Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Proyecto de investigación

CartujaQanat. Recovering the Street Life in a Climate Changing World

Responsable: Servando Álvarez Domínguez
Tipo de Proyecto/Ayuda: Horizonte 2020
Referencia: UIA03-301
Fecha de Inicio: 01-11-2018
Fecha de Finalización: 24-10-2026

Empresa/Organismo financiador/es:

  • Comisión Europea


  • Ayuntamiento de Sevilla
  • Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento de Aguas de Sevilla (EMASESA)
  • Ayuntamiento de Sevilla
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Parque Científico Tecnológico la Cartuja
  • Fundación Innovarcilla



  • Técnicos/Personal Administrativo:
    • Daniel Castro Medina

Resumen del proyecto:

CHALLENGE: Climate change has consequences on the population in terms of health, economic development, employment, urban planning,etc. Seville focuses its strategy-city in two main lines responding to two major challenges: develop strategies to adapt to climate change at the local level,and recognize the vital artery character of the streets and neighbourhoods.

PROPOSED SOLUTION: We seek to accelerate urban transformation, inspired by the use of the city as a social dynamic, improving it and involving public, private and citizen transformation in a revolutionary governance system. It will be CartujaQanat and its redesigned site, which will build the model of governance and participation, a showcase that it is possible to improve the urban environment based on the cultural legacy,in a sustainable,profitable and efficient manner and with the participation of all in the adaptation of the climate change.

INNOVATIVENESS & ORIGINALITY:New governance model for the public-private transformation of the city;new business models combining scientific knowledge with cultural heritage in a “LIVING LAB FOR CHANGE through ECOINNOVATION” and adaptation to new solutions for microclimatic improvement: 1- Refreshing facilities (bioclimatic qanat) 2- Underground gallery (zoco) 3- Bioclimatic amphitheatre

CHANGE: To place Seville as a specialized territory in climate change, urban adaptation and bio-climate in order to recover street life,all integrated in a new and innovative governance system

Union Europea

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla