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Letras Universidad de Sevilla
25/05/2016La especialidad de Filología Clásica de la US recibe el reconocimiento de la editorial de la Saint Joseph's University
El profesor José Solís de los Santos

El profesor José Solís de los Santos, del Departamento de Filología Griega y Latina, ha colaborado en la primera versión inglesa del Arte de la Pintura de Francisco Pacheco con la traducción de sus pasajes latinos realizada directamente a partir de los ejemplares de dichas obras conservadas en el fondo antiguo de la Biblioteca de la Universidad de Sevilla: 'Latin Prose and Verse Texts', en Francisco Pacheco, On Christian Iconography: Selections from the Art of Painting (1649), transl. by J. Roe, [Early Modern Catholicism and Visual Arts, 15] Philadelphia, PA: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2017.

The translation of the Latin prose and verse passages included by Pacheco has been undertaken using the editio princeps, Sevilla: Simón Fajardo, 1649. Whenever possible the specific text cited by Pacheco have been consulted using editions published at the time he was writing these sections of the Art of Painting, around the third decade of the seventeenth-century. As far as possible copies conserved in the Library of the Universidad de Sevilla have been used. The provenance of the majority of the University Library’s collection of rare books is the convents and colleges of Seville’s religious orders. As has been addressed in the online exhibition and accompanying published catalogue dedicated to the University Library’s collection of early modern books, many of the contributors to the chapters of the Art of Painting translated here were key figures within these religious orders, and furthermore, Pacheco’s own collection of books would go on to enrich their libraries following his death. Until now with this first English translation of these chapters from Francsico Pacheco’s Art of Painting no translation has been made of this selection of Latin texts, which offer a highly representative sample of the humanist erudition of Seville’s “community of scholars” who were active throughout the two centuries encompassed by the Spanish Golden Age.

El autor de esta versión inglesa, el hispanista Jeremy Roe, de la Universidad de Nottingham, recurrió al profesor José Solís en demanda de traducción para los numerosos pasajes latinos y citas en griego que el maestro de Velázquez incluyó en su preceptiva, aspecto que no está suficientemente abordado en la moderna edición del Arte de la Pintura que ha servido de base.

En la carta de reconocimiento se destaca la "invaluable and considerable contribution" de este profesor: “It was extremely challenging to find a classical scholar up to this task (two others had tried their hand but concluded it was beyond them), and we were delighted that Dr. Solís de los Santos was not only equal to it, but was eager and willing to undertake it, as well as accomplished it within a very tight timeframe. Among many other aspects of his contribution, Dr. Solís de los Santos drew on his extensive knowledge of Sevillian intellectual culture to make the full text of the debates on the crucifixion prompted by Pacheco’s painting and writings available in English”.

La prestigiosa editorial de esta universidad jesuita con sede en Filadelfia (Pensilvania) se dedica a la publicación de estudios con reproducciones de excelente calidad sobre las artes visuales de contenido religioso en la Europa Altomoderna con especial atención a las conocidas aportaciones de la Compañía de Jesús.

El profesor Solís de los Santos es Investigador Principal del proyecto I+D presentado en esta última convocatoria, Classica Hispalensia, cuyo objetivo es la edición crítica, traducción y estudio de obras de humanidades clásicas de la Sevilla del Siglo de Oro.

Vicerrectorado de Investigación. Universidad de Sevilla. Pabellón de Brasil. Paseo de las Delicias s/n. Sevilla