Universidad de Sevilla

Vicerrectorado de Investigación

Ficha personal - María del Carmen Jiménez Ramos

María del Carmen Jiménez Ramos
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0001-7109-1040
Perfil en WOS: M-5198-2015
Perfil en Scopus: 13105646300

Grupo de Investigación: Fisica Nuclear Aplicada
Departamento/Unidad: Física Aplicada II
Situación profesional: Plan Propio-Acceso

Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • Dosimetry monitor FLASH therapy (HR23-00718)
    • Desarrollos para la terapia con haces de iones (ASTRO21/1.4/4)
    • Actividades del CNA para los "upgrades" de alta luminosidad de CMS y DRDs del ECFA (PID2023-148418NB-C44)
    • Desarrollo del Laboratorio de Estudios Avanzados de DEtectores de Radiación. Acrónimo: LEADER (US-1380791)

Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:

  • Proyecto de investigación:
    • “Research Infrastructure Access in NAnoscience & nanotechnology– RIANA” (GA-101130652 - Equipo Trabajo (Solicitud))
    • EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science - EURO-LABS (4598/1176 - Contratado Investigador)
    • WPSA: Preparation and Exploitation of JT-60SA (CFP-IPH-AWP19-SA-05-CIEMAT-01 - Investigador)
    • Supplying Accurate Nuclear Data for energy and non-energy Applications - SANDA (H2020-847552 - Investigador)
    • Neutrones, Instrumentación Nuclear e Investigación Relacionada con Terapia con Protones en el CNA e Instalaciones Internacionales (RTI2018-098117-B-C21 - Equipo Trabajo (Memoria))
    • Graphene-enhanced RAdiation detector on Silicon Carbide for harsh Environments (GRACE) (RTC-2017-6369-3 - Investigador)
    • Física Nuclear y Aplicaciones Médicas en el CNA e Instalaciones Internacionales (FPA2016-77689-C2-1-R - Equipo de Investigación)
    • Optimization of Medical Accelerators (OMA) (H2020-675265 - Investigador)
    • Dinámica del Espacio de Fases de Iones Energéticos en Presencia de Modos Alfvénicos, Modos de Borde y Perturbaciones Resonantes Aplicadas Exteriormente (FIS2015-69362-P - Equipo Trabajo (Alta/Baja))
    • Implementation of activities described in the Roadmap to Fusion during Horizon 2020 through a Joint programme of the members ot the EUROfusion consortium (EUROfusion) (CCREF6410 - Investigador)
    • Diagnosing Fast lon Behavior in ITER (EFDA WP12-IPH-A09-2 - Investigador)
    • Transporte de Iones Rápidos Inducido por Inestabilidades Magnetohidrodinamicas en Plasmas Calientes Confinados Magneticamente (ENE2012-31087 - Investigador)
    • Experiments with fast ion loss detectors (EFDA WP11-DIA - Investigador)
    • Laboratorio para ensayos de irradiación "RADLAB" (IPT-2011-1603-370000 - Contratado)
    • Uso de la Tecnología de Aceleradores de Partículas en la Caracterización de Residuos Nucleares (P10-FQM-5956 - Contratado)
    • Centro para Ensayos de Irradiación en Dispositivos para Espacio (TEC2010-22095-C03-02 - Investigador)
    • Aplicación de Técnicas de Datación por Isótopos Radiactivos en Ecosistemas Naturales Andaluces (P07-RNM-02567 - Otro Investigador)
    • Técnicas ultrasensibles para la determinación de radionucleidos en materiales ambientales (EXC/2005/RNM-419 - Otro Investigador)
    • Source-specific ecosystem transfer of actinides utilising advanced technologies (ADVANCE) (FIGE-CT-2000-00108 - Becario)
    • Large-scale and long-term environmental behaviour of transuranic elements as modelled through European surface water systems (FI4P-CT96-0046 - Becario)

  • Contrato con empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU):
    • Convenio entre el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y la Universidad de Sevilla, sobre un programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental (red de estaciones de muestreo) (3848/0367 - Otro Investigador)
    • Convenio específico de colaboración entre el Centro Nacional de Aceleradores y Alter Technology T ÜV Nord S.A.U., para el desarrollo del Laboratorio de Irradiación del CNA. (2266/0708 - Contratado)
    • Convenio específico de colaboración entre el CNA y los Hospitales Virgen del Rocío y Vírgen Macarena para la potenciación de la investigación y el desarrollo de las aplicacaciones humanas de la tomografía por emisión de positrones. (2084/0708 - Contratado)
    • Programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental (red de estaciones de muestreo) (OG-056/07 - Becario)
    • Programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental (red de estaciones de muestreo) (OG-038/06 - Becario)
    • Programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental (red de estaciones de muestreo) (OG-050/05 - Becario)
    • Programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental en el entorno de la fábrica de uranio de Andújar y la instalación de almacenamiento de residuos radiactivos de El Cabril (OG-151/05 - Becario)
    • Programa de vigilancia radiológica ambiental (red de estaciones de muestreo) (OG-074/04 - Becario)
    • Programa de vigilancia radiológica (red de estaciones de muestreo) (OG-102/03 - Becario)

  • Ayuda a la investigación:
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2017/RNM-138 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2011/RNM-138 - Investigador)
    • Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2010/RNM-138 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2009/RNM-138 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2008/RNM-138 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2007/RNM-138 - Investigador)
    • Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación RNM-138 (2005/RNM-138)

Participación en proyectos externos:

  • Efectos biológicos de rayos X y protones con tasas de dosis clínicas y ultra‐altas (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas)

Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui


Capítulos en Libros
Villa Alfageme, Maria, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Study of Quenching Effects in the Measurement of Soft Beta-Emitters in Environmental Samples by LSC and Its Application to Determination of 241pu. En: Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry. Tucson, EEUU. University of Arizona. 2005. ISBN 0963831453

Publicaciones en Revistas
T. Rodríguez González, C. Guerrero, Backer, C. M., Bauer, J., Baumer, C., et. al.:
Production of 11C, 13N and 15O in proton-induced nuclear reactions up to 200 MeV. En: Nuclear Data Sheets. 2023. Vol. 187. Pag. 579-596. 10.1016/j.nds.2023.01.004

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Characterization of a Compton camera based on the TOFPET2 ASIC. En: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2023. 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2022.110507

Prieto Pena, J., Gómez, F., Guardiola, C., Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
Impact of charge collection efficiency and electronic noise on the performance of solid-state 3D microdetectors. En: Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2020. Vol. 65. Núm. 17. 10.1088/1361-6560/ab87fa

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel:
IBIC analysis of SiC detectors developed for fusion applications. 2020. Vol. 177. Núm. 109100. 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.109100

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, García Osuna, A., Rodríguez Ramos, M., Villalpando Barroso, A., et. al.:
IBIC analysis of SiC detectors developed for fusion applications. En: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 177. Núm. 109100. 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.109100

Baratto, Anna, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Jimeno Gonzalez, Sonia, Huertas Sanchez, Pablo, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
Preparation of a radiobiology beam-line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA. En: Physica Medica: European Journal of Medical Physics. 2020. Vol. 74. Pag. 19-29. 10.1016/j.ejmp.2020.04.022

Rodríguez González, T., C. Guerrero, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Lerendegui Marco , Jorge, Millán Callado, M.a., et. al.:
Measurement of the production cross sections of ß+ emitters for range verification in proton therapy. En: Springer Proceedings in Physics. 2019. Vol. 225. Pag. 159-161. 10.1007/978-3-030-22204-8_16

Baratto, Anna, Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Battaglia, Maria Cristina, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
Development of a new radiobiology beam line for the study of proton RBE at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA. En: Springer Proceedings in Physics. 2019. Vol. 225. Pag. 175-176. 10.1007/978-3-030-22204-8_19

Vittone, E., Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jaksic, M., Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Lohstroh, A., et. al.:
Determination of radiation hardness of silicon diodes. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2019. Vol. 449. Pag. 6-10. 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.04.032

Galdon, Joaquin, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Salewski, M., Jacobsen, A., Sanchís, Lucía, et. al.:
Velocity-space sensitivity and tomography of scintillator-based fast-ion loss detectors. En: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2018. Vol. 60. 10.1088/1361-6587/aad76e

Baratto, Anna, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Battaglia, Maria Cristina, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Gallardo Fuentes, Maria Isabel, et. al.:
Feasibility study of a proton irradiation facility for radiobiological measurements at an 18 MeV cyclotron. En: Instruments. 2018. Vol. 2. Núm. 4. Pag. 26-1-26-13. 10.3390/instruments2040026

Seimetz, M., Bellido, P., Garcia, P., Mur, P., Iborra, A., et. al.:
Spectral characterization of laser-accelerated protons with CR-39 nuclear track detector. En: Review of Scientific Instruments. 2018. Vol. 89. Núm. 1. 10.1063/1.5009587

Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Mantero, Juan:
Grey monazite (rare earths) mining in centre of Spain: Characterization and pre-operational radiological evaluation. En: Chemosphere. 2018. Vol. 208. Pag. 691-697. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.06.032

Malagon, D., Bota, S., Torrens, G., Gili, X., Praena Rodriguez, A. Javier, et. al.:
Soft error rate comparison of 6T and 8T SRAM ICs using mono-energetic proton and neutron irradiation sources. En: Microelectronics Reliability. 2017. Vol. 78. Pag. 38-45. 10.1016/j.microrel.2017.07.093

Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Galdon, Joaquin, et. al.:
First absolute measurements of fast-ion losses in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. En: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 2017. Vol. 59. Núm. 10. 10.1088/1361-6587/aa7e5f

Galdon, Joaquin, J. F. Rivero Rodriguez, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Birkenmeier, G., Viezzer, Eleonora, et. al.:
Conceptual design of a scintillator based Imaging Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. En: Journal of Instrumentation. 2017. Vol. 12. 10.1088/1748-0221/12/08/C08023

Díaz Francés, José Ángel, Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Hurtado Bermudez, Santiago Jose:
Simulation of the response of a PIPS detector with the Geant4 toolkit. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2017. Vol. 875. Pag. 21-26. 10.1016/j.nima.2017.08.033

Cazzaniga, C, Rebai, M., Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel:
Charge collection uniformity and irradiation effects of synthetic diamond detectors studied with a proton micro-beam. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2017. Vol. 405. Pag. 1-10. 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.05.015

Baeza, a, Salas, A., Guille, J., Muñoz Serrano, A., Ontalba.salamanca, M., et. al.:
Removal naturally occurring radionuclides from drinking water using a filter specifically designed for Drinking Water Treatment Plants. En: Chemosphere. 2017. Vol. 167. Pag. 107-113. 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.09.148

Apostol, Andrei, Pantelica, Ana, Ortega Feliu, Inés, Marginean, Nicolae, Sima, Octavian, et. al.:
Ion beam analysis of elemental signatures in uranium dioxide samples: Importance for Nuclear Forensics. En: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 2017. Vol. 311. Pag. 1339-1346. DOI 10.1007/s10967-016-5136-3

Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier:
Temperature response of several scintillator materials to light ions. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2017. Vol. 403. Pag. 7-12. 10.1016/j.nimb.2017.04.084

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Ceballos, J., Linez, F., et. al.:
Comparative study by IBIC of Si and SiC diodes irradiated with high energy protons. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2016. Vol. 372. Pag. 143-150. 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.12.029

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Forneris, J., Ceballos, J.:
An upgraded drift-diffusion model for evaluating the carrier lifetimes in radiation-damaged semiconductor detectors. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2016. Vol. 371. Pag. 294-297. 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.09.012

Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Kocan, M., Ayllon Guerola, J., Bertalot, L., Bonnet, Y., et. al.:
Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector. En: Review of Scientific Instruments. 2016. Vol. 87. Núm. 11. Pag. 11D829-1-11D829-4. 10.1063/1.4961295

Seimetz, M., Bellido, P., Soriano, A., Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, et. al.:
Calibration and Performance Tests of Detectors for Laser-Accelerated Protons. En: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2015. Vol. 62. Pag. 3216-3224. 10.1109/Tns.2015.2480682

Fleta, Celeste, Esteban, Sergi, Baselga, M., Quirion, D., Pellegrini, G., et. al.:
3D cylindrical silicon microdosimeters: fabrication, simulation and charge collection study. En: Journal of Instrumentation. 2015. Vol. 10. 10.1088/1748-0221/10/10/P10001

Madejón Rodríguez, Paula, Cantos Barragán, Manuel, Jiménez Ramos, María C., Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Marañón Arana, Teodoro, et. al.:
Effects of soil contamination by trace elements on white poplar progeny: seed germination and seedling vigour. En: Environmental Monitoring And Assessment. 2015. Vol. 187. Núm. 11. 10.1007/s10661-015-4893-8

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Charge collection efficiency degradation on Si diodes irradiated with high energy protons. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2014. Vol. 332. Pag. 220-223. 10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.065

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Rodriguez, Mauricio, Carmona Gazquez, M., et. al.:
Characterization of scintillator materials for fast-ion loss detectors in nuclear fusion reactors. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2014. Vol. 332. Núm. 1. Pag. 216-219. 10.1016/j.nimb.2014.02.064

Bellido, Pablo, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, B.fernández:
Dosimetric calibration of radiochromic film for laser-accelerated proton beams. En: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 2013. Vol. 6829806. Núm. 6829806. 10.1109/Nssmic.2013.6829806

Seimetz, M, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, B.fernández:
Time-of-flight detector for the characterisation of laser-accelerated protons. En: IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. 2013. Vol. 6829804. Núm. 6829804. 10.1109/Nssmic.2013.6829804

Carmona, J. M., Ibarra, A., Bocci, A., Podadera, Iván, Alvarez, M., et. al.:
Measurements of noninterceptive fluorescence profile monitor prototypes using 9 MeV deuterons. En: Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams. 2012. Vol. 15. Núm. 7. 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.15.072801

Curras, Esteban, Virto, Amparo L., Moya, David, Vila, Iván, Carrión, J.g., et. al.:
Influence of the fiber coating type on the strain response of proton-irradiated fiber Bragg gratings. En: IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 2012. Vol. 59. Núm. 4. Pag. 937-942

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Eriksson, Mats, Jenstrom, J., Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
PIXE analysis of U and Pu from hot particles: K-lines vs L-lines. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2012. Vol. 273. Pag. 118-121. 10.1016/j.nimb.2011.07.054

Morilla Garcia, Yolanda, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Labrador Bernal, Juan Angel, Palomo Pinto, Rogelio, et. al.:
Developing the IBA equipment to increase the versatility of the CNA. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2012. Vol. 273. Pag. 218-221. 10.1016/j.nimb.2011.07.079

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Eriksson, Mats, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Ranebo, Ylva, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, et. al.:
A Comparison of Two Micro-Beam X-Ray Emission Techniques for Actinide Elemental Distribution in Microscopic Particles Originating from the Hydrogen Bombs Involved in the Palomares (Spain) and Thule (Greenland) Accidents. En: Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. 2010. Vol. 65. Pag. 823-829. 10.1016/j.sab.2010.08.001

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, León Vintró, L., Mitchell, Peter:
239pu, 240pu, and 241am Determination in Hot Particles by Low Level Gamma-Spectrometry. En: Environmental Science & Technology. 2010. Vol. 44. Núm. 11. Pag. 4247-4252

Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Enamorado Baez, Santiago Miguel, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Wacker, Lukas:
Measurement of Plutonium Isotopes, 239pu and 240pu, in Air-Filter Samples from Seville (2001-2002). En: Atmospheric Environment. 2010. Vol. 44. Pag. 1851-1858

Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Enamorado Baez, Santiago Miguel, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, et. al.:
Characterisation of the Plutonium Isotopic Composition of a Sediment Core from Palomares, Spain, by Low-Energy AMS and Alpha-Spectrometry. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2009. Vol. 268. Pag. 1273-1276. 10.1016/j.nimb.2009.10.151

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Characterisation of Terrestrial Hot Particles from the Palomares Accident Using Destructive and Non-Destructive Analytical Techniques. En: Radioprotection. 2009. Pag. 345-350

Conway, M., León Vintró, L., Mitchell, P.I., Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, et. al.:
In-Vitro Analysis of the Dissolution Kinetics and Systemic Availability of Plutonium Ingested in the Form of "Hot" Particles from the Semipalatinsk Nts. En: Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2009. Pag. 884-888

Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Wacker, Lukas, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Calleja López, Ana, et. al.:
Isolation of Pu-Isotopes from Environmental Samples Using Ion Chromatography for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and Alpha Spectrometry. En: Analytica Chimica Acta. 2008. Vol. 606. Núm. 2. Pag. 239-245

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Levels, Distribution and Bioavailability of Transuranic Elements Released in the Palomares Accident (Spain). En: Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2008. Vol. 66. Núm. 11. Pag. 1679-1682

Hurtado Bermudez, Santiago Jose, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Villa Alfageme, Maria, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, et. al.:
Numerical Analysis of Alpha Spectra Using Two Different Codes. En: Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 2008. Vol. 66. Núm. 6-7. Pag. 808-812

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Characterisation of Hot Particles Remaining in Soils from Palomares (Spain) Using a Nuclear Microprobe: Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (Icnmta2006) and Proton Beam Writing (Pbw II), 10th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Techn. En: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 2007. Vol. 260. Núm. 1. Pag. 343-348

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Barros Rojas, Haydn, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, et. al.:
On the Presence of Enriched Amounts of (235)U in Hot Particles from the Terrestrial Area Affected by the Palomares Accident (Spain). En: Environmental Pollution. 2007. Vol. 145. Núm. 2. Pag. 391-394

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Presence of Plutonium Contamination in Soils from Palomares (Spain). En: Environmental Pollution. 2006. Vol. 142. Núm. 3. Pag. 487-492

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Abril Hernandez, Jose Maria:
Influence of Sampling Air Flow Rate in the Decay Correction Applied to the Determination of Be-7 and Short-Lived Radionuclides in Aerosol Samples. En: Atmospheric Environment. 2006. Vol. 40. Núm. 37. Pag. 7215-7221

Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Manjon Collado, Guillermo:
Determinación de 238pu, 239±240pu y 241pu en Muestras Medioambientales Mediante Espectrometría Alfa con Detectores Semiconductores de Implantación Iónica. En: Radioprotección. 2005. Vol. XII. Núm. 45. Pag. 346-349

Aportaciones a Congresos
Quintana, Cristian, Navarrete, Efren, Currás, Esteban, Palomo Pinto, Rogelio, Rius, Gemma, et. al.:
Update on the characterization of neutron irradiated IMB-CNM SiC planar diodes. Ponencia en Congreso. 41st RD50 Workshop on Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders. Sevilla, Spain. 2022

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Study of semiconductor detectors using low energy ion accelerators. Ponencia en Congreso. 43rd Symposium on Nuclear Physics. México. 2020

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Villalpando, A., García Osuna, A., et. al.:
Effect of the ion flux on the Charge Collection Efficiency degradation of silicon photodiodes. Ponencia en Congreso. 24rd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Antibes (France). 2019

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Villalpando, A., García Osuna, A., et. al.:
Study by IBIC of SiC detectors developed for fusion applications. Poster en Congreso. 24rd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Antibes (France). 2019

García Osuna, A., Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Villalpando, A., et. al.:
Use of a nuclear microprobe to study the radiation hardness of SiC detectors. Ponencia en Jornada. XI CPAN days: Encuentros de Física Nuclear. Oviedo, España. 2019

Baratto, Anna, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Gallardo Fuentes, Maria Isabel, Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Espino Navas, José Manuel:
Preparation of a radiobiology beam-line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Int. Conf. on Medical Accelerators and Particle Therap. Seville (Spain). 2019

Prieto Pena, Juan, Baratto, Anna, Fleta, Celeste, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
EP-1696 Microdosimetry assessment in cyclotron proton beamline with new 3D-microdetectors. Poster en Congreso. Estro 38. Milan (Italy). 2019

Baratto, Anna, Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Battaglia, Maria Cristina, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
Proton RBE at low energies: preparation of a new radiobiology beam line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA (Seville, Spain). Ponencia en Jornada. II Jornadas RSEF/IFIMED de Física Médica. Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, España. 2018

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Vila, I., Hidalgo, S., Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Thin LGADs characterization using Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) and Time-resolved IBIC at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. Ponencia en Congreso. 33th RD50 Collaboration meeting. CERN. 2018

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Baratto, A., Rodríguez, T., Prieto Pena, J., Cortes Giraldo, Miguel, et. al.:
Aplicaciones médicas de la línea externa del ciclotrón del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. Ponencia en Jornada. X CPAN days: Encuentros de Física Nuclear. - Salamanca, España. 2018

Prieto Pena, Juan, Baratto, Anna, Fleta, Celeste, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, et. al.:
Microdosimetry measurements with new 3D-microdetectors in cyclotron beamline. Comunicación en congreso. Third Geant4 International User Conference at the Physics-Medicine-Biology frontier. Burdeos (Francia). 2018

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Study of semiconductor detectors using MeV ion beams. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. XLI Brazilian Meeting on Nuclear Physics. Maresias (Brasil). 2018

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, C. Guerrero, Espino Navas, José Manuel, Rodríguez González, María Teresa, et. al.:
Aplicaciones de la línea externa del ciclotrón del Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. Ponencia en Jornada. II Workshop Español de Protonterapia. Escuela Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla. 2018

Baratto, Anna, Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Espino Navas, José Manuel:
Preparation and characterization of a radiobiology beam-line at the 18 MeV proton cyclotron facility at CNA. Poster en Jornada. II Workshop Español de Protonterapia. Escuela Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla. 2018

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Ortega Feliu, Inés, Bolivar, J.p., Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Uranium concentrations in NORM efflorescences formed in a phosphogypsum legacy site determined by PIXE. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Enviromental Radioactivity. Vilnius, Lithuania. 2017

Ferrer Fernández, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Gordillo, N., Gonzalez Arrabal, R., et. al.:
Depth profiling of C and 3He implanted in nanostructured W film. Ponencia en Congreso. 23th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Shanghái (China). 2017

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Lind, O.c., Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, et. al.:
Norm particles studies by Ion Beam Analysis techniques at CNA. Ponencia en Congreso. 23th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Shanghái (China). 2017

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Vila, I., Hidalgo, S., Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Thin LGADs characterization using Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) and Time-resolved IBIC at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. Ponencia en Congreso. 30th RD50 Collaboration meeting. >>cracovia. 2017

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Ferrer Fernández, Francisco Javier, Ortega Feliu, Inés:
Dynamics of damage formation in Si and SiC materials and devices using pulsed ion beams. Ponencia en Jornada. First IAEA Research Coordination Meeting on Ion beam induced spatio-temporal structural evolution of materials: Accelerators for a new technology era (CRP F11020). Austria, Viena. 2017

Cortes Giraldo, Miguel Antonio, Baratto Roldán, Anna, Battaglia, Maria Cristina, Domínguez, Antonio Damián, Lerendegui Marco , Jorge, et. al.:
Proton Therapy and Radiobiology Research Activities at the University of Seville and the Spanish National Acce lerators Center (CNA): An Overview. Poster en Congreso. ENLIGHT Annual Meeting 2017 & Training Event and BiGART2017 Conference. Aarhus, Denmark. 2017

Galdon, Joaquin, J. F. Rivero Rodriguez, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Birkenmeier, G., Viezzer, Eleonora, et. al.:
Conceptual design of a scintillator based imaging Heavy Ion Beam Probe for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Poster en Congreso. 2nd European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics. Burdeos, Fracia. 2017

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Detector Characterization at CNA. Ponencia en Congreso. Ensaf. Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. 2016

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
The Ion Beam Induced Charge (IBIC) technique to characterize semiconductor detectors using low energy particle accelerators. Ponencia en Congreso. Encuentros en Física Nuclear. VIII Jornadas CPA. - Zaragoza, España. 2016

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Eriksson, Mats, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, et. al.:
Hot Particles Studies by Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) Techniques and Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) At CNA. Ponencia en Congreso. Second International Conference on Radioecological Concentration Processes. Sevilla. 2016

Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Kocan, M., Ayllon Guerola, J., Bertalot, L., Bonnet, Y., et. al.:
Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector. Poster en Congreso. 21st Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics. Madison, Wisconsin, USA. 2016

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Gomez Camacho, Joaquin Jose:
Ion irradiation and semiconductor detector characterization at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores. Comunicación en congreso. 29th RD50 Collaboration meeting. - Ginebra, Suiza. 2016

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Ortega Feliu, Inés:
Uranium Concentrations in efflorescences determined by PIXE. Poster en Congreso. II International Conference on Radioecological Concentrations Processes. Sevilla. 2016

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Irradiation and analysis of Si and SiC detectors using low energy particle accelerators. Comunicación en congreso. VIII CPAN days: Encuentros de Física Nuclear. Zaragoza. 2016

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier:
Análisis de detectores de diamante monocristalinos con protones de baja energía. Ponencia en Congreso. VIII CPAN days: Encuentros de Física Nuclear. Zaragoza. 2016

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Applied nuclear physics with low energy accelerator. Ponencia en Congreso. VII CPAN days: Encuentros de Física Nuclear. Segovia. 2015

Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
The synthetic fast ion loss detector. Poster en Congreso. 1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, ECPD 2015. Frascati (Italia). 2015

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier:
Radiation Effects in nanometric SRAMs induced by 18 MeV Protons. Poster en Congreso. 10th Spanish Conference on Electron Devices. Aranjuez (España). 2015

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel:
Numerical evaluation of fast ion losses at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. XXIV International Materials Research Congress. Cancún (México). 2015

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
A modified drift-diffusion model for evaluating the carrier lifetimes in radiation-damaged semiconductor detectors. Ponencia en Congreso. 22nd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Opatija, Croacia. 2015

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Development, calibration and operation of fast-ion loss detectors (FILD) for magnetically confined fusion devices. Comunicación en congreso. Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments and Applications 2015 La Rábida International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics. La Rábida, Huelva, España. 2015

Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio, Galdon, Joaquin, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Absolute calibration of the ASDEX Upgrade fast ion loss detectors. Poster en Congreso. 1st European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (2015). Frascati (Italia). 2015

Lazanyi, N., Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Zoletnik, S., Dunai, D., Por, G., et. al.:
Extension of the scintillator based fast ion loss detector system in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Poster en Congreso. 1st European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (2015). Frascati (Italia). 2015

Galdon, Joaquin, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel, Akers, R.j., Mcclements, K.g., Snicker, A., et. al.:
The synthetic fast-ion loss detector. Poster en Congreso. 1st European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (2015). Frascati (Italia). 2015

Esteban, Sergi, Fleta, Celeste, Baselga, M., Quirion, D., Pellegrini, Giulio, et. al.:
Microdosímetros de silicio basados en diodos cilíndricos. Comunicación en congreso. XXXV Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Gijón, España. 2015

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Neutron ambient dose equivalent measurements using PADC detectors around charged particle accelerator workplaces. Poster en Congreso. 26th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids. Kobe, Japan. 2014

Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Actinides studies on hot particles at the 1 MV CNA AMS system. Poster en Congreso. 13th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-13). Aix en provence (Francia). 2014

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel:
Characterization of scintillator materials for Fast-Ion Loss detectors in nuclear fusion reactors. Ponencia en Congreso. Workshop: Encuentros Física Nuclear 2014. Sevilla. 2014

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Use of nuclear techniques to study transport properties in semiconductor devices. Comunicación en congreso. Workshop: Encuentros Física Nuclear 2014. Sevilla. 2014

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Ions beam induced charge on Si and SiC diosdes irradiated with high energy protons. Comunicación en congreso. XXIII Internatial Materials Research Congres. Cancun, Mexico. 2014

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Comparative study of the charge collection efficiency decrease on Si and SiC diodes after irradiation with high energy portons. Poster en Congreso. 14th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (2014). Padova (Italia). 2014

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Ion Beam Analysis and Charge Collection Efficiency of p-type Si diodes subjected to high energy proton irradiation. Ponencia en Jornada. 2nd IAEA Research Coordination Meeting on Utilization of Ion Accelerators for Studying and Modeling of Radiation Induced Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators. Austria, Viena. 2013

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Time-of-Flight Detector for the Characterisation of Laser-Accelerated Protons. Poster en Congreso. 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Seoul, Korea. 2013

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Dosimetric Calibration of Radiochromic Film For Laser-accelerated Proton Beams. Poster en Congreso. 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. Seoul, Korea. 2013

Morilla Garcia, Yolanda, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier:
Multipurpose External Beamline at CNA for Applied Physics. Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques. Crete, Greece. 2013

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia Muñoz, Manuel:
Characterization of scintillator materials for Fast-Ion Loss detectors in nuclear fusion reactors. Ponencia en Congreso. 21th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Seattle (USA). 2013

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Charge collection efficiency degradation on Si diodes irradiated with high energy protons. Poster en Congreso. 21th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Seattle (USA). 2013

Frövel, Malte, Moya, David, Vila, Iván, Currás, Esteban, López Virto, Amparo, et. al.:
Proton radiation sensitivity of Fiber Bragg Gratings for Particle Colliders. Comunicación en congreso. 9th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. 2013

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
New Tests of Fluorescence Beam Profilers for the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator using 9 MeV Deuteron Beams. Comunicación en congreso. Beam Instrumentation Workshop BIW'12. Newport News. 2012

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Determinación del cociente isotópico 240Pu/239Pu en partículas calientes. Comunicación en congreso. II Congreso Conjunto Sefm-Sepr XVIII Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Física Médica. 2011

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
PIXE analysis of U and Pu from hot particles: K-lines vs L-lines. Ponencia en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis. Itapema, Brasil. 2011

Morilla Garcia, Yolanda, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Ortega Feliu, Inés, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Labrador Bernal, Juan Angel, et. al.:
Developing the IBA equipment to increase the versatility of the CNA. Poster en Congreso. 20th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (2011). Itapema (Brasil). 2011

Carmona Torres,Jose Miguel, Podadera Aliseda,I., Ibarra Sanchez,Angel, Abou Haidar, Ziad, Gonzalez Alvarez, Marcos Aurelio, et. al.:
First Measurements of Non-Interceptive Beam Profile Monitor Prototypes for Medium to High Current Hadron Accelerators. Comunicación en congreso. 46th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams. Morschach, Switzerland. 2010. Icfa Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High-Intensity and High-Brightness Hadron Beams. 1. 4

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Ortega Feliu, Inés, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Analyses of U and Pu K Lines Induced in Radioactive Particles by PIXE. Poster en Congreso. European Research on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology. Atenas, Grecia. 2010. 10th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (Ecaart-10). 1. 2

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Eriksson, M., Holm, Elis:
"Caracterización Elemental, Mediante la Técnica Micro-PIXE, de Partículas Calientes Incorporadas al Medio Ambiente". Comunicación en congreso. Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica. Alicante. 2009. Actas de la XII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica. 20. 22

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Uso de Técnicas IBA y AMS para el Estudio de Muestras de Palomares (Almería). Comunicación en congreso. XXXII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física. Ciudad Real. 2009

Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Low-level counting methods used in a Spanish Environmental Radiological Surveillance. Comunicación en congreso. Insinume 2008. Rabat. 2008

Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
In-vitro analysis of the dissolution kinetics and systemic availability of plutonium ingested in the form of `hot particles¿ from the Semipalatinsk NTS. Comunicación en congreso. ICRM-Llmrt 2008. Braunschweig, Alemania. 2008

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
239Pu, 240Pu, and 241Am determination in hot particles by low level ¿-spectrometry. Comunicación en congreso. ICRM-Llmrt 2008. Braunschweig, Alemania. 2008

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier:
The use of micro-analytical techniques for hot particles characterization. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity. Bergen, Norway. 2008

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Characterisation of Terrestrial Hot Particles from the Palomares Accident using Destructive and Non-Destructive Analytical Techniques. Poster en Congreso. International Conference on Radioecology and Environmental Radioactivity. Bergen, Norway. 2008

Chamizo Calvo, Elena, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Enamorado Baez, Santiago Miguel, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, et. al.:
Characterisation of the Plutonium Isotopic Composition of a Sediment Core from Palomares, Spain, by Low-Energy AMS and Alpha-Spectrometry. Ponencia en Congreso. 11th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Roma ( Italia). 2008. 11th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. 23. 23

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Characterization of Environmental Radioactive Microparticles by Scanning Electronmicroscopy (SEM) Combined With Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (Edxrs). Comunicación en congreso. Insinume 2008. Rabat. 2008. Insinume 2008. Book of Abstracts. 77. 77

Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Ghazi, Mustapha, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Mantero, Juan, Padilla Domínguez, Santiago, et. al.:
90sr, 137cs and Pu-Isotopes Alpha-Emitters Activity Concentration Profiles in Soils from Middle Atlas (Morocco). Poster en Congreso. Insinume 2008. Rabat. 2008. Insinume 2008. Book of Abstracts. 107. 107

Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Ghazi, Mustapha, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Mantero, Juan, Padilla Domínguez, Santiago, et. al.:
Leveles and Behaviour of Artificial Radionuclides in Soils from Middle Atlas (Morocco). Poster en Congreso. Tanca 2008. Meknes, Maroc. 2008. Tanca 2008, 2º Conference sur Les Techniques Analytiques Nucleaires Et Conventionnelles Et Leurs Applications. 185. 185

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier:
Speciation studies of hot U/Pu particles using different analytical techniques. Comunicación en congreso. Radionuclide Speciation Workshop. Jackson Hole. 2007

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Hot Particles in Palomares. Comunicación en congreso. NATO Advanced Research workshop. ¿Hot Particles Released from Different Nuclear Sources. Ucrania. 2007

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Characteristion of Palomares hot-particles. Comunicación en congreso. NKS Seminar on Radionuclide Speciation and radioactive particle studies. Noruega. 2007

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Lopez, Maria, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Analysis of hot particles from Palomares (Spain) using proton and He ¿-PIXE. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. XI International Conference on Particle Induced X-Ray Emission and its analytical applications. 2007

Mantero, Juan, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Hurtado Bermudez, Santiago Jose, Villa Alfageme, Maria, et. al.:
Norm Radiological Control of Wastes Produced by a Steel Recycling Factory in the South of Spain. Poster en Congreso. Norm V, 5th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2007. Book of Abstract of Norm V, 5th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. 113. 113

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Hurtado Bermudez, Santiago Jose, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Levels, Distribution and Bioavailability of Transuranic Elements Released in the Palomares Accident (Spain). Comunicación en congreso. International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity. from Measurements and Assessments to Regulation. Viena, Austria. 2007. Book of Extended Synopses. International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity. from Measurements and Assessments to Regulation. 97. 98

Hurtado Bermudez, Santiago Jose, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Villa Alfageme, Maria, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, et. al.:
Numerical Analysis of Alpha Spectra Using Two Different Codes. Poster en Congreso. ICRM Conference on Low-Level Radioactivity Measurement Techniques. Ciudad del Cabo, Sudáfrica. 2007. International Committee for Radionuclide Metrology. 0. 0

Garcia Lopez, Francisco Javier, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Characterisation of Hot Particles Remaining in Soils From Palomares (Spain) Using a Nuclear Microprobe. Comunicación en congreso. X International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (ICNMTA). Singapore. 2006

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Characterizaion of Environmental Radioactive Microparticles by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Combines With Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (Edxrs). Poster en Congreso. Exrs 2006 European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry. Paris, France. 2006. Book of Abstracts Exrs 2006 European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry. 288. 288

Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Absi, Abdeslam, Diaz Ruiz, Jose, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel, et. al.:
Experience on Spanish Environmental Radiological Surveillance Network. Ponencia en Congreso. Journée Nationale Etat de la Recherche Dans Le Domaine de la Radioprotection Au Maroc. Marruecos. 2005. Actes de la Journée Nationale Etat de la Recherche Dans Le Domaine de la Radioprotection Au Maroc. 13. 13

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Estudio de Partículas Radiactivas de Z Alto (U, Pu) en Suelos Contaminados Mediante Espectrometría Gamma y Microscopía Electrónica. Comunicación en congreso. IV Jornadas Sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental. 2005. IV Jornadas Sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental. 1. 2

Villa Alfageme, Maria, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael:
Study of Quenching Effects in the Measurement of Soft Beta-Emitters in Environmental Samples by LSC and Its Application to Determination of 241pu. Poster en Congreso. LSC 2005, Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry. Katowice, Poland. 2005. Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry. LSC 2005. 25. 25

Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Manjon Collado, Guillermo:
Determinación de 238pu, 239±240pu y 241pu en Muestras Medioambientales Mediante Espectrometría Alfa con Detectores Semiconductores de Implantación Iónica. Comunicación en congreso. Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiologica. Huelva. 2005. X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiologica. 346. 349

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Barros Rojas, Haydn, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, et. al.:
Actinide Composition of "Hot Particles" Released During the Palomares Accident. Poster en Congreso. Advanced Techniques and Radionuclide Speciation Within Radioecology. Monaco. 2005. Advanced Techniques and Radionuclide Speciation Within Radioecology. 18. 18

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel, Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Manjon Collado, Guillermo:
Estimation of the Pu-Isotopes Bioavailable Fraction in Soils from Palomares (Spain) Using an Extraction Technique. Comunicación en congreso. 2nd International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment. Nice. 2005. 2nd International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment. 236. 239

Vioque Romero, Ignacio, Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen, Manjon Collado, Guillermo, Garcia-Tenorio Garcia-Balmaseda, Rafael, Garcia Leon, Manuel:
Levels and Distribution of Transuranic Elements in a Terrestrial Zone Affected by the Palomares Accident. Ponencia en Congreso. ICRM Conference on Low-Level Radioactivity Measurement Techniques 2003. Viena (Austria). 2003. ICRM Conference on Low-Level Radioactivity Measurement Techniques 2003. 1. 2

M. A. Respaldiza, Ferrer Fernández, Francisco Javier, Ager, Francisco J., Carmona Luque, Asunción, Ferrero, Armando, et. al.:
Caracterizacion no Destructiva de Materiales Mediante Tecnicas de Analisis Basadas en Haces de Iones. Comunicación en congreso. X Congreso Nacional de Ensayos no Destructivos. Cartagena. 2003. X Congreso Nacional de Ensayos no Destructivos. 0. 0

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
Radiation Effects in nanometric SRAMs induced by 18 MeV Protons. Poster en Congreso

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
A modified drift-diffusion model for evaluating the carrier lifetimes in radiation-damaged semiconductor detectors. Comunicación en congreso

Jimenez Ramos, Maria del Carmen:
New Tests of Fluorescence Beam Profilers for the Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator using 9 MeV Deuteron Beams. Comunicación en congreso

Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:

(Doctorando no grabado)
Study and characterisation of semiconductor radiation detectors using the IBIC technique. Tesis Doctoral. 2022

(Doctorando no grabado)
Development of an External Beam Line for Radiobiology Experiments and Microdosimetry Applications At the 18 Mev Proton Cyclotron Facility At CNA. Tesis Doctoral. 2020

Rodriguez Ramos, Mauricio:
Calibración absoluta y aplicación de los detectores de pérdidas de iones rápidos basados en materiales centelleadores para dispositivos de fusión nuclear. Tesis Doctoral. 2017

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla