Ficha personal - Carmen Ortiz Mellet
Carmen Ortiz Mellet
Telefono: 954559806
Email: Solicitar correo
Perfil en ORCID: 0000-0002-7676-7721
Perfil en WOS: C-7993-2011
Perfil en Scopus: 6603444098
Grupo de Investigación: Quimica Bioorganica de Carbohidratos
Departamento/Unidad: Química Orgánica
Situación profesional: Catedrático de Universidad
Responsable de los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Proyecto de investigación:
- Sinergia entre inmuno-glico-compuestos y nanoplataformas basadas en redes metal-orgánicas: un enfoque multimodal para la regulación de la respuesta inmune (PID2022-141034OB-C21)
- Reconocimiento cruzado de glicosidasas y lectinas: Mecanismos y oportunidades en el desarrollo de fármacos multidiana (US-1380698)
- Miméticos de Glicoconjugados: Nuevas Estrategias en Glicomedicina Dirigidas a Enfermedades Neurológicas y del Sistema Immune (PID2019-105858RB-I00)
- Terapias Basadas en Glicomiméticos para el Tratamiento de Enfermedades de Plegamiento de Proteínas, Inflamación y Cáncer. (SAF2016-76083-R)
- Glycodrugs: new strategies for controlling the activity of glycosidase enzymes and their application in therapies for lysosomal storage diseases and cancer (GLYCODRUGS) (333594)
- Chaperonas, Inhibidores y Nutracéuticos Basados en Carbohidratos para Aplicaciones Biomédicas: Desórdenes de Depósito Lisosomal, Cáncer y Enfermedad de Crohn (SAF2013-44021-R)
- Fabrication of particles with photo receptors: bio-analytical application such as controlled drug delivery (269099)
- Glicobióticos, Glicofármacos y Glicotransportadores: Aplicaciones en Nutrición y Biomedicina (SAF2010-15670)
- Iminoazúcares sp2 como chaperonas químicas: una estrategia general para el tratamiento de desórdenes de almacenamiento lisosomial (FRA2009-001)
- Caramelos prebióticos y su utilización como alimentos funcionales (CICEACN08-001)
- Glicobióticos y glicofármacos: preparación y evaluación de carbohidratos con actividad probiótica (DAFs) y biomédica (ganglosidosis GM1 y ántrax) (CTQ2007-61180)
- Preparación, análisis y evaluación de oligosacáridos prebióticos derivados de sacarosa, fructosa y lactosa (P06-AGR-02150)
- Glicomiméticos mono y ologosacarídicos y estudio de sus interacciones con biomoléculas (CTQ2004-05854)
- Síntesis y evaluación de glicomiméticos como inhibidores de glicosidasas. Aplicaciones al estudio del modo de acción de invertasas y sacarosa sintasa en plantas (BMC2001-2366-C03-03)
- Identificación y cuantificación de azucares resultantes de la dimerización de la sacarosa y de la D-FRUCTUOSA (Dianhídridos de fructuosa) formados en la raíz de remolacha o durante su procesado (1FD97-0893-C03-03)
- Contrato con empresas (Arts. 68/83 LOU):
- Development of saccharide-based formulations for RNA therapies. (4090/0418)
- Next generation glycodrugs project (4553/0418)
- Propiedades farmacocinéticas de la 6S-NBI-DGJ (3362/0418)
- Desarrollo y terapia para las Mucopolisacaridosis y Síndromes Relacionados. (2736/0418)
- Desarrollo de chaperonas farmacológicas para el tratamiento de enfermedades de depósito lisosomal con afectación neurológica: Enfermedad de Gaucher y gangliosidosis GM1 (2175/0418)
- Investigación, preparación y posible utilización de derivados de ciclodextrinas como antagonistas de relajantes musculares. (1502/0418)
- Desarrollo experimental de procesos de transformación de Biomasa Lignocelulósica y otras fuentes de carbono en diversos bioproductos en Andalucía Sostenible. Bio-Andalus. (1612/0418)
- Desarrollo de Nuevos Productos Prebióticos a partir de Harinas de Arroz y Legumbres: Análisis Químico (0942/0418)
- Estudio exploratorio: Transformación de la lactosa en suero lácteo en galacto-gluco oligosacáridos con propiedades prebióticas (OG-030/05)
- Puesta a punto de métodos eficaces para la transformación de productos derivados de las industrias azucarera y láctea en oligosacáridos prebióticos (OG-150/05)
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2021/FQM-308)
- Ayudas para el uso de los Servicios Generales de Investigación (PPI525/2020)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2019/FQM-308)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2017/FQM-308)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2011/FQM-308)
- Incentivo al Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2010/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2009/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2008/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2007/FQM-308)
- Synthesis and biologicla evalutation of polyvalente glycosidase inhibitors as chemical chaperons for the treatment of lysosomal disorders (HU2007-0006)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2006/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2004/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2005/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2003/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2002/FQM-308)
- Ayuda a la Consolidación del Grupo de Investigación FQM-308 (2000/FQM-308)
- Acciones integradas hispano-francesas. Convocatoria 1999 (HF1999-0078)
- Beca de investigación:
- Modular synthesis of linear and branched carbohydrate oligomers: secondary structures and molecular recognition properties (HPMF-CT-2000-00749)
Participa en los siguientes proyectos/ayudas en la US:
- Ayuda a la investigación:
- La síntesis de compuestos orgánicos y su determinación estructural (ACPAI-2003/004 - Investigador)
- Química fina de carbohidratos (ACC-762-FQM-2002 - Investigador)
- Participación en Infraestructura:
- Consolas de radiofrecuencia y accesorios para dos espectrómetros de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear de 500 y 600 MHz (EQC2024-008441-P - Equipo de Investigación)
Cobertura de la base de datos de proyectos, véase aqui
Capítulos en Libros
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:sp2-Iminosugars as chemical mimics for glycodrug design. Pag. 197-224. En: Small Molecule Drug Discovery. Methods, Molecules and Applications. Elsevier. 2019. ISBN 978-0-12-818349-6
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel:
Cyclodextrins for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications. Pag. 94-139. En: Carbohydrate Chemistry. RSC Publishing. 2013. ISBN ISBN: 978-1-84973-587-2
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Click Multivalent Glycomaterials: Glycoclusters, Glycodendrimers, Glycopolymers, Hybrid Glycomaterials, and Glycosurfaces. Pag. 143-182. En: Click Chemistry in Glycoscience. Wiley. 2013. ISBN 978-1-118-27533-7
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel:
Carbohydrate Chemistry - Chemical and Biological Approaches. Vol. 38. Pag. 338-375. En: Carbohydrate Chemistry - Chemical and Biological Approaches. Royal Society of Chemisry. 2012. ISBN 978-1-84973-476-9
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Identificación y Cuantificación de Azúcares Resultantes de la Dimerización de la Sacarosa y de la D-Fructosa (Dianhidridos de Fructosa) Formados en la Raíz de Remolacha o Durante su Procesado Industrial. Pag. 173-184. En: Aspectos Fisiológicos de la Remolacha Azucarera de Siembra Otoñal. Ed. 1. Junta de Andalucía - Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca. 2005. ISBN 84-8474-164-8
Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Maciejewski, Silvester:
Thioureido B-Cyclodextrins As Molecular Carriers for the Anticancer Drug Taxotere. Pag. 313-316. En: Molecular Recognition and Inclusion. Holanda. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999. ISBN 0792-353-30-7
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Martín Pastor,Manuel, et. al.:
Macrocyclic Sugar Thioureas: Cyclooligosaccharides Mimicking Cyclopeptides. Pag. 103-108. En: Molecular Recognition and Inclusion. Holanda. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1999. ISBN 0792-353-30-7
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Chmurski, Kazimiers, et. al.:
Thiourea-Bridged B-Cyclodextrin Conjugates: Synthesis of Carbohydrate Core-Based Glycoclusters. Pag. 77-80. En: Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Cyclodextrins. Dordrecht. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1998. ISBN 0-7923-5721-3
Publicaciones en Revistas
Chuan Ying Lai, Alan, González, Manuel, Ho, Chieh Hsin, Chi, Po Yu, Wu, Ko Chien, et. al.:¿-GalCer sp2-Iminoglycolipid Analogs as CD1d-dependent iNKT Modulators: Evaluation of Their Immunotherapeutic Potential in Murine Models of Asthma and Autoimmune Hepatitis. En: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2025. Vol. 282.
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López, José, Juárez Gonzálvezc, Inmaculada, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
ß-Cyclodextrin-based geometrically frustrated amphiphiles as onecomponent, cell-specific and organ-specific nucleic acid delivery systems. En: Carbohydrate Polymers. 2025. Vol. 347.
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Padilla, María del Carmen, Maisonneuve, Stéphane, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Tiet, Ben, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar azobenzene O-glycosides: light-sensitive glycosidase inhibitors with unprecedented tunability and switching factors. En: Bioorganic Chemistry. 2024. Vol. 150.
Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Santana Armas, María L, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Tripier, Raphael, et. al.:
Trehalose-Polyamine/DNA Nanocomplexes: Impact of Vector Architecture on Cell and Organ Transfection Selectivity. En: Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2024. Vol. 12. Pag. 3445-3452. 10.1039/d3tb02889e
Rocha, Gabriel, Ramírez Cárdenas, Jonathan, Padilla, María del Carmen, Walpole, Samuel, Nepravishta, Ridvan, et. al.:
Speeding-up the Determination of Protein Ligand Affinities by STD NMR: The Reduced Data Set STD NMR Approach (rd-STD NMR). En: Analytical Chemistry. 2024. Vol. 96. Pag. 615-619. 10.1021/acs.analchem.3c03980
Herrera, Irene, González, Manuel, Thépaut, Michel, Laigre, Eugénie, Goyard, David, et. al.:
High-Mannose Oligosaccharide Hemimimetics that Recapitulate the Conformation and Binding Mode to Concanavalin A, DC- SIGN and Langerin. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2024. Vol. 30.
Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Figueiredo, Jose A., Lucas, Susana D., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Docking Studies of Open-Chain Carbohydrate Amides as Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors. En: Medicinal Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 19. Pag. 570-577
Ashmus, Roger A., Wang, Yang, González Cuesta, Manuel, King, Dustin T., Tiet, Ben, et. al.:
Potent and Selective Cell-Active Iminosugar Inhibitors of Human ¿-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase (¿-NAGAL). En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2023. Vol. 29
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, García Iriepa, Cristina, Marcelo, Gema, et. al.:
Reversible Light-Induced Dimerization of Secondary Face Azobenzene-Functionalized ß¿Cyclodextrin Derivatives. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 88. Pag. 8674-8689
González, Manuel, Chuan Ying Lai, Alan, Chi, Po Yu, Hsu, I Ling, Liu, Nien Tzu, et. al.:
Serine-/Cysteine-Based sp2-Iminoglycolipids as Novel TLR4 Agonists: Evaluation of Their Adjuvancy and Immunotherapeutic Properties in a Murine Model of Asthma. En: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 66. Pag. 4768-4783. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.2c01948
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, González Bakker, Aday, Puerta, Adrián, Padrón, José M, et. al.:
Fluoro-labelled sp2-iminoglycolipids with immunomodulatory properties. En: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2023. Vol. 255. 10.1016/j.ejmech.2023.115390
De la Torre, Cristina, Játiva, Pablo, Posadas, Inmaculada, Manzanares, Darío, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
A ß-Cyclodextrin-Based Nanoparticle with Very High Transfection Efficiency Unveils siRNA-Activated TLR3 Responses in Human Prostate Cancer Cells. En: Pharmaceutics. 2022. Vol. 14
Herrera, Irene, Thépaut, Michel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Di Maio, Antonio, Vivès, Corinne, et. al.:
Mannobioside biomimetics that trigger DC-SIGN binding selectivity. En: Chemical Communications. 2022. Vol. 58. Pag. 12086-12089. 10.1039/d2cc04478a
Gómez Jaramillo, María Laura, Cano, Fátima, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Unravelling the Inflammatory Processes in the Early Stages of Diabetic Nephropathy and the Potential Effect of (Ss)-DS-ONJ. En: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. Vol. 23. 10.3390/ ijms23158450
González, Manuel, Herrera, Irene, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ashmus, Roger A., Vocadlo, David J., et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugars targeting human lysosomal b-hexosaminidase as pharmacological chaperone candidates for late-onset Tay-Sachs disease. En: Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry. 2022. Vol. 37. Núm. 1. Pag. 1364-1374. 10.1080/14756366.2022.2073444
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, López, José, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Santana Armas, M. L., et. al.:
Enhanced Gene Delivery Triggered by Dual pH/Redox Responsive Host-Guest Dimerization of Cyclooligosaccharide Star Polycations. En: Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 2022
Herrera, Irene, González, Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Stereoselective Synthesis of Nojirimycin a-C-glycosides from a bicyclic acyliminium intermediate: A convenient entry to N,C-biantennary glycomimetics. En: ACS Omega. 2022. Vol. 7. Pag. 22394-22405. 10.1021/acsomega.2c01469
González, Manuel, Sidhu, Peter, Ashmus, Roger A., Males, Alexandra, Proceviat, Cameron, et. al.:
Bicyclic Picomolar OGA Inhibitors Enable Chemoproteomic Mapping of Its Endogenous Post-translational Modifications. En: Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2022. Vol. 144. Pag. 832-844. 10.1021/jacs.1c10504
Ashmus, Roger A., Wang, Yang, González, Manuel, King, Dustin T., Tiet, Ben, et. al.:
Rational design of cell active C2-modified DGJ analogues for the inhibition of human a-galactosidase A (GALA). En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 19. Pag. 8057-8062. 10.1039/d1ob01526e
Lumbroso, Alexandre, Berthonneau, Cle¿Ment, Beaudet, Isabelle, Quintard, Jean Paul, Planchat, Aure¿Lien, et. al.:
A versatile stereocontrolled synthesis of 2-deoxyiminosugar C-glycosides and their evaluation as glycosidase inhibitors. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2021. Vol. 19. Pag. 1083-1099. 10.1039/d0ob02249g
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garci¿a Herna¿Ndez, Raquel, Gamarro Conde, Francisco, Arroba, Ana I., Aguilar Diosdado, Manuel, et. al.:
Synthesis of sp2-Iminosugar Selenoglycolipids as Multitarget Drug Candidates with Antiproliferative, Leishmanicidal and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. En: Molecules. 2021. Vol. 26. 10.3390/molecules26247501
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, González, Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Santana, M. L., et. al.:
Trifaceted Mickey Mouse Amphiphiles for Programmable Self-Assembly, DNA Complexation and Organ-Selective Gene Delivery. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2021. Vol. 27. Pag. 9429-9438. 10.1002/chem.202100832
Cano, Fátima, Alcade Estévez, Elena, Gómez Jaramillo, María Laura, Iturregui, Marta, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, et. al.:
Anti-Inflammatory (M2) Response Is Induced by a sp2-Iminosugar Glycolipid Sulfoxide in Diabetic Retinopathy. En: Frontiers in Immunology. 2021. Vol. 12. 10.3389/fimmu.2021.632132
Gallego Yerga, Laura, De la Torre, Cristina, Sansone, Francesco, Casnati, Alessandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synthesis, self-assembly and anticancer drug encapsulation and delivery properties of cyclodextrin-based giant amphiphiles. En: Carbohydrate Polymers. 2021. Vol. 252. 10.1016/j.carbpol.2020.117135
Manzanares, Darío, Pe¿Rez Carrio¿N, Mari¿a Dolores, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Based Nanostructure Effciently Delivers siRNA to Glioblastoma Cells Preferentially via Macropinocytosis. En: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020. Vol. 21. 10.3390/ijms21239306
Neva, Tania, Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Lana, Hugo, Marcelo, Gema, et. al.:
Tuning the Topological Landscape of DNA-Cyclodextrin Nanocomplexes by Molecular Design. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2020. Vol. 26. Pag. 15259-15269. 10.1002/chem.202002951
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Review/Reseña: Cyclodextrin-Based Functional Glyconanomaterials. En: Nanomaterials. 2020. Vol. 10. Núm. 12. 10.3390/nano10122517
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Lana, Hugo, Marcelo, Gemma, et. al.:
Click Synthesis of Size- and Shape-Tunable Star Polymers with Functional Macrocyclic Cores for Synergistic DNA Complexation and Delivery. En: Biomacromolecules. 2020. Vol. 21. Pag. 5173-5188. 10.1021/acs.biomac.0c01283
Guillen Poza, Pablo, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Artigas, Gerard, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Hinou, Hiroshi, et. al.:
Amplified Detection of Breast Cancer Autoantibodies Using MUC1-Based Tn Antigen Mimics. En: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 63. Pag. 8524-8533. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.0c00908
Bermejo, Iris, Navo, Claudio, Castro López, Jorge, Guerreiro, Ana, Jiménez Moreno, Ester, et. al.:
Synthesis, conformational analysis and in vivo assays of an anti-cancer vaccine that features an unnatural antigen based on an sp2-iminosugar fragment. En: Chemical Science. 2020. Vol. 11. Pag. 3996-4006. 10.1039/c9sc06334j
González, Manuel, Gonzalezz Cuesta, Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Carbohydrate Supramolecular Chemistry: Beyond the Multivalent Effect. En: Chemical Communications. 2020. Vol. 56. Pag. 5207-5222. 10.1039/d0cc01135e
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Sau, Abhijit, Nativi, Cristina, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Stereoselective Synthesis of Iminosugar 2-Deoxy(thio)glycosides from Bicyclic Iminoglycal Carbamates Promoted by Cerium(IV) Ammonium Nitrate and Cooperative Brønsted Acid-Type Organocatalysis. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2020. Vol. 85. Pag. 5038-5047. 10.1021/acs.joc.0c00324
González, Manuel, Goyard, David, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Multivalent glycoligands with lectin/enzyme dual specificity: self-deliverable glycosidase regulators. En: Chemical Communications. 2019. Vol. 55. Pag. 12845-12848. 10.1039/c9cc06376e
Neva, Tania, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel:
Multiply-linked cyclodextrin-aromatic hybrids: Caps, hinges and clips. En: Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 38. Pag. 470-493. 10.1080/07328303.2019.1609020
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Arroba, Ana I., Aguilar Diosdado, Manuel, Padrón, José M., et. al.:
Synthesis of polyfluoroalkyl sp2-iminosugar glycolipids and evaluation of their immunomodulatory properties towards anti-tumor, anti-leishmanial and anti-inflammatory therapies. En: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 182. 10.1016/j.ejmech.2019.111604
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, García Hernández, Raquel, Padrón, José M., Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Thiol-ene "Click" Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of C-Glycoside sp2-Iminosugar Glycolipids. En: Molecules. 2019. Vol. 24. 10.3390/molecules24162882
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Novel Therapies for Orphan Diseases. En: ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2019. Vol. 10. Pag. 1020-1023. 10.1021/acsmedchemlett.9b00242
Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
Trehalose-based Siamese twin amphiphiles with tunable self-assembling, DNA nanocomplexing and gene delivery properties. En: Chemical Communications. 2019. Vol. 55. Pag. 8227-8230. 10.1039/C9cc04489b
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Matsumoto, Reimi, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, et. al.:
Pharmacological Chaperones for the Treatment of a-Mannosidosis. En: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 62. Pag. 5832-5843. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.9b00153
Schaeffer, Evelyne, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Flacher, Vincent, Lamon, Delphine, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar glycolipids as inhibitors of lipopolysaccharide-mediated human dendritic cell activation in vitro and of acute inflammation in mice in vivo. En: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 169. Pag. 111-120. 10.1016/j.ejmech.2019.02.078
Neva, Tania, Carmona, Thais, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Przybylski, Ce¿Dric, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Dynamic Control of the Self-Assembling Properties of Cyclodextrins by the Interplay of Aromatic and Host-Guest Interactions. En: Frontiers in Chemistry. 2019. Vol. 7. Núm. 72. 10.3389/fchem.2019.00072
Amaniampong, Prince Nana, Clément, Jean Louis, Gigmes, Didier, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Catalyst-free synthesis of alkylpolyglycosides induced by high frequency ultrasound. En: ChemSusChem. 2018. Vol. 11. Pag. 2673-2676. 10.1002/cssc.201801137
Neva, Tania, Carmona, Thais, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Przybylski, Cédric, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Xylylene clips for the topology-guided control of the inclusion and self-assembling properties of cyclodextrins. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2018. Vol. 83. Pag. 5588-5597. 10.1021/acs.joc.8b00602
Mena Barragán, Teresa, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Sev?Ek, Alen, Okazaki, Tetsuya, Nanba, Eiji, et. al.:
Probing the inhibitor versus chaperone properties of sp2-iminosugars towards human ß-glucocerebrosidase: A picomolar chaperone for Gaucher disease. En: Molecules. 2018. Vol. 23. Núm. 927. 10.3390/molecules23040927
Alcade Estévez, Elena, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
The sp2-iminosugar glycolipid 1-dodecylsulfonyl-5N,6O-oxomethylidenenojirimycin (DSO2-ONJ) as selective anti-inflammatory agent by modulation of hemeoxygenase-1 in Bv.2 microglial cells and retinal explants. En: Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2018. Vol. 111. Pag. 454-466. 10.1016/j.fct.2017.11.050
Nierengarten, Jean François, Schneider, Jérémy P., Trinh, Thi Minh Nguyet, Joosten, Antoine, Holler, Michel, et. al.:
Giant Glycosidase Inhibitors: First- and Second-Generation Fullerodendrimers with a Dense Iminosugar Shell. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2018. Vol. 24. Pag. 2483-2492. 10.1002/chem.201705600
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Martínez Negro, María, Vélaz, Itziar, et. al.:
Plasmid-Templated Control of DNA-Cyclodextrin Nanoparticle Morphology Through Molecular Vector Design for Effective Gene Delivery. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2018. Vol. 24. Pag. 3825-3835. 10.1002/chem.201705723
Przybylski, Cédric, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Bonnet, Véronique, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Revealing cooperative binding of polycationic cyclodextrins with DNA oligomers by capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry. En: Analytica Chimica Acta. 2018. Vol. 1002. Pag. 70-81. 10.1016/j.aca.2017.11.034
Audemar, Maïté, Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Je¿Ro¿Me, Franc¿Ois, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Carbon Dioxide as a Traceless Caramelization Promotor: Preparation of Prebiotic Difructose Dianhydrides (DFAs)-Enriched Caramels from D¿Fructose. En: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2017. Vol. 65. Pag. 6093-6099. 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b01601
Varan, Gazme, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Bilensoy, Erem:
Development of polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrin nanoparticles for anticancer drug delivery. En: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2017. Vol. 8. Pag. 1457-1468. 10.3762/bjnano.8.145
Allan, Ghada, Gueder, Nahla, Telliez, Marie Sophiè, Hague, Frêdéric, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar a-glucosidase inhibitor 1-C-octyl-2-oxa-3-oxocastanospermine specifically affected breast cancer cell migration through Stim1, beta1-integrin, and FAK signaling pathways. En: Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2017. Vol. 232. Pag. 3631-3640. 10.1002/Jcp.25832
Trinh, Thi Minh Nguyet, Holler, Michel, Schneider, Jérêmy P., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
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Audemar, Maite, Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jerome, François, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
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Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Nierengarten, Jean François, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Multivalency as an action principle in multimodal lectin recognition and glycosidase inhibition: a paradigm shift driven by carbon-based glyconanomaterials. En: Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017. Vol. 5. Pag. 6428-6436. 10.1002/chem.201700470
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Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
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Gallego Yerga, Laura, Posadas, Inmaculada, De la Torre, Cristina, Ruiz Almansa, Jesús, Sansone, Francesco, et. al.:
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Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
The impact of heteromultivalency in lectin recognition and glycosidase inhibition: An integrated mechanistic study. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2017. Vol. 231. Pag. 6295-6304. 10.1002/chem.201700470
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, De la Mata Fernández, Mario, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Quintana, Antonio, et. al.:
Fluorinated Chaperone ß-Cyclodextrin Formulations for ß-Glucocerebrosidase Activity Enhancement in Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease. En: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2017. Vol. 60. Pag. 1829-1842. 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.6b01550
Delaux, Joakim, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Canaff, Christine, Fourré, Elodie, Gaillard, Cédric, et. al.:
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Przybylski, Cédric, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Bonnet, Véronique, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Toward a suitable structural analysis of gene delivery carrier based on polycationic carbohydrates by electron transfer dissociation tándem mass spectrometry. En: Analytica Chimica Acta. 2016. Vol. 948. Pag. 62-72. 10.1016/j.aca.2016.11.001
Pflueger, Iris, Charrat, Coralie, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin Facial Amphiphiles: Assessing the Impact of the Hydrophilic-Lipophilic Balance in the Self-Assembling, DNA Complexation and Gene Delivery Capabilities. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2016. Vol. 14. Pag. 10037-10049. 10.1039/c6ob01882c
Przybylski, Cédric, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Bonnet, Véronique, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Deciphering of polycationic carbohydrate based non-viral gene delivery agents by ESI-LTQ-Orbitrap using CID/HCD pairwise tandem mass spectrometry. En: RSC Advances. 2016. Vol. 6. Pag. 78803-78817. 10.1039/6cra14508f
Varan, Gamze, Öncül, Selin, Ercan, Ayse, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Cholesterol-Targeted Anticancer and Apoptotic Effects of Anionic and Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Nanoparticles. En: Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 105. Núm. 10. Pag. 3172-3182. 10.1016/j.xphs.2016.06.021
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Navo, Claudio D., Martínez Sáez, Nuria, Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Somovilla, Victor J., et. al.:
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Stauffert, Fabien, Bodlenner, Anne, Nguyen Trinh, Thi Minh, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Understanding multivalent effects in glycosidase inhibition using C-glycoside click clusters as molecular probes. En: New Journal of Chemistry. 2016. Vol. 40. Pag. 7421-7430. 10.1039/c6nj01311b
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Blanca Fernández, Laura, Carmona, Thais, Marcelo, Gema, et. al.:
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Abellán Flos, Marta, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nierengarten, Jean Francois, et. al.:
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Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
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Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Plata, Gabriela B., Padrón, Jose M., et. al.:
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Navo, Claudio D., Corzana, Francisco, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Busto, Jesús H., Avenoza, Alberto, et. al.:
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De la Fuente, Alex, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Verdaguer, Xavier, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nanba, Eiji, et. al.:
Efficient Stereoselective Synthesis of 2-Acetamido-1,2-dideoxyallonojirimycin (DAJNAc) and sp2-Iminosugar Conjugates: Novel Hexosaminidase Inhibitors with Discrimination Capabilities between the Mature and Precursor Forms of the Enzyme. En: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2016. Vol. 121. Pag. 926-938. 10.1016/j.ejmech.2015.10.038
Mena Barragán, Teresa, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Concia, Alda Lisa, et. al.:
Inhibitor versus chaperone behaviour of D-fagomine, DAB and LAB sp2-iminosugar conjugates against glycosidases: A structure activity relationship study in Gaucher fibroblasts. En: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2016. Vol. 121. Pag. 880-891. 10.1016/j.ejmech.2015.08.038
Siriwardena, Aloysius, Khanal, Manakamana, Barras, Alexandre, Bande, Omprakash, Mena Barragán, Teresa, et. al.:
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Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Vierling, Pierre, et. al.:
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Mena Barragán, Teresa, Narita, Aya, Matias, Dino, Tiscornia, Gustavo, Nanba, Eiji, et. al.:
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Gallego Yerga, Laura, Blanco Fernandez, Laura, Urbiola, Koldo, Carmona, Thais, Marcelo, Gema, et. al.:
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De la Mata Fernández, Mario, Cotan Marin, David, Oropesa Avila, Manuel, Garrido Maraver, Juan, Cordero, Mario D., et. al.:
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Ruiz Arroyo, Raquel, Peinado Martínez, María Jesús, Aranda Olmedo, Mª. Isabel, Abecia Aliende, Leticia, Suárez Pereira, Elena, et. al.:
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Le Guen, Clothilde, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gueyrard, David, Pfund, Emmanuel, et. al.:
Fluorinated hydroxypiperidines as selective beta-glucosidase inhibitors. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2015. Vol. 13. Pag. 5983-5996. 10.1039/c5ob00721f
Riera, Antoni, De la Fuente, Alex, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Farrar Tobar, Ronald A., Verdaguer, Xavier, et. al.:
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Guilloteau, Nicolas, Bienvenu, Céline, Charrat, Coralie, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, et. al.:
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Rubio San Millán, Luis Angel, Peinado Martínez, María Jesús, Ruiz Arroyo, Raquel, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Correlations between changes in intestinal microbiota composition and performance parameters in broiler chickens. En: Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 2015. Vol. 99. Pag. 418-423. 10.1111/jpn.12256
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Gomez Perez, Veronica, García Hernández, Raquel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Plata, Gabriela B., et. al.:
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François Heude, Marc, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Cendret, Virginie, Lafite, Pierre, Daniellou, Richard, et. al.:
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Gallego Yerga, Laura, Lomazzi, Michela, Franceschi, Valentina, Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
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Khanal, Manakamana, Larsonneur, Fanny, Raks, Victoriia, Barras, Alexandre, Baumann, Jean Sébastien, et. al.:
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Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Alvarez Gonzalez, Eleuterio, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of Multibranched Australine Derivatives from Reducing Castanospermine Analogues through the Amadori Rearrangement of gem-Diamine Intermediates: Selective Inhibitors of beta-Glucosidase. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2014. Vol. 79. Pag. 11722-11728. 10.1021/jo5025283
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Aguilar Moncayo, Eva M., Guilloteau, Nicolas, Bienvenu, Celine, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-scaffolded amphiphilic aminoglucoside clusters: self-assembling and gene delivery capabilities. En: New Journal of Chemistry. 2014. Vol. 58. Pag. 5215-5225. 10.1039/c4nj00700j
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Lomazzi, Michela, Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Casnati, Alessandro, et. al.:
Glycoligand-targeted core-shell nanospheres with tunable drug release profiles from calixarene-cyclodextrin heterodimers. En: Chemical Communications. 2014. Vol. 50. Pag. 7440-7443. 10.1039/C4cc02703e
Rubio San Millán, Luis Angel, Peinado Martínez, María Jesús, Echavarri Echaniz, Ana, Ruiz Arroyo, Raquel, Suárez Pereira, Elena, et. al.:
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Yu , Yi, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Higaki, Katsumi, Johnson, Jennifer L., Drury, Jason E., et. al.:
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Gallego Yerga, Laura, González Álvarez, M José, Mayordomo, Natalia, Santoyo Gonzalez, Francisco, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Dynamically self-assembling polycationic clusters based on cyclodextrins for pH-sensitive DNA nanocondensation and delivery by component design. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2014. Vol. 20. Pag. 6622-6627. 10.1002/chem.201402026
Suzuki, Hironori, Ohto, Umeharu, Higaki, Katsumi, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, et. al.:
Structural basis of pharmacological chaperoning for human beta-galactosidase. En: Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2014. Vol. 289. Núm. 21. Pag. 14560-14568. 10.1074/jbc.M113.529529
Bonduelle, Colin, Huang, Jin, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Decroocq, Camille, et. al.:
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Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, De la Mata Fernández, Mario, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
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Habib, Samuel, Larnaud, Florent, Pfund, Emmanuel, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Lequeux, Thierry, et. al.:
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Silva, Sandrina, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Tatibouët, Arnaud, Rauter, Amélia Pilar, et. al.:
N-Thiocarbonyl Iminosugars: Synthesis and Evaluation of Castanospermine Analogues Bearing Oxazole-2(3H)-thione Moieties. En: European Journal Of Organic Chemistry. 2013. Núm. 35. Pag. 7941-7951. 10.1002/ejoc.201300720
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nierengarten, Jean François, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Fullerene-sp2-Iminosugar Balls as Multimodal Ligands for Lectins and Glycosidases: A Mechanistic Hypothesis for the Inhibitory Multivalent Effect. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2013. Vol. 19. Pag. 16791-16803. 10.1002/chem.201303158
Aranda, Cristina, Urbiola, Koldo, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Targeted gene delivery by new folate-polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrin-DNA nanocomplexes in vitro and in vivo. En: European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics. 2013. Vol. 85. Pag. 390-397. 10.1016/j.ejpb.2013.06.011
Brissonnet, Yoan, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Morandat, Sandrine, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Deniaud, David, et. al.:
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Decroocq, Camille, Joosten, Antoine, Joosten, Raphaël, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
The Multivalent Effect in Glycosidase Inhibition: Probing the Influence of Valency, Peripheral Ligand Structure, and Topology with Cyclodextrin-Based Iminosugar Click Clusters. En: ChemBioChem. 2013. Vol. 14. Pag. 2038-2049. 10.1002/cbic.201300283.
Allan, Ghada, Ouadid Ahidouch, Halima, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
New Castanospermine Glycoside Analogues Inhibit Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation and Induce Apoptosis without Affecting Normal Cells. En: PLoS One. 2013. Vol. 8. Núm. 10. 10.1371/journal.pone.0076411
Peinado Martínez, María Jesús, Echavarri Echaniz, Ana, Ruiz Arroyo, Raquel, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
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Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro, Bienvenu, Celine, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Vierling, Pierre, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Amphiphilic Oligoethyleneimine ß-Cyclodextrin 'Click' Clusters for Enhanced DNA Delivery. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2013. Vol. 78. Núm. 16. Pag. 8143-8148. 10.1021/jo400993y
De la Fuente, Alex, Martin, Ruben, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Verdaguer, Xavier, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Stereoselective Synthesis of 2-Acetamido-1,2-dideoxyallonojirimycin (DAJNAc), a New Potent Hexosaminidase Inhibitor. En: Organic Letters. 2013. Vol. 15. Núm. 14. Pag. 3638-3641. 10.1021/ol401517x
Alfonso, Pilar, Andreu, Vanesa, Pino Angeles, Almudena, Moya Garcia, Aurelio A., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Bicyclic Derivatives of l-Idonojirimycin as Pharmacological Chaperones for Neuronopathic Forms of Gaucher Disease. En: ChemBioChem. 2013. Vol. 14. Núm. 8. Pag. 943-949. 10.1002/cbic.201200708
Gonzalez Alvarez, Maria Jose, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Mendicuti, Francisco:
Influence of the Macroring Size on the Self-Association Thermodynamics of Cyclodextrins with a Double-Linked Naphthalene at the Secondary Face. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2013. Vol. 117. Núm. 18. Pag. 5472-5485. 10.1021/jp400784t
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
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Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Review/Reseña: Cyclodextrin-based multivalent glycodisplays: covalent and supramolecular conjugates to assess carbohydrate-protein interactions. En: Chemical Society Reviews. 2013. Vol. 42. Pag. 4746-4773. 10.1039/c2cs35424a
Mayordomo , Natalia, Gonzalez Alvarez, Maria Jose, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
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Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Review/Reseña: Cyclodextrin-scaffolded glycotransporters for gene delivery. En: Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2013. Vol. 85. Núm. 9. Pag. 1825-1845. 10.1351/Pac-con-12-10-13
Takai, Tomoko, Higaki, Katsumi, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Hirano, Yuki, et. al.:
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Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gonçalvez Pereira, Rita, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Lesur, David, et. al.:
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Tiscornia, Gustavo, Lorenzo Vivas, Erika, Matalonga, Leslie, Berniakovich, Ina, Barragán Monasterio, Montserrat, et. al.:
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Almant, Mehdi, Mastouri, Amira, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Probing the Nature of the Cluster Effect Observed with Synthetic Multivalent Galactosides and Peanut Agglutinin Lectin. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2013. Vol. 19. Núm. 2. Pag. 729-738. 10.1002/chem.201202319
Castilla, Javier, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Cruz, Deysi, Higaki, Katsumi, Nanba, Eiji, et. al.:
Conformationally-Locked N-Glycosides with Selective ß-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity: Identification of a New Non-Iminosugar-Type Pharmacological Chaperone for Gaucher Disease. En: Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2012. Vol. 55. Pag. 6857-6865. 10.1021/jm3006178
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Scalable syntheses of both enantiomers of DNJNAc and DGJNAc from glucuronolactone: The effect of N-alkylation on hexosaminidase inhibition. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2012. Vol. 18. Núm. 30. Pag. 9341-9359. 10.1002/chem.201200110
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nieto Mesa, Pedro Manuel, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar O-, S-, and N-Glycosides as Conformational Mimics of alpha-Linked Disaccharides: Implications for Glycosidase Inhibition. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2012. Vol. 18. Núm. 27. Pag. 8527-8539. 10.1002/chem.201200279
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Takai, T, Higaki, K, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Hirano, y, et. al.:
Tuning glycosidase inhibition through aglycone interactions: pharmacological chaperones for Fabry disease and GM(1) gangliosidosis. En: Chemical Communications. 2012. Vol. 48. Núm. 52. Pag. 6514-6516. 10.1039/c2cc32065g
Gonzalez Alvarez, Maria Jose, Mayordomo , Natalia, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Mendicuti, Francisco:
Improving inclusion capabilities of permethylated cyclodextrins by appending a cap-like aromatic moiety. En: Tetrahedron. 2012. Vol. 68. Núm. 14. Pag. 2961-2972. 10.1016/j.tet.2012.02.037
Bienvenu, Céline, Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Vierling, Pierre, et. al.:
Polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrins as gene vectors: effect of the macrocyclic ring size on the DNA complexing and delivery properties. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2012. Vol. 10. Núm. 29. Pag. 5570-5581. 10.1039/c2ob25786f
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Gèze, Annabelle, Putaux, Jean Luc, Wouessidjewe, Denis, et. al.:
Monodisperse Nanoparticles from Self-assembling Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins: Modulable Tools for the Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Pharmaceuticals. En: Medicinal Chemistry. 2012. Vol. 8. Núm. 4. Pag. 524-532. 10.2174/157340612801216265
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Butera, Anna Paola, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Probing Carbohydrate-Lectin Recognition in Heterogeneous Environments with Monodisperse Cyclodextrin-Based Glycoclusters. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2012. Vol. 77. Núm. 3. Pag. 1273-1288. 10.1021/jo201797b
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel:
Synthesis and glycosidase inhibitory activity of isourea-type bicyclic sp2-iminosugars related to galactonojirimycin and allonojirimycin. En: Tetrahedron. 2012. Vol. 68. Núm. 2. Pag. 681-689. 10.1016/j.tet.2011.10.091
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Vierling, Pierre, Santoyo Gonzalez, Francisco, et. al.:
Beta-Cyclodextrin-Based Polycationic Amphiphilic "Click" Clusters: Effect of Structural Modifications in Their DNA Complexing and Delivery Properties. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2011. Vol. 76. Núm. 15. Pag. 5882-5894. 10.1021/jo2007785
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Review/Reseña: Pharmacological Chaperone Therapy for Gaucher Disease: a Patent Review. En: Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents. 2011. Vol. 21. Núm. 6. Pag. 885-903. 10.1517/13543776.2011.569162
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel:
Review/Reseña: Cyclodextrin-Based Gene Delivery Systems. En: Chemical Society Reviews. 2011. Vol. 40. Pag. 1586-1608. 10.1039/c0cs00019a
Decroocq, Camille, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Russo, Virginie, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
The Multivalent Effect in Glycosidase Inhibition: Probing the Influence of Architectural Parameters With Cyclodextrin-Based Iminosugar Click Clusters. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2011. Vol. 17. Pag. 13825-13831. 10.1002/chem/201102266
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Symmetry Complementarity-Guided Design of Anthrax Toxin Inhibitors Based on B-Cyclodextrin: Synthesis and Relative Activities of Face-Selective Functionalized Polycationic Clusters. En: ChemMedChem. 2011. Vol. 6. Pag. 181-192. 10.1002/cmdc.201000419
Diot, Jennifer, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Twigg, Gabrielle, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Haupt, Karsten, et. al.:
Amphiphilic 1-Deoxynojirimycin Derivatives Through Click Strategies for Chemical Chaperoning in N370s Gaucher Cells. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2011. Vol. 76. Pag. 7757-7768. 10.1021/jo201125x
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Urbiola, Koldo, Aranda, Cristina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin-Based Nanoparticles for Therapeutic Gene Delivery. En: Nanomedicine. 2011. Vol. 6. Pag. 1697-1707. 10.2217/Nnm.11.59
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Trapero, Ana, Egido Gabás, Meritxell, Llebaria Soldevilla, Amadeu, et. al.:
Bicyclic (Galacto)Nojirimycin Analogues As Glycosidase Inhibitors: Effect of Structural Modifications in Their Pharmacological Chaperone Potential Towards Beta-Glucocerebrosidase. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2011. Vol. 9. Pag. 3698-3713. 10.1039/c1ob05234a
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Stereoselective Synthesis of Difructose Dianhydrides by Using the Xylylene Group As Stereodirecting Element in Spiroketalization Reactions. En: European Journal Of Organic Chemistry. 2011. Pag. 517-528. 10.1002/ejoc.201000946
Brumshtein, Boris, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Silman, Israel, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Mediated Crystallization of Acid B-Glucosidase in Complex With Amphiphilic Bicyclic Nojirimycin Analogues. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2011. Vol. 9. Pag. 4160-4167. 10.1039/c1ob05200d
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Bienvenu, Celine, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Mannosyl-Coated Nanocomplexes from Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins and Pdna for Site-Specific Gene Delivery. En: Biomaterials. 2011. Vol. 32. Núm. 29. Pag. 7263-7273. 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2011.06.025
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Review/Reseña: (Pseudo)Amide-Linked Oligosaccharide Mimetics: Molecular Recognition and Supramolecular Properties. En: Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2010. Vol. 6. Núm. 20. Pag. 1-18. 10.3762/bjoc.6.20
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Review/Reseña: Preorganized Macromolecular Gene Delivery Systems. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2010. Vol. 16. Pag. 6728-6742. 10.1002/chem.201000076
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Review/Reseña: Difructose Dianhydrides (Dfas) and Dfa-Enriched Products As Functional Foods. En: Topics in Current Chemistry. 2010. Vol. 294. Pag. 49-77. 10.1007/128_2010_50
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gutierrez Gallego, Ricardo, Maestre Alvarez, Alfredo, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Comparative Studies on Lectin-Carbohydrate Interactions in Low and High Density Homo- and Heteroglycoclusters. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2010. Vol. 8. Pag. 1849-1860. 10.1039/b920048g
Compain, Philippe, Decroocq, Camille, Iehl, Julien, Holler, Michel, Hazelard, Damian, et. al.:
Glycosidase Inhibition with Fullerene Iminosugar Balls: A Dramatic Multivalent Effec. En: Angewandte Chemie (International Edition). 2010. Vol. 49. Pag. 5753-5756. 10.1002/anie.201002802
Suárez Pereira, Elena, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Pilard, Serge Guy, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Di-D-Fructose Dianhydride (Dfa)-Enriched Products by Acid Ion-Exchange Resin-Promoted Caramelization of D-Fructose: Chemical Analyses. En: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010. Vol. 58. Pag. 1777-1787. 10.1021/jf903354y
Luan, Z, Higaki, K, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Li, Linjing, Ninomiya, Haruaki, et. al.:
A Fluorescent Sp2-Iminosugar With Pharmacological Chaperone Activity for Gaucher Disease: Synthesis and Intracellular Distribution Studies. En: ChemBioChem. 2010. Vol. 11. Pag. 2453-2464. 10.1002/cbic.201000323
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Stutz, Arnold E., Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Wrodnigg, Tanja M., et. al.:
Fluorescent-Tagged Sp2-Iminosugars With Potent B-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity. En: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry. 2010. Vol. 18. Pag. 7439-7455. 10.1016/j.bmc.2010.09.003
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Chasseraud, Maud, Ahidouch, Ahmed, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synthesis of N-, S-, and C-Glycoside Castanospermine Analogues With Selective Neutral Á-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity As Antitumor Agents. En: Chemical Communications. 2010. Vol. 46. Pag. 5328-5330
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Vercauteren, Dries, Rejmann, Joanna, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Insights in Cellular Uptake Mechanisms of Pdna-Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Nanoparticles (Cdplexes). En: Journal of controlled release. 2010. Vol. 143. Núm. 3. Pag. 318-325. 10.1016/j.jconrel.2010.01.016
Arribas, Belen, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Buttersack, Christoph, et. al.:
Di-D-Fructose Dianhydride-Enriched Caramels: Effect on Colon Microbiota, Inflammation, and Tissue Damage in Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid-Induced Colitic Rats. En: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010. Vol. 58. Pag. 6476-6484. 10.1021/jf100513j
García Ruano, José Luís, Alemán, J., Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Parra, a, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Synthesis and Stereoselective Halogenolysis of Optically Pure Benzylstannanes. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2009. Vol. 74. Núm. 5. Pag. 2145-2152
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jaime Cardiel,Carlos, Burusko, Kepa, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Size-Tunable Trehalose-Based Nanocavities: Synthesis, Structure, and Inclusion Properties of Large-Ring Cyclotrehalans. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2009. Vol. 74. Núm. 8. Pag. 2997-3008
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Le Gourrierec, L, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins for Gene Delivery: Synthesis and Effect of Structural Modifications on Plasmid DNA Complex Stability, Cytotoxicity, and Gene Expression. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2009. Vol. 15. Núm. 46. Pag. 12871-12888. 10.1002/chem.200901149
Brumshtein, Boris, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
6-Amino-6-Deoxy-5,6-di-N-(N '-Octyliminomethylidene)Nojirimycin: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Crystal Structure in Complex With Acid Beta-Glucosidase. En: ChemBioChem. 2009. Vol. 10. Núm. 9. Pag. 1480-1485
Diot, Jennifer, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Gouin, Sebastien, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Haupt, Karsten, et. al.:
Multivalent Iminosugars to Modulate Affinity and Selectivity for Glycosidases. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2009. Vol. 7. Núm. 2. Pag. 357-363
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Generalized Anomeric Effect in Gem-Diamines: Stereoselective Synthesis of Alfa-N-Linked Disaccharide Mimics. En: Organic Letters. 2009. Vol. 11. Núm. 15. Pag. 3306-3309
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of Thiohydantoin-Castanospermine Glycomimetics As Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2009. Vol. 74. Pag. 3595-3598
González Álvarez,Mª José, Vicente Hernandez, Jose, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Mendicuti, Francisco:
Thermodynamics of the Dimer Formation of 2i,3i-o-(o-Xylylene)-Per-o-Me-Alpha-Cyclodextrin: Fluorescence, Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics. En: Journal of Fluorescence. 2009. Vol. 19. Pag. 975-988
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sevillano Tripero, Natalia, Giron Gonzalez, Maria Dolores, et. al.:
Preorganized Macromolecular Gene Delivery Systems: Amphiphilic Beta-Cyclodextrin Click Clusters. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2009. Vol. 7. Pag. 2681-2684
Luan, Z, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Ohno, K, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Chaperone Activity of Bicyclic Nojirimycin Analogues for Gaucher Mutations in Comparison With N-(N-Nonyl)Deoxynojirimycin. En: ChemBioChem. 2009. Vol. 10. Pag. 2780-2792. 10.1002/cbic.200900442
Benltifa, Mahmoud, De Kiss, Miklos, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gueyrard, David, et. al.:
Regioselective Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Spiro-Sulfamidate Glycosides from Exo-Glycals. En: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 2009. Vol. 20. Pag. 1817-1823. 10.1016/j.tetasy.2009.07.012
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Gloster, Tracey M., Turkenburg, Johan P., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Glycosidase Inhibition by Ring-Modified Castanospermine Analogues: Tackling Enzyme Selectivity by Inhibitor Tailoring. En: Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 2009. Vol. 7. Pag. 2738-2747. 10.1039/b906968b
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Guanidine-Type Iminosugars. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 73. Núm. 5. Pag. 1995-1998
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Alvarez Gonzalez, Eleuterio, Jaime Cardiel,Carlos, Pérez Mirón,Javier, et. al.:
Synthesis, Structure, and Inclusion Capabilities of Trehalose-Based Cyclodextrin Analogues (Cyclotrehalans). En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 73. Núm. 8. Pag. 2967-2979
Louis, Farida, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Stereoselective Synthesis of Nonsymmetrical Difructose Dianhydrides from Xylylene-Tethered D-Fructose Precursors. En: Tetrahedron. 2008. Vol. 64. Núm. 12. Pag. 2792-2800
Benltifa, Mahmoud, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Wadouachi, Anne:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Sulfamide-Type Indolizidines As Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2008. Vol. 18. Núm. 9. Pag. 2805-2808
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Chemical and Enzymatic Approaches to Carbohydrate-Derived Spiroketals: di-D-Fructose Dianhydrides (Dfas). En: Molecules. 2008. Vol. 13. Núm. 8. Pag. 1640-1670
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Gloster, Tracey M., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Davies, Gideon J, et. al.:
Molecular Basis for Beta-Glucosidase Inhibition by Ring-Modified Calystegine Analogues. En: ChemBioChem. 2008. Vol. 9. Núm. 16. Pag. 2612-2618
González Álvarez,Mª José, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Mendicuti, Francisco:
Study of the Conformational and Self-Aggregation Properties of 2(I),3(I)-o-(o-Xylylene)-Per-o-Me-Alpha- and Beta-Cyclodextrins by Fluorescence and Molecular Modeling. En: The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2008. Vol. 112. Núm. 44. Pag. 13717-13729
Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Le Gourrierec, L, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, et. al.:
Tailoring Beta-Cyclodextrin for DNA Complexation and Delivery by Homogeneous Functionalization At the Secondary Face. En: Organic Letters. 2008. Vol. 10. Núm. 22. Pag. 5143-5146
Guilloteau, Nicolas, Le Gourrierec, L, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Alvarez Gonzalez, Eleuterio, Jaime Cardiel,Carlos, Pérez Mirón,Javier, et. al.:
Review/Reseña de Libro: Synthesis, Structure, and Inclusion Capabilities of Trehalose-Based Cyclodextrin Analogues (Cyclotrehalans). En: SYNFACTS Highlights in Current Synthetic Organic Chemistry. 2008. Vol. 7. Pag. 701-701. 10.1055/s-2008-1077802
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Rational Design of Cationic Cyclooligosaccharides As Efficient Gene Delivery Systems. En: Chemical Communications. 2008. Núm. 17. Pag. 2001-2003
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Sylla, Balla, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of alpha- and beta-Glycosyl Isothiocyanates via Oxazoline Intermediates. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2007. Vol. 72. Núm. 12. Pag. 4547-4550. 10.1021/jo062419z
Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Les Cyclodextrines en Pharmacie: Perspectives Pour Le Ciblage D'actifs Therapeutiques Et Le Controle D'interactions Membranaires. En: Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises. 2007. Vol. 65. Núm. 1. Pag. 33-49
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 6-Oxa-Nor-Tropane Glycomimetics As Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: Tetrahedron. 2007. Vol. 63. Núm. 33. Pag. 7879-7884
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, García Fernández, José Manuel:
Trehalose-Based Cyclodextrin Analogs: Cyclotrehalans (Cts). En: Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry. 2007. Vol. 57. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 147-150
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Efficient Use of Ellman Safety-Catch Linker for Solid-Phase Assisted Synthesis of Multivalent Glycoconjugates. En: Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry. 2007. Vol. 9. Núm. 3. Pag. 339-342
Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Articulo en prensa: Les cyclodextrines en pharmacie: Perspectives pour le ciblage d actifs thérapeutiques et le contrôle d interactions membranaires || Pharmaceutical use of cyclodextrines: Perspectives for drug targeting and control of membrane interactions. En: Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises. 2007. Vol. 65. Núm. 1. Pag. 33-49
Gouin, Sebastien, Vanquelef, Enguerran, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Dupradeaub, Francois Yves, et. al.:
Articulo en prensa: Multi-Mannosides Based on Carbohydrate Scaffold: Synthesis, Force Field Development, Molecular Dynamics Studies and Binding Affinities for the Lectin Cona. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2007. Vol. 72. Pag. 9032-9045
Louis, Farida, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Spacer-Mediated Synthesis of Bis-Spiroketal Disaccharides: Nonsymmetrical Furanose-Pyranose Difructose Dianhydrides. En: Synlett. 2007. Vol. 17. Pag. 2738-2742
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Lesur, David Franck, González Álvarez,Mª José, Mendicuti, Francico, Mendicuti, Francisco, et. al.:
One-Pot Regioselective Synthesis of 2i,3i-o-(o- Xylylene)-Capped Cyclomaltooligosaccharides: Tailoring the Topology and Supramolecular Properties of Cyclodextrins. En: Chemical Communications. 2007. Núm. 31. Pag. 3270-3272
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Gutierrez Gallego, Ricardo, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of Thiourea-Linked Glycooligomers That Mimic the Branching Patterns of Natural Oligosaccharides. En: Synthesis: Reviews and Full Papers in Chemical Synthesis. 2007. Núm. 16. Pag. 2545-2558
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Promoting Helicity in Carbohydrate-Containing Foldamers Through Long-Range Hydrogen Bonds. En: Chemical Communications. 2007. Núm. 8. Pag. 831-833
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Urea-, Thiourea-, and Guanidine-Linked Glycooligomers As Phosphate Binders in Water. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006. Vol. 71. Núm. 14. Pag. 5136-5143
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Lahoz, Fernando J., Alvarez Gonzalez, Eleuterio, et. al.:
Spacer-Mediated Synthesis of Contra-Thermodynamic Spiroacetals: Stereoselective Synthesis of C-2-Symmetric Difructose Dianhydrides. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2006. Vol. 71. Núm. 6. Pag. 2257-2266
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques:
Glyconanocavities: Cyclodextrins and Beyond. En: Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Molecular Recognition in Chemistry. 2006. Vol. 56. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 149-159
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Intramolecular Benzyl Protection Delivery: a Practical Synthesis of Dmdp and Dgdp from D-Fructose. En: Organic Letters. 2006. Vol. 8. Núm. 2. Pag. 297-299
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, García Fernández, José Manuel:
The o-Xylylene Protecting Group As an Element of Conformational Control of Remote Stereochemistry in the Synthesis of Spiroketals. En: Chemical Communications. 2006. Núm. 24. Pag. 2610-2612
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
The Synthesis and Structure of Linear and Dendritic Thiourea-Linked Glycooligomers. En: European Journal Of Organic Chemistry. 2006. Núm. 1. Pag. 183-196
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Yu, Jian Xin, Chmusrki, Kazimierz, et. al.:
Probing Secondary Carbohydrate-Protein Interactions With Highly Dense Cyclodextrin-Centered Heteroglycoclusters: the Heterocluster Effect. En: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2005. Vol. 127. Núm. 22. Pag. 7970-7971
Périon, Régis, Ferrières, Vincent, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Duval, Raphaël, et. al.:
1,2,3-Triazoles and Related Glycoconjugates As New Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: Tetrahedron. 2005. Vol. 61. Núm. 38. Pag. 9118-9128
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Rigid Spacer-Mediated Synthesis of Bis-Spiroketal Ring Systems: Stereoselective Synthesis Nonsymmetrical Spiro of Disaccharides. En: Organic Letters. 2005. Vol. 7. Núm. 4. Pag. 729-731
Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Comparative Glycosidase Inhibitory Properties of Reducing Castanospermine Analogues. En: European Journal Of Organic Chemistry. 2005. Núm. 14. Pag. 2903-2913
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Baussanne, Isabelle, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Optimizing Saccharide-Directed Molecular Delivery to Biological Receptors: Design, Synthesis, and Biological Evaluation of Glycodendrimer - Cyclodextrin Conjugates. En: Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2004. Vol. 126. Núm. 33. Pag. 10355-10363
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Pseudoamide-Type Pyrrolidine and Pyrrolizidine Glycomimetics and Their Inhibitory Activities Against Glycosidases. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2004. Vol. 69. Núm. 10. Pag. 3578-3581
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Carbohydrate-Derived Spiroketals: Stereoselective Synthesis of di-D-Fructose Dianhydrides. En: Tetrahedron. 2004. Vol. 60. Núm. 28. Pag. 5899-5906
Köhn, Maja, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Lindhorst, Thisbe K., Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Functional Evaluation of Carbohydrate-Centred Glycoclusters by Enzyme-Linked Lectin Assay: Ligands for Concanavalin a. En: ChemBioChem. 2004. Vol. 5. Núm. 6. Pag. 771-777
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of Sugar Oxazolines by Intramolecular Ritter-Like Reaction of D-Fructose Precursors. En: Synlett. 2004. Núm. 12. Pag. 2230-2232
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of Calystegine B-2, B-3, and B-4 Analogues: Mapping the Structure-Glycosidase Inhibitory Activity Relationships in the 1-Deoxy-6-Oxacalystegine Series. En: European Journal Of Organic Chemistry. 2004. Núm. 8. Pag. 1803-1819
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
A General Entry to Linear, Dendritic and Branched Thiourea-Linked Glycooligomers As New Motifs for Phosphate Ester Recognition in Water. En: Chemical Communications. 2004. Núm. 1. Pag. 92-93
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Isourea-Type Glycomimetics Related to the Indolizidine and Trehazolin Glycosidase Inhibitor Families. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2003. Vol. 68. Núm. 23. Pag. 8890-8901
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Carbohydrate-Derived Spiroketals: Stereoselective Synthesis of di-D-Fructose Dianhydrides Via Intramolecular Aglycon Delivery. En: Organic Letters. 2003. Vol. 5. Núm. 6. Pag. 873-876
Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of (1s,2s,3r,8s,8ar)-1,2,3,8-Tetrahydroxy-6-Oxa-5- Thioxoindolizidine: a Stable Reducing Swainsonine Analog With Controlled Anomeric Configuration. En: Synlett. 2003. Núm. 3. Pag. 341-344
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Multivalent Cyclooligosaccharides: Versatile Carbohydrate Clusters With Dual Role As Molecular Receptors and Lectin Ligands. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 2002. Vol. 8. Núm. 9. Pag. 1982-1990
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Cyclotrehalins: Cyclooligosaccharide Receptors Featuring a Hydrophobic Cavity. En: Angewandte Chemie (International Edition). 2002. Vol. 41. Núm. 19. Pag. 3674-3676
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Carbohydrate Microarrays. En: ChemBioChem. 2002. Vol. 3. Núm. 9. Pag. 819-22
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Castanospermine-Trehazolin Hybrids: a New Family of Glycomimetics With Tuneable Glycosidase Inhibitory Properties. En: Chemical Communications. 2002. Núm. 8. Pag. 848-849
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
One-Step Synthesis of Non-Anomeric Sugar Isothiocyanates from Sugar Azides. En: Carbohydrate Research. 2002
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Calystegine B-2 Analogues As Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2001. Vol. 66. Núm. 23. Pag. 7604-7614
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Carbohydrate-Based Receptors With Multiple Thiourea Binding Sites. Multipoint Hydrogen Bond Recognition of Dicarboxylates and Monosaccharides. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2001. Vol. 66. Núm. 4. Pag. 1366-1372
Baussanne, Isabelle, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
Dependence of Concanavalin a Binding on Anomeric Configuration, Linkage Type, and Ligand Multiplicity for Thiourea-Bridged Mannopyranosyl-Beta-Cyclodextrin Conjugates. En: ChemBioChem. 2001. Vol. 2. Núm. 10
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
Carbohydrate-Derived Spiroketals. Stereoselective Synthesis of di-D-Fructose Dianhydrides by Boron Trifluoride Promoted Glycosylation-Spiroketalization of Acetal Precursors. En: Organic Letters. 2001. Vol. 3. Núm. 4. Pag. 549-552
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Calystegine B2 Analogues As Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2001. Vol. 66. Pag. 7604-7614
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Synthesis of 6,7-Dideoxy-7-Isothiocyanatoheptoses: Stable Fully Unprotected Monosaccharide Isothiocyanates. En: Carbohydrate Research. 2000. Vol. 323. Núm. 1-4. Pag. 218-225
Díaz Pérez, Víctor, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Díaz Arribas,Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Generalized Anomeric Effect in Action: Synthesis and Evaluation of Stable Reducing Indolizidine Glycomimetics As Glycosidase Inhibitors. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2000. Vol. 65. Núm. 1. Pag. 136-143
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Nitrogen Versus Sulfur Acylation in Sugar Thioureas: Regioselectivity and Conformational Consequences. En: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 2000. Vol. 11. Núm. 6. Pag. 1331-1341
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Chemistry and Developments of N-Thiocarbonyl Carbohydrate Derivatives: Sugar Isothiocyanates, Thioamides, Thioureas, Thiocarbamates, and Their Conjugates. En: Advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry. 2000. Vol. 55. Pag. 35-135
Baussanne, Isabelle, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Law, Ho, et. al.:
Synthesis and Comparative Lectin-Binding Affinity of Mannosyl- Coated Beta-Cyclodextrin-Dendrimer Constructs. En: Chemical Communications. 2000. Núm. 16. Pag. 1489-1490
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sadalapure, Kashinat, Lindhorst, Thisbe K., Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Synthesis and Anomeric Stability of (1 -> 6)-Thiourea-Linked Pseudooligosaccharides. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1999. Vol. 320. Núm. 1-2. Pag. 37-48
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Polyhydroxylated N-(Thio)Carbamoyl Piperidines: Nojirimycin- Type Glycomimetics With Controlled Anomeric Configuration. En: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 1999. Vol. 10. Núm. 22. Pag. 4271-4275
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Sugar Thioureas As Anion Receptors. Effect of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding in the Carboxylate Binding Properties of Symmetric Sugar Thioureas. En: Organic Letters. 1999. Vol. 1. Núm. 8. Pag. 1217-1220
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Saitz Barría, Claudio, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, et. al.:
A Practical Amine-Free Synthesis of Symmetric Ureas and Thioureas by Self-Condensation of ISO(Thio)Cyanates. En: Synthesis: Reviews and Full Papers in Chemical Synthesis. 1999. Núm. 11. Pag. 1907-1914
Ding, Yili, Contour Galcera, Marie Odile, Ebel, Jürgen, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques:
S-Linked Thiomimetics of Phytoalexin-Elicitor-Active, Branched Oligosaccharides, Their Synthesis, Protein-Binding Ability and Phytoalexin-Inducing Activity. En: European Journal Of Organic Chemistry. 1999. Pag. 1143-1152
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques:
Sulfur Atom Participation in Thiooligosaccharide Chemistry: Synthesis of 1 '-Thiotrehalulose and 1 '-Epi-Thiotrehalulose and Comparative Reactivity With the o-Linked Disaccharide Analogue, Trehalulose. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 1998. Vol. 63. Núm. 11. Pag. 3572-3580
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Stereoelectronic Properties of Sugar-Shaped Polyhydroxylated Hexahydropyrimidine-2-Thiones. En: Tetrahedron. 1998. Vol. 54. Núm. 46. Pag. 14123-14144
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Law, Ho, Chmusrki, Kazimierz, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Scaffolded Glycoclusters. En: Chemistry: A European Journal. 1998. Vol. 4. Núm. 12. Pag. 2523-2531
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Synthesis of Calystegine B-2 Analogs by Tandem Tautomerization- Intramolecular Glycosylation of Thioureidosugars. En: Synlett. 1998. Núm. 3. Pag. 316-318
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Diaz Perez,Vm, Fuentes, J, Kovacs, J, et. al.:
Synthesis of (1 -> 6)-Carbodiimide-Tethered Pseudooligosaccharides Via Aza-Wittig Reaction. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1997. Vol. 304. Núm. 3-4. Pag. 261-270
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Diaz Perez,Vm, Fuentes, J, Kovacs, Jozsef, et. al.:
Aza-Wittig Reaction of Sugar Isothiocyanates and Sugar Iminophosphoranes: an Easy Entry to Unsymmetrical Sugar Carbodiimides. En: Tetrahedron Letters. 1997. Vol. 38. Núm. 23. Pag. 4161-4164
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes, J, Diaz Perez,Vm:
N-Thiocarbonyl Azasugars: a New Family of Carbohydrate Mimics With Controlled Anomeric Configuration. En: Chemical Communications. 1997. Núm. 20. Pag. 1969-1970
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Díaz Pérez, Víctor Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Conformational Energetics of Sugars Thioureas and Synthesis of Glycosyl Thioureido Sugars. En: Tetrahedron. 1996. Vol. 52. Núm. 40. Pag. 12947-12970. 10.1016/0040-4020(96)00673-4
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Tautomeric Rearrangement of 3-Deoxy-3-thioureidoaldoses: Novel Synthetic Route to Carbohydrate Mimics having a Cyclic thiourea structure. En: Chemical Communications. 1996. Núm. 17. Pag. 2077-2078. 10.1039/cc9960002077
García Fernández, José Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes, J., Diánez Millán, María Jesús, et. al.:
Influence of Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonding on the Conformation of 3-Deoxy-3-Thioureido Sugars. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1996. Vol. 286. Pag. 55-65
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Gadelle, Andree, et. al.:
Isothiocyanates and cyclic thionocarbamates of alpha,alpha-trehalose, sucrose and ciclomaltooligosaccharides. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1995. Vol. 268. Núm. 1. Pag. 57-71
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Synthesis, Conformational Flexibility and Preliminary Complexation Behaviour of alpha,alpha'-Trehalose-based Macrocycles Containing Thiourea Spacers. En: Journal Of The Chemical Society. Chemical Communications. 1995. Núm. 1. Pag. 57-58
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
O-Acetyl Protection of 6-Aminopyranosides and 1-Aminoalditols. En: Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry. 1995. Vol. 14. Núm. 8. Pag. 1133-1152
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Moreno Marín, Alberto:
A Mild and Efficient Procedure to Remove Acetal and Dithioacetal Protecting Groups in Carbohydrate Derivatives Using 2,3-Dichloro-5,6-Dicyano-1,4-Benzoquinone. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1995. Vol. 274. Pag. 263-268
Fuentes Mota, Jose, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
1-Deoxy-1-isothiocyanato-D-fructose as intermediate in syntheses of 1,3-O(S),N-heterocycles. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1994. Vol. 257. Núm. 1. Pag. 127-135. 10.1016/0008-6215(94)84113-6
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Enantiopure 2-Thioxotetrahydro-1,3-O,N-heterocycles from Carbohydrates. 3. Enantiopure C-4 Chiral Oxazine- and Oxazolidine-2-thiones from 3-Deoxy-3-isothiocyanato Sugar. En: The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 1994. Vol. 59. Núm. 19. Pag. 5565-5572. 10.1021/jo00098a014
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Moreno Marín, Alberto, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, José:
Influence of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonding on the Conformational Properties of Sugar Thioureas. En: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 1994. Vol. 5. Núm. 12. Pag. 2325-2334
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Moreno Marín, Alberto:
Synthesis and Conformational Properties of Sugar Amides and Thioamides. En: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 1994. Vol. 5. Núm. 12. Pag. 2313-2324
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Moreno Marín, Alberto:
Influence of Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonding on the Conformational Properties of Sugar Thioureas. En: Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 1994. Vol. 5. Núm. 12. Pag. 2325-2334
Fuentes Mota, Jose, Mostowicz, Danuta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Pradera Adrian, Maria Angeles, Robina Ramírez, Inmaculada:
Nota: A D-Ribofuranosylenamine As Glycosyl Acceptor. En: Carbohydrate Research. 1994. Vol. 257. Núm. 2. Pag. 305-316
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Building blocks for glycopeptide synthesis. Disaccharide glycosyl isothiocyanates. En: Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry. 1993. Vol. 12. Núm. 4-5. Pag. 487-505
Aportaciones a Congresos
Adorna Sánchez, Sergio, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Stahl, Theo, López, José, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, et. al.:Multipoint click-chemistry functionalization of cyclodextrins: Precision synthesis of giant bola-amphiphiles exhibiting nucleic acid complexing properties. Comunicación en congreso. 8º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Sevilla. 2024
Rocha, Gabriel, Ramírez Cárdenas, Jonathan, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Walpole, Samuel, et. al.:
Accelerating the characterisation of biomolecular interactions in low-affinity protein-ligand complexes by STD NMR. Comunicación en congreso. 8º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Sevilla. 2024
Medina Galera, Ángela, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
sp2 Glycopeptide mimetics: Design of a focused library for glycosidase inhibition. Comunicación en congreso. 8º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Sevilla. 2024
Betances, Adelyn, Rocha, Gabriel, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Muñoz García, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Inhibition of ¿-glucosidase by sp²-fluoroiminosugars: multisite Protein-Ligand Recognition by NMR and computational techniques. Comunicación en congreso. 8º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Sevilla. 2024
Rodríguez Marín, Rocío, Padilla, María del Carmen, González Bakker, Aday, Padrón, José M., Arroba, Ana Isabel, et. al.:
Influence of the glycone space on the biological activity of 2-deoxy-sp2-iminoglycolipids. Comunicación en congreso. 8º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Sevilla. 2024
Muñoz García, Juan C., Rocha, Gabriel, Chuan Ying Lai, Alan, González, Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Structural Basis of the Immunoregulatory Activity of ¿-GalCer sp2- Iminoglycolipid Analogues on Natural Killer T Cells as Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Poster en Congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Adorna Sánchez, Sergio, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Stahl, Theo, López, José, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, et. al.:
Enhancing Nucleic Acid Nanocomplexation With Cyclodextrin-Based Giant Bola-Amphiphile Molecules. Poster en Congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Puerto Madorrán, María J., Wang, Zhaoxin, Maisonneuve, Stephanne, Xie, Juan, et. al.:
Photoswitchable Molecular Vectors for Nucleic Acid Delivery. Comunicación en congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Betances Mora, Adelyn Maria, Rocha, Gabriel, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Muñoz Garcia, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Inhibition of ¿-glucosidase by sp²-fluoroiminosugars: Multisite Protein- Ligand Recognition by NMR and Computational Techniques. Poster en Congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Rocha, Gabriel, Ramírez Cárdenas, Jonathan, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Walpole, Samuel, et. al.:
Overcoming the Challenges in the Study of Low-Affinity Protein-Ligand Complexes. Novel STD NMR Approaches: Reddat & Redmat. Comunicación en congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Padilla, María del Carmen, Chuan Ying Lai, Alan, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ho, Chieh Hsin, Chi, Po Yu, et. al.:
Cell Membrane-Targeted Tlr4 Antagonists: Sp2-Iminosugar-Based Trimannosyl Glycolipid Conjugates. Comunicación en congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Rodríguez Marín, Rocío, Padilla, María del Carmen, González Bakker, Aday, Padrón, José Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Browsing the glycone space of sp2-iminoglycolipids: influence on the biological activity. Poster en Congreso. ChemBio VII. Sevilla. 2024
Rocha, Gabriel, Ramírez Cárdenas, J, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Walpole, S, et. al.:
Reddat and Redmat Approaches: Reducing the Time to Characterise Low Affinity Ligand-Protein Complexes by NMR Spectroscopy. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd Young Researchers Meeting. Madrid. 2024
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rodríguez Marín, Rocío, Carrillo Carrión, Carolina, Martín Loro, Francisco, Arroba, Ana Isabel, et. al.:
Exploiting the Synergy Between Immuno-Glyco-Compounds and Nanoplatforms Based on Metal-Organic Networks Against Diabetic Retinopathy. Comunicación en congreso. International Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry. Roma. 2024
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Adorna Sánchez, Sergio, López, José, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, et. al.:
Manipulating Amphiphilicity in Synthetic Carbohydrate Scaffolds: Tailoring Vectors for Diverse Nucleic Acid Cargoes. Poster en Congreso. Controlled Release Society 2024. Bologna. 2024
Rocha Domínguez, Gabriel, Betances, Adelyn, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Muñoz García, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Combination of a Novel Reduced Matrix STD NMR Approach with Molecular Modelling and Machine Learning to generate 3D models of weak protein-ligand complexes. Poster en Congreso. The 20th European Magnetic Resonance Congress. - Bilbao. 2024
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Padilla, María del Carmen, Maisonneuve, Stéphane, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Unveilig The Potential Of Light-Sensitive Glycosidase Inhibition With Sp2- Iminosugar Azobenzene Glycosides. Poster en Congreso. The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium. Shanghai. 2024
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Chuan Ying, Alan, González, Manuel, Ho, Chieh Hsin, Chi, Po Yu, et. al.:
¿-Galcer Sp2-Iminoglycolipid Analogs As Cd1d-Dependent Inkt Modulators: Adjuvancy And Immunotherapeutic Potential. Poster en Congreso. The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium. Shanghai. 2024
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Chuan Ying Lai, Alan, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar-Based Trimannosyl Glycolipid Conjugate Mimics As Cell Membrane-Targeted Tlr4 Antagonists. Poster en Congreso. The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium. Shanghai. 2024
López, José, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Vélaz, Itziar, Garrido, María J., Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Advancing Nucleic Acid Therapeutics: Trehalose-Sucrose Macrocycles As Non-Viral Vectors. Comunicación en congreso. The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium. Shanghai. 2024
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López, José, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, et. al.:
Unlocking Cell- And Organ-Specific Transfection With Cyclodextrins: Geometrically Frustrated Amphiphiles. Comunicación en congreso. The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium. Shanghai. 2024
Adorna Sánchez, Sergio, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Stahl, Theo, López, José, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Based Giant Bola-Amphiphiles: Synthesis, Self-Assembly And Gene Delivery Capabilities. Comunicación en congreso. The 31st International Carbohydrate Symposium. Shanghai. 2024
Carrillo Carrión, Carolina, Guerrero, Fátima, Martín Malo, Alejandro, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Martín Loro, Francisco, et. al.:
Taking advantage of Metal-Organic Frameworks to enhance the therapeutic efficiency of Immuno-Glyco-compounds. Comunicación en congreso. 10th Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces. - Coimbra, PORTUGAL. 2024
Carrillo Carrión, Carolina, R. G. Balestra, Salvador, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Hamad, Said:
Insights into the mechanism of formation of Glyco-Zeolitic- Imidazolate Frameworks nanoparticles. Poster en Congreso. 10th Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces. - Coimbra, PORTUGAL. 2024
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Padilla, María del Carmen, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo:
Fotofarmacología: Fármacos que se regulan con la luz. Otras ponencias divulgativas. La Noche Europea de los Investigadores. Sevilla. 2024
Fernández Clavero, Carlos, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Marcelo, Gema, García Iriepa, Cristina, Carmona, Thais, et. al.:
Light-sensitive Reversible Supramolecular Clusters: Exploring the Complexation of a Bisazobenzene Guest with native Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. 21st International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Dunkerque (Francia). 2024
López, José, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, Vélaz, Itziar, et. al.:
Beyond Janus-type Cyclodextrin-based cationic amphiphiles: Exploring novel strategies to tailor hierarchical self-assembling of nucleic acids into virus-like particles. Comunicación en congreso. 21st International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Dunkerque (Francia). 2024
Martín Loro, Francisco, Cano Cano, Fátima, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Carrillo Carrión, Carolina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synergy between Glyco-immuno-drugs and Metal-Organic Framework-based Nanoplatforms: A Novel Therapeutic tool for Diabetic Retinopathy (ImmunoGlyMOFs). Comunicación en congreso. 34th EAsDEC Meeting. Universidad de Milán. 2024
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Padilla, María del Carmen, Maisonneuve, Stéphane, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Tailoring Glycosidase Inhibition with Light: sp2-Iminosugar Azobenzene Glycosides. Poster en Congreso. 29ème Journées du Groupe Français des Glycosciences. Obernai, France. 2024
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López, José, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, et. al.:
ß-Cyclodextrin-Based Geometrically Frustrated Amphiphiles: Synthesis, Self-Assembly and DNA Delivery Capabilities. Comunicación en congreso. 29ème Journées du Groupe Français des Glycosciences. Obernai, France. 2024
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Evolving landscape of glycomimetic targets in biology and medicine: from enzymes to lectins to immune response mediators. Ponencia en Congreso. 29ème Journées du Groupe Français des Glycosciences. Obernai, France. 2024
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Padilla, María del Carmen, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glycolipid mimetics as anti-inflammatory agents against diabetic retinopathy. Comunicación en congreso. III International Workshop New Frontiers in Metabolism: From Cell to Systems Biology. Cabimer. 2024
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, García Iriepa, Cristina, Marcelo, Gema, Padilla, María del Carmen, et. al.:
Exploiting Azobenzene-Cyclodextrin Interactions for Light-Sensitive Nucleic Acid Delivery. Poster en Congreso. 7th Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Sitges (Barcelona). 2024
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Santana, M. Luisa, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, et. al.:
Trehalose-Based Molecular Vectors: Impact of Molecular Architecture on the in Vitro and in Vivo Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. 7th Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Sitges (Barcelona). 2024
López, José, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Based ¿Frustrated¿ Amphiphiles: One-Component, Cell-Selective Nucleic Acid Delivery Systems. Comunicación en congreso. 7th Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Sitges (Barcelona). 2024
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Modulating Carbohydrate Metabolism, Lectin Recognition and Immunogenicity: the Power of Glycomimicking. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 7th Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Sitges (Barcelona). 2024
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Cyclodextrins: Programming Sugars at the Nanoscale for Biomolecular Recognition and Delivery. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. NanoBioMat. : Foro virtual del congreso. 2023
López, José, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, et. al.:
Broadening the Landscape of Cyclodextrin-Based Vectors for Cell-Selective Nucleic Acid Delivery. Comunicación en congreso. NanoBioMat. : Foro virtual del congreso. 2023
Puerto Madorrán, María J, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Maisonneuve, Stephane, Xie, Joanne, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Photoswitchable molecular gene delivery systems. Comunicación en congreso. 7º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Universidad de Sevilla - Facultad de Química. 2023
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López, José, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Juárez Gonzálvez, Inmaculada, Vélaz, Itziar, et. al.:
Exploring a Novel Family of Non-Viral Gene Vectors: Geometrically Frustrated Amphiphiles Based on Cyclodextrin. Comunicación en congreso. 7º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Universidad de Sevilla - Facultad de Química. 2023
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, García Iriepa, Cristina, Marcelo, Gema, Padilla, María del Carmen, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-azobenzene hybrids: Photoresponsive self-assembly and co-assembly with DNA. Comunicación en congreso. NanoBioMat. : Foro virtual del congreso. 2023
Rocha, Gabriel, Betances, Adelyn, Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Muñoz García, Juan Carlos, et. al.:
An Advanced STD NMR, Molecular Modelling, and Machine Learning Protocol to unravel the molecular recognition of sp2-fluoroiminosugars by alpha-Glucosidase. Poster en Congreso. GlycoBasque 6. - Bilbao. 2023
Herrera González, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Laigre, Eugenie, Vivés, Corinne, Thépaut, Michael, et. al.:
Rational design of picomolar sp2-iminosugar-based mannobioside ligands of DC-SIGN. Poster en Congreso. The 21st European Carbohydrate Symposium. París. 2023
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López, José, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Advancing Synthetic Viruses via Hierarchical Cyclodextrin Self-Assembling. Comunicación en congreso. 7th European Cyclodextrin Conference. Budapest, Hungary. 2023
López Fernández, José, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Przybylski, Cédric, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Sistemas de transporte de genes basados en ciclooligosacáridospolicatiónicos con capacidad de respuesta al pH y al potencial redox. Poster en Congreso. XVI Congreso Sociedad Española de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica. , Madrid. España. 2023
Herrera González, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Laigre, E., Vivès, C., Thépaut, M., et. al.:
Designing Picomolar Sp2-Iminosugar-Based Mannobioside Ligands of DC-Sign. Comunicación en congreso. XXXIX Reunión Bienal Real Sociedad Española de Química. - Zaragoza, España. 2023
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López Fernández, José, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Sequence-defined carbohydrate-based vectors for nucleic acid delivery: Customizing cell and organ selectivity. Comunicación en congreso. Final Meeting COST ACTION 18132. Maynooth (Irlanda). 2023
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, González Bakker, Aday, Puerta, Adrián, Padrón, José M, et. al.:
Fluoroglycolipid mimetics with anti-proliferative and antiinflammatory properties. Comunicación en congreso. International Meeting of Young Researchers INNOGLY and GLYCONanoPROBES. Rumanía. 2023
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, López Fernández, José, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Santana Armas, M. L., Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Frustrated Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins for Cell-Selective Nucleic Adic Delivery. Poster en Congreso. XIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. . Barcelona. 2023
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo Rivero Barbarroja, Fernández Clavero, Carlos, García Iriepa, Cristina, Marcelo, Gema, Padilla, María del Carmen, et. al.:
ß-Cyclodextrin-Azobenzene Hybrids With Light-Responsive Self-Assembling Behaviours. Poster en Congreso. XIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. . Barcelona. 2023
López Fernández, José, Carbajo Gordillo, Ana I., Benito, Juan M., Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
TREHALOSE-BASED STAR POLYCATIONS WITH DUAL pH/REDOX RESPONSIVENESS FOR GENE DELIVERY. Comunicación en congreso. XIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. . Barcelona. 2023
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Broadening the Glycomimetic Landscape: Targeting Glycosidases, Immune Receptors and Lectins. Ponencia en Jornada. XIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos (Spanish Carbohydrate Meeting). . Barcelona, - Barcelona, España. 2023
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ouadid Ahidouch, Halima, Arroba, Ana I, Gamarro, Francisco, et. al.:
sp2-Iminoglycolipid-based Immunomodulatory Drugs Targeting Cancer, Parasitic Infections and Inflammatory Disorders. Poster en Congreso. VI Reunión Bienal del Grupo Especializado de Química Biológica. , , - Valencia, España. 2023
Gómez Jaramillo, Laura, Cano Cano, Fátima, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Unravelling the inflammatory processes in early stages of diabetic nephropathy in rat models and the potential effect of (Ss)-DS-ONJ. Poster en Congreso. XL Congress of the Spanish Society of Physiological Sciences. Badajoz. 2022
González, Manuel, Ashmus, Roger, Proceviat, Cameron, Yue, Jefferey, Males, Alexandra, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar glycomimetics for OGA profiling. Comunicación en congreso. Cost Action 18132 GLYCONanoPROBES. Praga. 2022
Rocha, Gabriel, Pajuelo, Laura, Rivas, Aurora, Pérez, o, Padilla, María del Carmen, et. al.:
Advanced STD NMR spectroscopy unveils the importance of the aglycon. Poster en Congreso. 11th Germn Biennial NMR Meeting 2022 (Germn 2022). Universidad de Almería, Almería, España. 2022
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Padrón, José M, Angulo, Jesús, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Fluorinated sp2-iminoglycolipidmimetics with antiproliferative potential. Comunicación en congreso. 6º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Facultad de Química. Universidad de Sevilla. 2022
González, Manuel, Herrera González, Irene, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ashmus, Roger a, Vocadlo, David J., et. al.:
New candidates to adress late onset Tay-Sachs disease: sp2-iminosugar pharmacological chaperones. Poster en Congreso. XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla (España). 2022
Rocha, Gabriel, Rivas, Aurora, Perez, Ociris, Padilla Pérez, M. Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, et. al.:
Advanced STD NMR spectroscopy to understand the molecular recognition of ¿-glycosylaminoacids by ¿-Glucosidase. Poster en Congreso. XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla (España). 2022
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Padrón, José M, Angulo, Jesús, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Fluoroglycolipid mimetics with antiproliferative activity. Comunicación en congreso. XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas de la Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla (España). 2022
Rodríguez Marín, Rocío, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Carrillo Carrión, Carolina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Incorporation of immunomodulatory iminosugars into metal-organic nanostructures. Comunicación en congreso. I Congreso Sectorial de Estudiantes de Química. Sevilla. 2022
Puerto Madorrán, María J., De la Cruz Ruiz, Noelia, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Heterovalent glycoligands for targeting vaccines to antigen presenting cells. Comunicación en congreso. I Congreso Sectorial de Estudiantes de Química. Sevilla. 2022
Medina Galera, Ángela, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Preparation of multivalent glycolipids with anti-inflammatory activity. Comunicación en congreso. I Congreso Sectorial de Estudiantes de Química. Sevilla. 2022
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Javier Rojo, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nieto, Pedro Manuel, et. al.:
Synthesis of Sp2-Iminosugar-Based Mannobioside Glycomimetics Ligands Targeting C-Type Lectin Receptors. Poster en Congreso. Training School: ¿Advanced Training in Synthesis and Applications of Multivalent Glyconanomaterials". Praga, - Praga, República Checa. 2022
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Javier Rojo, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nieto, Pedro Manuel, et. al.:
Synthesis of Sp2-Iminosugar-Based Mannobioside Glycomimetics Ligands Targeting C-Type Lectin Receptors. Comunicación en congreso. Training School: ¿Advanced Training in Synthesis and Applications of Multivalent Glyconanomaterials". Praga, - Praga, República Checa. 2022
Herrera, Irene, Thépaut, Michael, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Vivès, Corinne, Javier Rojo, et. al.:
Structural Insights into the Molecular Recognition of Pseudomannobioside Ligands of C-type Lectins by NMR and Computational Techniques. Poster en Congreso. 11th Germn Biennial NMR Meeting 2022. Almería. 2022
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Javier Rojo, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nieto, Pedro Manuel, et. al.:
Structural Insights into the Molecular Recognition of Pseudomannobioside Ligands of C-type Lectins by NMR and Computational Technique. Comunicación en congreso. 11th Germn Biennial NMR Meeting 2022. Almería. 2022
Herrera, Irene, Thépaut, Michael, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Vives, Corinne, Javier Rojo, et. al.:
Targeting C-type lectins with mannobioside biomimetics. Comunicación en congreso. XVIII Simposio de Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos de la RSEQ. Sevilla. 2022
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Mimicking Carbohydrate Chemistry and Functionality. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. Debrecen Colloquium on Carbohydrates 2020 in 2022. Debrecen, Hungary. 2022
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Arroba, Ana I., Padrón, José Manuel, Angulo Álvarez, Jesús, et. al.:
Fluoroglycolipid Mimetics with Antiproliferative Activity. Poster en Congreso. Summer School in Biomedical Glycoscience. Jaca. 2022
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Padilla, María del Carmen, Neva, Tania, Maisonneuve, Stéphane, Xie, Juan, et. al.:
Photoswitchable Polycationic Cyclodextrin-Azobenzene Hybrids for Light-Responsive Nucleic Acid Delivery. Poster en Congreso. Summer School in Biomedical Glycoscience. Jaca. 2022
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Padrón, José M, Angulo Álvarez, Jesús, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
sp2-Fluoroglycolipid mimetics with antiproliferative potential. Poster en Congreso. XXVIII REUNIÓN BIENAL del Grupo Especializado de Química Orgánica. Granada. Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones. 2022
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Javier Rojo, Nieto, Pedro Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Herrera, Irene:
sp2-Iminosugar-based oligomannoside mimics and their binding modes to DC-SIGN and langerin. Poster en Congreso. XXVIII REUNIÓN BIENAL del Grupo Especializado de Química Orgánica. Granada. Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones. 2022
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Aguilar Diosdado, Manuel, González Bakker, Aday, et. al.:
Fluoro-Labelled sp2-Iminosugar Glycolipids with Antiproliferative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Comunicación en congreso. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Granada. 2022
González, Manuel, Ashmus, Roger, Proceviat, Cameron, Yue, Jefferey, Males, Alexandra, et. al.:
Picomolar and selective inhibition of OGA by DNJ-thiazolidines: Identification of new post-translational modifications. Comunicación en congreso. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Granada. 2022
López, José, Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Dual pH/redox-responsive Supramolecular Dimers Based on Macrocyclic Polycations for Enhanced Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Granada. 2022
Herrera, Irene, Vivés, Corinne, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Thépaut, Michel, Javier Rojo, et. al.:
Customizing C-Type Lectin Binding Profile with sp2-Iminosugar-Based Mannobioside Glycomimetics. Poster en Congreso. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Granada. 2022
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Vivien, Quentin, Maisonneuve, Stéphane, Xie, Joanne, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Exploring Photoswitchable Glycomymetics as Light-Sensitive Glycosidase Activity Modulators. Poster en Congreso. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Granada. 2022
Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, López, José, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Sucrose-Trehalose Hybrid Macrocycles: Synthesis and Supramolecular Properties. Poster en Congreso. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Granada. 2022
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, López, José, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
Dual pH/redox-responsive gene delivery systems based on cyclooligosaccharide star polycations. Poster en Congreso. CRS 2022 Annual Meeting & Expo Advanced Delivery Science. Montreal, Canada. 2022
Arroba, Ana Isabel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Cano Cano, Fátima, Gómez Jaramillo, Laura, Iturregui, Marta, et. al.:
Anti-Inflammatory (M2) Response is Induced by a Synthetic Glycolipidtype Molecule ((1r)-1- Dodecylsulfinyl-5n,6ooxomethylidenenojirimycin): a New Possible Treatment in Diabetic Retinopathy. Comunicación en congreso. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Barcelona. 2021
Arroba, Ana Isabel, Gomez Jaramillo, Laura, Cano Cano, F, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Ss-DS-ONJ treatment abrogates the inflammatory events underlying during diabetic nephropathy: the use of adult kidney explants from BB rat as an ex vivo model. Comunicación en congreso. 57th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes. Virtual. 2021
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Javier Rojo, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Nieto, Pedro Manuel, et. al.:
Insight into sp2-iminosugar-based pseudomannobioside binding to C-type lectins. Poster en Congreso. 1st Symposium GERMN-junior. Online. 2021
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Maisonneuve, Stéphane, Xie, Juan, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Optical control of glycosidase inhibitor activity. Comunicación en congreso. 5º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Qui¿mica. Sevilla. 2021
López, José, Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Tailoring self-assembling between DNA and star-shaped cyclotrehalane polycations: en route to virus-like gene delivery systems. Comunicación en congreso. 5º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Qui¿mica. Sevilla. 2021
González, Manuel, Ashmus, Roger, Proceviat, Cameron, Yue, Jefferey, Males, Alexandra, et. al.:
Bicyclic DNJ-based GlcNAc mimetics as a new family of potent and selective O-GlcNAcase inhibitors. Comunicación en congreso. 5º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Qui¿mica. Sevilla. 2021
Padilla, María del Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Aguilar Diosdado, Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Fluoro-labelled glycolipid mimetics with immunomodulatory properties. Comunicación en congreso. 5º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Qui¿mica. Sevilla. 2021
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Lana, Hugo, Marcelo, Gema, et. al.:
Click synthesis of star polymers based on macrocyclic trehalose-based cores for the complexation and synergistic delivery of DNA. Comunicación en congreso. 4º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Facultad de Química. Universidad de Sevilla. 2020
González, Manuel, Ashmus, Roger A., Wang, Yang, King, Dustin T., Tiet, Ben, et. al.:
Rationale design and synthesis of cell active selective inhibitors of human ¿-galactosidase A (GALA). Comunicación en congreso. 4º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Facultad de Química. Universidad de Sevilla. 2020
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rojo, Javier, Nieto, Pedro M., Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Síntesis y análisis estructural de pseudo-a-(1,2)-manobiósidos y estudios de interacción con la Languerina mediante STD-RMN. Comunicación en congreso. 4º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorado en Química. Facultad de Química. Universidad de Sevilla. 2020
Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Maisonneuve, Stephane, Xie, Joanne, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Photoswitchable sp2-iminosugars. Comunicación en congreso. 4º Congreso de Estudiantes de Doctorando en Química. Sevilla (España). 2020
González, Manuel, Goyard, David, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Enzyme regulators with self-delivery capabilities. Comunicación en congreso. V Chemical Biology Group Meeting. Granada (España). 2020
González, Manuel, Goyard, David, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Enzyme regulators with self-delivery capabilities. Poster en Congreso. V Chemical Biology Group Meeting. Granada (España). 2020
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Padrón, José Mamuel, García Hernández, Raquel, Gamarro Conde, Francisco, et. al.:
"Click" Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of sp2-Iminosugars S- and C-Glycosides. Poster en Congreso. V Chemical Biology Group Meeting. Granada (España). 2020
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Aguilar Diosdado, Manuel, Padrón, José Manuel, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar glycolipid mimetics as immunoregulatory agents. Comunicación en congreso. V Chemical Biology Group Meeting. Granada (España). 2020
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Clues to obtaining a high position in academia and doing excellent ressearch regardless of gender. Conferencias impartidas en Seminario. FResHU. Sapporo (Japón). 2020
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Mimicking carbohydrate function and chemistry: Biomedical application. Conferencias impartidas en Seminario. SG FResHU. Sapporo (Japón). 2020
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Sau, Abhijit, Nativi, Cristina, Gala¿N, M. Carmen, et. al.:
Stereoselective synthesis of 2-deoxynojirimycin O- and S-a-glycosides from bicyclic iminoglycal precursors. Poster en Congreso. 1st Meeting COST ACTION 18132 GLYCONANOPROBES. Caparica (Portugal). 2019
González, Manuel, Goyard, David, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Lectin/glycosidase multivalent and multitargeted ligands: enzyme regulators with self-delivery capabilities. Comunicación en congreso. 1st Meeting COST ACTION 18132 GLYCONANOPROBES. Caparica (Portugal). 2019
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Cyclodextrin-based molecular nanoparticles: precision chemistry for precision medicine. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 6th International Polysaccharide Conference. Aveiro (Portugal). 2019
Neva, Tania, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Mendicuti, Francisco, Tros de Ilarduya, Concepción, Ve¿Laz, Itziar, et. al.:
Shaping cyclodextrins with aromatic clips: redefining the inclusion, self-assembling and DNA nanocomplexing abilities. Comunicación en congreso. 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela (España). 2019
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Matsumoto, Reimi, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Nanba, Eiji, et. al.:
Cyclodextrins in drug design: pharmacological chaperones for a-mannosidosis. Poster en Congreso. 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela (España). 2019
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Rivero Barbarroja, Gonzalo, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Tros de Ilarduya, Concepción, et. al.:
Multifunctional cyclooligosaccharides: connecting nucleic acids and proteins. Comunicación en congreso. 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela (España). 2019
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, González, Manuel, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Ceña, Valentín, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Precision macromolecular synthesis towards monodisperse multifunctional cyclodextrins. Comunicación en congreso. 6th European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Santiago de Compostela (España). 2019
Cozzitorti, María Emilia L., Durán Barrantes, María Montaña, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Estudio de los parámetros de producción de prebióticos en derivados azucarados. Poster en Congreso. X Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería Química. Santa Fe (Argentina). 2019
Gallego Yerga, Laura, De la Torre, Cristina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Posadas, Inmaculada, et. al.:
New targeted nanotherapy for the treatment of glioblastoma: cyclodextrin-calixarene-based drug delivery systems. Poster en Congreso. 55th International Conference on Medicinal Chemistry. Nantes (Francia). 2019
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Arroba, Ana Isabel, Padro¿N, Jose¿ Manuel, García Hernández, Raquel, et. al.:
Polyfluoroalkyl Glycolipid Mimetics as Immunomodulatory Agents. Poster en Congreso. 20th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Leiden (Holanda). 2019
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Herrera, Irene, Nativi, Cristina, Sau, Abhijit, Gala¿N, Carmen, et. al.:
Glycal-Type Enecarbamates: Straightforward Access to O- and S- Alpha-Glycoside Mimetics. Poster en Congreso. 20th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Leiden (Holanda). 2019
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Tros de Ilarduya, Concepción:
Preparacioón de una nueva familia de dendrímeros policatiónicos de tipo ¿star¿ con núcleo de ciclotrehalana y su evaluación como vectores de genes no-virales. Poster en Congreso. XIV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica. - Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña), España. 2019
Guillén Poza, Pablo A., Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Hinou, Hiroshi, et. al.:
Probing the Effect of Iminosugars on Mucin 1 Glycopeptide-Antibody Recognition. Comunicación en congreso. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Donostia-San Sebastían. 2019
González, Manuel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Gómez Jaramillo, Laura M., Ituguerri, Marta, Arroba, Ana I., et. al.:
Iminosugar glycolipids as anti-inflammatory agents. Poster en Congreso. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Donostia-San Sebastían. 2019
Herrera, Irene, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Sau, Abhijit, Nativi, Cristina, Galán, M. Carmen, et. al.:
Stereoselective synthesis of sp2-iminosugar 2-deoxy-a-glycosides from glycal-type enecarbamates. Comunicación en congreso. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Donostia-San Sebastían. 2019
Carbajo, Ana Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Tros de Ilarduya, Concepción, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Cationic Facial Dendrimers Based on Macrocyclic Trehalose Scaffolds as Gene Delivery System. Comunicación en congreso. XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Donostia-San Sebastían. 2019
Gallego Yerga, Laura, De la Torre, Cristina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Posadas, Inmaculada, et. al.:
Targeted cyclodextrin-calixarene-based nanoparticles: a new nanomedical approach for the treatment of glioblastoma. Poster en Congreso. MuTaLig COST Action CA15135 Third WG Meeting 2019. Paris, Francia. 2019
Gallego Yerga, Laura, De la Torre, Cristina, Posadas, Inmaculada, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Nanomedicine for the treatment of glioblastoma: glyco-targeted cyclodextrin-calixarene heterodimers for controlled drug delivery. Poster en Congreso. 26th Young Research Fellows Meeting. Paris, Francia. 2019
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, et. al.:
Screening sp2-iminosugar N-glycosides as pharmacological chaperone candidates for alfa-mannosidosis: The effect of aglycone nature and valency. Poster en Congreso. 15th WORLDSymposium. Orlando (EE.UU). 2019
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Sevs¿Ek, Alev, Okazaki, Tetsuya, et. al.:
Tailoring the inhibitory versus chaperoning behavior of amphiphilic sp2-iminosugar glycomimetics targeting ß-glucocerebrosidase: From micromolar to picomolar chaperones for Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. 15th WORLDSymposium. Orlando (EE.UU). 2019
González, Manuel, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Gadolinium loaded Cyclodextrin-based molecular vectors for theranostic. Poster en Congreso. Simposio Anual Jóvenes Investigadores Químicos. Campus Fábrica de Armas (Toledo). 2018
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
sp2 Iminosugars: opportunities for new glycotherapies. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Neva, Tania, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Carmona, Thais, Przybylski, Cedric, et. al.:
Xylylene clips for the topology-guided control of the supramolecular properties of cyclodextrins: towards artificial viruses. Poster en Congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
Neva, Tania, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Carmona, Thais, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Molecular engineering of cyclodextrin-based artificial viruses: selective chemical manipulation at control of gene delivery capabilities. Poster en Congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
González Cuesta, Manuel, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Ceña, Valentín, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-based molecular vector theranostics. Poster en Congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Carbajo Gordillo, Ana I., Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Modular synthesis of multifaceted cyclooligosaccharides based on trehalose building block. Comunicación en congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Alcade Estévez, Elena, Arroba, Ana Isabel, et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar glycolipids as p38a MAPK activators: drug candidates for diabetic retinopathy. Comunicación en congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Nierengarten, Iwona, González Cuesta, Manuel, Rodríguez Guerra, Jaime, Romero Tellez, Sonia, et. al.:
Unravelling new binding modes in multivalent glycosidase inhibition with pillar[5]arene glyco(mimetic)rotaxanes. Comunicación en congreso. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa (Portugal). 2018
Neva, Tania, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Carmona, Thais, Mendicuti, Francisco, et. al.:
Tailoring cyclodextrins in route to pH-responsive gene delivery systems. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, González Cuesta, Manuel, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Tros de Llarduya, Concepción, Vélaz, Izíar, et. al.:
Trehalose-based giant surfactants as gene delivery systems: Mickey Mouse Cyclotrehalans. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, Vélaz, Izíar, et. al.:
Tailoring cyclodextrin amphiphiles for the efficient complexation and delivery of gene material. Ponencia en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Janus Cyclooligosaccharides as Functional Glycodevices: The Two Faces of Carbohydrates. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Neva Rodríguez, Tania, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Carmona, Thais, Mendicuti, Francisco, et. al.:
Precision tailoring of cyclodextrin scaffolds for the design of environmentally sensitive gene delivery systems. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
The impact of multivalency in the inhibitor vs chaperone behaviour of glycomimetics: lysosomal alfa-mannosidase. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Heteromultivalency in lectin recognition and glycosidase inhibition. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, De la Mata Fernández, Mario, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Quintana, Antonio, et. al.:
Undistortable fluorinated chaperone-beta-cyclodextrin formulations for neuronopathic Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, De la Mata Fernández, Mario, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Díaz Quintana, Antonio, Fustero, Santos, et. al.:
Undistortable fluorinated chaperone-beta-cyclodextrin formulations for neuronopathic Gaucher disease. Comunicación en congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Barcelona. 2017
González, Manuel, González Cuesta, Manuel, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, Vélaz, Iciar, et. al.:
Trehalose-based giant surfactants as gene delivery systems: Mickey Mouse cyclotrehalans. Poster en Congreso. 19th European Carbohydrate Symposium. . Barcelona, - Barcelona, España. 2017
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, De la Mata Fernández, Mario, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Fluorinated chaperone-beta-cyclodextrin formulations for neuronophatic Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. 13th Annual WORLDSymposium. San Diego, California (Estados Unidos). 2017
Tros de Ilarduya Apaolaza, María Concepción, Urbiola, Koldo, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Düzgünes, N., Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Targeted non-viral vectors for gene delivery. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. XI Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery ("Revolutionary Approaches in Nanomedicine Development"). Granada. 2016
Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Preparación de productos enriquecidos en glucosil-dianhidridos de fructosa (glucosil-DAFs) por caramelización de Palatinosa®. Poster en Congreso. VII Workshop de la Sociedad Española de Probióticos y Prebióticos: Evidencia Científica. Sevilla (España). 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glycomimetic-based glycotherapies: Lysosomal Storage Disorders and Cancer. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Carbohydrate Group. Mátraháza (Hungría). 2016
Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Casnati, Alessandro, Ceña, Valentín, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Docetaxel-loaded nanoparticles based on cyclodextrin-calixarene heterodimers for prostate cancer. Comunicación en congreso. 11th Spanish-Italian Symposium on Organic Chemistry. - San Sebastián. 2016
García, Sara, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Santos, A. O., et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar-steroid conjugates as potencial a-glycosidase inhibitors and prolifertive agents. Poster en Congreso. 11th Young European Scientist Meeting. Oporto (Portugal). 2016
García, Sara, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Santos, A. O., et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar-steroid conjugates: synthesis and biological evaluation as ¿-glycosidase and cell proliferation inhibitors. Poster en Congreso. XI Annual CICS-UBI Symposium. Covilha (Portugal). 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glycomimetic-based glycotherapies: Lysosomal Storage Disorders and Cancer. Ponencia en Congreso. Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Carbohydrate Group. Mátraháza (Hungría). 2016
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Breaking symmetry towards programming self-assembling, encapsulation and delivery: The two faces of cyclodextrins. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 17e Journées Cyclodextrines. Nancy (Francia). 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Posadas, Inmaculada, De la Torre, Cristina, Ruiz Almansa, Jesús, et. al.:
Docetaxel-loaded self-assembled nanocarriers from beta-cyclodextrin/calix[4]arene giant surfactans. Poster en Congreso. 17e Journées Cyclodextrines. Nancy (Francia). 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Avances en la terapia de chaperona farmacológica. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. XII Congreso Internacional Científico-Familiar MPS. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Avances en la terapia de chaperona farmacológica. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. XII Congreso Internacional Científico-Familiar MPS. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Hiqaki, Katsumi, Nanba, Eiji, et. al.:
pH-Sensitive glucocerebrosidase ligands as non-inhibitory pharmacological chaperones for Gaucher disease. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 12th European Working Group on Gaucher Disease. Zaragoza (España). 2016
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Gomez Perez, Veronica, García Hernández, Raquel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Plata, Gabriel B., et. al.:
New fluorinated sp2-iminosugar derivatives as antitumor and antileishmanial agents. Comunicación en congreso. III Biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology/ XII Carbohydrate Symposium. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Navo, Claudio D., Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Corzana, Francisco, et. al.:
sp2-iminosugar glycopeptidomimetics for cancer immunotherapy. Poster en Congreso. III Biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology/ XII Carbohydrate Symposium. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Pflueger, Iris, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrins: The effect of hydrophilic/lipophilic balance on self-assembling, DNA-complexing, and gene delivery capabilities. Poster en Congreso. III Biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology/ XII Carbohydrate Symposium. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Urbiola, Koldo, Carmona, Thais, et. al.:
Synthetic viruses from natural carbohydrates: Cyclodextrin and trehalose-based gene delivery systems. Poster en Congreso. 5th Spanish-Moroccan Symposium on Organic Chemistry. Casablanca (Marruecos). 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
sp2-Iminosugars: New drugs candidates for lysosomal storage disorders and cancer. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 5th Spanish-Moroccan Symposium on Organic Chemistry. Casablanca (Marruecos). 2016
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Mimicking the Structure and Chemistry of Carbohydrates: Opportunities for New Glycotherapies. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. III Biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology/ XII Carbohydrate Symposium. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Aguilar Moncayo, Eva Maria, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Tros de Ilarduya, Concepción, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Trehalose-based macrocycles (cyclotrehalans) as non-viral gene vectors. Poster en Congreso. III Biennial Meeting of the Chemical Biology/ XII Carbohydrate Symposium. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
sp2-Iminosugars: New drug candidates for lysosomal storage disorders and cancer. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. 5th Spanish-Moroccan Symposium on Organic Chemistry. Casablanca (Marruecos). 2016
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glicofármacos: Enfermedades raras: propuestas desde la química de azúcares. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Café con Ciencia. Granada (España). 2015
Navo, Claudio D., Corzana, Francisco, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Higaki, Katsumi, Busto, Jesús Hector, et. al.:
Bicyclic C-Glycosides as Selective beta-glucosidase inhibitors: A New Pharmacological Chaperone for Gaucher Disease. Comunicación en congreso. 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Symposium. Viseu (Portugal). 2015
Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Plata, Gabriela B., Padrón, José M., Butters, Terry D., et. al.:
Antitumor Activity of New sp2-Iminsugars: Influence of the Configurational Pattern and the Aglycone Nature. Poster en Congreso. 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Symposium. Viseu (Portugal). 2015
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Navo, Claudio Daniel, Gonçalvez Pereira, Rita, Corzana, Francisco, et. al.:
Novel Tn Antigen Mimics from sp2-Iminosugar alfa-O-Glycopeptides. Comunicación en congreso. 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Symposium. Viseu (Portugal). 2015
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Gomez Perez, Veronica, García Hernández, Raquel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
New sp2-Iminosugar Derivatives as Antileishmanial Agents. Comunicación en congreso. 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Symposium. Viseu (Portugal). 2015
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Urbiola, Koldo, Carmona, Thais, Marcelo, Gema, et. al.:
Host-Guest Bisadamantane-Cyclodextrin Systems for Hierarchical Nanocondesation and Delivery of Gene Material. Comunicación en congreso. 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Symposium. Viseu (Portugal). 2015
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Navo, Claudio Daniel, Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Corzana, Francisco, et. al.:
Tn Antigen Mimics from sp2-Iminosugar alfa-O-Glycopeptides: Multifaceted Lectin and Glycosidase Ligands. Poster en Congreso. 18th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Moscú (Rusia). 2015
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Blanco Fernández, Laura, Urbiola, Koldo, Carmona, Thais, et. al.:
Self-assembling cationic clusters from cyclodextrin and trehalose-based macrocycles for efficient gene delivery. Poster en Congreso. 18th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Moscú (Rusia). 2015
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Controlling the Stereochemistry at Aminoacetal Centers to Control Enzyme Activity: an Iberian- Japanese Story. Sesión plenaria en Congreso. 7th Spanish Portuguese Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium. Sevilla (España). 2015
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Concia, Alda Lisa, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, et. al.:
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis and Glycosidase Inhibitory Properties of New Piperidine, Pyrrolidine and Pyrrolizidine Derivatives. Poster en Congreso. 7th Spanish Portuguese Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium. Sevilla (España). 2015
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Aguilar Moncayo, Eva M., Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Blanco Fernandez, Laura, Urbiola, Koldo, et. al.:
Trehalose-based Macrocycles for Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. 7th Spanish Portuguese Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium. Sevilla (España). 2015
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Navo Nájera, Claudio Daniel, Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Corzana López, Francisco, et. al.:
Aminoacetal-type alfa-O-Glycopeptides: Synthesis and Receptor Binding Properties of Tumor-Associated Tn Antigen Mimics. Poster en Congreso. 7th Spanish Portuguese Japanese Organic Chemistry Symposium. Sevilla (España). 2015
Navo Najéra, Claudio Daniel, Corzana López, Francisco, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Higaki, Katsumi, Busto Sancirian, Jesús Héctor, et. al.:
Bicyclic C-glycosides as selective b-glucosidase inhibitors: a new pharmacological chaperone for Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. XXXV Reunión Bienal RSEQ. La Coruña (España). 2015
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Recent Advances in Chaperone Design for Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. Granada (España). 2015
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glicofármacos: Enfermedades raras: propuestas desde la química de azúcares. Ponencia en Jornada. Café Con Ciencia. Mujeres andaluzas en la Cienci. 2015
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Casnati, Alessandro, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Self-assembling nanoparticles based on calixarene-cyclodextrin heterodimers for targeted delivery and controlled release of docetaxel. Comunicación en congreso. International Workshop on Multifunctional Nanotechnology for selective detection and treatment of cancer. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2015
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Desarrollo de Chaperonas Farmacológicas para el tratamiento de Enfermedades de Depósito Lisosomal. Poster en Congreso. VII Congreso Internacional de Medicamentos Huérfanos y Enfermedades Raras. Sevilla (España). 2015
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Preorganization of functional elements and multivalency. Consequences in DNA, lectin and glycosidase recognition. Comunicación en congreso. COST Action CM1102 MULTIGLYCONANO. Certosa di Portignano (Siena, Italia). 2014
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Bases estructurales de las Chaperonas Farmacológicas. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. II Jornada Aragonesa sobre Chaperonas Farmacológicas en Enfermedades Lisosomales y otras Aplicaciones. Zaragoza (España). 2014
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Bases estructurales de las Chaperonas Farmacológicas. Ponencia en Jornada. II Jornada Aragonesa sobre Chaperonas Farmacológicas en Enfermedades Lisosomales y otras Aplicaciones. 2014
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glicofármacos: Estudio de enfermedades de almacenamiento lisosomal. Poster en Jornada. La Noche Europea de los Investigadores. Sevilla (España). 2014
Alfonso Palacín, Mª Pilar, Gervas Arruga, Javier, Andreu Gargallo, Vanesa, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Mari Beffa, Manuel, et. al.:
Study of the distribution of derivatives of L-idonojirimycin in nervous tissues. Poster en Congreso. 11th European Working Group on Gaucher Disease. Halifax (Israel). 2014
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ahidouch, Ahmed, Ouadid Ahidouch, Halima, Padrón, José M., et. al.:
Síntesis y Evaluación de Iminoazúcares sp2 derivados de Castanospermina como Agentes Antiproliferativos de Células Tumorales. Poster en Congreso. XVIII Semana Científica "Antonio González". La Laguna, Tenerife, España. 2014
Le Guen, Clothilde, Gueyrard, David, Goekjean, Peter, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Pfund, Emmanuel, et. al.:
Access to polyhydroxylated fluoroallylamines via the modified Julia reaction. Poster en Congreso. 12th Anglo-Norman Organic Chemistry Colloquium. Norwich (Reino Unido). 2014
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Lomazzi, Michela, Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Casnati, Alessandro, et. al.:
Glycotargeted self-assembled nanocarriers from calixarene-cyclodextrin heterodimers for site-specific delivery of docetaxel. Poster en Congreso. 9th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry. Shanghai (China). 2014
Navo, Claudio D., Aydillo, Carlos, Avenoza, Alberto, Busto, Jesús H., Corzana, Francisco, et. al.:
A double diastereoselective Michael-type addition as an entry to Tn antigen mimics and analogs of Thiamet-G. Poster en Congreso. XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Logroño (España). 2014
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Nierengarten, Jean François, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Exploring the structural basis for glycosidase inhibition by multivalent glycomimetics: the inhibitory multivalent effect. Poster en Congreso. XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Logroño (España). 2014
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, Cighetti, Roberto, Sestito, Stefania, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Design of cationic amphiphilic carbohydrates as modulators of innate inmunity. Poster en Congreso. XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Logroño (España). 2014
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Pflueger, Iris, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Tailoring self-assembling and targeting capabilities of CD-based nanoparticles for gene delivery. Comunicación en congreso. XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Logroño (España). 2014
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Casnati, Alessandro, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Glycotargeted self-assembled nanocarriers from calixarene-cyclodextrin heterodimers for site-specific delivery of docetaxel. Comunicación en congreso. XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Logroño (España). 2014
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Glycosidase Inhibitors and Effectors as Therapeutic Tools. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. XI Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Logroño (España). 2014
Cighetti, Roberto, Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, Sestito, Stefania, Zaccharin, Davide, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Biological activity of new sugar-based TLR4 antagonists. Poster en Congreso. Spring Training School - COST CM1102 - MultiGlycoNano, "Dynamic nano- and glycosciences". Namur (Bélgica). 2014
Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, Cighetti, Roberto, Sestito, Stefania, Zaccharin, Davide, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
TLR4 antagonist-loaded gold nanoparticles: synthesis, characterization and biological activity. Ponencia en Congreso. Spring Training School - COST CM1102 - MultiGlycoNano, "Dynamic nano- and glycosciences". Namur (Bélgica). 2014
Navo, Claudio D., Aydillo, Carlos, Avenoza, Alberto, Busto, Jesús H., Corzana, Francisco, et. al.:
Stereoselective Synthesis of Bicyclic Analogs of Glycosides Inhibitors. Poster en Congreso. 2nd Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group. Bilbao (España). 2014
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ahidouch, Ahmed, Ouadid Ahidouch, Halima, Padrón, José M., et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar-type castanospermine pseudoglycosides as antiproliferative agents in breast cancer cells. Poster en Congreso. 2nd Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group. Bilbao (España). 2014
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Higaki, Katsumi, Suzuki, Yoshiyuki, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Development of a Pharmacological Chaperone Therapy for GM1-Gangliosidosis. Poster en Congreso. 2nd Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group. Bilbao (España). 2014
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Lomazzi, Michela, Franceschi, Valentina, Sansone, Francesco, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Molecular Gene Delivery Systems based on Calixarenes and Cyclodextrins: Effect of Structural Modifications on pDNA Complex Stability and Gene Expression. Poster en Congreso. 2nd Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group. Bilbao (España). 2014
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ahidouch, Ahmed, Ouadid Ahidouch, Halima, Padrón, José M., et. al.:
sp2-Iminosugar-type castanospermine pseudoglycosides as antiproliferative agents in breast cancer cells. Comunicación en congreso. 2nd Meeting of the RSEQ Chemical Biology Group. Bilbao (España). 2014
Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Preparación de productos enriquecidos en glucosil-dianhidridos de fructosa (glucosil-DAFs) por caramelización de Palatinosa®. Poster en Congreso. 9 CIBIA Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos. Valencia (España). 2014
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Cyclodextrins-based synthetic vectors for gene therapy. Comunicación en congreso. COST Action CM1102: MultiGlycoNano ¿Multivalent Glycosystems for Nanoscience¿. Grenoble (Francia). 2013
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Sansone, Francesco, Casnati, Alessandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Self-assembled cyclodextrin and calixarene-based multicavity systems for drug delivery. Poster en Congreso. First joint CSIC-CNRS workshop "Nanomaterials for Health". 2013
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
sp2-Iminosugar glycoside inhibitors: Synthetic strategies and therapeutic applications. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. GECO 54, Groupe d'Etudes en Chimie Organique. Le Croisic, Francia. 2013
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Glicobióticos, glicofármacos y glicotransportadores. Carbohidratos para la salud y el bienestar. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. Actos de Festividad de San Alberto Magno. Sevilla (España). 2013
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Pflueger, Iris, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-based multicomponent gene vectors: optimizing nanoparticle self-assembling and site-specific gene delivery. Comunicación en congreso. XXVIIIth Groupe Thématique De Recherche sur la Vectorisation SCIENTIFIC MEETING. Orleans (Francia). 2013
Habib, Samuel, Larnaud, Florent, Pfund, Emmanuel, Lequeux, Thierry, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synthesis of Fluorinated Exo-Glycals as a Potent Glycosidases Inhibitor via Modified Julia Reaction. Poster en Congreso. 17th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry. Paris (Francia). 2013
Urbiola, Koldo, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita:
Folate-polycationic amphiphilic cyclodextrin-DNAnanocomplexes for gene delivery in vitro and in vivo. Poster en Congreso. European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy - Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular - Collaborative Congress 2013. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2013
Gamze, Isik, Ercan, Ayse, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Bilensoy, Erem:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Paclitaxel to Breast Tumors. Comunicación en congreso. 3rd European Conference on Cyclodextrins. Antalya, Turquia. 2013
Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Anjo, Carlos, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Carbohydrate-derived compounds as dual inhibitors for acetylcholinesterase and Aß aggregation. Poster en Congreso. 10º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica. Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
sp2-Iminosugar glycosidase inhibitors: Synthetic strategies and therapeutic applications. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. GECO 54, Groupe d'Etudes en Chimie Organique. Le Croisic, Francia. 2013
Habib, Samuel, Larnaud, Florent, Pfund, Emmanuel, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Lequeux, Thierry, et. al.:
Synthesis of Fluorinated exo-glycals as a pontent glycosidades inhibitor via modified Julia reaction. Comunicación en congreso. GECO 54, Groupe d'Etudes en Chimie Organique. Le Croisic, Francia. 2013
Gonçalves Pereira, Rita, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Stereoselective synthesis of N-, S-, and C-Glycoside 8-epi-Castanospermine analogues as Glycosidase Inhibitors. Poster en Congreso. 10º Encontro Nacional de Química Orgânica. Lisboa, Portugal. 2013
Alfonso, Pilar, Andreu, Vanesa, Pino Ángeles, Almudena, Moya García, Aurelio Ángel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Bicyclic derivatives of L-idonojirimycin as pharmacological chaperones for neuronopathic forms of Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. 18th Annual Congress of the European Hematology Association. Estocolmo, Suecia. 2013
Alfonso, Pilar, Andreu, Vanesa, Pino Angeles, Almudena, Moya Garcia, Aurelio A., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Use of L-idonojirimycin derivatives as pharmacological chaperonoes for the treatment of Gaucher disease. Comunicación en congreso. VI Reunion Cientifica Anual CIBERER. San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid. 2013
Alfonso, Pilar, Andreu, Vanesa, Pino Angeles, Almudena, Moya Garcia, Aurelio A., Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
Use of the L-idonojirimycin derivatives as pharmacological chaperones for the treatment of Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. Lysosomal disease network's 9th annual Research Meeting. Florida, Orlando (USA). 2013
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-based glycovectors: making the link between nucleic acids and lectins. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. IVth International Symposium on SupraBiomolecular Systems. Cassis (Francia). 2013
Peri, Francesco, Sestito, Stefania, Calabrese, Valentina, Gugliotta, Serena, Cighetti, Roberto, et. al.:
Immunomodulating properties of TLR4-active cationic and anionic amphiphiles. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Multivalent Glycosystems for Nanoscience COST Action CM1102 Meeting. Praga, Republica Checa. 2013
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Multivalent sp2-iminosugars as glycosidase inhibitors and lectin ligands. Poster en Congreso. Multivalent Glycosystems for Nanoscience COST Action CM1102 Meeting. Praga, Republica Checa. 2013
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Vierling, Pierre, Di Giorgio, Christophe:
Glycotargeted gene delivery with cyclodextrins: Making bridges between nucleis acids and lectins. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Multivalent Glycosystems for Nanoscience COST Action CM1102 Meeting. Praga, Republica Checa. 2013
Rubio San Millán, Luis Angel, Peinado Martínez, María Jesús, Echavarri Echaniz, Ana, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Di-D-fructose dianhydride (DFA) enriched caramels have prebiotic effects in pigs. Sesión no plenaria en Congreso. Di-D-fructose dianhydride. Barcelona, España. 2012
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Self-assembled Glyconanoparticles from Cyclodextrins: Probing Carbohydrate-Lectin Interactions. Poster en Congreso. Annual Session of the Scientific Council in Analytical Chemistry 2012. Crimea, Ucrania. 2012
Allan, G., Ouadid Ahidouch, H., Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
L'effet de nouveaux analogues du castanospermine (E421 et E247A) sur la progression du cycle cellulaire de cellules cancéureses du sein. Poster en Congreso. 5èmes Journèes Scientifiques du cancéropôle Nord-Ouest. 2012
Alfonso, Pilar, Andreu, Vanesa, Navascues, J, Pino Angeles, Almudena, Moya Garcia, Aurelio A., et. al.:
Nuevos derivados bicíclicos de L-idonojirimicina como chaperonas farmacológicas para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Gaucher. Comunicación en congreso. LIV Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Hematología y Hemoterapia. 2012
Bienvenu, Celine, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro, Greiner, J, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic alfa-, beta-, and gamma-Cyclodextrins: Impact of their Structural Nature on Gene Delivery Efficiency. Poster en Congreso. 6èmes Journées Franco-Italiennes de Chimie - VIe Giornate Italo-Francesi di Chimica. Marsella (Francia). 2012
Decroocq, Camille, Joosten, a, Sergent, R, Boldenner, a, Mena Barragán, Teresa, et. al.:
Maximizing multivalency effects in glycosidase inhibition with iminosugar click clusters. Poster en Congreso. 2nd International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 765. Berlin (Alemania). 2012
Guilloteau, Nicolas, Bienvenu, Celine, Vierling, Pierre, Di Giorgio, Christophe, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Cell Uptake Mechanisms of Cyclodextrin (CD):DNA Nanocomplexes (Cdplexes) from Polycationic (Glyco)Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. XXVIIth GTRV SCIENTIFIC MEETING. Chilli-Mazarin (Paris), Francia. 2012
Gallego Yerga, Laura, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Vierling, Pierre, et. al.:
Self-Assembled Glyconanoparticles from Cyclodextrins: Probing Carbohydrate-Lectin Interactions. Poster en Congreso. XXVIIth GTRV SCIENTIFIC MEETING. Chilli-Mazarin (Paris), Francia. 2012
Aranda, Cristina, Urbiola, Koldo, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Targeted Gene Delivery using Folate-Decorated Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin-DNA Nanocomplexes (CDplexes) in vitro and in vivo. Poster en Congreso. XXVIIth GTRV SCIENTIFIC MEETING. Chilli-Mazarin (Paris), Francia. 2012
Decroocq, Camille, Joosten, Antoine, Sergent, Raphaël, Bodlenner, Anne, Mena Barragán, Teresa, et. al.:
Maximising Multivalency Effects in Glycosidase Inhibition With Iminosugar Click Clusters. Comunicación en congreso. 2nd International Symposium of the Collaborative Researcher Center (SFB) 765. Berlin (Alemania). 2012
Alfonso, P, Andreu, V, Navascues, J, Pino Angeles, a, Moya García, a a, et. al.:
Exploring Bicyclic Derivatives of L-Idonojirimycin As Pharmacological Chaperones for the Treatment of Gaucher Disease. Poster en Congreso. 10th EUROPEAN WORKING GROUP ON GAUCHER DISEASE. Paris, Francia. 2012
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Caramel: From carbohydrate chemistry to molecular gastronomy to functional foods. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 11th Food Chemistry Meeting. Bragança, Portugal. 2012
Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Glucosyl-difructose dianhydride-enriched products by caramelization of isomaltulose (Palatinose(R)). Poster en Congreso. 11th Food Chemistry Meeting. Bragança, Portugal. 2012
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
POLYCATIONIC AMPHIPHILIC GLYCOSYSTEMS-pDNA COMPLEXES (GLYCOPLEXES) FOR GENE DELIVERY. Poster en Congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid (España). 2012
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Bienvenu, Celine, Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Di Giorgio, Christophe, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins As Gene Vectors: Effect of the Macrocyclic Ring Size in the DNA Complexing and Delivery Properties. Poster en Congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid (España). 2012
Tiscornia, Gustavo, Lorenzo Vivas, Erika, Berniakovich, Ina, Matalonga, L, Eguizabal Argaiz, Cristina, et. al.:
Bicyclic nojirimycin analogues rescue glucocerebrosidase activity in an induced pluripotent stem cell model of neuropathic Gaucher disease. Poster en Congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid (España). 2012
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Takai, Tomoko, Li, Linjing, et. al.:
ANOMERIC SELECTIVE PHARMACOLOGICAL CHAPERONES FOR LSDs BASED ON NON-GLYCONIC INTERACTIONS. Comunicación en congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid (España). 2012
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Allan, Ghada, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Ahidouch, Ahmed, et. al.:
Castilla López, Javier, Cruz, Deisy, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Carbohydrate-Based 1,3-Oxazoline-2-Thiones: from Synthesis to Biological Applications. Comunicación en congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid (España). 2012
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Pflueger, Iris, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synthesis and Gene Transfer Capabilities of Cyclic Polyamine-Grafted Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 2012
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Pflueger, Iris, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Synthesis and Gene Transfer Capabilities of Cyclic Polyamine-Grafted Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins. Comunicación en congreso. 26th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Madrid (España). 2012
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Decroocq, Camille, Russo, Virginie, Iehl, Julien, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
DNJ-[60]Fullerene and DNJ-bCD conjugates: Multivalent Effect on Glycosidase Inhibition. Comunicación en congreso. XXIV Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Donostia, San Sebastian, España. 2012
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gallego Yerga, Laura:
Preorganizing cyclodextrins for DNA complexation through selective chemical functionalization. Comunicación en congreso. XXIV Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Donostia, San Sebastian, España. 2012
I¿¿K, Gamze, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Bilensoy, Erem:
Formulation and characterization of anionic and cationic cyclodextrin nanospheres designed for tumor therapy. Poster en Congreso. CRS Nordic Chapter-Drug Devilery and Targeting 2012. Reykjavik, Islandia. 2012
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Decroocq, Camille, Russo, Virginie, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Nierengarten, Jean François, et. al.:
The Multivalent Effect in Glycosidase Inhibition. Poster en Congreso. First Biennial Meeting Chemical Biology Group. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 2012
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Mena Barragán, Teresa, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Takai, Tomoko, Linjing, Li, et. al.:
Rational Design of Pharmacological Chaperones for Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Poster en Congreso. First Biennial Meeting Chemical Biology Group. Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 2012
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Cyclodextrin-DNA nanocomplexes for gene delivery. Comunicación en congreso. MultiGlycoNano, ECOST-MEETING-CM1102-020212-013596. Berna, Suiza. 2012
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Probing protein-carbohydrate interactions with cyclodextrin-scaffolded glycoclusters. Comunicación en congreso. MultiGlycoNano, ECOST-MEETING-CM1102-020212-013596. Berna, Suiza. 2012
Urbiola, Koldo, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Aranda, Cristina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Nanopartículas basadas en ciclodextrinas policatiónicas anfifílicas para la vehiculización de genes terapéuticos. Comunicación en congreso. X Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica. 2011
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, et. al.:
GLYCOCOATED CYCLODEXTRIN (CD):pDNA NANOPARTICLES (GLYCOCDPLEXES) FOR SITE- SPECIFIC GENE DELIVERY. Poster en Congreso. 1ere Journee Scientifique Du Medicament: Nouveles Strategies Therapeutiques. Grenoble (Francia). 2011. 1ere Journee Scientifique Du Medicament: Nouvelles Strategies Therapeutiques. 15. 15
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Gèze, Annabelle, Wouessidjewe, Denis, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Surface-Modulable Monodisperse Nanoparticles Based on Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins for Controlled Drug Release. Poster en Congreso. 1ere Journee Scientifique Du Medicament: Nouveles Strategies Therapeutiques. Grenoble (Francia). 2011. 1ere Journee Scientifique Du Medicament: Nouvelles Strategies Therapeutiques. 14. 14
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Vierling, Pierre:
Cyclodextrin-DNA Nanocomplexes (Cdplexes) As Gene Delivery Systems. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 1ere Journee Scientifique Du Medicament: Nouveles Strategies Therapeutiques. Grenoble (Francia). 2011. 1ere Journee Scientifique Du Medicament: Nouvelles Strategies Therapeutiques. 1. 2
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Bienvenu, Celine, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Glycocoated Cyclodextrin (CD):Pdna Nanoparticles (Glycocdplexes) for Site- Specific Gene Delivery. Comunicación en congreso. 16 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sorrento, Italia. 2011. Book of Abstracts of the 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 91. 91
Castilla Lopez, Javier, Cruz Gonzalez, Yesenia, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Synthesis, Derivatization and Biological Evaluation of 1,3-Oxathiolan-2-Imine-Carbohydrate Derivatives. Poster en Congreso. 16 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sorrento, Italia. 2011. Book of Abstracts of the 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 267. 267
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Urbiola, Koldo, Aranda, Cristina, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Tros de Ilarduya, Conchita, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins As Therapeutic Gene Vectors. Poster en Congreso. 16 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sorrento, Italia. 2011. Book of Abstracts of the 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 321. 321
Mena Barragán, Teresa, Li, Linjing, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Luan, Z, et. al.:
sp2-IMINOSUGAR-TYPE (GALACTO)NOJIRIMYCIN ANALOGUES WITH PHARMACOLOGICAL CHAPERONE ACTIVITY FOR GM1-GANGLIOSIDOSIS AND FABRY DISEASE. Poster en Congreso. 16 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sorrento, Italia. 2011. Book of Abstracts of the 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 323. 323
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Martinez Ceballos,Alvaro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Bienvenu, Celine, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Structure -Activity Relationship Studies on Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclode Xtrins As Gene Delivery Systems. Poster en Congreso. 16 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sorrento, Italia. 2011. Book of Abstracts of the 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 371. 371
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Angulo Álvarez, Jesús, Nieto Mesa, Pedro Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
sp2-IMINOSUGAR-TYPE O-, S- AND N-DISACCARIDE MIMICS: CONFORMATION-SENSITIVE GLYCOSIDASE INHIBITORS. Poster en Congreso. 16 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sorrento, Italia. 2011. Book of Abstracts of the 16th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 456. 456
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Angulo Álvarez, Jesús, Nieto Mesa, Pedro Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
O-, S- y N-Disacáridos Derivados de Nojirimicina: Influencia de las Propiedades Conformacionales en la Inhibición de Maltasa e Isomaltasa. Comunicación en congreso. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Valencia (España). 2011. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXIII Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Quimica. Sin-F26. Sin-F26
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, Vierling, Pierre, Santoyo Gonzalez, Francisco, et. al.:
"Clic" Clústeres Basados en Ciclodextrinas Policatiónicas Anfifílicas Comovectores de Genes: Efectos Estructurales en la Capacidad de Complejaciónde ADN y de Transfección. Comunicación en congreso. XXXIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Valencia (España). 2011. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXIII Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Quimica. Qb-F18. Qb-F18
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Self-Assemblend Cyclodextrin-DNA Nanocomplexes (Cdplexes) As Genedelivery Systems. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. II European Conference of Cyclodextrins. Asti, Italia. 2011. Abstract Book of the 2nd European Conference of Cyclodextrins. Il-2. Il-2
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, Vierling, Pierre, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Diversity Oriented Synthesis of Cyclodextrin Based Polycationic Amphiphilic "Click" Clusters and Evaluation of Their DNA Complexing and Delivery Capabilities. Comunicación en congreso. II European Conference of Cyclodextrins. Asti, Italia. 2011. Abstract Book of the 2nd European Conference of Cyclodextrins. I-O2. I-O2
Mayordomo, Natalia, González Álvarez,Mª José, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Comparative Study of the Association Into Dimers Between a Native and a Permethylated Alfa-Cyclodextrin Containing a Xylylene Moiety At the Secondary Face. Poster en Congreso. II European Conference of Cyclodextrins. Asti, Italia. 2011. Abstract Book of the 2nd European Conference of Cyclodextrins. I-P4. I-P4
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, et. al.:
Polycationic Glyco-Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins for Site-Specific Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. II European Conference of Cyclodextrins. Asti, Italia. 2011. Abstract Book of the 2nd European Conference of Cyclodextrins. III-P32. III-P32
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Martinez Ceballos, Alvaro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Xue, Lian, Reineke, Theresa M, et. al.:
POLYCATIONIC AMPHIPHILIC CYCLODEXTRINS AS siRNA DELIVERY SYSTEMS. Poster en Congreso. II European Conference of Cyclodextrins. Asti, Italia. 2011. Abstract Book of the 2nd European Conference of Cyclodextrins. III-P22. III-P22
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Gene delivery systems based in cyclodextrins. Conferencias impartidas en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010
Luan, Zhuo, Higaki, Katsumi, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Li, Linjing, Ninomiya, Haruaki, et. al.:
Sp2-Iminosugars As Pharmacological Chaperones for Gaucher Disease: Mutation Profiling, Cellular Uptake and Intracellular Distribution Studies. Poster en Congreso. 9th International European Working Group on Gaucher Disease. Cologne, Alemania. 2010
Decroocq, Camille, Iehl, Julien, Holler, Michel, Hazelard, Damian, Mena Barragán, Teresa, et. al.:
Dramatic Effect of Multivalency on Glycosidase Inhibition with Fullerene Iminosugar Balls. Poster en Congreso. Journées de Chimie Organique. École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, Francia. 2010
Compain, Philippe, Decroocq, Camille, Iehl, Julien, Holler, Michel, Hazelard, Damian, et. al.:
Design and Synthesis of a Multivalent System Based on [60]fullerene: Towards ¿Super Iminosugar Inhibitors¿?. Poster en Congreso. 12th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium BOSS XII. Namur, Bélgica. 2010
Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Lesur, David Franck, Pilard, Serge Guy:
Analyse de Dianhydrides de Fructose (Dafs) Dans un Caramel Prebiotique Par Hpaec-Pad Et LC-Ms. Comunicación en congreso. Xxiiièmes Journées Du Groupe Français Des Glucides. Saint- Valerysur-Somme, Francia. 2010. Xxiiièmes Journées Du Groupe Français Des Glucides. Co26. Co26
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Sp2-Iminosugars As Chemical Chaperones: Tackling Enzyme Selectivity Through Glycomimetic Design. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Xxiiièmes Journées Du Groupe Français Des Glucides. Saint- Valerysur-Somme, Francia. 2010. Xxiiièmes Journées Du Groupe Français Des Glucides. Pl9. Pl9
Mazzaglia, Antonio, Monsü Scolaro,Luigi, Micali, Norberto, Villari, Valentina, Donato, Maria Grazia, et. al.:
Nanoassemblies of Amphiphilic Cationic B-Cyclodextrin and Anionic Porphyrin As Potential Tools in Photodynamic Therapy. Comunicación en congreso. 15th International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2010. 15th International Cyclodextrin Simposium. P017. P017
González Álvarez,Mª José, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Mendicuti, Francisco:
Thermodinamic and Molecular Modelling of the Association Into Dimers of a B-Cyclodextrin With a Pendant Naphthalene Moiety. Comunicación en congreso. 15th International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2010. 15th International Cyclodextrin Simposium. P109. P109
Decroocq, C., Lehl, J., Holler, M., Hazelard, D., Mena Barragán, Teresa, et. al.:
Synthese Et Evaluation Biologique D'iminosucres Multivalents Inedits: Vers de « Super-Iminosucres. Poster en Congreso. Societé Chimique de France. Grand_est. 6 . Strasbourg, Francia. 2010. Societé Chimique de France. Grand_est. 6. Com1. Com1
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Butera, Anna Paola, Gutierrez Gallego, Ricardo, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Comparative Study of Lectin-Carbohydrate Interactions in Low and High Density Homo- an Heteroglycoclusters. Comunicación en congreso. 23 Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Murcia. 2010. Libro de Comunicacines de la 23 Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica. 74. 74
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Martinez Ceballos,Alvaro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Ciclodextrinas Policationicas Anfifilicas: Modulacion de la Capacidad de Vectorizacion Mediante la Incorporacion de Carbohidratos. Comunicación en congreso. 23 Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Murcia. 2010. Libro de Comunicacines de la 23 Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica. 49. 49
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel:
Sintesis de Analogos de Castanospermina y su Interaccion con Enzimas Lisosomales. Comunicación en congreso. 23 Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Murcia. 2010. Libro de Comunicacines de la 23 Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica. 139. 139
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Martinez Ceballos,Alvaro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, et. al.:
Cationic Glyco-Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins for Site-Specific Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Chiba, Japon. 2010. Book of Abstracts of the 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 543. 543
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Luan, Z, Ohno, K, et. al.:
Synthesis of Bicyclic Sp2-Iminosugars and Evaluation of Their Chaperone Activity for Gaucher and Gm1-Gangliosidosis Mutations. Poster en Congreso. 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Chiba, Japon. 2010. Book of Abstracts of the 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 537. 537
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Arribas, Belen, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Zarzuelo Zurita, Antonio, et. al.:
Di-D-Fructose Dianhydride (Dfa)-Enriched Caramels: Chemical Analyses and Evaluation of Their Prebiotic and Nutraceutical Properties. Poster en Congreso. 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Chiba, Japon. 2010. Book of Abstracts of the 25th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 664. 664
Baumann, Jean Sebastian, Chauvan, Sambhaji, Ariel Martin,Fernando, Thobhani, Smita, Zobrist, Cedric, et. al.:
Polyhydroxylated Natural Products Related to Carbohydrates: Useful Leads for Designing Ocmpounds That Modulate Pathogen-Host Interactions?. Poster en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 111. 111
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Santoyo Gonzalez, Francisco, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Based Cationic Gemini Surfactants for Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 92. 92
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Dominguez, Lourdes, Arribas, Belen, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, et. al.:
Difructose Dianhydride-Enriched Caramels As Functional Food Ingredients. Poster en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 91. 91
Mena Barragán, Teresa, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Comparative Glycosidase Inhibitory Properties of 1-Deoxy-Sp2-Iminosugars. Poster en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 90. 90
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Martinez Ceballos,Alvaro, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins As Versatile Gene Delivery Systems. Poster en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 89. 89
Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Gallego Yerga, Laura, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Nieto Mesa, Pedro Manuel, et. al.:
Phenylsulfonylethylidene (Pse) Acetals: Selective Protection of Diol Segments in Carbohydrates. Poster en Congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 88. 88
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ouadid Ahidouch, Halima, et. al.:
Stereoselective Synthesis of N-, S- and C-Glycoside Castanospermine Analogues As Antitumor Agents. Comunicación en congreso. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 47. 47
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Gene Delivery Systems Based in Cyclodextrins. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Granada. 2010. X Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 27. 27
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, Vierling, Pierre:
Cyclodextrins in Nanomedicine: Rational Design of Drug Delivery Systems, Gene Vectors and Antitoxins. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. Lisboa (Portugal). 2009. Book of Abstracts Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. 46. 46
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Zarzuelo Zurita, Antonio, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ruiz Arroyo, Raquel:
Difructose Dianhydride-Enriched Caramels: Prebiotic and Nutraceutical Properties. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. Lisboa (Portugal). 2009. Book of Abstracts Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. 62. 62
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Giron Gonzalez, Maria Dolores, Sevillano Tripero, Natalia, et. al.:
Gene Delivery Vehicles Based on Amphiphilic -Cyclodextrin ¿Click Clusters¿. Poster en Congreso. Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. Lisboa (Portugal). 2009. Book of Abstracts Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. 121. 121
Suárez Pereira, Elena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fournez, Antoine, Lesur, David Franck, Pilard, Serge Guy, et. al.:
Analysis of Dfas in Prebiotic Caramels: a Combination of Hpaec-Pad, Ms and Stereoselective Synthesis. Poster en Congreso. Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. Lisboa (Portugal). 2009. Book of Abstracts Carbohydrate As Raw Materials, Cormv. 114. 114
Mazzaglia, Antonio, Clementi, Antonio, Scolaro, Luigi Monsu, Micali, Norberto, Villari, Valentina, et. al.:
Novels Supramolecular Assemblies of Amphiphilic Polycationic B-Ciclodextrin As Potential Tools in Photodymanic Therapy. Poster en Congreso. Congresso Nazionale Chimica e Technologia Delle Ciclodextrines. Asti. 2009. Abstract Book of the Congresso Nazionale Chimica e Technologia Delle Ciclodextrines. P3. P3
Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Comalada Vila, Monica, Bailón Fernández, Elvira, Rodriguez Cabezas, María Elena, Zarzuelo Zurita, Antonio, et. al.:
Intestinal Anti-Inflammatory Effects of a New Prebiotic, Difructose Dianhydride-Enriched Caramel, in the Tnbs Model of Rat Colitis. Poster en Congreso. I Reunión de Jóvenes Farmacólogos de Andalucía. Granada. 2009. Libro de Abstracts de la I Reunión de Jóvenes Farmacólogos de Andalucía. 31. 31
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, et. al.:
N-, S-, C- and o-Glycoside Castanospermine Analogues: Aglycon-Sensitive Glycosidase Inhibitors. Poster en Congreso. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 258. 258
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Wrodnigg, Tanja M, Stütz, Arnold e, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Fluorescent-Tagged Sp2-Iminosugars With Potent Beta-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity. Poster en Congreso. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 260. 260
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Vercauteren, Dries, Rejmann, Joanna, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Insights on Cellular Uptake Mechanisms of Pdna − Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Nanoparticles (Cdplexes). Poster en Congreso. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 427. 427
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Zarzuelo Zurita, Antonio, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Prebiotic "Caramels": Impact in Gut Microbiota and Perspectives As Nutraceutics. Poster en Congreso. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 481. 481
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Sevillano Tripero, Natalia, Giron Gonzalez, Maria Dolores, et. al.:
Preorganized Macromolecular Gene Delivery Systems:Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin ¿Click Clusters¿. Poster en Congreso. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 514. 514
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, et. al.:
Facial Glycocluster Amphiphiles: Perspectives in Gene Therapy. Poster en Congreso. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 515. 515
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel:
New Approaches to Glycosidase Inhibition: Synthesis and Therapeutic Potential of Sp2-Iminosugars. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 15 th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Viena, Austria. 2009. Book of Abstracts of the 15th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 43. 43
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, et. al.:
Glicoclusteres Policationicos Anfifilicos Basados en Ciclodextrinas Como Vectores de Genes. Comunicación en congreso. Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Quiimica. Oviedo. 2009. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXII Reunion Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Quimica. 185. 185
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Vierling, Pierre, et. al.:
Policationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins (Pacds): Tailoring Novel Non-Viral Gene Delivery Systems. Comunicación en congreso. European Cyclodextrin Conference. Allborg, Dinamarca. 2009. Abstract Book of the First European Cyclodextrin Conference. O27. O27
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Nuevas Estrategias para Introducir Diversidad Molecular en el Esqueleto de Castanospermina. Estudios de Estructura-Actividad. Comunicación en congreso. XXII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Tarragona, España. 2008. Libro de Resumenes de la XXII Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica. Co39. Co39
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Diseño Racional de Vectores de Transfección de Genes Basados en Derivados Homogéneos de Ciclodextrinas Policatiónicas Anfifílicas. Comunicación en congreso. XXII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Tarragona, España. 2008. Libro de Resumenes de la XXII Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica. 54. 54
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Amphiphilic Polycationic Cyclodextrins: Towards the Rational Design of Molecular Vectors for Efficient Non-Viral Gene Delivery. Poster en Congreso. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Oslo, Noruega. 2008. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 055. 055
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Hernandez, Jose Vicente, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, et. al.:
Playing Around the Secondary Face of Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Oslo, Noruega. 2008. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 113. 113
Defaye, Jacques, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gèze, A., et. al.:
Surface Modulable Nanosystems Based on Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins. Comunicación en congreso. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Oslo, Noruega. 2008. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 006. 006
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gloster, Tracey M., et. al.:
Molecular Basis for Beta-Glucosidase Inhibition by Sp2-Azasugars of the Nor-Tropane and Indolizidine Families. Poster en Congreso. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Oslo, Noruega. 2008. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 063. 063
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benltifa, Mahmoud, Wadouachi, Anne, et. al.:
Introducing Molecular Diversity in the Castanospermine Skeleton. Poster en Congreso. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. Oslo, Noruega. 2008. 24th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 062. 062
Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Nuevas Estrategias para la Introduccion de Diversidad Molecular en el Esqueleto de Castanospermina. Estudios de Estructura-Actividad. Comunicación en congreso. XXII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Tarragona, España. 2008. Libro de Resumenes de la XXII Reunion Bienal de Quimica Organica. 39. 39
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Ring-Modified Castanospermines As Glycosidase Inhibitors: Enzymeselectivity VS Inhibition Potency. Poster en Congreso. IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Santiago de Compostela. 2008. Book of Abstracts of the IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Po16. Po16
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, et. al.:
Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin-Centered Glycoclusters As Gene Delivery Systems. Poster en Congreso. IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Santiago de Compostela. 2008. Book of Abstracts of the IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Po24. Po24
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gèze, A., Wouessidjewe, Denis, et. al.:
Self-Assembled Nanoparticles from Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Building Blocks. Poster en Congreso. IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Santiago de Compostela. 2008. Book of Abstracts of the IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Po35. Po35
Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Hernández, Jose Vicente, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío, Martinez, Brice, et. al.:
Modulating Cyclodextrin Inclusion Properties by Secondary-Faceregioselective Modifications. Comunicación en congreso. IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Santiago de Compostela. 2008. Book of Abstracts of the IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Po40. Po40
Suárez Pereira, Elena, Camuesco Pérez, Deseada, Guerra Hernández, Eduardo Jesús, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Zarzuelo Zurita, Antonio, et. al.:
Dianhydride-Enriched Caramels As Functional Foods: Preparation, Analysis and Evaluation As Prebiotics. Poster en Congreso. IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Santiago de Compostela. 2008. Book of Abstracts of the IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Po41. Po41
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gloster, Tracey M., Davies, Gideon J, et. al.:
Kinetic, Thermodynamic and Structural Analysis of Beta-Glucosidase Inhibition by Sp2 Azasugars. Comunicación en congreso. IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Santiago de Compostela. 2008. Book of Abstracts of the IV Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Oc10. Oc10
Benltifa, Mahmoud, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, García Fernández, José Manuel, Wadouachi, Anne:
Synthese Et Evaluation de L'activite Inhibitrice D'indolizidines a Motifs Sulfamides. Comunicación en congreso. Xxiièmes Journées Du Groupe Francais Des Glucides. Bonascre, Ax-Les-Thermes (Francia). 2008. Xxiièmes Journées Du Groupe Francais Des Glucides. O40. O40
González Álvarez,Mª José, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Mendicuti, Francico:
Self-Association and Complexation of Modified Alfa-, Beta- and Gamma-Cyclodextrins Containing a Xylylene Moiety At the Secondary Face With 2-Methyl Naphthalenecarboxylate. Poster en Congreso. 14th International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Kyoto (Japón). 2008. 14th International Cyclodextrin Symposium. P2. P242
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins As Molecular Gene Delivery Systems. Poster en Congreso. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2007. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. 143. 143
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Gutierrez Gallego, Ricardo, et. al.:
Third-Generation Multivalent Cyclodextrins for Site-Specific Drug Delivery. Poster en Congreso. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2007. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. 144. 144
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Gèze, A., Wouessidjewe, Denis, et. al.:
Surface-Modulable Nanoparticles Based on Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins for Controlled Drug Release. Poster en Congreso. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2007. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. 183. 183
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Iwasaki, H, Ohno, K, et. al.:
Sp2-Azasugar Glycosidase Inhibitors As Chemical Chaperons for the Treatment of Lysosomal Storage Disorders. Poster en Congreso. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. San Petersburgo, Rusia. 2007. Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry. P145. P145
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, et. al.:
Ciclodextrinas Anfifílicas Policatiónicas Como Sistemas Moleculares de Transfección Génica. Poster en Congreso. XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Toledo. 2007. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXI Reunion Bienal de la RSEQ. G1-P57. G1-P57
Ortega Caballero, Fernando, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Gèze, A., Wouessidjewe, Denis, et. al.:
Nanoparticulas Basadas en Ciclodextrinas Anfifílicas para la Liberación Controlada de Fármacos. Poster en Congreso. XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Toledo. 2007. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXI Reunion Bienal de la RSEQ. G1-P60. G1-P60
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Iwasaki, H, Ohno, K, et. al.:
Inhibidores de Glicosidasas de Tipo Sp2-Azaazúcar Como Acompañantes Químicos para el Tratamiento de Enfermedades Lisosomiales. Poster en Congreso. XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Toledo. 2007. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXI Reunion Bienal de la RSEQ. G1-P92. G1-P92
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Sylla, Balla, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Estudio Comparativo de las Propiedades Conformacionales y Supramoleculares de Alfa- y Beta-Glicosiltioureas. Poster en Congreso. XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Toledo. 2007. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXI Reunion Bienal de la RSEQ. G1-P93. G1-P93
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Suárez Pereira, Elena, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Síntesis Estereoselectiva de Oligosacáridos Espiroacetálicos Presentes en el Caramelo: Dianhidridos de Fructosa (Dafs). Poster en Congreso. XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Toledo. 2007. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXI Reunion Bienal de la RSEQ. G1-P95. G1-P95
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Wadouachi, Anne, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Síntesis y Evaluación Biológica de Nuevos Inhibidores de Glicosidasas de Tipo Sp2-Azaazúcar. Comunicación en congreso. XXXI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química. Toledo. 2007. Libro de Resumenes de la XXXI Reunion Bienal de la RSEQ. G1-P96. G1-P96
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gèze, A., Wouessidjewe, Denis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Nanoparticles Based on Cyclodextrins for Control Drug Release. Poster en Congreso. 7th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group. Oeiras, Portugal. 2007. Book of Abstracts of the 7th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group. 102. 102
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Ortega Caballero, Fernando, et. al.:
Polycationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins As Molecular Gene Delivery Systems. Poster en Congreso. Eurocarb XIV, European Carbohydrate Symposium. Lubeck, Alemania. 2007. Book of Abstracts Eurocarb XIV. Po-137. Po-137
González Álvarez,Mª José, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Mendicuti, Francisco:
Self-Aggregation of 2i,3i-o-(o-Xylylene) Alfa- and Beta-Cyclodextrin Derivatives in Aqueous Solution: Fluorescence and Molecular Modelling. Poster en Congreso. 10th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence. Salzburgo (Austria). 2007. 10th Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence. Fluo-22. Fluo-22
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques:
Cyclodextrins Neoglycoconjugates: Third-Generation Cyclodextrins for Site-Specific Drug Delivery. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Torino, Italia. 2006. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium. 2o10. 2o10
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Selective Protection of Vicinal Hydroxyl Groups At the Secondary Rim in Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Torino, Italia. 2006. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium. 1p13. 1p13
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Trehalose-Based Cyclodextrin Analogs: Cyclotrehalins. Poster en Congreso. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium. Torino, Italia. 2006. XIII International Cyclodextrin Symposium. 1p14. 1p14
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Comparative Inhibitory Properties of ISO(Thio)Urea-Type Castanospermine Analogues. Poster en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C1. C1
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Pérez Mirón,Javier, Jaime Cardiel,Carlos, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Glyconanocavities: Cyclotrehalans VS Cyclodextrins. Ponencia en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Co4. Co4
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
The o-Xylylene Group in Carbohydrate Chemistry: Selective Protection At the Secondary Rim in Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C6. C6
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Solid-Phase Assisted Synthesis of Multivalent Glycoconjugates: the Choice of the Linker. Poster en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C16. C16
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Guanidine-Type Glycomimetics Related to the Polyhydroxylated Piperidine and Indolizidine Alkaloids. Poster en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C30. C30
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Gutierrez Gallego, Ricardo, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Spr-Binding Studies of Cyclodextrin-Centred Heteroglycoclusters. Poster en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C38. C38
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Sylla, Balla, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Stereoselective Synthesis of Alfa- and Beta-Glycosyl Isothiocyanates Via Oxazoline Intermediates. Poster en Congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C39. C39
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Policationic Amphiphilic Cyclodextrins As Gene Transfection Systems. Comunicación en congreso. VIII Jornadas de Carbonhidratos. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid. 2006. VIII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C29. C29
Defaye, Jacques, Gèze, A., Wouessidjewe, Denis, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Gomez Garcia, Marta, et. al.:
Surface-Modulable Nanoparticles and Cell Transfection Systems Based on Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. Xxiiird International Carbohydrate Symposium. Whistler (Canadá). 2006. Xxiiird International Carbohydrate Symposium. Wed-C3-Am.6. Wed-C3-Am.6
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
The o-Xylylene Protecting Group in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Comunicación en congreso. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Bratislava, Eslovaquia. 2005. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. P3. P3
Louis, Farida, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Rigid-Spacer Mediated Synthesis of Spiro Disaccharides. Poster en Congreso. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Bratislava, Eslovaquia. 2005. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. P34. P34
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Cyclotrehalines: Strategies Towards Tailor-Made Functional Mimics of Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. European Carbohydrate Symposium. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. P49. P49
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin-Centered Heteroglycoclusters As Glycocalix Mimics: the Heterocluster Effect. Poster en Congreso. European Carbohydrate Symposium. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. P113. P113
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Indolizidine-Trehazoline Hybrid Glycomimetics: Nanomolar Inhibitors of Beta-Galactosidases. Poster en Congreso. European Carbohydrate Symposium. Bratislava (Eslovaquia). 2005. 13th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 1. 1
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Defaye, Jacques:
Cyclodextrin Polyconjugates As Biomimetic Vehicles. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 23rd Japanese Cyclodextrin Symposium. Nishinomiya, Japón. 2005. 23rd Japanese Cyclodextrin Symposium. 11. 12
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Yu, Jian Xin, et. al.:
Hyperbranched Cyclodextrins As Nanometric Models of the Glycocalix. Poster en Congreso. 23rd Japanese Cyclodextrin Symposium. Nishinomiya, Japón. 2005. 23rd Japanese Cyclodextrin Symposium. 194. 195
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis:
Glyconanocavities: Cyclodextrins and More. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. New Aspects of Macro and Cyclic Molecular Chemistry. Atsugi, Japón. 2005. New Aspects of Macro and Cyclic Molecular Chemistry. --. --
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Isourea-Type Glycomimetics As Glycosidase Inhibitors. Poster en Congreso. 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting . Coimbra Portugal. 2005. 6th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group and 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. 70. 70
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Trehalose-Based Cyclodextrin Analogs: Cyclotrehalins. Poster en Congreso. 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting . Coimbra Portugal. 2005. 6th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group and 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. 102. 102
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
The o-Xylylene Protecting Group in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Poster en Congreso. 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting . Coimbra Portugal. 2005. 6th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group and 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. 101. 101
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Yu, Jian Xin, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Hyperbranched Cyclodextrin As Glycocalix Surrogates: the Heterocluster Effect. Poster en Congreso. 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting . Coimbra Portugal. 2005. 6th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group and 3rd Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. 111. 111
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gutiérrez Gallego, Ricardo, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Diseño de nuevos glicooligómeros capaces de interaccionar con grupos fosfatos en medio acuoso. Comunicación en congreso. XX Reunión Bienal Química Orgánica. 2004
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Baussanne, Isabelle, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin Glycodendrimers As Site-Specific Drug Delivery Systems. Comunicación en congreso. European Conference on Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology. Seville (Spain). 2004. Actas European Conference on Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Technology. Sevilla 2004. O. O
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Sáez,Carlos, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Espirooligosacáridos:de la Gastronomía a la Química Molecular. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Reunión del Grupo Carbohidratos Rse. Tarragona. 2004. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Reunión del Grupo Carbohidratos RSEQ. Ci8. Ci8
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Síntesis de Análogos de Indolizidinas y Pirrolizidinas y Evaluación Biológica Como Inhibidores de Glicosidasas. Poster en Congreso. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Reunión del Grupo Carbohidratos Rse. Tarragona. 2004. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Reunión del Grupo Carbohidratos RSEQ. C3. C3
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin Polyconjugates: Inclusion, Lectin Binding and Drug Carrier Capabilities. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. International Carbohydrate Symposium. Glasgow. 2004. 22nd International Carbohydrate Symposium. Book of Abstracts. C17. C17
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Sáez,Carlos, et. al.:
Spiro-Oligosaccharides: New Strategies for the Stereoselective Synthesis of di-D-Fructose Dianhydrides and Cyclofructins. Poster en Congreso. International Carbohydrate Symposium. Glasgow. 2004. 22nd International Carbohydrate Symposium. Book of Abstracts. P84. P84
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gutierrez Gallego, Ricardo, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Pseudoamide-Linked Glycooligomers and Their Interactions With Phosphate Anions in Water. Poster en Congreso. International Carbohydrate Symposium. Glasgow. 2004. 22nd International Carbohydrate Symposium. Book of Abstracts. P85. P85
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin Polyconjugates: Inclusion, Lectin Binding and Drug Carrier Capabilities. Poster en Congreso. International Carbohydrate Symposium. Glasgow. 2004. 22nd International Carbohydrate Symposium. Book of Abstracts. P86. P86
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Síntesis de Glicoconjugados de Ciclodextrinas y Estudio de Sus Propiedades Como Transportadores Específicos de Fármacos. Poster en Congreso. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Tarragona. 2004. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C4. C4
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
El Grupo Protector Xilenileno en Química de Carbohidratos:Aplicaciones al Control Esteroquímico en Síntesis Oligosacarídica. Poster en Congreso. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. Reunión del Grupo Carbohidratos Rse. Tarragona. 2004. VII Jornadas de Carbohidratos. C5. C5
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Azaazúcares Sp2, una Nueva Familia de Inhibidores de Glicosidasas Altamente Específicos: Síntesis y Evaluación Biológica de Análogos de Calisteginas. Poster en Congreso. Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Rse. 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de Física ( Año: 2003, Difusión: Nacional ). S1p138. S1p138
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Ciclodextrinas Multivalentes: Vehículos Biomiméticos para el Transporte Vectorizado de Medicamentos. Comunicación en congreso. Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Rse. 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de Física ( Año: 2003, Difusión: Nacional ). S1o14. S1o14
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Ciclodextrinas Hiperrramificadas: Síntesis y Evaluación Biológica. Comunicación en congreso. Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Rse. 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de Física ( Año: 2003, Difusión: Nacional ). S1p118. S1p18
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Espiroacetales Derivados de Azúcares: Síntesis Estereoselectiva de Dianhidridos de Fructosa Via Transferencia Intramolecular del Aglicón. Comunicación en congreso. Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Rse. 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de Física ( Año: 2003, Difusión: Nacional ). S1p127. S1p127
Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Díaz Pérez, Víctor, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Síntesis de Análogos de Indolizidinas y Pirrolizidinas y Evaluación Biológica Como Inhibidores de Glicosidasas. Poster en Congreso. Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Rse. 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de Física ( Año: 2003, Difusión: Nacional ). S1p063. S1p063
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Sáez, Carlos, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Síntesis Modular de Glicooligómeros Lineales, Ramificados y Dendríticos. Poster en Congreso. Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Rse. 2003. XXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física - Centenario de las Reales Sociedades de Física y Química. XXIX Reunión Bienal de Física ( Año: 2003, Difusión: Nacional ). S1p119. S1p119
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Sáez,Carlos, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Modular Synthesis of Linear, Branched and Dendritic Carbohydrate Oligomers. Poster en Congreso. 12th Europena Carbohydrate Symposium. 2003. 12th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Pb073. Pb073
Díaz Pérez, Paula, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Diaz Perez,Vm, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Sp2-Azasugars, an Emerging Family of Highly Specific Glycosidase Inhibitors. Comunicación en congreso. 12th Europena Carbohydrate Symposium. 2003. 12th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Pb085. Pb085
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Rodríguez Lucena, David, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Hyperbranched Cyclodextrin Glycodendron Conjugates As Biomimetic Carriers. Poster en Congreso. 12th Europena Carbohydrate Symposium. 2003. 12th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Pb125. Pb125
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, et. al.:
Multivalent Cyclodextrins: Biomimetic Vehicles for Drug Delivery. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 5th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group. Covilha, Portugal. 2003. 5th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group. Il04. Il04
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Spiroketalic Disaccharides: Stereoselectivew Synthesis of di-D-Fructose Dianhydrides Via Intramolecular Aglycon Delivery. Poster en Congreso. 5th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group. Covilha, Portugal. 2003. 5th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group. P17. P17
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Baussanne, Isabelle, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Yu, Jian Xin, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Multivalent Cyclooligosaccharides: Full-Carbohydrate Glycoclusters With Dual Role As Molecular Hosts and Lectin Ligands. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. Santa María Workshop on Chemistry. La Habana. 2002. I Santa María Workshop on Chemistry Devoted to Supramolecular Chemistry. Sl-3. Sl-3
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Modular Synthesis of Linear, Branched and Cyclic Pseudooligosaccharides. Comunicación en congreso. II Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Ronda (España). 2002. II Iberian Carbohydrates Meeting. Oc3. Oc3
Rodríguez Lucena, David, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis of Fructose Mimics and Profiling Og Their Glycosidase Inhibitory Properties. Poster en Congreso. II Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Ronda (España). 2002. II Iberian Carbohydrates Meeting. P-A23. P-A23
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Baussanne, Isabelle, Yu, Jian Xin, et. al.:
Convergent Synthesis of Hyperbranched Cyclodextrins: Inclusion and Lectin Binding Properties. Comunicación en congreso. II Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Ronda (España). 2002. II Iberian Carbohydrates Meeting. P-B29. P-B29
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Calystegine Analogues and Castanospermine-Trehazolin Hybrids As Glycosidase Inhibitors. Comunicación en congreso. II Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting. Ronda (España). 2002. II Iberian Carbohydrates Meeting. Oc1. Oc1
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Baussanne, Isabelle, et. al.:
New Trends on Targeted Drug Delivery Using Cyclodextrins. Ponencia en Congreso. Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery. Santander (ESPAÑA). 2002. V Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery. 25. 26
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Baussanne, Isabelle, Yu, Jian Xin, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Multivalent Cyclodextrin Conjugates As Vectorized Drug Carriers. Ponencia en Congreso. 11th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa, Portugal. 2001
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Castanospermine, Swainsonine and Calystegine B2 Analogs As Glycosidase Inhibitors. Comunicación en congreso. 11th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa, Portugal. 2001
Baussanne, Isabelle, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
The Dependence of Concanavalin a Binding and Drug Solubilisation Ability on the Glycocluster Structure of Mannopyranosyl-B-Cyclodextrin Conjugates. Comunicación en congreso. 11th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa, Portugal. 2001
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Bootello Iglesias, Purificación, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Linear and Branched Carbohydrate Oligomers. Poster en Congreso. 11th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Lisboa, Portugal. 2001
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Ratsimba, Valerie, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Difructose Dianhydrides in Food Products. Their Stereoselective Syntheses and Analytical Evaluation. Comunicación en congreso. 20th INTERNATIONAL CARBOHYDRATE SYMPOSIUM. Hamburgo (Alemania). 2000. 20th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 278. 278
Baussanne, Isabelle, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
Modular Synthesis of Multivalent Saccharide-Branched Cyclodextrins. Comunicación en congreso. 20th INTERNATIONAL CARBOHYDRATE SYMPOSIUM. Hamburgo (Alemania). 2000. 20th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 279. 279
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gomez Garcia,M, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Pondant-Like Polythiourea-Carbohydrate Conjugates for Multihydrogen-Bonding Complexation of Dicarboxylate Dianions and Monosaccharides. Comunicación en congreso. 20th INTERNATIONAL CARBOHYDRATE SYMPOSIUM. Hamburgo (Alemania). 2000. 20th International Carbohydrate Symposium. 280. 280
Díaz Pérez, Víctor, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, et. al.:
Synthesis, Stereolectronic Properties and Reativity of N-(Thio)Carboniyliminosugars. Poster en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
(6-->6)-Thiourea-Linked Cyclotrehalins: Hybrid Alpha,Alpha'-Trehalose-Thiourea Receptors With Molecular Inclusion Capability Similar to Cyclodextrins. Poster en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 244. 244
Díaz Pérez, Víctor, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis, Stereoelectronic Properties and Reactivity of N-(Thio)Carbonyliminosugars. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Moyano Mendez, Jose Ramon, Arias Blanco, Maria Jose, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gines Dorado, Juan Manuel, Giordano, Ferdinando:
Investigation of the Inclusion Complex and Stoichiometry of Omeprazole With B- cd by 1h NMR Spectroscopy. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Baussanne, Isabelle, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
Cyclodextrines Dendritiques, Vecteurs de Principes Actifs. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Cañada, Javier, Díaz Arribas,Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Synthesis and Evaluation of Ring-Modified Calystegine Analogs As Glycosidase Inhibitors. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Baussanne, Isabelle, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
B-Cyclodextrin-Glycodendrimer Hybrids As Multivalent Carriers for Site-Specific Drug Delivery. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Baussanne, Isabelle, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Modular Synthesis of B-Cyclodextrin Carriers Incorporating Multivalent saccharide Antennae. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 240. 240
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Cañada, J., Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthesis and Glycosidase Inhibitory Activity of Ring-Modified Calystegine analogs. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 248. 248
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Convex Cyclooligosaccharides: (6->6)-Thiourea-Linked Cyclotrehalins. Comunicación en congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Baussanne, Isabelle, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Glycoconjugate-Mediated Drug Targeting Using B-Cyclodextrin-Dendrimer carriers. Comunicación en congreso. Euroconference on Carbohydrates in Drug Research. -. 1999. I Euroconference on Carbohydrates in Drug Research. 51. 51
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Baussanne, Isabelle, Defaye, Jacques:
Diseño y Síntesis de Ciclooligosacáridos:Ciclodextrinas Dendríticas y Ciclotrehalinas. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Gomez Garcia, Marta:
Multivalent Cyclodextrins: Biomimetic Vehicles for Drug Delivery. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta:
Multivalent Cyclodextrins: Biomimetic Vehicles for Drug Delivery. Conferencia Congreso no publicada. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Diaz Perez,Vm, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes, J, et. al.:
Multitopic (Thio)Ureidosugar Receptors for Carbohydrate Binding:Secondary Structures and H-Bond Directid Complexes. Poster en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Díaz Pérez, Paula, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Cañada, F. Javier, Díaz Arribas,Juan Carlos, et. al.:
Synthesis and Glycosidase Inhibitory Activity of Ring-Modified Calystegine Analogs. Poster en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Convex Cyclooligosaccharides: (6-->6)-Thiourea -Linded Cyclotrehalins. Poster en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Baussanne, Isabelle, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
B-Cyclodextrin-Glycodendrimer Hybrids As Multivalent Carriers for Site-Specific Drug Delivery. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Diaz Perez,Vm, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Cañada, F. Javier, et. al.:
N-(Tio) Carbonil Azaazucares: Inhibidores de Glicosidasas Sensibles a la Anomeria. Ponencia en Congreso. 10th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Galway, Irlanda. 1999
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Chmurski, Kazimiers, et. al.:
Thiourea-Bridged B-Cyclodextrin Conjugates: Synthesis of Carbohydrate Core- based Glycoclusters. Comunicación en congreso. 8th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sevilla (España). 1998
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Chmurski, Kazimiers, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Towards Cyclodextrin Core Based Clusters Involving the Thiourea Functionality. Comunicación en congreso. International Carbohydrate Symposium. San Diego (EE.UU.). 1998. Xixth Internartional Carbohydrate Symposium. 52. 52
Chmurski, Kazimiers, Law, Ho, Evrad, Nicolas, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Architectures Bouquets Et Dendrimeres Incorporant Le Noyau Cyclodextrine comme Transporteurs Supramoleculaires. Comunicación en congreso. XVII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Logroño, España. 1998. Xviiemes Journées de la Chimie At de la Biochimie Des Glucides. 48. 48
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Law, Ho, Chmurski, Kazimiers, et. al.:
Towards Cyclodextrin Core Based Clusters Involving the Thiourea Functionality. Ponencia en Congreso. XVII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Logroño, España. 1998
Díaz Pérez, Víctor, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, et. al.:
Síntesis, Propiedades Estereoelectrónicas y Reactividad de N-(Tio)Carboniliminoazúcares. Comunicación en congreso. XVII Reunión Bienal de Química Orgánica. Logroño, España. 1998
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Penades Ullate, Soledad, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Sugar-Thiourea Glycoclefts: a New Family of Carbohydrate Hosts for Evaluation of H-Driven Associations. Poster en Congreso. European Carbohydrate Symposium. Utrecht (Holanda). 1997. 9th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 0. 0
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Diaz Perez,Vm, Fuentes, J, Kovacs, J, et. al.:
Unsymmetrical Sugar Carbodiimides and Their Chemical Transformations. Poster en Congreso. European Carbohydrate Symposium. Utrecht (Holanda). 1997. 9th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 0. 0
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Diaz Perez,Vm, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Thiocarbonyl Azasugars. Synthesis of Glycomimetics Related to the Polyhydroxy-Indolizidine and Nor-Tropane Series. Poster en Congreso. European Carbohydrate Symposium. Utrecht (Holanda). 1997. 9th European Carbohydrate Symposium. 0. 0
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Diaz Perez,Vm, Fuentes, J, Kovacs, J, et. al.:
Sintesis y Transformaciones Quimicas de Carbodiimidas Asimetricas de Azucares. Poster en Congreso. IV Reunion Bienal del Grupo Especializaod de Hidratos de Carbono de la RSEQ. Aguadulce Almeria. 1997. IV Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 0. 0
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Diaz Perez,Vm, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Tiocarbonil Azaazucares. Sintesis de Glicomimeticos Relacionados con las Series de las Polihidroxi-Indolizidinas y del Nor-Tropano. Poster en Congreso. IV Reunion Bienal del Grupo Especializaod de Hidratos de Carbono de la RSEQ. Aguadulce Almeria. 1997. IV Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 0. 0
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Penades Ullate, Soledad, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Diseño de Nuevos Receptores Pseudooligosacaridicos para el Estudio de Complejos Moleculares Dirigidos Por Enlaces de Hidrogeno. Comunicación en congreso. IV Reunion Bienal del Grupo Especializaod de Hidratos de Carbono de la RSEQ. Aguadulce Almeria. 1997. IV Jornadas de Carbohidratos. 0. 0
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Martin Pastor, M, et. al.:
Synthesis and Conformational Properties of Alpha,Alpha'-Trehalose-Thiourea Macrocyclic Receptors. Poster en Congreso. 9th International Symposium of Molecular Recognition and Inclusion. Lyon (Francia). 1996
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Martin Pastor, M, et. al.:
Conformational Behaviour of Alpha,Alpha'-Trehalose-Based Macrocycles Containing Thiourea Spacers. Poster en Congreso. XVIII International Carbohydrate Symposium. Milan. 1996
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Sugar Analogs Containing a Cyclic Thiourea Structure. Tautomeric Equilibria of 3-Deoxy-3-Thioureido Sugars. Poster en Congreso. 8th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sevilla (España). 1995
Fuentes Mota, Jose, Diaz Perez, Victor Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Synthetic Studies Towards Oligo(Glycosyl Phosphate) Analogs Beta(1-6)-Linked Thioureyleneglycobioses. Poster en Congreso. 8th European Carbohydrate Symposium. Sevilla (España). 1995
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Trehalose-Based Macrocycles Containing Thiourea. Poster en Congreso. Xviith International Carbohydrate Symposium. Ottawa (Canadá). 1994
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Macrocycles Hybrides Alpha,Alpha-Trehalose-Thiouree. Poster en Congreso. Xvèmes Jounées de la Chimie Et Biochimie Des Glucides. Le Croisic (Francia). 1994
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Nuevos Receptores Quirales de Estructura Oligosacarídica: Tioureilenciclooligosacáridos. Comunicación en congreso. VIII Jornadas Hispano-Francesas de Química Orgánica. 1994
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Oligosaccharide Isothiocyanates: Versatile Precursors of Bioactive Molecules. Poster en Congreso. Viith European Carbohydrate Symposium. Cracovia (Polonia). 1993
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Fuentes Mota, Jose:
Chiral heterocycles from unprotected sugar isothiocyanates. Poster en Congreso. Viith European Carbohydrate Symposium. Cracovia (Polonia). 1993
Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Moreno Marín, Alberto:
Synthetic and Conformational Studies of Sugar Thioureas. Poster en Congreso. Viith European Carbohydrate Symposium. Cracovia (Polonia). 1993. Viith European Carbohydrate Symposium. 25. 25
Fuentes Mota, Jose, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Disaccharide Isothiocyanates from Glycosylamines. Poster en Congreso. Xvith International Carbohydrate Symposium. París (Francia). 1992
Fuentes Mota, Jose, Moreda Martino, Wenceslao, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Robina Ramírez, Inmaculada, Welsh, Colin:
Glycosyl Acceptors. Synthesis of Partially Protected Glycosyl Isothiocyanates and Derivatives. Poster en Congreso. European Symposium on Carbohydrate Chemistry. Edimburgo, Reino Unido. 1991. 6th European Symposium on Carbohydrate Chemistry. B61. B61
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Carbohydrate-derived compounds as dual inhibitors for acetylcholinesterase and Aß aggregation. Poster en Congreso
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Guilloteau, Nicolas, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Rodríguez Lavado, Julio, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Design of a Glycotargeted Carrier for Receptor-Mediated Delivery of Pharmacological Chaperones. Comunicación en congreso
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis:
Probing Carbohydrate-Lectin Recognition in Heterogeneous Environments With Monodisperse Cyclodextrin-Based Glycoclusters. Comunicación en congreso
Peinado Martínez, María Jesús, Echavarri Echaniz, Ana, Ruiz Arroyo, Raquel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Actividad prebiótica in vivo de caramelos enriquecidos en dianhídridos de fructosa. Poster en Congreso
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel:
Nanopatículas basadas en ciclodextrinas policatiónicas anfifílicas para la vehiculización de genes terapéuticos. Comunicación en congreso. X congreso de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Industrial y Galénica
Otras Publicaciones
Cejudo Fernánde, Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina, García-Mauriño Ruiz-Berdejo, Sofia, Jiménez Segovia, Eduardo Terencio, Alvarez Morales, Maria Rosario, et. al.:Estudio de los Factores Ambientales que Determinan la Calidad y la Producción de la Remolacha de Siembra Otoñal. Otras Publicaciones. Español
Cejudo Fernández,Francisco J, Echevarría Ruiz de Vargas, Cristina, García-Mauriño Ruiz-Berdejo, Sofia, Jiménez Segovia, Eduardo Terencio, Alvarez Morales, Maria Rosario, et. al.:
Estudio de los Factores Ambientales que Determinan la Calidad y Producción de la Remolacha de Siembra Otoñal. Otras Publicaciones. Español
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Parejas Barranco, Almudena, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, González, Manuel, Maenaka, K., et. al.:
Immunomodulatory thiourea and urea carbohydrate compounds and uses thereof. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2024-05-31
Moreno Herrero, Jorge, Haas, Heinrich, Erbar, Stephanie, Stahl, Theo Benjamin, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, et. al.:
Oligosaccharide compounds and uses. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2021-11-30
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, González, Manuel, Herrera, Irene, Ya Jen, Chang, et. al.:
Multiantennary Glycolipid Mimetics. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2021-10-29
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, González, Manuel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde:
Anti-inflammatory Glycolipid Mimetics. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2021-10-29
Moreno Herrero, Jorge, Haas, Heinrich, Erbar, Stephanie, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Oligosaccharide compounds and complexes. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2021-10-22
Vocadlo, David, Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, González, Manuel:
Glycosidase inhibitors and use thereof. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2020-09-25
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Sánchez Alcázar, José Antonio, De la Mata Fernández, Mario:
Composición para el tratamiento de enfermedades asociadas a trastornos lisosomales. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2015-04-10
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Françoise, Jérôme, De Oliveira Vigier, Karine, et. al.:
Procedimiento de preparación de caramelos con elevado contenido en oligosacáridos prebióticos. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2015-03-30
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Nanba, Eiji, Higaki, Katsumi, Suzuki, Yoshiyuki:
Utilización de derivados bicíclicos de 1-desoxigalactonojirimicina en la preparación de un medicamento para el tratamiento de enfermedades relacionadas con beta-enzimas galactosidasas lisosómicas mutantes humanas. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2012-12-26
Alfonso Palacin, Pilar, Moya García, Aurelio Ángel, Pino Ángeles, Almudena, Sanchez Jimenez, Francisca, Pocoví Mieras, Miguel, et. al.:
Utilización de derivados bicíclicos de L-idonojirimicina para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Gaucher. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2012-05-25
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Giron Gonzalez, Maria Dolores, Salto Gonzalez, Rafael, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, et. al.:
Ciclooligosacáridos Anfifílicos Policatiónicos y su Uso Como Transportadores Moleculares. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2010-10-14
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Sanchez Fernández, Elena Matilde, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío:
Compuestos con Actividad Inhibidora de la Alfa-Glucosidasa Neutra, Preparacion y Uso en Terapias Antitumorales. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2010-06-01
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Duval, Raphaël, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Novel Caramels With High Prebiotic Oligosaccharide Content. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-09-08
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, Chmusrki, Kazimierz, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Novel Derivatives of Cyclodextrins, Process for Their Preparation and Their Use in Particular for Solubilizing Pharmacologically Active Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-05-19
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro, Girón González,Mª Dolores, Sevillano Tripero, Natalia, Santoyo Gonzalez, Francisco, et. al.:
Ciclooligosacáridos Anfifílicos Policatiónicos y su Uso Como Transportadores Moleculares. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-04-14
Gomez Garcia, Marta, García Fernández, José Manuel, Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro, Di Giorgio, Cristophe, Gèze, A., et. al.:
Novel Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Derivatives. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2009-01-20
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Garcia Moreno, María Isabel, Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde, Suzuki, Yoshiyuki, et. al.:
Compuestos Potenciadores de la Actividad de Glicosidasas Mutantes. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2008-10-22
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Gálvez Peralta, Julio Juan, Zarzuelo Zurita, Antonio, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Novel Caramels With High Prebiotic Oligosaccharide Content. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2008-03-07
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Vierling, Pierre, et. al.:
Novel Amphiphilic Cyclodextrin Derivatives. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2007-07-20
Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Chmusrki, Kazimierz, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Novel Cyclodextrin Derivatives, Method for the Preparation Thereof and Use Thereof for the Solubilization of Pharmacologically Active Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2007-03-22
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Duval, Raphaël, Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Nuevos Caramelos con Alto Contenido en Oligosacáridos Prebióticos, Procedimiento de Preparación y Utilización. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2007-02-15
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Vierling, Pierre, et. al.:
Nouveaux Dérivés de Cyclodextrines Amphiphiles, Leur Utilisation Dans Les Domaines Pharmaceutiques, Cosmétiques Et Alimentaires, Et Leur Application À la Production de Nouveaux Nanosystèmes. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2006-07-21
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Duval, Raphaël, Balbuena Oliva, Patricia, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Nuevos Derivados de Ciclodextrinas Selectivamente Funcionalizados en su Cara Secundaria, Procedimiento de Preparacion y Utilizacion de los Mismos. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2006-05-11
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia,M, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, et. al.:
Dimères de Cyclodextrines Et Leur Dérivés, Leurs Procédés de Préparation Et Leur Utilisation Notamment Pour la Solubilisation de Substances Pharmacologiquement Actives. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-11-24
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Yu, Jian Xin, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Novel Cyclodextrin Dimers and Derivatives Thereof: Method for Preparing Them and Their Use, in Particular, for Solubilizing of Pharmacologically Active Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-11-24
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Novel Cyclodextrin Dimers and Derivatives Thereof: Method for Preparing Them and Their Use, in Particular, for Solubilizing of Pharmacologically Active Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-11-24
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
New Dimers of Cyclodextrins Used to Solubilize Pharmacologically Active Molecules, Especially Anti-Tumorals Such As Taxol and Its Derivatives. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-11-24
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Yu, Jian Xin, Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel, et. al.:
Cyclodextrin Dimers and Derivatives Thereof, Methods for Preparing Them and Their Use, in Particular, for Solubilizing Pharmacologicallyactive Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-11-24
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, Chmusrki, Kazimierz, et. al.:
Novel Cyclodextrin Derivatives, Method for the Preparation Thereof and Use Thereof for the Solubilization of Pharmacologically Active Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-03-22
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Defaye, Jacques, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Chmusrki, Kazimierz, et. al.:
Novel Cyclodextrin Derivatives, Method for the Preparation Thereof and Use Thereof for the Solubilization of Pharmacologically Active Substances. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2004-03-22
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Chmurski, Kazimiers, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Nouveaux Derives de Cyclodextrines, Leur Procede de Preparation Et Leur Utilisation Notamment Pour Solubilisation de Substances Pharmacologiquement Actives. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2003-03-28
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Yu, Jian Xin, Gomez Garcia, Marta, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, et. al.:
Nouveaux Derives de Cyclodextrines, Leur Procede de Preparation Et Leur Utilisation Notamment Pour la Solubilisation de Substances Pharmacologiquement Actives. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2003-02-19
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, García Fernández, José Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
Thioureido-Cyclodextrins Particularly Useful for Solubilizing Antitumoral and Antiparasitic Agents and Methods for Preparing Same. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 2000-09-27
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Thioureido-Cyclodextrines Utilisables en Particules Pour Slubiliser Des Agents Antitumoraux Et Antiparasitaires Et Leurs Procedes de Preparation. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1997-03-14
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Defaye, Jacques, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen:
Thioureido-Cyclodextrins Particularly Useful for Solubilizing Antitumoral and Antiparasitic Agents and Methods for Preparing Same. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1997-03-13
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques:
Thioureido-Cyclodextrins Particularly Useful for Solubilizing Antitumoral and Antiparasitic Agents and Methods for Preparing Same. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1997-03-13
Garcia Fernandez, Jose Manuel, Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, Defaye, Jacques:
Thioureido-Cyclodextrins Particularly Useful for Solubilizing Antitumoral and Antiparasitic Agents and Methods for Preparing Same. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1997-03-13
Ortiz Mellet, Carmen, García Fernández, José Manuel, Defaye, Jacques:
Thioureido Cyclodextrinen Insbesondere Zur Solubilisierung Von Antitumoren und Antiparasiteren Mitteln und Verfahren Zur Herstellung. Patente de invención, Propiedad industrial. Solicitud: 1997-03-13
Tesis dirigidas y co-dirigidas:
Herrera, Irene:
Estrategias de glicosidación con sp2-iminoazúcares. Síntesis de miméticos de manooligasacáridos multivalentes y estudio de sus interacciones con lectinas de tipo-C mediante técnicas espectroscópicas, computacionales y biofísicas. Tesis Doctoral. 2022
Carbajo, Ana Isabel:
Sistemas de Transporte Molecular Basados en Ciclooligosácaridos y Dendrímeros. Tesis Doctoral. 2021
Neva, Tania:
Control de las propiedades supramoleculares de ciclodextrinas mediante la incorporación de ¿clips¿ aromáticos. Aplicación al transporte de material génico. Tesis Doctoral. 2019
Atencio Genes, Loyda Esther:
Glicobióticos: Desarrollo de caramelos con propiedades funcionales. Tesis Doctoral. 2017
Gonçalves Pereira, Rita A.:
Glicoterapias contra el cáncer, la leishmanisis y enfermedades de depósito lisosomal. Tesis Doctoral. 2016
Rodríguez Lavado, Julio:
Glicomiméticos y glicoligandos anfifílicos. Interacciones con ezimas, recpetores y ácidos nucleicos. Tesis Doctoral. 2015
Gallego Yerga, Laura:
Preparación de nanosistemas por autoensamblaje de ciclodextrinas y calixarenos. Aplicaciones al transporte y a la liberación controlada de genes y fármacos. Tesis Doctoral. 2014
Mena Barragán, Teresa:
Síntesis de iminoazúcares sp2 y evaluación de su actividad como chaperonas farmacológicas para el tratamiento de las enfermedades de Gaucher, Fabry y gangliosidosis GM1. Tesis Doctoral. 2013
Rísquez Cuadro, Rocío:
Diseño de inhibidores específicos de glicosidasas y su aplicación en terapias contra el cáncer: Efecto del aglicón y de la multivalencia en la afinidad de iminoazúcares sp2 frente a enzimas y lectinas. Tesis Doctoral. 2013
Méndez Ardoy, Alejandro:
Sistemas nanoparticulares autoensamblados basados en ciclodextrinas para el transporte de fármacos y material génico. Tesis Doctoral. 2011
Suárez Pereira, Elena:
Preparación, Análisis y Evaluación de Oligosacáridos Prebióticos Derivados de Fructosa y Glucosa. Tesis Doctoral. 2011
Aguilar Moncayo, Matilde:
Iminoazúcares sp2 como inhibidores de glicosidasas: aplicación al diseño de chaperonas químicas para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Gaucher. Tesis Doctoral. 2010
Díaz Moscoso, Alejandro:
Plataformas Multifuncionales Basadas en Ciclodextrinas: Diseño de Antitoxinas del Antrax y Vectores de Genes. Tesis Doctoral. 2009
(Doctorando no grabado)
Iminoazúcares Sp2 Como Inhibidores de Glicosidasas: Aplicación al Diseño de Chaperonas Químicas para el Tratamiento de la Enfermedad de Gaucher. Tesis Doctoral. 2009
Balbuena Oliva, Patricia:
Gliconanoestructuras Basadas en Ciclodextrinas para el Transporte de Fármacos y Material Génico. Tesis Doctoral. 2008
Rodríguez Lucena, David:
Receptores Derivados de Carbohidratos para Estudios de Interacciones Supramoleculares. Tesis Doctoral. 2006
Bootello Iglesias, Purificación:
Glicooligómeros con Uniones de Tipo Pseudoamida y Estudio de Sus Interacciones con Fosfato. Tesis Doctoral. 2006
Gomez Garcia, Marta:
Sintesis de Ciclodextrinas Multivalentes y Evaluación de Sus Propiedades Como Sistemas Transportadores de Fármacos. Tesis Doctoral. 2004
Rubio Castillo, Enrique Miguel:
Nuevos Métodos de Síntesis y Purificación de Dianhidridos de Fructosa. Tesis Doctoral. 2004
Díaz Pérez, Paula:
Síntesis de Glicomiméticos con Nitrógeno Pseudoamídico en el Anillo y Estudio de su Actividad Como Inhibidores de Glicosidasas. Tesis Doctoral. 2004
Garcia Moreno, María Isabel:
Síntesis de Análogos de Calisteginas y Castanosperminas y Evaluación de su Actividad Como Inhibidores de Glicosidasas. Tesis Doctoral. 2002
Benito Hernandez, Juan Manuel:
Diseño y Síntesis de Receptores Derivados de Carbohidratos: Ciclodextrinas Multivalentes, Podandos y Ciclotrehalinas. Evaluación de su Capacidad de Complejación y Reconocimiento Por Lectinas. Tesis Doctoral. 2001
Díaz Pérez, Víctor:
Síntesis de Pseudooligosacáridos con Puentes de Tipo Carbamida y de Glicomiméticos Relacionados con las Polihidroxiindolizidinas. Estudios de Inhibición Enzimática. Tesis Doctoral. 1998
Jimenez Blanco, Jose Luis:
Tiocarbamatos y Tioureas de Carbohidrato. Sintesis de 1,3-o,N-Heterociclos Enantiopuros, Receptores Quirales y Glicomimeticos. Tesis Doctoral. 1996
Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla.
Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla