Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - Antonio Matías Moro Muñoz

Antonio Matías Moro Muñoz
Telefono: 954559511
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-0012-8894
Perfil en WOS: E-6538-2010
Perfil en Scopus: 7006701533

Grupo de Investigación: Fisica Nuclear Basica
Departamento/Unidad: Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear
Situación profesional: Catedrático de Universidad

Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Estudios de Procesos de Dispersión Fuerte y Electrodébil con Núcleos a Energías Bajas e Intermedias (FIS2017-88410-P)
    • European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2. (ENSAR2) (H2020-654002)
    • Estructura de Núcleos, Moléculas y Hadrones y su Dinámica en Procesos de Dispersión Fuerte y Electrodébil (FIS2014-53448-C2-1-P)
    • Desarrollos en Teoría de Reacciones y Cálculos para la Interpretación de Experimentos con Núcleos Exóticos (FIS2013-41994-P)
    • Cálculos para la interpretación de experimentos de reacciones con núcleos exóticos (FPA2009-07653)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Teoría y experimentos de dispersión con núcleos exóticos y estables (PCI2006-A7-0654)
    • Few-body approaches applied to nuclear reactions with exotic nuclei (PORT2008-05)

  • Ayudas ligadas a la contratación:
    • Super Exotic NUClear systems at the limit of stability: Core excitations in halo nuclei and fewnucleon emitters (SENUC) (GA-101023609)

Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Reacciones inducidas por interacciones Electrodébiles y Nucleares a energías bajas e intermedias (PID2023-146401NB-I00 - Equipo de Investigación)
    • EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science - EURO-LABS (4598/1176 - Otro Investigador)
    • Reacciones y Estructura nucleares: interacción eutrino-núcleo, Abundancias elementales del Cosmos, evolución Estelar y procesos Radiativos (RENACER) (P20_01247 - Equipo de Investigación)
    • Procesos de dispersión fuerte, electromagnética y débil con núcleos a energías bajas e intermedias (PID2020-114687GB-I00 - Equipo de Investigación)
    • La Física Nuclear Fuera del Valle de Beta-Estabilidad: Sus Implicaciones en Astrofísica (P11-FQM-7632 - Investigador)
    • Núcleos en el Límite de la Estabilidad en el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (P07-FQM-02894 - Investigador)
    • Dispersión, estructura y trancking para núcleos exóticos (FPA2006-13807-C02-01 - Investigador)
    • Dispersión de núcleos exóticos (FPA2005-04460 - Otro Investigador)
    • Application of algebraic methods to molecular and nuclear many-body systems (ERB FMMA-CT97-0202)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2011/FQM-160 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2010/FQM-160 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2009/FQM-160 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2008/FQM-160 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2007/FQM-160 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2006/FQM-160 - Becario)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-160 (2005/FQM-160 - Investigador)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Climatología planetaria. RBA Coleccionables, S.A. 2017. 153. ISBN 978-84-473-9086-1

Otra participación en Libros
García Ramos, José Enrique (Coeditor/a), Andres Martin, Maria Victoria (Coeditor/a), J. A. Lay (Coeditor/a), Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías (Coeditor/a), Perez Bernal, Francisco (Coeditor/a):
Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications 2018 La Rábida International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics. Springer. 2019. 265. ISBN 978-3-030-22203-1

Capítulos en Libros
Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
A Pedestrian Approach to the Theory of Transfer Reactions: Application to Weakly-Bound and Unbound Exotic Nuclei. Vol. 879. Pag. 39-66

Publicaciones en Revistas
Casal, Jesús, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Linking structure and dynamics with two-neutron halos. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2021. Vol. 252. 10.1051/epjconf/202125204005

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Casal, Jesús:
Reaction Theory and Advanced CDCC. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. Vol. 1643. 10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/012100

Casal, Jesús, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Corsi, Anna:
Exploring continuum structures in reactions with three-body nuclei. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. Vol. 1643. 10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/012075

Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Casal, Jesús, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Time scales in nuclear structure and nuclear reactions of exotic nuclei. En: Il Nuovo Cimento C: Colloquia and Communications in Physics. 2019. Vol. 42. 10.1393/ncc/i2019-19086-9

Di Pietro, Alessia, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, De Diego, Raúl:
Letters: Insights into the dynamics of breakup of the halo nucleus 11Be on a 64Zn target. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2019. Vol. 798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2019.134954

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 136 Te at relativistic energies. En: Physical Review C: Covering Nuclear Physics. 2019. Vol. 99. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.99.034306

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Letters: Puzzle of Complete Fusion Suppression in Weakly Bound Nuclei: A Trojan Horse Effect. En: Physical Review Letters. 2019. Vol. 122. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.042503

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Letters: Unraveling the Reaction Mechanisms Leading to Partial Fusion of Weakly Bound Nuclei. En: Physical Review Letters. 2019. Vol. 123. Núm. 23. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.232501

Corsi, Anna, Kubota, Yuki, Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Letters: Structure of 13Be probed via quasi-free scattering. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2019. Vol. 797. 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.134843

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario:
Letters: Investigation of the 10Li continuum through 9Li(d,p)10Li reactions. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2019. Vol. 793. 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.04.015

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Letters: Binding-energy independence of reduced spectroscopic strengths derived from (p, 2p) and (p, pn) reactions with nitrogen and oxygen isotopes. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2018. Vol. 785. 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.08.058

Yoshida, K, Ogata, K, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Benchmarking theoretical formalisms for (p, pn) reactions: The 15C(p, pn)14C case. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2018. Vol. 97

Lei, J., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Post-prior equivalence for transfer reactions with complex potentials. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2018. Vol. 97. 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.011601

Marquínez Durán, Gloria, Martel, Ismael, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Aguado, J. L., et. al.:
Interaction of 8He with 208Pb at near-barrier energies: 4He and 6He production. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2018. Vol. 98. Núm. 034615. Pag. 1-7. 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.034615

Pesudo, Vicente, Borge, M. J. G., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lay, J. A., Nácher, E., et. al.:
Scattering of halo nuclei on heavy targets at energies around the Coulomb barrier. En: European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei. 2017. Vol. 163. Núm. 00045. Pag. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201716300045

Lei, Jin, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Comprehensive analysis of large ¿ yields observed in6Li-induced reactions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2017. Vol. 95. 10.1103/PhysRevC.95.044605

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Casal, Jesús, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Letters: Linking structure and dynamics in (p,pn) reactions with Borromean nuclei: the 11Li(p,pn)10Li case. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2017. Vol. 772. Pag. 115-120. 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.06.023

Pesudo, Vicente, García Borges, M. J., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, J. A. Lay, Nacher, E., et. al.:
Scattering of the Halo Nucleus 11Be on 197Au at Energies around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Physical Review Letters. 2017. Vol. 118. Núm. 152502. Pag. 152502-1-152502-6. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.152502

De Diego Martínez, Raul, Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Extracting three-body breakup observables from continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations with core excitations. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2017. Vol. 95. Núm. 4. Pag. 044611-044611. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.95.044611

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Interplay of projectile breakup and target excitation in reactions induced by weakly bound nuclei. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2017. Vol. 95. Núm. 3. Pag. 034609-034609. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.95.034609

Lei, Jin, Lei, Jin:
Comprehensive analysis of large alpha yields observed in 6Li-induced reactions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2017. Vol. 95. Núm. 4. Pag. 044605-044605. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.95.044605

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Influence of target deformation and deuteron breakup in (d,p) transfer reactions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2017. Vol. 95. Núm. 4. Pag. 044612-1-044612-8. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.95.044612

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Letters: Description of the 11Li(p,d)10Li transfer reaction using structure overlaps from a full three-body model. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2017. Vol. 707. Pag. 307-313. 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.02.017

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lei, Jin:
Recent Advances in Nuclear Reaction Theories for Weakly Bound Nuclei: Reexamining the Problem of Inclusive Breakup. En: Few-Body Systems. 2016. Vol. 57. 10.1007/s00601-016-1085-1

Marquínez Durán, Gloria, Martel, Ismael, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Berjillos Morente, Rafael, et. al.:
Precise measurement of near-barrier 8He+208Pb elastic scattering: comparison with 6He. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2016. Vol. 94. Núm. 6. Pag. 064618-1-064618-5. 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.064618

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, De Diego, Raúl, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, et. al.:
Recent Developments for the Calculation of Elastic and Non-Elastic Breakup of Weakly-Bound Nuclei. En: Acta Physica Polonica. Series B. 2016. Vol. 47. Núm. 3. Pag. 821-832. 10.5506/APhysPolB.47.821

Lay Valera, José Antonio, De Diego, Raul, Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, et. al.:
Evidence of strong dynamic core excitation in 19C resonant break-up. En: Physical Review C: Covering Nuclear Physics. 2016. Vol. 94. Pag. 021602(R)-1-021602(R)-5. 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.021602

Lei, Jin, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Numerical assessment of post-prior equivalence for inclusive breakup reactions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2015. Vol. 92. 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.061602

Lei, Jin, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Reexamining closed-form formulae for inclusive breakup: Application to deuteron- and 6Li-induced reactions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2015. Vol. 92. 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.044616

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Cunero, Mario, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Alcorta, M., Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, et. al.:
11Li structural information from inclusive breakup measurements. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2015. Vol. 88. 10.1051/epjconf/20158801003

Lépine Szily, Alinka, Lichtenthäler, Rubens, Guimaraes, Valdir, Arazi, Andrés, Barioni, A., et. al.:
Recent results on reactions with radioactive beams at RIBRAS. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015. Vol. 590. 10.1088/1742-6596/590/1/012012

Borge, M. J. G., Cubero, M., Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Martel, Ismael, et. al.:
Scattering of halo nuclei at energies below and around the Coulomb barrier. En: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 2015. Vol. 6. Pag. 020036-1-020036-7. 10.7566/Jpscp.6.020036

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, J. A. Lay, et. al.:
Simultaneous analysis of the elastic scattering and breakup channel for the reaction 11Li + 208Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2015. Vol. 92. Núm. 4. Pag. 044608-1-044608-10. 10.1103/PhysRevC.92.044608

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Zadro, M, Di Pietro, A., Figuera, P., Fisichella, M, et. al.:
Effects of coupling to breakup in the 6,7Li+64Zn systems at near-barrier energies. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2015. Vol. 92(5)

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Transfer induced by core excitation within an extended distorted-wave Born approximation method. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2015. Vol. 92. Pag. 014613-1-014613 -11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.92.014613

Pesudo, Vicente, Borge, M. J. G., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Nacher, E., Acosta, L., et. al.:
REACTION OF THE HALO NUCLEUS 11Be ON HEAVY TARGETS AT ENERGIES AROUND THE COULOMB BARRIER. En: Acta Physica Polonica. Series B. 2014. Vol. 45. Núm. 2. Pag. 375-382. 10.5506/APhysPolB.45.375

Pires, K. C. C., R. Lichtenthäler, R., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela:
Study of reactions induced by 6He on 9Be. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2014. Vol. 66. 10.1051/epjconf/20146603071

Lichtenthäler, R., De Faria, P. N., Pires, K. C. C., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lépine Szily, A., et. al.:
Reactions with light exotic nuclei. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2014. Vol. 69. 10.1051/epjconf/20146900013

Morcelle, Viviane, Pires, K. C. C., Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Lichtenthäler, R., Lépine Szily, A., et. al.:
Four-body effects in the 6He+58Ni scacttering. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2014. Vol. 732. Pag. 228-232. 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.03.043

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Cubero, M., Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Alcorta, M., et. al.:
Study of the break-up channel in 11Li+208Pb collisions at energies around the Coulomb barrier. En: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2014. Vol. 515. Pag. 012004-1-012004-8. 10.1088/1742-6596/515/1/012004

Marquinez Duran, G., Tengblad, O., Borge, M. J. G., Cubero, M., Nacher, E., et. al.:
Scattering of light halo nuclei on heavy target at energies around the Coulomb barrier. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2014. Vol. 66. Pag. 03086-1-03086-4. 10.1051/epjconf/20146603086

Pesudo, V., Borge, Mjg, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, et. al.:
Reactions of the halo nucleus 11Be on heavy targets at energies around the Coulomb barrier. En: Acta Physica Polonica. Series B. 2014. Vol. 45. Núm. 3. Pag. 375-382. 10.5506/APhysPolB.45.375

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Core Excitations in the Structure and Reactions of Halo Nuclei. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2014. Vol. 66. Pag. 03053-1-03053-4. 10.1051/epjconf/20146603053

Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels calculations with core excitation. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2014. Vol. 89. Pag. 064609-1-064609-10. 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.064609

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel:
Semi-microscopic folding model for the description of two-body halo nuclei. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2014. Vol. 89. Pag. 014333-1-014333-10. 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.014333

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Meeting-Abstract: core excitation effects in halo nuclei using a transformed oscillator basis. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013. Vol. 1541. Pag. 152-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4810823

Marquínez Durán, Gloria, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Martel Bravo, Ismael, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, et. al.:
Meeting-Abstract: Scattering of 8He on 208Pb at 22 MeV. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013. Vol. 1541. Pag. 175-175. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4810834

Scuderi, Valentina, Di Pietro, Alessia, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, et. al.:
ELASTIC SCATTERING FOR THE 11Be+64Zn SYSTEM CLOSE TO THE COULOMB BARRIER. En: Acta Physica Polonica. Series B. 2013. Vol. B44. Pag. 463-466

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Cubero, Mario, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, et. al.:
11Li Breakup on 208Pb at Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Physical Review Letters. 2013. Vol. 110. Pag. 142701-142701. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.142701

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lay Valera, José Antonio:
Letters: Interplay between valence and core excitation mechanisms in the breakup of halo nuclei. En: Physical Review Letters. 2012. Vol. 109. Pag. 232502-1-232502-5. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.232502

Cubero, Mario, Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Alcorta, Martin, et. al.:
Do halo nuclei follow Rutherford elastic scattering at energies below the barrier? The case of 11Li. En: Physical Review Letters. 2012. Vol. 109. Pag. 262701-1-262701-5

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, De Diego, Raul, Lay Valera, José Antonio, Crespo, Raquel, Johnson, Ronald, et. al.:
Core excitation effects in the breakup of halo nuclei. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2012. Vol. 1491. Pag. 335-341. 10.1063/1.47642 70

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Stabilization method in two-body systems with core excitations. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2012. Vol. 1488. Pag. 436-440. 10.1063/1.4759428

Di Pietro, A., Scuderi, V., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Amorini, F., et. al.:
Experimental study of the collision 11Be + 64Zn around the Coulomb barrier. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2012. Vol. 85. 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.054607

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Kucuk, Yasemin:
Exclusive breakup of 17F on 58Ni and 208Pb within the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method. 2012. Vol. 86. Pag. 034601-1-034601-10. 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.034601

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Crespo, Raquel:
Core excitation effects in the breakup of the one-neutron halo nucleus 11Be on a proton target. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2012. Vol. 85. Pag. 054613-1-054613-8. 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.054613

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Particle motion in a deformed potential using a transformed oscillator basis. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2012. Vol. 85. Pag. 054618-1-054618-10. 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.054618

Cubero, M., Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Lay Valera, José Antonio, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Alcorta, M., et. al.:
Elastic scattering of 9Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011. Vol. 1377. Pag. 338-340. 10.1063/1.3628405

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela:
Simultaneous analysis of elastic, breakup, and fusion channels for He-6 induced reactions at energies near the Coulomb barrier. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2011. Vol. 17. Pag. 08001-1-08001-6. DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20111708001

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Gómez Santamaría, Mario Emilio, Martel Bravo, Ismael, Perez Bernal, Francisco, et. al.:
Elastic scattering and alpha-particle production in 6He + 208Pb collisions at 22 MeV. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2011. Vol. 84. Pag. 044604 (1)-044604 (8). 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.044604

Pires, K.c.c., Lichtenthaler, R., Lepine Szily, A., Guimaraes, V., De Faria, P. N., et. al.:
Experimental study of 6He+9Be elastic scattering at low energies. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2011. Vol. 83. Núm. 6. Pag. 064603-1-064603-8. 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.064603

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Simultaneous analysis of elastic, breakup, and fusion channels for 6He induced reactions at energies near the Coulomb barrier. En: EPJ Web of Conferences. 2011. Vol. 17. Pag. 08001-1-08001-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/20111708001

Fernandez Dominguez, B., Thomas, J. S., Catford, W. N., Delaunay, F., Brown, S. M., et. al.:
Emergence of the N = 16 shell gap in 21O. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2011. Vol. 84. Pag. 011301(R)-1-011301(R)-5. 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.011301

Crespo, R., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Deltuva, A., Cravo, E., Fonseca, Antonio:
Resonant breakup of 19C on a proton target. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2011. Vol. 83. Núm. 5. Pag. 054613-1-054613-6. 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.054613

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Core excitation contributions to the breakup of the one-neutron halo nucleus 11Be on a proton. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2011. Vol. 83. Pag. 044622-1-044622-4. 10.1103/PhysRevC.83.044622

Tengborn, E., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
The 8Li + 2H reaction studied in inverse kinematics at 3.15 MeV/nucleon using the REX-ISOLDE post-accelerator. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2011. Vol. 84. Pag. 064616-1-064616-12. 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.064616

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Cubero, Mario, Escrig, Diego, Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Lay Valera, José Antonio, et. al.:
Study Of The Scattering Of Halo Nuclei Around The Coulomb Barrier. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011. Vol. 1336. Pag. 570-572. 10.1063/1.3586166

Cravo, Edgar, Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Deltuva, Arnoldas:
Probing Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions in Breakup of the One-Neutron Halo Nucleus 11be on a Proton Target. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2010. Vol. 81. Núm. 3. Pag. 031601-1-031601-5

Avrigeanu, M., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Improved Deuteron Elastic Breakup Energy Dependence Via the Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels Method. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2010. Vol. 82. Núm. 3. Pag. 037601-1-037601-4

De Faria, P. N., Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Pires, Kelly C., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lepine Szily, A., et. al.:
Elastic Scattering and Total Reaction Cross Section of 6he+120sn. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2010. Vol. 81. Núm. 4. Pag. 044605-1-044605-5

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Martel, Ismael:
Simultaneous Analysis of Elastic Scattering and Transfer/Breakup Channels for the 6he + 208pb Reaction At Energies Near the Coulomb Barrier. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2010. Pag. 310-315

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Jensen, Aksel S.:
Meeting-Abstract: Study of the Ne-18 and LI-11 Nuclei in a Three-Body Model. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010. Vol. 1231. Pag. 183-184

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
The 6he Optical Potential At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010. Vol. 1231. Pag. 221-222

Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Lepine Szily, A., Guimaraes, V., De Faria, P. N., Mendes, D. R., et. al.:
The Research Program At Ribras (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil)-III. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010. Vol. 1224. Pag. 461-466

Rogachev, G.V., Johnson, E.D., Baby, L.T., Kemper, K.W., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Low-Lying States in 8b. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2010. Vol. 82. Pag. 011601(R)-1-011601(R)-5

De Faria, P. N., Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Pires, Kelly C., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lepine Szily, A., et. al.:
Alpha-Particle Production in 6he+120sn Collisions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2010. Vol. 82. Pag. 034602-1-034602-6

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Exploring Continuum Structures With a Pseudo-State Basis. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2010. Vol. 82. Pag. 024605-1-024605-11

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., et. al.:
Four-Body Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels Calculations: Application to 6he+64zn At 13.6 Mev. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010. Vol. 1231. Pag. 235-236

Lepine Szily, A., Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Guimaraes, V., Mendes, D. R., De Faria, P. N., et. al.:
Scientific Program of the Radioactive Ion Beams Facility in Brasil (Ribras). En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2010. Vol. 834. Pag. 491C-494C

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Long Range Effects on the Optical Model of 6he Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2010. Pag. 19-38

Pires, Kelly C., Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Mukha, Ivan, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Elastic Scattering of 6he and 7be on a 9be Target. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010. Núm. 1231. Pag. 173-175

Cubero, Mario, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Lay Valera, José Antonio, et. al.:
Dynamic Studies of 11li and Its Core 9li on 208pb Near the Coulomb Barrier. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2010. Vol. 1231. Pag. 211-213

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Nunes, Filomena, Johnson, Rc:
Theory of (D, P) and (P, D) Reactions Including Breakup: Comparison of Methods. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2009. Vol. 80. Núm. 6. Pag. 064606-1-064606-8

Belyaeva, T., Aguilera, E. F., Martínez Quiroz, E., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Kolata, J. J.:
Astrophysical S17(0) Factor Extraction from Breakup of 8b on 58ni At Energies Near the Coulomb Barrier. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2009. Vol. 80. Núm. 6. Pag. 064617-1-064617-8

Acosta, Luis, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Álvarez, M.A.G., Andres Martin, Maria Victoria, Andrés, M.V., et. al.:
Signature of a Strong Coupling With the Continuum in 11be + 120sn Scattering At the Coulomb Barrier. En: European Physical Journal A. Hadrons and Nuclei. 2009. Vol. 42. Núm. 3. Pag. 461-464

Barioni, a, Guimaraes, V., Lepine Szily, A., Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Mendes, D. R., et. al.:
Elastic Scattering and Total Reaction Cross Sections for the 8li+12c System. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2009. Vol. 80. Pag. 034617-1-034617-9

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Perez Bernal, Francisco:
Analytical Transformed Harmonic Oscillator Basis for Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels Calculations. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2009. Vol. 80. Pag. 054605-1-054605-9

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Acosta, Luis, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Borge, M.J.G., Escrig, Diego, et. al.:
Understanding 6he Induced Reactions At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2009. Vol. 1139. Pag. 3-10

Pires, Kelly C., Mukha, Ivan, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gómez Camacho,Joaquín, Ivanov, O., et. al.:
Analysis of the Elastic Scattering Measured With a 23.7 Mev 7be Beam on a 9be Target. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2009. Vol. 1139. Pag. 123-126

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., et. al.:
Four-Body Continuum-Dicretized Coupled-Channels Calculations. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2009. Vol. 80. Pag. 051601(R)-1-5

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Andres Martin, Maria Victoria, Borge, M.J.G., Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, et. al.:
Scattering of 11be At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2009. Vol. 1165. Pag. 317-320

Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Escrig, Diego, Andres Martin, Maria Victoria, Angulo, Carmen, Borge, M.J.G., et. al.:
Study of the Elastic Scattering of He-6 on Pb-208 At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2008. Vol. 803. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 30-45

Rubtsova, Olga, Kukulin I.,Vladimir, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Continuum Discretization Methods in a Composite Particle Scattering Off a Nucleus: Benchmark Calculations. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2008. Vol. 78. Núm. 3. Pag. 034603-1-034603-9

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Johnson, Rc, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Four-Body Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels Calculations Using a Transformed Harmonic Oscillator Basis. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2008. Vol. 77. Núm. 6. Pag. 064609-1-064609-9

Escrig, Diego, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Andrés, M.V., Angulo, Carmen, Borge, M.J.G., et. al.:
Study of the Elastic Scattering of 6he on 208pb At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2008. Vol. 803. Pag. 30-45

Acosta, Luis, Escrig, Diego, Galavitz, Daniel, Angulo, Carmen, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, et. al.:
Near-Barrier Scattering of 6he and 11be. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008. Vol. 1012. Pag. 333-337

Amro, Hanan, Becchetti, F.D., Chen, Y., Jiang, H, Ojaruega, M., et. al.:
7be-Induced α -Transfer Reaction on 12c. En: The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2008. Vol. 150. Pag. 1-4

Escrig, Diego, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Andres Martin, Maria Victoria, et. al.:
Alpha-particle production in the scattering of 6He by 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2007. Vol. 792. Pag. 2-17. 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2007.05.012

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Nunes, Filomena, Escrig, Diego, Gómez Camacho,Joaquín:
Three-Body Approaches for Inclusive Breakup Reactions: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions - (Nn2006). En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2007. Vol. 787. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 463-470

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Crespo, Raquel, Thompson, Ian J.:
Continuum Description With Pseudostate Wave Functions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2007. Vol. 75. Núm. 1. Pag. 017603-1-017603-4

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Polarization Observables in the Elastic Scattering of Protons from He-4,He-6,He-8. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2007. Vol. 76. Núm. 5. Pag. 054607-1-054607-5

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Rusek, Krzysztof, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela:
Improved di-Neutron Cluster Model for He-6 Scattering. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2007. Vol. 75. Núm. 6. Pag. 064607-1-064607-6

Deltuva, Arnoldas, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Cravo, Edgar, Nunes, Filomena, Fonseca, A.:
Three-Body Description of Direct Nuclear Reactions: Comparison With the Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels Method. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2007. Vol. 76. Núm. 6. Pag. 064602-1-064602-11

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, et. al.:
Exploring the 6he Continuum Sea Through Proton Inelasticcollisions. En: The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2007. Vol. 150. Núm. 1. Pag. 13-14

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Johnson, Rc, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Continuum Effects: Structure and Reactions of 6he. En: The European Physical Journal Special Topics. 2007. Vol. 150. Núm. 1. Pag. 51-52

Puchalski, M., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Pachucki, Krzysztof:
Isotope Shift of the 3 2s1/2-2 2s1/2 Transition in Lithium and the Nuclear Polarizability. En: Physical Review Letters. 2006. Vol. 97. Núm. 13. Pag. 133001-1-133001-4

Jeppesen, Henrik, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Bergmann, U.C., Borge, M.J.G., Cederkäll, J., et. al.:
Study of LI-10 Via the LI-9(H-2, P) Reaction At Rex-Isolde. En: Physics Letters. Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics. 2006. Vol. 642. Núm. 5-6. Pag. 449-454

Kakuee, O. R., Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Andres Martin, Maria Victoria, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Long Range Absorption in the Scattering of He-6 on Pb-208 and Au-197 At 27 Mev. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2006. Vol. 765. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 294-306

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Perez Bernal, Francisco, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Coulomb Breakup in a Transformed Harmonic Oscillator Basis. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2006. Vol. 73. Núm. 4. Pag. 044612-1-044612-5

Crespo, Raquel, Thompson, Ian J., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Excitation Modes of 6he from Proton Collisions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2006. Vol. 74. Núm. 4. Pag. 044616-1-044616-7

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J.:
Four-Body Multiple-Scattering Expansion of the Total Transition Amplitude-Mst. En: Physics of Atomic Nuclei. 2006. Vol. 69. Núm. 7. Pag. 1254-1260

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J.:
Few Body Impulse and Fixed Scatterer Approximations for High Energy Scattering. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2006. Vol. 771. Pag. 26-49

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, et. al.:
Probing 6he Structure from Proton Inelastic Collisions. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2006. Vol. 831. Pag. 263-267

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Uncorrelated Scattering Approximation Revisited. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2005. Vol. 748. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 112-135

Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Low Energy Reactions With Radioactive Ions At Rex-Isolde--the 9li + 2h Case. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2005. Vol. 748. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 374-392

Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Escrig, Diego, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Andrés, M.V., Angulo, Carmen, et. al.:
Scattering of 6he At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 2005. Vol. 31

Gómez Camacho,Arturo, Aguilera, E. F., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Simultaneous Dwba-Description of Elastic, Fusion and 1n-Transfer Reactions on the System 9be + 208pb for Energies Around the Barrier Energy. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2005. Vol. 762. Pag. 216-229

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., et. al.:
Three-Body Continuum Discretization in a Basis of Transformed Harmonic Oscillator States. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2005. Vol. 72. Pag. 024007-1-024007-10

Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Escrig, Diego, et. al.:
Is the Optical Model Valid for the Scattering of Exotic Nuclei?. En: AIP Conference Proceedings. 2005. Vol. 791. Pag. 146-153

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Nunes, Filomena:
Transfer to the Continuum and Breakup Reactions. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2005. Vol. 767. Pag. 138-154

Rusek, Krzysztof, Martel, I, Martel Bravo, Ismael, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Three-Body Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channel Calculation for He-6 Scattering from Heavy Nuclei. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2005. Vol. 72. Pag. 037603-1-037603-4

Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Perez Bernal, Francisco, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Discretizing the Continuum. En: Few-Body Systems. 2004. Vol. 34. Núm. 1-3. Pag. 45-50

Klug, J., Blomgren, J., Ataç, A., Bergenwall, B., Hildebrand, A., et. al.:
Elastic Neutron Scattering At 96 Mev from C-12 and Pb-208. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2003. Vol. 67. Núm. 3. Pag. 031601-1-031601-4

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Crespo, Raquel, García Martínez, H., Aguilera, E. F., Martínez Quiroz, E., et. al.:
Reaction Mechanisms in the Scattering of LI-8 on Pb-208 Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2003. Vol. 68. Núm. 3. Pag. 034614-1-034614-9

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Crespo, Raquel, Nunes, Filomena, Thompson, Ian J.:
Breakup and Core Coupling in N-14(Be-7,B-8)C-13. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2003. Vol. 67. Núm. 4. Pag. 047602-1-047602-3

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Crespo, Raquel, García Martínez, H., Aguilera, E. F., Martínez Quiroz, E., et. al.:
Disentangling the Transfer and Breakup Contributions from the Inclusive LI-8+pb-208 Reaction. En: Revista Mexicana de Física. 2003. Vol. 49. Pag. 73-76

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Crespo, Raquel, Nunes, Filomena, Thompson, Ian J.:
Continuum Effects in Reactions Involving Weakly Bound Nucle. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2003. Vol. 722

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Martel Bravo, Ismael, Perez Bernal, Francisco, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
A Method of Continuum Discretization and Its Application to the Scattering of Weakly Bound Nuclei. En: Revista Mexicana de Física. 2002. Vol. 48. Núm. 2. Pag. 103-107

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Gomez Camacho,J, Martel Bravo, Ismael, et. al.:
Coupling to Breakup Channels Using a Transformed Harmonic Oscillator Basis. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2002. Vol. 65. Núm. 1. Pag. 011602/1-5

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Tensor Representation of the Nucleon-Nucleon Amplitude. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2002. Vol. 65. Núm. 5. Pag. 054001-1-054001-5

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Crespo, Raquel, Nunes, Filomena, Thompson, Ian J.:
8b Breakup in Elastic and Transfer Reactions. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 2002. Vol. 66. Pag. 024612-1-024612-7

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Meeting-Abstract: The Uncorrelated Scattering Approximation for the Scattering of Weakly Bound Systems. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2001. Vol. A689. Núm. 1-2

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Uncorrelated Scattering Approximation for the Scattering and Breakup of Weakly Bound Nuclei on Heavy Targets. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 2001. Núm. A695. Pag. 143-166

Molina, a, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Pérez García, Elvira, Quesada Molina, Jose Manuel, Lozano Leyva, Manuel Luis:
El Sueño de los Alquimistas en 1999. En: Revista Española de Física. 1999. Vol. 13. Núm. 4. Pag. 27-30

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Dipole Polarizability in Deuteron Scattering Around the Coulomb Barrier. En: Nuclear Physics, Section A: Nuclear and Hadronic Physics. 1999. Vol. 648. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 141-156

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Meeting-Abstract: Dipole Polarizability in Subbarrier Deuteron Scattering. En: Balkan physics letters. 1998. Pag. 282-285

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Three-body model for the analysis of quasifree scattering reactions in inverse kinematics. En: Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. Vol. 92. Pag. 044605-1-044605-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.92.044605

Aportaciones a Congresos
Casal, Jesús, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Linking structure and dynamics with two-neutron halos. Comunicación en taller de trabajo. Hellenic Institute of Nuclear Physics workshop 2021. Athens - Greece. 2021

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Corsi, Anna:
Exploring continuum structures in reactions with three-body nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Zaragoza, España. 2019

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Corsi, Anna:
Exploring continuum structures in reactions with three-body nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. 27th International Nuclear Physics Conference 2019. Glasgow, Reino Unido. 2019

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Linking structure and dynamics in (p,pN) reactions induced by Borromean nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams 2018. Matsue, Japón. 2018

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Linking structure and dynamics in (p,pN) reactions induced by Borromean nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. ENSAR2 Town Meeting. Groningen. 2018

Casal, Jesús, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gómez Ramos, Mario:
Description of (p,pN) reactions induced by Borromean nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. XVI International Meeting on "Selected Topics in Nuclear and Atomic Physics". Fiera di Primiero, Italia. 2017

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Linking structure and dynamics in (p,pn) reactions with Borromean nuclei. Comunicación en taller de trabajo. 3rd International Workshop on Quasi-free scattering with Radioactive-Ion Beams. York, Reino Unido. 2017

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Structure properties of 10,11Li from (p,pn) and (p,d) reactions. Comunicación en taller de trabajo. ECT* Workshop on "Unraveling the complexity of nuclear systems: single-particle and collective aspects through the looking glass". Trento, Italia. 2017

Casal, Jesús, Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Quasifree (p,pN) and transfer (p,d) reactions induced by three-body nuclei. Comunicación en taller de trabajo. ECT* Workshop on "Three-body systems in reactions with rare isotopes". Trento, Italia. 2016

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Transfer to the continuum calculations of (p,pN) reactions. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. Direct reactions with exotic beams 2016. Halifax, Canada. 2016

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Interplay between breakup of weakly bound nuclei and collective excitations. Poster en Congreso. Direct reactions with exotic beams 2016. Halifax, Canada. 2016

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Reaction theory: Status and perspectives. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions 2015. - Catania (Italia). 2015

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Scattering and structure of quantum systems within few-body models. Ponencia en Congreso. Complex systems: From the nanoscale to the continuum. Münster, Alemania. 2015

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Transfer to the continuum calculations of quasifree (p,pn) and (p,2p) reactions. Poster en Congreso. 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions. Catania, Italy. 2015

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Transfer to the continuum calculations of quasifree (p,pn) and (p,2p) reactions at intermediate and high energies. Ponencia en Congreso. La Rabida 2015 International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications. La Rábida, Huelva, España. 2015

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, J. A. Lay:
11Li induced reactions within a four-body framework. Comunicación en Jornada. VI Jornadas CPAN Centro Nacional de Física de Partículas, Astropartículas y Nuclear. Sevilla. España. 2014

Gómez Ramos, Mario, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Dynamic core excitation effects in transfer reactions using the DWBA approximation. Poster en Taller de trabajo. Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2014. Padova (Italia). 2014

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lay Valera, José Antonio:
Structure and reactions of three-body exotic nuclei using discretization methods. Comunicación en congreso. Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams. Università de Pisa (Italia). 2012

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
The effect of core excitation in the scattering of two-body halo nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. YIPQS Long-term workshop: Dynamics and Correlations in Exotic Nuclei. Kyoto, Japon. 2011

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
THO annalítico para el estudio de núcleos débilmente ligados de 3 cuerpos. Poster en Congreso. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Palacio de la Magdalena, Santander, España. 2011

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Cubero, M., Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Alcorta, M., Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, et. al.:
Análisis de los canales de ruptura del sistema 11Li+208Pb en torno a la barrera de Coulomb. Comunicación en congreso. XXXIII Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Santander, España. 2011

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Cubero, M., Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Alcorta, M., Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, et. al.:
Breakup of 11Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier. Poster en Congreso. Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science. Leuven, Belgica. 2011

Cubero, M., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Lay Valera, José Antonio, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, et. al.:
Breakup of 11Li on 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier. Poster en Congreso. Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science. Leuven, Bélgica. 2011

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Four-Body Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels Calculations Applied to 6he Reactions Around the Coulomb Barrier. Ponencia en Congreso. State of the Art in Nuclear Cluster Physics. Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgica). 2010

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Exploring Continuum Structures With a Pseudo-State Basis. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Reactions and Nucleon Properties in Rare Isotopes. Ect Trento, Italia. 2010

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Assié, Marlene, Lacroix, Dennis, et. al.:
Analysis of Exclusive Inelastic Breakup of Halo Nuclei Within the Cdcc Framework. Comunicación en congreso. Encuentro de Física Nuclear. El Escorial, Madrid. 2010

Lay Valera, José Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Jensen, Aksel S.:
Study of the 18ne and 11li Nuclei in a Three-Body Model. Comunicación en congreso. La Rábida 2009, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications. La Rábida, Huelva, España. 2010

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
The 6he Optical Potential At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. Poster en Congreso. La Rábida 2009, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications. La Rábida, Huelva, España. 2010. La Rábida 2009, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications. 221. 222

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., et. al.:
Four-body continuu-discretized coupled-channels calculations. Poster en Congreso. La Rábida 2009, International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics: Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications. La Rábida, Huelva, España. 2009

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Andres Martin, Maria Victoria, Borge, M. J. G., Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, et. al.:
Reacciones inducidas por la dispersión del núcleo halo 11Be en torno a la barrera Coulombiana. Comunicación en congreso. XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ciudad Real. 2009

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Study of the Elastic and Breakup Channels of the 1li+208pb Reaction At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. Ponencia en Congreso. Direct Reactions With Exotic Beams. Tallahasee, Florida (Estados Unidos). 2009

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., et. al.:
Study of Reactions Induced by the Borromean Nucleus 6he At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. Comunicación en congreso. Direct Nuclear Reactions With Exotic Beams. Tallahassee (Fl), Estados Unidos. 2009

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Álvarez, M.A.G., Andrés, M.V., Borge, M.J.G., Cortes, M, et. al.:
Scattering of 11be Around the Coulomb Barrier. Comunicación en congreso. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '09. Dubrovnik, Croacia. 2009. Aip Conference Proceedings. 317. 320

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Borge, M.J.G., Escrig, Diego, et. al.:
Understanding 6he Induced Reactions At Energies Around the Coulomb Barrier. Comunicación en congreso. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '09. Dubrovnik, Croacia. 2009. Aip Conference Proceedings. 3. 10

Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Lepine Szily, A., Guimaraes, V., De Faria, P. N., Mendes, D. R., et. al.:
The Scientific Program With Ribras (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil). Comunicación en congreso. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '09. Dubrovnik, Croacia. 2009. Aip Conference Proceedings. 76. 83

Mukha, Ivan, Pires, Kelly C., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Huyse, M, et. al.:
Analysis of the Elastic Scattering Measured With a 23.7 Mev Be-7 Beam on a Be-9 Target. Comunicación en congreso. Nuclear Structure and Dynamics '09. Dubrovnik, Croacia. 2009. Aip Conference Proceedings. 123. 126

Fernández García, Juan Pablo, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Análisis de la Dispersión Elástica y los Canales de Ruptura del Sistema 6he+208pb en Torno a la Barrera de Coulomb. Comunicación en congreso. XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ciudad Real. 2009. XXXII Bienal de Física (Real Sociedad Española de Física). 463. 464

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Escrig, Diego, Galavitz, Daniel, Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Angulo, Carmen, et. al.:
Near-Barrier Scattering of 6-He and 11-Be. Ponencia en Congreso. Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics: from Stable Beams to Exotic Nuclei. Capadoccia (Turquía). 2008. Aip Conference Proceedings 2008. 333. 337

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Álvarez, M.A.G., Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Rusek, Krzysztof, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Dispersión Elástica y Canales de Reacción de Núcleos con Halo en Torno a la Barrera de Coulomb. Comunicación en congreso. Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Granada. 2007

Escrig, Diego, Galavitz, Daniel, Sánchez Benítez, A.M., Angulo, Carmen, Álvarez, M.A.G., et. al.:
Near-Barrier Scattering of He-6 and Be-11. Comunicación en congreso. Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions - Finustar 2. Crete, Greece. 2007. Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, and Reactions - Finustar 2. 333. 337

Acosta Sánchez, Luis Armando, Álvarez, M.A.G., Sánchez Benítez, Ángel Miguel, Rusek, Krzysztof, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, et. al.:
Angular Distributions of Elastic and Break-Up Reactions in the Scattering of 6he on 208pb At 22 Mev. Poster en Congreso. XV Colloque Ganil Spiral2. Giens, Francia. 2006

Assunçao, M., Lichtenthaler Filho,Rubens, Guimaraes, V., Lepine Szily, A., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Astrophysical S-Factors for the P+16o and N+16o Captures from the Analysis of 16o(D,N)17f and 16o(D,P)17o Transfer Reactions. Comunicación en congreso. VI Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications. Iguazú, Argentina. 2005. Aip Conference Proceedings. 158. 162

Crespo, Raquel, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Thompson, Ian J., Gomez Camacho,J, et. al.:
Probing 6he Structure from Proton Inelastic Collisions. Comunicación en congreso. Frontiers in Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions. Grecia. 2005. Aip Conference Proceedings. 263. 267

Rodriguez Gallardo, Manuela, Arias Carrasco, Jose Miguel, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Thompson, Ian J., et. al.:
Continuum Discretization of a Three-Body System Using the THO Method. Poster en Congreso. Summer School on Exotic Beams. Guildford, Reino Unido. 2004

Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Caballero Carretero, Juan Antonio, Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Exploring Dipole Polarizability in the Scattering of Halo Nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. XXII International Nuclear Physics Conference. Goteborg, Suecia. 2004. Book of Abstracts of the XXII International Nuclear Physics Conference (2004). 404. 404

García Martínez, H., Aguilera, E. F., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Contribution of Transfer and Breakup in the 8li + 208pb Reaction'. Comunicación en congreso. XXVII Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Taxco, Méjico. Taxco, Méjico. 2004. XXVII Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Taxco, Méjico. -. -

Nunes, Filomena, Summers, N. C., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Mukhamedzhanov, A.M.:
Understanding Low Energy Reaction With Exotic Nuclei. Comunicación en congreso. Nuclei At the Limits. Argonne, Illinois, 26-30 de Julio de 2004. 2004. Aip Conference Proceedings. 379. 384

Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose, Álvarez, M.A.G., Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías, Martel Bravo, Ismael, Escrig, Diego, et. al.:
Is the Optical Model Valid for the Scattering of Exotic Nuclei?. Comunicación en congreso. Nuclei At the Limits. Argonne, Illinois, 26-30 de Julio de 2004. 2004. Aip Conference Proceedings. 146. 153

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
The effect of core excitation in the scattering of two-body halo nuclei. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso

Moro Muñoz, Antonio Matías:
Simultaneous analysis of elastic, breakup, and fusion channels for the 6He+208Pb reaction. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso

Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:

Moschini, Laura:
Structure and reactions of weakly-bound nuclei within a one-dimensional model. Tesis Doctoral. 2017

Lei, Jin:
Estudio de reacciones de ruptura inclusiva inducidas por núcleos halo. Tesis Doctoral. 2016

Fernández García, Juan Pablo:
Análisis de los canales de ruptura de la reacción 11Li+208Pb a energías en torno a la barrera de Coulomb. Tesis Doctoral. 2012

García, Homero:
Reacciones de 8Li en 208Pb. Tesis Doctoral. 2012

(Doctorando no grabado)

Lay Valera, José Antonio:
Descripción de la Estructura y Reacciones de Núcleos Exóticos en una Base de Oscilador Armónico Transformado. Tesis Doctoral. 2012

(Doctorando no grabado)
Estudo de sistemas de núcleos exóticos leves 6He, 7Be+9Be. Tesis Doctoral. 2011

Escrig, Diego:
Estudio de reacciones de 6He en 208Pb a energías próximas a la barrera coulombiana. Tesis Doctoral. 2009

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla