Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - Juan F. Rodríguez Archilla

Juan F. Rodríguez Archilla
Telefono: 954552782
Email: Solicitar correo
Página personal: http://personal.us.es/archilla
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0001-6583-6114
Perfil en WOS: K-6316-2014
Perfil en Scopus: 6701684924
Otro enlace a Web de investigación: https://prisma.us.es/investigador/3584

Grupo de Investigación: Fisica no Lineal
Departamento/Unidad: Física Aplicada I
Situación profesional: Catedrático de Universidad

Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Breathers móviles y estacionarios en materia condensada (FIS2008-04848)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2019/FQM-280)
    • Ayudas para la movilidad internacional (PP2019-AI3C02)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2017/FQM-280)
    • Ayuda para estancia (Universidad de Osaka). Breathers With Low Radiation and Charge Transport (PP2017-8599)
    • Ayudas para la movilidad internacional (PP2017-8601)
    • Moving breathers in inhomogeneous lattices. Locnet International Workshop (PP2002/01-07)

Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Plasmas atmosféricos de arco deslizante para la producción sostenible de amoniaco e hidrógeno (ARCPLAS) (US-1380977 - Equipo de Investigación)
    • Localización y transferencia de carga y energía en sólidos y biomoléculas. Aplicaciones a cristales y ADN (FIS2004-01183 - Investigador)
    • Oscilaciones localizadas y transferencia de carga energía en sólidos y biomoléculas. Efectos debidos a la no linealidad y a las inhomogeneidades (BFM2003-03015 - Investigador)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2011/FQM-280 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2010/FQM-280 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2009/FQM-280 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2008/FQM-280 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2007/FQM-280 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2006/FQM-280 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-280 (2005/FQM-280 - Investigador)

Participación en proyectos externos:

  • Ondas acústicas en cristales, medios estructurados y metamateriales: nuevos efectos físicos y aplicaciones (Universidad Politéncia de Valencia)
  • Ondas de sonidos en materiales, metasuperficies y medios no hermíticos. (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Otra participación en Libros
Juan F.R. Archilla (Editor/a), Palmero, F. (Editor/a), Lemos Fernandez, Maria Carmen (Editor/a), Sanchez Rey, Bernardo (Editor/a), Casado Pascual, Jesus (Editor/a):
Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2. Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Optics and Condensed Matter. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2018. 340. ISBN 978-3-319-72217-7

Juan F.R. Archilla (Editor/a), Jimenez, Noe (Editor/a), Sanchez Morcillo, Victor (Editor/a), Garcia Raffi, Luis (Editor/a):
Quodons in mica: Nonlinear Localized Travelling Excitations in Crystals. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2015. 591. ISBN 978-3-319-21044-5

Capítulos en Libros
F. Michael Russell, Juan F.R. Archilla, Medina Carrasco, Santiago:
Localized waves in silicates. What do we know from experiments?. Pag. 721-734. En: 13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference. Cham. : Springer International Publishing. 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-70794-1

Mehrem, Ahmed, Salmerón Contreras, Luis, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, Picó, Rubén, et. al.:
Kinks in a lattice of repelling particles. Experimental study with a chain of coupled pendulums. Pag. 261-282. En: Nonlinear Systems, Vol. 2. Nonlinear Phenomena in Biology, Optics and Condensed Matter. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2018. 340. ISBN 978-3-319-72217-7

Dubinko, Vladimir, Juan F.R. Archilla, Dmitriev, Sergey, Hizhnyakov, Vladimir:
Rate theory of acceleration of defect annealing driven by discrete breathers. Pag. 381-398. En: Quodons in mica: Nonlinear Localized Travelling Excitations in Crystals. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2015. 591. ISBN 978-3-319-21044-5

Coelho, Sergio, Juan F.R. Archilla, Auret, Danie, Nel, Jacquie:
The origin of defects induced in Ultra-pure germanium by electron beam deposition. Pag. 363-380. En: Quodons in mica: Nonlinear Localized Travelling Excitations in Crystals. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2015. 591. ISBN 978-3-319-21044-5

Juan F.R. Archilla, Coelho, Sergio, Auret, Danie, Nyamhere, Cloud, Dubinko, Vladimir, et. al.:
Experimental observation of intrinsic localized modes in germanium. Pag. 342-362. En: Quodons in mica: Nonlinear Localized Travelling Excitations in Crystals. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2015. 591. ISBN 978-3-319-21044-5

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuri, Jiménez, Noé, Sanchez Morcillo, Victor, Garcia Raffi, Luis:
A supersonic crowdion in mica: : Ultradiscrete kinks with energy between 40K recoil and transmission sputtering. Vol. 221. Pag. 69-96. En: Quodons in mica: Nonlinear Localized Travelling Excitations in Crystals. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2015. 591. ISBN 978-3-319-21044-5

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel:
Supersonic Kinks in Coulomb lattices. Pag. 317-331. En: Localized excitations in nonlinear complex systems. Cham, Switzerland. Springer International Publishing. 2014. 432. ISBN 978-3-319-02056-3

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Collisions of Discrete Breathers in Nonlinear Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon Lattices. Pag. 159-164. En: Nonlinear Science and Complexity. Heidelberg, Alemania. Springer-Verlag. 2011. ISBN 978-90-481-9883-2

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Vibraciones localizadas no lineales y velocidad de reacción en la mica muscovita. Pag. 257-273. En: Memorias de la Real Academia Sevillana de Ciencias 2007. 2009. ISBN 84-6000-9330-1

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Moving Breather Collisions in the Peyrard-Bishop DNA Model. Pag. 411-416. En: Complex Sciences. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 2009

Hennig, Dirk, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Polaronic Charge Transport Mechanism in DNA. Pag. 429-450. En: Modern Methods for Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers. Ed. 1. Amsterdan, Holanda. Elsevier. 2006. ISBN 0-444-52220-4

Romero Romero, Francisco, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, et. al.:
Classical and Quantum Nonlinear Localized Excitations in Discrete Systems. Pag. 531-569. En: Recent Research Developments in Physics. Ed. 1. India. Transworld Research Network. 2005. ISBN 81-7895-171-1

Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Juan F.R. Archilla, Guillaume, James, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús:
Breathers in FPU systems, near and far from the phonon band. Pag. 342-343. En: Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems. World Scientific. 2003. ISBN 9812382968

Juan F.R. Archilla, Hennig, Dirk, Agarwal, Jessica:
Charge transport in a nonlinear, three-dimensional DNA model with disorder. Pag. 153-160. En: Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems. World Scientific. 2003. ISBN 9812382968

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero, F., Juan F.R. Archilla, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Interaction of moving breathers with an impurity. Pag. 256-259. En: Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems. World Scientific. 2003. ISBN 9812382968

Publicaciones en Revistas
F. Michael Russell, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Ballistic charge transport by mobile nonlinear excitations. En: Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters. 2021. Núm. 2100420. Pag. 1-7. 10.1002/pssr.202100420

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Pterobreathers in a model for a layered crystal with realistic potentials: Exact moving breathers in a moving frame. En: Physical Review E. 2019. Vol. 100. Núm. 2. Pag. 022206/1-022206/17. 10.1103/PhysRevE.100.022206

F. Michael Russell, Russell, Mark W., Juan F.R. Archilla:
Hyperconductivity in fluorphlogopite at 300 K and 1.1 T. En: Europhysics Letters. 2019. Vol. 127. Núm. 1. Pag. 16001/1-16001/7. 10.1209/0295-5075/127/16001

García Raffi, Lluis M., Salmerón Contreras, Luis J., Jiménez, Noé, Ahmed, Mehrem, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor J., et. al.:
Nonlinear waves in a chain of magnetically coupled pendula. En: Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics. 2018. Vol. 34. Núm. 1. Pag. 045037-1-045037-4. 10.1121/2.0000915

Juan F.R. Archilla, Zolotaryuk, Yaroslav, Kosevich, Yuriy, Yusuke, Doi:
Nonlinear waves in a model for silicate layers. En: Chaos. 2018. Vol. 28. Núm. 8. Pag. 083119-1-083119-15. 10.1063/1.5030376

F. Michael Russell, Juan F.R. Archilla, Frutos Rayego, Fabian, Medina Carrasco, Santiago:
Infinite charge mobility in muscovite at 300 K. En: Europhysics Letters. 2017. Vol. 120. Núm. 4. Pag. 46001-1-46001-6. 10.1209/0295-5075/120/46001

Dubinko, Vladimir, Alexander S., Mazmanishvili, Laptev, Denis V., Juan F.R. Archilla:
Quantum dynamics of wave packets in a non-stationary parabolic potential and the Kramers escape rate theory. En: Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics. 2016. Vol. 1. Núm. 2. Pag. 1650010-1650022. 10.1142/S2424913016500107

Gaididei, Yuri, Juan F.R. Archilla, Sanchez Morcillo, Victor, Gorria, Carlos:
Energy localization and shape transformations in semiflexible polymer rings. En: Physical Review E. 2016. Vol. 93. Núm. 6. Pag. 062227-1-062227-9. 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.062227

Juan F.R. Archilla, F. Michael Russell:
On the charge of quodons. En: Letters on Materials. 2016. Vol. 6. Núm. 1. Pag. 3-8. 10.22226/2410-3535-2016-1-3-8

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luis:
Ultra-discrete kinks with supersonic speed in a layered crystal with realistic potentials. En: Physical Review E. 2015. Vol. 91. Núm. 2. Pag. 022912-1-022912-12. 10.1103/PhysRevE.91.022912

Juan F.R. Archilla, Coelho, Sergio, Auret, Danie, Dubinko, Vladimir, Hizhnyakov, Vladimir:
Long range annealing of defects in germanium by low energy plasma ions. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2015. Vol. 297. Pag. 56-61. 10.1016/j.physd.2015.01.001

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel:
Moving Excitations in Cation Lattices. En: Ukrainian Journal of Physics. 2013. Vol. 58. Núm. 7. Pag. 646-656. 10.15407/ujpe58.07.0646

Dubinko, Vladimir, Selyshchev, Pavel, Archilla, J.F.R.:
Reaction rate theory with account of the crystal anharmonicity. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2011. Vol. 83. Núm. 041124. Pag. 1-13. 10.1103/PhysRevE.83.041124

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Koukouloyannis, Vassilis, Kevrekidis, Panayotis G., Juan F.R. Archilla:
Multibreather and Vortex Breather Stability in Klein-Gordon Lattices: Equivalence Between Two Different Approaches. En: International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2011. Vol. 21. Núm. 8. Pag. 2161-2177. 10.1142/S0218127411029690

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Stability of Non-Time-Reversible Phonobreathers. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 2011. Vol. 44. Pag. 035102-1-035102-19

Ramírez Labrador, José, Romero Romero, Juan Luis, Romero Romero, Francisco, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Juan F.R. Archilla, et. al.:
New Classes of Stable Exact Solutions for a Nonlinear Rotational DNA Model. En: Acta Physica Polonica. Series B. 2010. Vol. 41. Núm. 9. Pag. 2001-2015

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Moving Breather Collisions in Klein-Gordon Chains of Oscillators. En: European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. 2009. Vol. 42. Núm. 4. Pag. 543-555. 10.1140/epjb/e2009-00256-6

Juan F.R. Archilla, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Effect of breather existence on reconstructive transformations in mica muscovite. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008. Vol. 982. Núm. 1. Pag. 788-791. 10.1063/1.2897904

Fillaux, François, Cousson, Alain, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Tomkinson, John:
A Neutron Scattering Study of Strong-Symmetric Hydrogen Bonds in Potassium and Cesium Hydrogen Bistrifluoroacetates: Determination of the Crystal Structures and of the Single-Well Potentials for Protons. En: The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2008. Vol. 128. Núm. 20. Pag. 204502-204502

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco:
Discrete Moving Breather Collisions in a Klein-Gordon Chain of Oscillators. En: Physics Letters A. 2008. Vol. 372. Núm. 8. Pag. 1256-1264

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Interaction of Moving Discrete Breathers With Vacancies. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2006. Vol. 216. Núm. 1. Pag. 115-120

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Larsen, Peter V:
Breather Trapping and Breather Transmission in a DNA Model With an Interface. En: European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. 2006. Vol. 51. Núm. 1. Pag. 119-130

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Alba Carranza, Maria Dolores, Naranjo Muñoz, Moises, Trillo de Leyva, Jose Maria:
Discrete Breathers for Understanding Reconstructive Mineral Processes At Low Temperatures. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2006. Vol. 110. Núm. 47. Pag. 24112-24120

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Effect of the Introduction of Impurities on the Stability Properties of Multibreathers At Low Coupling. En: Nonlinearity. 2005. Vol. 18. Núm. 2. Pag. 769-790

Yamada, Hiroaki, Starikov, Eugen, Hennig, Dirk, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco:
Localization Properties of Electronic States in a Polaron Model of Poly(Dg)-Poly(DC) and Poly(da)-Poly(Dt) DNA Polymers. En: The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics. 2005. Vol. 17. Núm. 2. Pag. 149-154

Hennig, Dirk, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Jose Maria:
Modeling the Thermal Evolution of Enzyme-Created Bubbles in DNA. 2005. Vol. 2. Núm. 2. Pag. 89-95

Hennig, Dirk, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco:
Multi-Site H-Bridge Breathers in a DNA-Shaped Double Strand. En: Physica Scripta. 2004. Vol. 69. Núm. 2. Pag. 150-160

Hennig, Dirk, Starikov, Eugen, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino:
Charge Transport in Poly(Dg)-Poly(DC) and Poly(da)-Poly(Dt) DNA Polymers. En: Journal of Biological Physics. 2004. Vol. 30. Núm. 3. Pag. 227-238

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Starikov, Eugen, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Hennig, Dirk:
Moving Breathers in Bent DNA With Realistic Parameters. En: Modern Physics Letters B. 2004. Vol. 18. Núm. 25. Pag. 1319-1326

Hennig, Dirk, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco:
Stretching and Relaxation Dynamics in Double Stranded DNA. En: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2004. Vol. 331. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 579-601

Larsen, Peter V, Christiansen, Peter L, Bang, Ole, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Gaididei, Yu B:
Energy Funneling in a Bent Chain of Morse Oscillators With Long-Range Coupling. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2004. Vol. 69. Núm. 2

Larsen, Peter V, Christiansen, Peter L, Bang, Ole, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Gaididei, Yu B:
Bubble Generation in a Twisted and Bent DNA-Like Model. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2004. Vol. 70. Núm. 3

Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, James, Guillaume, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco:
Bright and Dark Breathers in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Lattices. En: Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2004. Vol. 70. Núm. 1

Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Hennig, Dirk, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Effect of Base-Pair Inhomogeneities on Charge Transport Along the DNA Molecule, Mediated by Twist and Radial Polarons. En: New Journal of Physics. 2004. Vol. 6

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Katerji, Caisar, Juan F.R. Archilla, Eilbeck, J. Chris, F. Michael Russell:
Influence of moving breathers on vacancies migration. En: Physics Letters A. 2003. Vol. 315. Núm. 15. Pag. 364-371. 10.1016/S0375-9601(03)01097-1

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Interaction of Moving Localized Oscillations With a Local Inhomogeneity in Nonlinear Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon Lattices. En: Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 2003. Vol. 137. Núm. 1. Pag. 1406-1411

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena:
Demonstration of the Stability or Instability of Multibreathers At Low Coupling. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2003. Vol. 180. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 235-255

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Hennig, Dirk, Agarwal, Jessica:
Nonlinear Charge Transport Mechanism in Periodic and Disordered DNA. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2003. Vol. 180. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 256-272

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Gaididei, Yu B, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Moving Breathers in a DNA Model With Competing Short- and Long-Range Dispersive Interactions. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2002. Vol. 163. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 106-126

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Gaididei, Yu B, Christiansen, Peter L, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena:
Stationary and Moving Breathers in a Simplified Model of Curved Alpha-Helix Proteins. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2002. Vol. 35. Núm. 42. Pag. 8885-8902

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Moving Discrete Breathers in a Klein-Gordon Chain With an Impurity. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2002. Vol. 35. Núm. 49. Pag. 10519-10530

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Moving Breathers in a Bent DNA Model. En: Physics Letters A. 2002. Vol. 299. Núm. 2-3. Pag. 221-225

Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Breathers in a System With Helicity and Dipole Interaction. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2002. Vol. 66. Núm. 017601. Pag. 1-4

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Dark Breathers in Klein-Gordon Lattices. Band Analysis of Their Stability Properties. En: New Journal of Physics. 2002. Vol. 4

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Numerical Study of Two-Dimensional Disordered Klein-Gordon Lattices With Cubic Soft Anharmonicity. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2001. Vol. 34. Núm. 16

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Christiansen, Peter L, Mingaleev, S F, Gaididei, Yu B:
Numerical Study of Breathers in a Bent Chain of Oscillators With Long-Range Interaction. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2001. Vol. 34. Núm. 33. Pag. 6363-6373

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Christiansen, Peter L, Gaididei, Yu B:
Interplay of Nonlinearity and Geometry in a DNA-Related, Klein-Gordon Model With Long-Range Dipole-Dipole Interaction. En: Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 2001. Vol. 65. Núm. 1. Pag. 016609-1-016609-6

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Mackay, Robert S, Marín, José Luis:
Discrete Breathers and Anderson Modes: Two Faces of the Same Phenomenon?. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 1999. Vol. 134. Núm. 4. Pag. 406-418

Juan F.R. Archilla, Romero Romero, Juan Luis, Romero Romero, Francisco, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino:
Lie symmetries and multiple solutions in lambda-omega reaction-diffusion systems. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 1997. Vol. 30. Núm. 1. Pag. 185-194. 10.1088/0305-4470/30/1/013

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Juan Luis, Romero Romero, Francisco, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino:
Spiral Waves Solutions in Reaction/Diffusion Equations With Symmetries. Analysis Through Specific Models. En: Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 1997. Vol. 30. Núm. 12. Pag. 4259-4271

Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Romero Romero, Francisco, Romero Romero, Juan Luis, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco:
Intersection of Crisis Loci in a Driven Nonlinearly Damped Oscillator. En: Physics Letters A. 1995. Vol. 201. Núm. 2-3. Pag. 186-190

Romero Romero, Juan Luis, Ramírez Labrador, José, Romero Romero, Francisco, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Diffusion in a Class of Exactly Solvable Non-Harmonic Potentials. Intrinsic Effects Induced by Non-Linearities. En: Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 1990. Vol. 41. Pag. 79-88

Romero Romero, Francisco, Romero Romero, Juan Luis, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Diffusion Equations for Nonhomogeneous Media. Existence of Similarity Solutions. En: Physics Letters A. 1985. Vol. 111. Núm. 4. Pag. 179-181

Aportaciones a Congresos
Juan F.R. Archilla, F. Michael Russell, Medina Carrasco, Santiago:
Localized waves in silicates. What we know from experiments?. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. 13th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference. Florence, ITALY. 2020

Kimura, Masayuki, Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke:
Moving Intrinsic Localized Modes in a Mixed Model of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam and Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Lattice. Comunicación en congreso. JSLoc 2019: Japanese-Spanish Symposium on Energy Localization in Nonlinear Lattices. Sevilla. 2019

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Pterobreathers: wing and breather frequencies in the moving frame. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. JSLoc 2019: Japanese-Spanish Symposium on Energy Localization in Nonlinear Lattices. Sevilla. 2019

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Energy and charge transport in a silicate layer. Ponencia en Congreso. The 2019 International Symposium in Nonlinear Theory and its Applications. Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malasia. 2019

F. Michael Russell, Russell, Mark W., Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Juan F.R. Archilla, Frutos Rayego, Fabian:
Mica group structure and hyperconductivity. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. JSLoc 2019: Japanese-Spanish Symposium on Energy Localization in Nonlinear Lattices. Sevilla. 2019

F. Michael Russell, Russell, Mark W., Juan F.R. Archilla, Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Orta Cuevas, María del Mar:
Hyperconductivity in layered silicates of the mica group. Poster en Congreso. V Reuniao Anual sobre Argilas Aplicadas. Franca, Sao Paulo, Brasil. 2019

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Pterobreathers in their moving frame. Ponencia en Congreso. Chaos 2019: 12th Chaotic Modeling and Simulation International Conference and Symposium in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Giorgos P. Tsironi. Chania (Creta, Grecia). 2019

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Exact moving breathers with and without wings in a system with hard on-site potential. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminar in the Laboratory of Nonlinear Physics, Kanazawa University. Kanazawa, Japan. 2019

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Pterokinks and pterobreathers in a layered silicate. The concept of fundamental frequency. Ponencia en Taller de trabajo. 22th Workshop on Energy Localization in Nonlinear Lattices. Tottori, Japan. 2018

García Raffi, Lluís M., Salmerón Contreras, Luís J., Jiménez, Noé, Mehrem, Ahmed, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor J., et. al.:
Kinks in a chain of magnetic coupled pendulums: Experimental and numerical study. Comunicación en congreso. 2018 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications. Tarragona, España. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Breathers and tail-breathers in a realistic model of a silicate. Ponencia en Congreso. 2018 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications. Tarragona, España. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla:
A model for charge transport in mica muscovite. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminar Session on electrons and holes in lattices. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Sevilla. 2018

García Raffi, Luis, Salmerón Contreras, Luis J, Jiménez, Noé, Mehrem, Ahmed, Picó, Rubén, et. al.:
Nonlinear waves in a chain of magnetically coupled pendula. Comunicación en congreso. 21st International Symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Nonlocal solitary waves in a model for a layered silicate. Ponencia en Congreso. Nonlinear Localization in Lattices. Spetses, Grecia. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Nonlinear excitations in solids: observation and consequences. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics and Physics. Escuela de Ingenierías. Universidad de Málaga. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla, Doi, Yusuke, Kimura, Masayuki:
Nonlocal breathers as possible energy carriers in secondary tracks in muscovite. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. VI International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic Interactions in Solids. Tartu, Estonia. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla, F. Michael Russell, Zolotaryuk, Yaroslav, Kosevich, Yuriy A., Doi, Yusuke:
Experiments and theory in solitary waves in muscovite mica. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. International Symposium on Intrinsic Localized Modes: 30th Anniversary of Discovery. Kioto, Japón, Japón. 2018

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Nonlinear excitations in muscovite mica: theory and experiments. With an introduction to nonlinear dynamics. Ponencia de Seminario. Seminar at the Nonlinear Discrete Dynamics Laboratory. Osaka, Japan. 2017

Juan F.R. Archilla, Medina Carrasco, Santiago, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Grupo de Física No Lineal. Excitaciones localizadas: breathers, solitones, kinks y polarobreathers. Comunicación en congreso. Jornadas de presentación de las líneas de investigación a los alumnos de cuarto curso. Sevilla, España. 2017

Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, Salmerón Contreras, Luis, García Raffi, Luis, Picó, Rubén, Jiménez, Noé, et. al.:
Nonlinear localized waves in repulsive lattices. Comunicación en congreso. International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition. Tampa, Fl. USA. 2017

Salmerón Contreras, Luis, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luis, Picó, Rubén, et. al.:
Nonlinear waves in a lattice of magnetic dipoles. Comunicación en congreso. 13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. Austria, Viena. 2017

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Zolotaryuk, Yaroslav, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, Jiménez, Noé, et. al.:
Nonlinear waves in layered ionic crystals. Ponencia en Congreso. 13th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. Austria, Viena. 2017

Juan F.R. Archilla, Ahlgren, Tommy, Coelho, Sergio:
Thermal and ICP annealing of defects in Ge and rate equations. Ponencia en Jornada. Seminar Session on Nonlinear Excitations and Waves in Solids. Pretoria, South Africa. 2017

Juan F.R. Archilla, F. Michael Russell, Frutos Rayego, Fabian, Kosevich, Yuriy A.:
Solitons, discrete breathers and kinks in ionic crystals. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. The soliton concept and its inter-, trans and pluri-disciplinary ubiquity. Truth and consequences. From the macro- to the nano-worl. Fundación Ramón Areces. Madrid. 2016

Juan F.R. Archilla, F. Michael Russell, Frutos Rayego, Fabian, Kosevich, Yuriy A.:
Localized nonlinear excitations in silicate layers. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. International Workshop on Nonlinear Energy Localization in Crystals and Related Media. Kyoto, Japan. 2016

Juan F.R. Archilla, Zolotaryuk, Yaroslav O., Kosevich, Yuriy A., Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor J.:
Bound kins states in a model for a cation layer. Ponencia en Congreso. APM-2016: 44th International Conference on Advanced Problems in Mechanics. San Petersburgo , Rusia. 2016

Juan F.R. Archilla, Zolotaryuk, Yaroslav A., Kosevich, Yuriy A., Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor J.:
Multiple lattice kinks in a cation lattice. Ponencia en Congreso. NoLineal 2016: International conference on nonlinear mathematics and physics. IMUS, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España. 2016

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Kinks and charge transport in an ionic crystal. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Conference in Instituto Pluridisciplinar of Madrid. - Madrid, España. 2015

Juan F.R. Archilla:
On Intrinsic Localized Modes, Breathers and Quodons. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Seminar at the Accelerator Laboratory. University of Helsink. Helsinki , Finlandia. 2015

Juan F.R. Archilla:
On kinks and charged excitations in mica. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Seminar in Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Academia de Ciencias de Rusia, Moscú (Rusia). 2015

Coelho, Sergio, Juan F.R. Archilla, Auret, F Danie:
The introduction of subthreshold induced defects in germanium by above threshold radiation exposure. Comunicación en congreso. V International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic Interaction in Solids. Tartu, Estonia. 2015

Juan F.R. Archilla, F. Michael Russell:
On the charge of quodons. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Workshop Discrete Breathers in Crystals. Ufa, Rusia. 2015

Juan F.R. Archilla, Coelho, Sergio, Auret, Danie, Nyamhere, Cloud, Dubinko, Vladimir, et. al.:
Experimental observation of intrinsic localized modes in germanium. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. V International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic Interaction in Solids. Tartu, Estonia. 2015

Dubinko, Vladimir, Terentyev, Dmitri, Dubinko, Andrii, Dmitriev, Sergey, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Effect of moving discrete breathers on reaction kinetics in crystals under irradiation. Comunicación en congreso. Reaction Kinetics in Soft and Condensed Matter. Orleans, France. 2014

Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel, Archilla, J.F.R., Redondo, J:
Interacción Coulombiana, estorninos y angry birds. Poster en Congreso. 23º Encuentro Ibérico de Enseñanza de la Física. , Valencia, ESPAÑA,. 2013

Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel, Archilla, J.F.R.:
Kinks supersónicos en redes repulsivas. Comunicación en congreso. XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Valencia, España. 2013

Dubinko, Vladimir, Archilla, J.F.R., Coelho, Sergio, Hizhnyakov, Vladimir:
Modeling of the annealing of radiation-induced defects in germanium by moving discrete breathers. Comunicación en congreso. Quodons in mica: nonlinear localized travelling excitations in crystals. Meeting in honour of Mike Russell. Altea , Alicante, España. 2013

Dubinko, Vladimir, Archilla, J.F.R.:
Effect of anharmonic lattice vibrations on the reaction rates in minerals. Comunicación en congreso. 2013 Goldschmidt Conference: International conference on geochemistry. Florencia, : Florencia (Italia). 2013

Archilla, J.F.R.:
Some theorems on the stability of multibreathers in Klein-Gordon Lattices. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Seminario invitado en el Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Portsmouth. Portsmouth, England. 2013

Archilla, J.F.R.:
Moving intrinsic localized modes in germanium produced by a low energy plasma. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Seminario invitado en el Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Portsmouth. Portsmouth, England. 2013

Coelho, Sergio, Auret, Fd, Nel, Jm, Archilla, J.F.R.:
The origin of defects induced in ultra-pure germanium by Electron Beam Deposition. Comunicación en congreso. Quodons in mica: nonlinear localized travelling excitations in crystals. Meeting in honour of Mike Russell. Altea , Alicante, España. 2013

Jiménez, Noé, Archilla, J.F.R., Kosevich, Yuriy, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel:
A crowdion in mica. Between K40 recoil and transmission sputtering. Comunicación en congreso. Quodons in mica: nonlinear localized travelling excitations in crystals. Meeting in honour of Mike Russell. Altea , Alicante, España. 2013

Juan F.R. Archilla, Coelho, Sergio M, Auret, F Danie, Dubinko, Vladimir, Hizhnyakov, Vladimir:
Experimental observation of moving discrete breathers in germanium. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Quodons in mica: nonlinear localized travelling excitations in crystals. Meeting in honour of Mike Russell. Altea , Alicante, España. 2013

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel:
Effect of ZBL potential on kinks in repusive lattices. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. IV International Symposium on Strong Nonlinear Vibronic and Electronic Interactions in Solids. Tartu, Estonia. 2013

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy:
Kinks in Coulomb's chains. Ponencia en Congreso. 2nd Conference on Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems (LENCOS'12). Sevilla, España. 2012

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís:
Supersonic solitons and kinks in repulsive lattices. Ponencia en Congreso. Lattice solitons and irradiation-induced nonlinear phenomena in solids. Tartu, Estonia. 2012

Juan F.R. Archilla, Kosevich, Yuriy, Jiménez, Noé, Sánchez Morcillo, Víctor, García Raffi, Luís Miguel:
Moving excitations in a cation lattice . Ponencia en Congreso. Davydov2012, International Conference Problems of Theoretical Physics, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Alexander Davydov. Kiev, Ucrania. 2012

Archilla, J.F.R., Dubinko, Vladimir, Selyschchev, Pavel:
Breathers in silicate layers. Comunicación en congreso. Nonlinear Effects in Materials under Irradiation,. Pretoria, Sudafrica. 2012

Archilla, J.F.R., Dubinko, Vladimir, Selyschchev, Pavel:
Kramers reaction rate theory in presence of breathers. Comunicación en congreso. Nonlinear Waves and Solitons in Lattices. Edimburgo - Reino Unido. 2011

Dubinko, Vladimir, Selyschev, Pavel, Archilla, J.F.R.:
Reaction rate theory with account of discrete breathers. Comunicación en congreso. First Porto Meeting on Theory and Experiment in Nonlinear Physics. Oporto, Portugal. 2010

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Juan F.R. Archilla, Romero Romero, Jose Maria:
Collisions of Different Discrete Breathers. Poster en Congreso. The 2nd International Conference: Nonlinear Waves Theory And Applications. Tsinghua University, Beijing - China. 2010

Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Moving Breather Collisions in the Peyrard-Bishop DNA Model. Comunicación en congreso. COMPLEX '2009 The First International Conference On Complex Science. Shangai, China. 2009. Complex Sciences. 411. 416

Juan F.R. Archilla, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Romero Romero, Jose Maria:
Nonsymmetric Moving Breather Collisions in the Peyrard-Bishop DNA Model. Comunicación en congreso. Localized Excitations in Nonlinear Complex Systems (LENCOS 2009). Sevilla, España. 2009. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S. 995. 1006

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Collisions of Discrete Breathers in Nonlinear Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon Lattices. Comunicación en congreso. 2nd Conference On Nonlinear Science And Complexity. Oporto, Portugal. 2008. Nonlinear Science and Complexity. 159. 164

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Vibraciones no lineales (breathers) y velocidad de reacción. Sesión plenaria en Jornada. Ciclo de Conferencias sobre Reacciones en Condiciones de Geometría Restringida. 2007

Juan F.R. Archilla, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Effect of breather existence on reconstructive transformations in mica muscovite. Poster en Congreso. International Workshop on Complex Systems. Sendai, Japan. 2007

Juan F.R. Archilla, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Alba Carranza, Maria Dolores, Naranjo Muñoz, Moises, Trillo de Leyva, Jose Maria:
Breather energy spectra for recontructive transformations of mica muscovite. Comunicación en congreso. No Lineal 2007. Nuevos retos y perspectivas de la dinámica no lineal y sus aplicacione. Ciudad Real, España. 2007

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Breathers en el modelo de Peyrard-Bishop para el ADN. Poster en Congreso. III Seminario Interdisciplinar Sobre El ADN. Sevilla, España. 2006

Christiansen, Peter L., Larsen, Peter V, Bang, Ole, Juan F.R. Archilla, Gaididei, Yuri B.:
Energy funnelling and bubble and bend generation in biomolecules. Comunicación en congreso. Nonlinear double day 2005 on Nonlinear excitations: theory and experiments. Sevilla, España. 2005

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Interaction of moving breathers with vacancies. Poster en Congreso. Nonlinear Physics: Condensed Matter, Dynamical Systems and Biophysics. 60th Birthday Symposium in Honor of Serge Aubr. París, Francia. 2005

Juan F.R. Archilla, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Alba Carranza, Maria Dolores, Naranjo Muñoz, Moises, Trillo de Leyva, Jose Maria:
Discrete breathers and low temperature reconstructive transformations. Poster en Congreso. Nonlinear Physics: Condensed Matter, Dynamical Systems and Biophysics. 60th Birthday Symposium in Honor of Serge Aubr. París, Francia. 2005

Juan F.R. Archilla, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Trillo de Leyva, Jose Maria, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino:
Discrete breathers for understanding low temperature recontructive transformations. Comunicación en congreso. Nonlinear Double Day on Macroscopic Effects of Anharmonic Excitations. Sevilla, España. 2004

Christiansen, Peter L., Larsen, Peter V., Bang, Ole, Archilla, J.F.R., Gaididei, Yuri B.:
Energy funnelling and bubble generation in a bent and twisted DNA model. Comunicación en congreso. Nonlinear Double Day on Macroscopic Effects of Anharmonic Excitations. Sevilla, España. 2004

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla, Romero Romero, Francisco, Katerji Acosta, Caisar, Kevrekidis, Panayotis:
Bifurcation analysis of discrete breathers in a nonlinear bent chain of oscillators. Comunicación en congreso. Workshop on Analysis and Continuation of Bifurcations. Sevilla, . España. 2004

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Organizador y Chairman del Congreso NLDD 2004. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Nonlinear Double Day on Macroscopic Effects of Anharmonic Excitations. Sevilla, España. 2004

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Organizador y Chairman del Congreso MOBIL, Sevilla 2003. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Moving Breathers In Inhomogeneous Lattices. LOCNET International Worksho. Sevilla, Spain. 2003

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Katerji Acosta,Caisar, Juan F.R. Archilla, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Eilbeck, J Chris:
Interaction of moving breathers with vacancies. Poster en Congreso. NATO-LOCNET Advanced Research Workshop: Intrinsic Localized Modes And Discrete Breathers In Nonlinear Lattices. Erice, Sicily, Italy. 2003

Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Juan F.R. Archilla, Hennig, Dirk, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Radial and twist charge transport in a 3D DNA model. Effect of disorder and impurities. Comunicación en congreso. Moving Breathers In Inhomogeneous Lattices. LOCNET International Worksho. Sevilla, Spain. 2003

Larsen, Peter V, Christiansen, Peter L, Bang, Ole, Gaididei, Yu B, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Bubble generation by dipole twisting. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Moving Breathers In Inhomogeneous Lattices. LOCNET International Worksho. Sevilla, Spain. 2003

Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Katerji Acosta, Caisar, Juan F.R. Archilla, Hennig, Dirk, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Nonlinear charge transport in DNA mediated by twist modes. Comunicación en congreso. LOCNET Training School on Energy localisation and transfer in crystals, biomolecules and Josephson arrays. Les Houches, Francia. 2003

Juan F.R. Archilla, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Alvarez Chillida, María Azucena, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Multibreathers stability theorems and applications. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. NATO-LOCNET Advanced Research Workshop: Intrinsic Localized Modes And Discrete Breathers In Nonlinear Lattices. Erice, Sicily, Italy. 2003

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Charge transport mechanisms in 3D DNA. Base pair inhomogeneities. Conferencia en Seminario no publicada. Seminar in the Department of Physics and Measurement Technology. Linköping Universitet, Sweden, 200. Linköping, Suecia. 2003

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Romero Romero, Francisco, Muriel Patino, Concepción:
Localized oscillations in nonlinear Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon lattices. Breathers and Anderson modes. Poster en Congreso. 16th Workshop on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical System 2002. Cádiz, España. 2002

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Randomness and nonlinearity. Comunicación en congreso. LOCNET Mid-term Review Meeting. Warwick , UK. 2002

Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, James, Guillaume, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús:
Breathers in FPU Systems, Near and Far from the Phonon Band. Poster en Congreso. -- Otros --. El Escorial, España. 2002. Proceedings of the Third Conference Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems. 342. 343

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Juan F.R. Archilla, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Interaction of moving localized oscillations with a local inhomogeneity in nonlinear Hamiltonian Klein-Gordon lattices. Poster en Congreso. 16th Workshop on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical System 2002. Cádiz, España. 2002. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics. 1406. 1411

Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Hennig, Dirk, Agarwal, Jessica:
Charge Transport in a Nonlinear, Three-Dimensional DNA Model With Disorder. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. -- Otros --. El Escorial, España. 2002. Proceedings of the Third Conference Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems. 153. 160

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Rodríguez Archilla, Juan Francisco, Romero Romero, Francisco:
Interaction of Moving Breathers With Impurities. Comunicación en congreso. -- Otros --. El Escorial, España. 2002. Proceedings of the Third Conference Localization and Energy Transfer in Nonlinear Systems. 256. 259

Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Romero Romero, Francisco, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Breathers in a twisted DNA model with long-range interaction. Poster en Congreso. Workshop on Nonlinear Lattice Structure and Dynamics. Dresden, Germany. 2001

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Static and moving breathers in a DNA model with competing short-range and long-range interaction. Poster en Congreso. Workshop on Nonlinear Lattice Structure and Dynamics. Dresden, Germany. 2001

Palmero Acebedo, Faustino, Sanchez Rey, Bernardo, Cuevas Maraver, Jesús, Juan F.R. Archilla:
Influence of breathers on shape for a DNA model with long-range interaction. Poster en Congreso. Workshop on Nonlinear Lattice Structure and Dynamics. Dresden, Germany. 2001

Juan F.R. Archilla, Eilbeck, J. Chris:
Modelling double strand breaks in irradiated DNA. Poster en Congreso. TRACS- ACCESS - MINOS Users Group Meeting 2001. Edimburg, UK. 2001

Juan F.R. Archilla, Gaididei, Yu B, Christiansen, Peter L, Mingaleev, S F:
Breathers in a curved chain with long-range interaction. Comunicación en congreso. EU-US Workshop on Discrete Breathers and Intrinsic Localised Modes. Heraklion ( Crete, Grecia). 2001

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Role and limitations of the discrete self-trapping equation. Conferencia en Taller de trabajo no publicada. Les Houches LOCNET node leaders meeting, 20-24 Mar 2000. Les Houches, Francia. 2000

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Conferencias impartidas en Congreso

Juan F.R. Archilla:
Conferencias impartidas en Congreso

Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:

Cuevas Maraver, Jesús:
Localizacion y Transferencia de Energia en Redes Anarmonicas no Homogeneas. Tesis Doctoral. 2003

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla