Sara, Gasca, María del Carmen, Moral Turón, Cristina, et. al.:
Increased levels of intestinal CD103+ cells and plasma IgG/IgA ratio are associated to spontaneous HIV control. Comunicación en congreso. 7th European Conference of Immunology. Dublín, Irlanda. 2024

Bachiller, Sara, Vitallé, Joana, Camprubí Ferrer, Lluís, Gasca, María del Carmen, Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, et. al.:
Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles in Plwh and Their Role in the Immune Activation: Association With HIV Reservoir in the Brain and Neurocognitive Impairment. Comunicación en congreso. XIV Congreso Nacional GeSIDA. A Coruña, España. 2023

Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Lebrón Romero, José Antonio, Martínez Santa, Marta, Lopez Lopez, Manuel, Vitallé, Joana, et. al.:
Biocompatible Phosphatidylcholine:Cholesterol Liposomes As Immunomodulatory Therapy for Eradicating HIV Reservoirs Ex-Vivo in Plwh. Poster en Congreso. XIV Congreso Nacional GeSIDA. A Coruña, España. 2023

García Bueno, Belén, Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Martínez Santa, Marta, Vitallé, Joana, Bachiller, Sara, et. al.:
Frequency and Phenotype of Circulating Memory Follicular Cd4 T Helper Cells, and Serum Levels of Soluble Cd27 and Pd1 Are Associated With HIV Disease Progression. Poster en Congreso. XIII Congreso de GESIDA. Sitges, Cataluña, España. 2022

Bachiller, Sara, Vitallé, Joana, Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Pérez Gómez, A., Camacho Sojo, María Inés, et. al.:
Characterization of Extracellular Vesicles in People Living With HIV and Their Role in the Immune Activation Associated With Neuroinflammation-Induced Neurocognitive Impairment. Poster en Congreso. XIII Congreso de GESIDA. Sitges, Cataluña, España. 2022

Ostos Marcos, Francisco José, Martínez Santa, Marta, Lebrón Romero, José Antonio, Lopez Lopez, Manuel, Moyá Morán, María Luisa, et. al.:
Biocompatible Carriers for Eradicating HIV Reservoirs in Plwh. Comunicación en congreso. XIII Congreso de GESIDA. Sitges, Cataluña, España. 2022

Vitallé, Joana, Pérez Gómez, A., Jimenez, Maria Reyes, Gasca, María del Carmen, Bachiller, Sara, et. al.:
IMMUNE PARAMETERS ASSOCIATED WITH LOWER SARS-CoV-2 VACCINATION RESPONSE IN OLD PEOPLE. Poster en Congreso. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. Online. 2022

Ruiz Laza, Rocío, García Domínguez, Irene, Roca Ceballos, María Angustias, Perez Villegas, Eva Maria, Sánchez Cabrera, Guillermo, et. al.:
Early activation of microglia in tambalenate mouse model preceding neuronal cerebellar death. Poster en Congreso. 11th FENS Forum Of Neuroscience. Berlin, Alemania. 2018

Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel, Fontan Lozano, Angela, Suárez Pereira, Irene, Del Pozo Martín, Yaiza, Bachiller, Sara:
Transient and Permanent Alterations in Hippocampal Cells Genome Are Required for Memory Formation. Poster en Congreso. 17th Congress of SENC. Alicante. 2017

Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Bachiller, Sara, Roca, Mª Angustias, Garcia Dominguez, I, Perez Villegas, em, et. al.:
HERC1 ubiquitin ligase is essential for evoked neurotransmitter release and optimal propagation of electrical signals at the mouse neuromuscular junction. Poster en Congreso. International Workshop in BioMedicine: Synapse formation, specification and elimination: from molecules to circuits. - Baeza (Jaén), España. 2017

Suárez Pereira, Irene, Bachiller, Sara, Canals, S, Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel:
Sequencial activation of DNA metabolism mechanisms in hippocampus and prefrontal cortex participate in memory formation. Poster en Congreso. 10th FENS FORUM OF NEUROSCIENCE. Copenhaguen, Dinamarca. 2016

Suárez Pereira, Irene, Bachiller, Sara, Canals, S, Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel:
Is the adult hippocampal neurogénesis involved in reconsolidation of object recognition memories?. Poster en Congreso. XVI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Neurociencia (Senc). Granada, ESPAÑA. 2015

Suárez Pereira, Irene, Bachiller, Sara, Canals, S, Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel:
The hippocampal immature neurons are involved in acquisition and new memory formation. Poster en Congreso. 9th IBRO World Congress of Neuroscience (IBRO). 2015

Suárez Pereira, Irene, Bachiller, Sara, Canals, S, Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel:
The hippocampal inmature neurons is involved in the different phases of learning and memory processes. Poster en Congreso. 9th FENS Forum of Neuroscience. Milan, Italy. 2014

Bachiller, Sara, Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel:
The expression of synaptic proteins changes during the cognitive processes. Poster en Congreso. Encuentro Internacional: Membrane traffic at the synapse. The cell biology of synaptic plasticit. - Baeza (Jaén), España. 2013

Bachiller, Sara, Ruiz Laza, Rocío, Carrion Rodriguez, Angel Manuel:
Cambios sinápticos asociados a los procesos cognitivos. Comunicación en congreso. Cambios sinápticos asociados a los procesos cognitivos. oviedo. 2013

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla